Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics
Gerald Lirk
, Peter Kulczycki
, Stefan Winkler
and Jörg Zumbach
Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics, Univ. Appl. Sci. Upper Austria, Softwarepark 11, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Department of Science Education and Teaching, University of Salzburg, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Keywords: Epistemological beliefs, Knowledge, OpenLab projects, Learning bioinformatic tools.
Abstract: An OpenLab learning course, taking place in both class room and wet and computer lab, was used to reflect
the students` and undergrads` impression of bioinformatics. Three main aspects were investigated. First,
what is their opinion about the bioinformatics working environment? Second, how can biological,
mathematical and scientific knowledge increase and third, do epistemological beliefs change during
attendance of a specific course? A total of 735 persons were surveyed with two different, newly designed,
questionnaires. The participants consider bioinformatics more biological than graduated scientists. The
increase of knowledge is significantly higher when doing additional data analysis and computer work than
working only in the wet lab. We found also a significant change in the epistemological beliefs. Therefore,
we recommend a data analysing lecture and online-support in an OpenLab-course. Respectively, we
recommend an interdisciplinary introduction to bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics as an interdisciplinary science is best
suitable for an introduction to both students and
undergraduates to show them a good approach to
science. To verify this, we established a course
module for starters in biology and bioinformatics,
including an e-learning platform and practical works
in wet and computer labs. The participants were
asked for their opinion on bioinformatics (similar to
Barton, 2008), science and the nature of knowledge
and knowing. We compared their view at the
beginning and at the end of the course with the help
of standardised questionnaires.
1.1 Epistemological Beliefs
The bases of modern scientific work are appropriate
techniques in the laboratory and at the computer
(Mayer, 2007). First, an experiment must be planned
and realized, an object has to be described, measured
or modified. The collected data must be checked
against a pre-formulated hypothesis. This evaluation
is often associated with mathematical work on the
computer. However, even in natural sciences, it is
not always possible to make unambiguous
statements. Due to the subjective understanding of
science (= epistemological belief), every person has
their own view of science and its limitations. There
is no doubt that with increasing experience in
science, this understanding will change (Urhahne,
1.1.1 History
Epistemological beliefs, or beliefs about the nature of
knowledge and knowing, have been subject to
research for 50 years and are still a target of high
research interest (Billett 2009, Conley 2004, Porsch
The study of epistemological beliefs began with
the work of William G. Perry (Perry, 1968/1999),
who in the late 1950s interviewed Harvard college
students using open interviews about their
experiences and insights during their college years.
At the beginning of their college time students
believed that knowledge was passed from authorities
to students as simple, immutable facts. At the end of
their degree, however, they concluded that
knowledge was complex and changeable, and based
on rationale and empirical studies (Schommer-
Aikins, 2004). Perry developed a nine-step scheme
of intellectual and ethical development, in which he
describes the mental changes of the subjects.
Lirk G., Kulczycki P., Winkler S. and Zumbach J..
A WEB-BASED INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS - Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics.
DOI: 10.5220/0003887803780385
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (SSTB-2012), pages 378-385
ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Starting with these initial studies further research
analysed the epistemological beliefs using mostly
longitudinal studies and proprietary models. King
and Kitchener (1992, 1994, 2002, 2004) developed a
seven-step development model based on interviews
(i.e., the Reflective Judgement Model). This model
represents epistemological beliefs - similar to Perry
(1968/1999) - in one dimension. According to King
and Kitchener (1992; Urhahne, 2004) most senior
level college students reach most commonly level
four of seven, the "quasi-reflective stage". Here
knowledge is vague and ambiguous.
With the works of Schommer (1990, 1992, 1995,
1998) the access to explore epistemological beliefs
changed: From this point of view they are not seen
as a single, continuously changing construct, but
rather as a complex system of independent ideas. In
her works she analyzed these components with
quantitative questionnaire. Four layers were found
(Schommer-Aikins, 2003):
Stability of Knowledge: never-changing vs
continually evolving.
Structure of Knowledge: scattered pieces vs
strongly interacting concepts.
Speed of knowledge acquisition: very fast / never
vs step by step.
Ability to learn: from birth set vs lifetime
1.1.2 Determinants
Various factors influence the development of
epistemological beliefs:
Culture: In most models one expects an interaction
between the learners and their environment.
Therefore, it is obvious that culture has serious
impact on people`s behaviour. The factor structure
of Schommer (1990) could not be replicated in other
cultures. This suggests that this model (and maybe
other models too) is not transferable to other cultures
and that there are appropriate cultural influences on
the development of epistemological beliefs (Chan,
2002; Tasaki, 2001).
Gender: Gender differences were already predicted
and studied in the 1980s (Belenky, 1986; Baxter
Magolda, 1992). Nevertheless, these results are not
unambiguous. Bendixen (1998), Buehl (2002), Chan
(2002) and Conley (2004) found no differences,
whereas Wood (2002), Schommer-Aikins (2002)
and Hofer (2000) found gender-specific variations in
each dimension. For instance, the latter describes,
that women at the beginning of college consider
knowledge as less secure and rely less on authority
than their male colleagues.
Age and education: The studies cited above were
conducted among older adolescents and young
adults, presumably because the researchers worked
in higher education. The studies with younger
participants reveal the following results: pre-school
children show a pre-dualistic stage, in which only
the personal view is accepted as true and equal
coexistence is not accepted (Burr, 2002). Among
primary school children different dimensions and
stages of development of the epistemological belief
of different models could be shown (Conley, 2004;
Elder, 2002). Obviously, education shows a greater
influence on the formation of epistemological beliefs
than age (Conley, 2004; Schommer, 1998).
Methods of Measurement: To determine
epistemological beliefs, several methods have been
developed. Especially at the beginning of this
research, qualitative interviews were conducted
(Hofer, 2004; King, 1994; Perry 1970/1999). These
approaches resulted in one-dimensional models of
the development of epistemological beliefs; later
multifactorial theories were developed on the basis
of questionnaire surveys (Belenky, 1986; Hofer,
2002; Jehng, 1993; Schommer, 1990). Wood (2002)
showed that the questionnaires had specific
problems with reliability and reproducibility. On
several occasions difficulties with the questionnaire
by Schommer were described (Clarebout, 2001;
Qian, 1995).
1.2 Open Labs
OpenLabs are widely used for extracurricular
education of students, especially in physics and
biology (Anon., 2011). There, classes are invited to
special courses, doing experiments on their own.
Engeln (2004) and Euler (2005) describe the aims of
such lab projects for students:
Promoting interest in and openness to technology
and science.
Convey scientific content, working methods, and
Convey the importance of science and
technology to society.
Breakdown threshold of fears and reservations
about science and technology.
Secure the next generation of technical and
scientific courses and professions.
Since 2008 the OpenLab in Hagenberg, Austria
(lab-xperience, see www.lirk.at/lab, in German) has
been offering schools the opportunity to both
conduct molecular biology experiments and to
evaluate the data online, using partly specially
developed computer programs (Fig. 1). This module
A WEB-BASED INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS - Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics
is also used for first year undergrads in
bioinformatics. Other OpenLabs in German-
speaking countries have either wet lab or
information science courses.
The aim of this study is to determine a possible
change of epistemological beliefs and the growth of
knowledge among students in the course of the
project (preparation, laboratory work, data analysis).
Figure 1: Sequence of a “lab-xperience-project" in
Hagenberg: the lecturer introduces the subject to the class.
The students work independently with the provided online
information (top). After that they collect data in the wet
lab (right). These data are further evaluated using the
computer (bottom) and stored for further investigations in
a database (left). In this way we obtain a larger amount of
data. Following classes can anonymously access these data
and carry out more accurate statistical analysis.
2.1 Infrastructure
The e-learning-platform is based on PHP 5 with a
mysql-database, accessible via www.lirk.at/lab with
a personal password for each lecturer and
participant. First the lecturer selects the background
of the students or undergraduates, e.g., lab
techniques, statistics, algorithms or genetic testing.
Depending on this selection, a specific learning task
is assigned to the students.
The wet lab has 15 equally equipped workplaces.
Larger classes were split during the period of DNA
isolation and PCR.
2.2 Questionnaires
Two questionnaires were conducted during our
study: First, we asked students about their view on
bioinformatics in a Likert-scaled (1-5) questionnaire
with 44 items about job profile, the required
expertise of a bioinformatician, their scope of tasks
and duties and their working place. These data were
compared with the answers given by graduated
Based on their experience, we divided the
surveyed in four groups:
External: 87 students who have never heard
anything about bioinformatics before or had a
first visit to our OpenLab.
Pre: 65 students were interviewed before the
start of the wet lab section of an OpenLab
Post: 77 students were asked after the wet lab
Standard (=Graduates): 29 graduates were
asked as a standard group. They had completed
at least a five-year degree in bioinformatics.
They worked on bioinformatics projects
already in the second year of their studies and
did both their Bachelor`s and Master`s thesis
with companies or institutes for about two
years. Some of them were asked about their
view on bioinformatics some years after
completion of their degree and extensive work
experience in that field.
On the other hand, the epistemological beliefs
and the growth of knowledge in bioinformatics were
explored. Unfortunately, existing questionnaires
(e.g. from Schommer) lack of poor reliability and
inconsistency in the factor analysis (Wood, 2002).
Therefore, in a first step, a separate questionnaire
was developed (also Likert-scaled 1-5), measuring
the factors of scientific sources, development,
methodology and review. In parallel, in the same
questionnaire, the increase of knowledge was
determined with 22 items. This questionnaire was
given twice: before the wet lab course started (i.e.
pre-test) and after the lab work or after data analysis
respectively (i.e. post-test). The test consisted of
questions and single choice answers about DNA,
molecular biology methods (PCR), scientific
working and statistics.
Over a period of two years, about 30 classes
were surveyed in four phases. The students and first
year undergrads did the following (Table 1):
Phase I: 161 conducted the wet lab experiments
including an oral presentation, but without
online support (flash-animations, computer
programs and bioinformatics analysing tools).
Phase II: 147 conducted the wet lab
experiments and additional presentation of data
analysis and bioinformatics tools.
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Phase III: The online platform was presented to
127, but hardly used. Therefore, this phase is
nearly the same as phase II.
Phase IV: 42 participants performed the entire
project including the use of the online platform.
Table 1: The participants finished different parts of the
course module, depending on the phase. The numbers of
“x” show the intensity with which the students and first-
year undergraduates worked.
Finished work
Online Preparation x xx
Wet Lab xxx xxx xxx xxx
Presentation Biology xxx xxx xxx xxx
Presentation Bioinformatics xx xx xxx
Data Analysis x x xxx
All questionnaires were paper-based. The
answers were transferred to MS Excel and exported
to SPSS. The statistical analysis was done using
SPSS 17. Multiple tests were corrected by
2.3 Class Project
Most frequently, both students and undergrads
chose a module called “CSI Hagenberg”. There an
ALU-Sequence (Alfred-DB UID SI000152I,
Rajeevan, 2011) in the DNA of each participant was
analysed (Batzer, 2002). In phase IV of our study the
following steps had to be taken:
2.3.1 Online Preparation
Before coming to the wet lab, the participants had to
take some preliminaries on the computer:
Reading operating instructions.
Watch some flash animations of working skills
(pipetting, preparing a dilution series, procedure
of PCR, etc).
Solving some tasks (calculating centrifuge
acceleration, finding primer sequences,
Calculation annealing temp cf. Robertson, 2008).
Learning about the rules of Mendelian
inheritance and human pedigrees with computer
programs and games.
2.3.2 Working in the Wet Lab
The course lasted app. 5 hours. In this time
participants had to isolate DNA and a PCR had to be
completed. PCR was carried out with a VWR
thermal cycler for 35 cycles, followed by an Agarose
gel electrophoreses. The result was a picture of the
gel with a DNA-marker and 1-2 fragments for each
2.3.3 Presentation Biology
While PCR was running, the Mendelian rules and
PCR technique were repeated and the biology of
ALU- and VNTR sequences were described.
2.3.4 Presentation of Bioinformatics
The biological explanations were supported by
different bioinformatic databases and tools and the
algorithms behind them were briefly explained:
Genebank for searching the special ALU
DotPlot for comparing the sequence with/without
ALU and showing the poly-A-part inside ALU.
Ensembl-Blast and lAlign for seeking the primer
sequences in the human genome.
Sometimes clustalW for creating a phylogenetic
tree of ALU-Sequences.
2.3.5 Data Analysis
After producing genetic data in the wet lab and
explaining both biology and the tools, the
participants worked on their own data. They should:
Calculate the size of their DNA fragments on the
gel-image with the help of the DNA marker and
a regression line with MS Excel.
Making a descriptive statistics about the genetic
data of the class.
Compare these data with the data of all students
and undergrads taking the course so far with
inductive statistics.
Calculate the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
Consider and calculate sensitivity and specificity
of medical tests.
Discuss the need for positive and negative
controls, referring to newspaper articles about the
“phantom of Heilbronn”, a German criminal case,
where contaminated sample sticks were used.
3.1 Opinion about Bioinformatics
258 students were asked about their view on
bioinformatics. The average age was 17.2 years (SD
= 1.5 years). 56% were female. We used the answers
A WEB-BASED INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS - Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics
given by 29 graduates from our university as a
standard to compare with the interviewed students in
this survey (see above).
The overall impression of students on
bioinformatics is assessed in one question in the
questionnaire. The result is shown in Figure 2.
Students` view on bioinformatics differs
significantly from the one of graduates. The latter
see themselves as computer scientists, data analysers
and statisticians (specified in an open question).
Students consider bioinformaticians more or less as
specialists both in computer science and in biology.
The differences between the non-standard groups are
not significant (p>0.8).
Figure 2: The chart shows (in percentage) what students
think about the work of a bioinformatician. Answers in
percentage to the question: “Do you consider a
bioinformatician more to be a computer scientist or a
Figure 3: The self-image differs considerably between the
groups. Presented are the answers in percentage to the
question: “I have a clear understanding of the tasks of a
How sure are the respondents about their view on
bioinformatics? The confidence here differs between
the groups (see Figure 3). There is no difference
between the external and the pre-group, but the
believes change from pre to post (p<0.001). The
intervention between pre and post was a 5h wet lab
course including a presentation without data
analysis. The difference to the graduates (standard-
group) is highly significant (p<0.001), as they are
more confident with the working field of
computational biologists.
In three out of 44 items we found significant
differences between the pre and post group, so the
image changed during the intervention. Such
differences could be shown in 22 items between the
post- and the standard group.
3.2 OpenLab Course
3.2.1 Epistemological Belief
In total, 477 persons were examined. The average
age was 17.8 years (SD = 1.6). More than 90% were
in their last year of high school. 56.3% of the
interviewees were female.
Because of the low values in reliability of the
questionnaire provides by Schommer (1990; cf.
Clarebout, 2001; Qian, 1995), a new questionnaire was
constructed based on questions from different other
instruments. The result of the factor analysis is shown
in table 2. Four factors with a Cronbach’s Alpha
between 0.36 and 0.76 were found (Cronbach, 1951).
Table 2: Factors with Cronbach’s Alpha of the newly
designed questionnaire. Factors such as sources,
development and review showing different reliability
scores are numbered 1-4.
Factor Cronbach’s Alpha
1 Scientific Sources 0.76
4 Scientific Review 0.64
This newly designed questionnaire was
administered to students and undergraduates in four
different phases twice: the first time before, the
second time after the course. The difference of the
measured factors between these two tests was
calculated and is shown in figure 4.
inf+bioequally morebiologist
inf+bioequally morebiologist
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Figure 4: The comparison of the four questionnaire factors
shows the change of epistemological believes in phase IV.
The Factor 1-4 of phases I-IV are plot against the
difference between pre- and post-test. Factor 1 is raising
which shows that after the intervention participants
‘confidence in scientific sources’ is about one grade (0.83)
lower than before. Factor 2, 3 and 4 are lower. As a result,
the interviewees believe more strongly in the permanent
development of science (-0.31), in the importance of
experiments in science (-0.56) and that experiments have
to be repeated to achieve a reliable conclusion (-0.39). The
differences of all factors between Phase I, II or III to Phase
IV, calculated with a MANOVA, are significant.
3.2.2 Increase in Knowledge
The second questionnaire was also administered to
assess knowledge acquisition. The questions referred
to different topics which were discussed during the
course, ranging from biological questions to
scientific working and mathematics. Starting off
with simple questions reflecting common knowledge
of these fields, the questions got more and more
challenging. As shown in Figure 5 the increase of
knowledge is greatest in phase IV: with an average
of 9 (41%) more correct answers (from an overall of
22 questions).
Significant differences were found especially in
the pre-test in phase III, in the post-test in phase IV.
There is a constant increase of knowledge in the pre-
test starting with phase I. One explanation might be
that the same teachers heard the topics already
during their first visit (phase I) and might have
prepared the class (with different students) for the
next visit. The knowledge in the post-test is slightly
decreasing. Obviously, the presentation of data
analysis and bioinformatics tools in such a project
alone does not make sense. Significantly better
results can be produced by an additional analysis
unit at the computer after the wet lab visit. Phase IV
shows considerable differences to phase I-III.
Figure 5: The box and whiskers-plots shows the increase
of knowledge between the pre-test (dark) and post-test
(light) in phases I-IV. The ordinate shows the number of
correct answers. The maximum was 22. The increase of
knowledge is greatest in phase IV, which includes
additional online tools and later data analysis.
Online introduction to bioinformatics like the one
illustrated here - including a wet lab and a
computational part-have several consequences. It
was shown that the view students have on
bioinformatics already changes during a single wet
lab course in a bioinformatics institute. Students
lacking contact to bioinformatics tend not to be sure
what a computational biologist does for a living.
After visiting the OpenLab they often change
their mind just slightly, but results indicate that they
are more confident about their believes in what this
field of science is about and how it works. Their
picture of bioinformatics tends to be similar to the
standard (graduates) group, but is less computer
science-oriented. This might be explained by the fact
that the intervention for this questionnaire here
almost only took place in the wet lab. Nonetheless, it
could be shown that students consider computer
skills (development of algorithms, databases, etc.)
for a computational biologist to be significantly
more important than before, despite the fact that they
did not do any analysis. Mentioning bioinformatics
and answering questions about this field is obviously
Another consequence of a bioinformatics
OpenLab project is the increase of knowledge.
Students could already fall back on more or less
general knowledge of biology before the practical
inf+bioequally morebiologist
A WEB-BASED INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS - Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics
course started, e.g. structure of DNA and main
principles of PCR. Striking improvement could be
achieved in working (e.g. lab security), special PCR
knowledge (construction of primers) and important
scientific principles (use of markers, blanks and
standard) though. Minor changes were observed in
the use of positive and negative controls and
statistics. The time for learning these scientific and
mathematical skills might have been too short.
Especially in phase IV, however, there is a
significantly higher level of knowledge. That means
that working with bioinformatics tools and statistical
analysis of data result in a deeper learning and, thus,
increased knowledge acquisition. Thus, it seems to
be not enough to just show the results of a data
analysis and bioinformatics tools. It is rather
necessary to spend some time actively working with
these data.
The third consequence is the change of the
epistemological believes. Only extensive
examination of the data of an experiment can change
this belief in science. Significant changes could only
be seen in phase IV.
Therefore, we strongly recommend a following
(computer based) data analysis conducted by
students for OpenLabs. This results not only in
higher domain knowledge, but also in a better
understanding of science and therefore in a more
accurate development of higher order
epistemological believes. By providing such an
approach as mentioned here, students can develop a
deeper insight into this discipline resulting in a great
step towards a deeper understanding of science.
The limitation of the study is that only three
small classes have been carried out so far in phase
IV (a longer project time with online support). In
future research, this number will be increased.
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knowing (S.231-260). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence
A WEB-BASED INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS - Epistemological Beliefs in Bioinformatics