2.1 Products and Services per AAL Scenarios
According to the identified scenarios several AAL products and services have been
already developed and categorized [6]; [7]; [8]. Table 1 presents an exhaustive list of
the existing AAL products and services grouped for each of the identified scenarios.
These solutions are being developed with the help of several technologies, as medical
technology, microsystems technology, information and communications technology
(ICT) and innovative services. They include all daily activities such as shopping,
preparation of meals, communicating with friends, washing the dishes and others that
enable elders to stay in touch with the world beyond their domestic environments [9].
Table 1. AAL products and services for the AAL scenarios (based on [6]; [7]; [8]).
Independent living Health care in life
Biometrical sensory data monitoring system
Intelligent abnormal biometric value alarm
Activities monitoring system
Fall detection system
Localization/Positioning system
Memory aid System
Activity management system
Impaired patient movement aid system
Meal and dietary monitoring/assistance system
Fire/electric shock detection system
Open door/window detection system
Open tap/gas/oven on detection system
Shopping assistance system
Driving assistance/monitoring system
Public transport assistance/monitoring system
Mobility obstacles detection system
Cooking assistance system
Dishes/Clothes washing assistance system
Biometrical sensory data monitoring system
Intelligent abnormal biometric alarm system
Wearable monitoring devices
Chronic diseases intelligent monitoring systems
Medication alarm/dispenser system
Diet assistance system
Physical exercise assistance/monitoring system
Clinical history data repository system
Therapeutic plan assistance/monitoring system
Tele-consultation system
Sensorial disabilities compensation system
Motor disabilities assistance system
Mental disabilities compensation system
Rehabilitation assistance/monitoring system
Risk patient localization/monitoring system
Multi environment support decision system
Simple emergency alarm system
Clinical community information system
Clothes ironing assistance system
Medication assistance system
Stairs assistance system
Electro-domestic assistance system
Bureaucratic information assistance system
Context-aware system
Personal hygiene assistance system
Recreation in life
Real world communities network
Virtual communities
Brain stimulation games
Online entertainment games
Remote cooperative games
Online reading and storytelling
Occupation in life
Adapted working environment
Ergonomic system
Robotic helper
Inter-generational interaction system
Formal employers network
Professional community network
Freelancing/Entrepreneur information system
Task management assistant system
Remote attendance to social events
Specialized, interactive and remote gymnasium
Remote interactive religious events
Remote and interactive library access
Remote painting
Remote teaching/consulting
Remote interaction with family and friends
Remote learning systems
Learning and activity recognition system
Interactive ICT learning systems
Intergenerational relation systems
Skill sharing system