Mariusz Rybnik
and Władysław Homenda
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bialystok, ul. Sosnowa 64, 15-887, Bialystok, Poland
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661, Warsaw, Poland
Musical work, Harmony, Harmonization, Tonality, Knowledge-based systems.
The paper proposes an approach to an automatic harmonization of musical work, and is based on the knowl-
edge of music theory. It may be described as knowledge-based, being in contrast to a data-driven approach,
that extracts relationships from examples. Our approach emphasizes universality, understood as the possibility
of direct model modifications in order to obtain varied harmony characteristics (as for example a complicated
and unusual harmony, or a simple harmony using only a small subset of harmonic functions and few modi-
fiers). Therefore it is configurable by changing the internal parameters of harmonization mechanisms (among
others: harmonic functions excitements with note pitches, note importance regarding among others horizontal
position in measure and vertical position in voices structure, successions of neighboring harmonic functions),
as well as importance weights attached to each of these mechanisms.
Harmony is an important element of tonal music, it
defines the vertical relation between notes, as by def-
inition opposed to melody - horizontal succession of
notes in specific voice (Sikorski, 2003). In fact, how-
ever, the harmonic relations of the leading melody (re-
garding mono- or homophony) are largely depending
on the horizontal succession of notes and intervals be-
tween them. In a melody one can frequently detect
harmonic passages that follow harmonic chords (with
smaller or larger deviations). Similar, but obviously
much stronger harmonic relations are to be found in
accompaniment, where the melody is less (or even
not at all) important, as the main goal is to define the
background for the leading melody. The obvious ex-
ception to these assumptions are polyphonic musical
works. They tend to cultivate two or more indepen-
dent voices, that compete for attention but also have
to cooperate harmonically, usually indicating strong
harmonic relations.
Automatic harmonization can be seen as a prob-
lem belonging to the area of computer music com-
posing. Over the years many various approaches
and techniques were used to solve this or simi-
lar problems, just to mention a few: Expert Sys-
tems (Cope, 1987)(Ebcioglu, 1993), Neural Net-
works (Hild, 1992), Constraints and probabilistic ap-
proaches (Pachet and Roy, 2001) (Pachet, 1995), evo-
lutionary algorithms (Prisco and Zaccagnino, 2009).
The common limitation for such approaches seems
to be the lack of universality (production of slightly
unpredictable results) and (for some techniques) need
for large learning database or extensiveamount of cal-
culations. Our approach is based on the use of theo-
retical music knowledge and is aimed at solving these
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents basic concept of harmony in tonal music,
Section 3 describes in detail the proposed harmoniza-
tion model and explains used mechanisms, Section
4 introduces a short example of experimental results.
Section 5 concludes the paper, discuses configuration
and universality properties and suggests future works.
The process of creating accompaniment to a lone
melody (known as homophony) can be divided into
two phases. The first is harmonization (creation of
harmonic functions and corresponding chords), and
the second phase is creation of accompaniment with
the use of previously obtained harmony.
Rybnik M. and Homenda W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003889604450450
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 445-450
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Harmonic functions related to scale degrees.
Name Symbol
minor major
1 Tonic T 0 0
2 Subdominant 2nd S
2 2
3 Tonic 3rd T
4 3
4 Subdominant S 5 5
5 Dominant D 7 7
6 Tonic 6th T
9 8
It is important to stress that in most cases there
is no single, ultimate harmony solution for a given
melody, usually there are many possibilities, rang-
ing from the simplest and obvious to the compli-
cated and non-trivial ones. The choice depends on
the style of music, as well as the capabilities of in-
strument/orchestration and the abilities of perform-
ers/harmonizers. There are also cases, when no addi-
tional information, except for the leading melody and
harmonic functions, is needed to perform the music.
Common example is improvised
a vista accompani-
ment to songs, when playing the guitar or piano.
For the purposes of this paper we have focused on
a tonal system with two basic scales: major and mi-
nor (natural minor as well as harmonic and melodic
modifications). Our considerations and experiments
are based on six harmonic functions (built on 1
, 2
, 4
, 5
and 6
grade of major/minor scales) with
basic modifications: adding seventh (minor and ma-
jor), ninth (minor and major), sixth (minor and ma-
jor). We have omitted incomplete Dominant seventh
built on grade 7
as being equivalent to Dominant
seventh with omitted root, alterations and higher in-
tervals (alike eleventh, thirteenth), that may be seen as
dissonances that are meant to resolve (and enrich har-
mony), rather than integral harmonic modifiers. The
tonal harmonic functions along with names and sym-
bols are presented in Table 1.
The proposed harmonization model is based on sev-
eral mechanisms, that are supposed to closely follow
music theory:
1. Particular notes have various harmonic impor-
2. Each note may excite (fit to) one or several har-
monic functions based on its pitch and consid-
ered function components,
3. Some harmonic functions are more likely to oc-
cur than others (the most popular example being
Tonic - a base and consolation for vast majority of
tonal music), therefore it is preferable to prioritize
functions being more frequently used,
4. Specific harmonic functions’ successions are
more or less probable, therefore it is possible
to support more likeable (frequent) successions
(alike Dominant Tonic or Tonic Subdomi-
The mechanisms are implemented in possibly in-
dependent way and weighted (using a range [0;1]) in
order to easily configure the degree of influence (or
eliminate the influence at all) on the final harmoniza-
tion, in comparison with the other mechanisms.
3.1 Data Representation of Harmonic
Each harmonic function is stored in a structure that
contains a vector (of length 6, as we consider 6
different diatonic functions) of Harmonic Function
Strengths and a corresponding vector of modifiers.
In our experiments the modifiers are mostly limited
to sevenths, with occasional ninths and in rare cases
to sixths (sixth is present in so-called Chopin chord:
Dominant with seventh and natural or augmented
sixth instead of fifth, resolving down to first degree of
scale). The diatonic function with modifiers is equiv-
alent to chords i.e. Tonic with modifier seventh in key
G-major is equivalent to G
. Some modifiers cover
others, i.e. a chord with ninth is supposed to gorge a
chord with seventh.
Musical piece is decomposed into elementary har-
monic fragments (defined as indivisible musical piece
unit with one diatonic function attached to). For ex-
perimental evaluation we have chosen fragments of
fixed lengths at the most two beats or less depend-
ing on the time of musical work, i.e. for the time
it would be two beats for the first harmonic frag-
ment of measure and one beat for the remaining frag-
ment of measure; for the time
one harmonic frag-
ment per measure would most probably be sufficient.
Each harmonic unit is processed independently - with
exception of supporting specific successions of har-
monic functions (see Section 3.6) - therefore it does
not require additional modifications, as shorter har-
monic fragments will also naturally have lower influ-
ence on larger neighbors. In most cases this simplis-
tic division would be sufficient, as harmonic functions
rarely change in practice more frequently, while over-
fragmentation could result in lower accuracy of har-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2. Excitation
3. Function Popularity
4. Function Succession
5. Decision
Dominant seventh (G
Mechanisms' configuration weights <0,1>
Harmonic Fragment
Predecessor Successor
0.43 1.33 0.68 0.70 1.14 0.39
0,43 0,80 0,48 0,63 1,08 0,25
0,70 1,22 0,73 1,04 1,90 0,42
0,8 1 0,42 0,83 0,00 0,87 0,51
0,81 0,42 0,83 0,00 0,87 0,51
1. Determination
of Note Importance
Note Importance global weight
Function Popularity global weight
Function Succession global weight
Figure 1: Harmonization model flow.
3.2 The Flow of Proposed Model
The flow of proposed model for an exemplary har-
monic fragment is presented in Figure 1, and proceeds
as follows:
1. The harmony of particular fragment is evaluated
by examining all notes from this fragment. Each
note is attached with Note Importance weight ac-
cording to the exemplary set of rules from Section
2. Each note excite (add a value to Function
Strengths vector) one or - in most cases - few cor-
responding diatonic functions by being a specific
chord component, with degree defined by a Func-
tion Excitation Matrix (Section 3.4).
3. When all the notes are evaluated the vector of a
Function Strengths is element-wise multiplied by
a Function Popularity Vector (Section 3.5), what
primarily acts as encouragement for more popular
functions. It may also be used to serve a different
purpose, if one wishes for a rich and uncommon
4. After all harmonic fragments are evaluated, the
mechanism for supporting particular function suc-
cessions is applied. The degrees of desire for a
specific succession of harmonic functions are de-
fined in a Function Succession Matrix (Section
3.6). They serve as an additional modifiers for
vectors of the Function Strengths with regards
to direct predecessor and successor. The modi-
fication occurs twice for every fragment (except
for the marginal fragments), the first time as a
predecessor, and the second time as a successor.
The modifications are calculated for each func-
tion succession possible (a total of 36 combina-
tions possible for 6 recognized functions, modi-
fiers not taken into account) and are multiplied by
both corresponding function strengths and addi-
tionally by a 1/12 factor in order to keep them in
the original Function Strengths range.
5. After applying the succession modifications a de-
cision (of type winner-takes-all) is made for each
Harmonic Fragment, based on values of the Func-
tion Strengths. The winning diatonic function is
translated into chord, depending on the key and
attached with chord modifiers (i.e. seventh, ninth)
stored during Excitation.
Each omitable mechanism (Note Importance,
Function Popularity, Function Succession) is attached
with an overall Global Configuration Weight from the
range [0;1] (as seen in Figure 1), that may be used
to fine tune or disable the influence of these mech-
anisms on the final harmonization result. Excitation
is the essential mechanism to obtain the Function
Strengths, therefore it is not weighted in similar man-
ner. The mechanisms are based on matrices (Exci-
tation, Function Succession), vectors (Function Pop-
ularity) or rules (Note Importance) that offer many
substantial and direct configuration possibilities.
Table 2: Determining note importance.
Condition Importance
Note at the end of a tie 0.4
Note on the 1
beat 1.0
Note on the 3
beat 0.9
Other notes 0.6
3.3 Notes Importance Determination
For determining notes importance we have consid-
the position in measure - notes on-beat (at inher-
ently accented parts of measure) are very impor-
tant (especially 1
beat and a little less 3
beat for
), while off-beat (at generally unaccentu-
ated parts of measure, as for example 2
and 4
for time
) are less significant. Notes occur-
ring in-between these main beats are harmonically
least important.
the notes that are at the end of ties have
minor contribution to the harmony, because
when played on string instruments (among others:
grand piano, upright piano, guitar) they are not hit
the long notes are usually more important than
the short ones,
the notes that are easily-heard by human ear
are placed in extremal voices (highest and low-
est notes), the notes in the middle voices are
harder to hear and therefore contribute less to the
harmony of musical work,
accentuation increases the volume and the har-
monic value of the note.
For the experimental evaluation we have deter-
mined a set of the note importance rules as described
in Table 2. As we deal only with a single melody we
neglected the voice position (not relevant in this case)
and length of notes (do not contribute a lot in this
case), which would be however important for music
works with many melodic parts.
3.4 Implementation of Tonal Functions
Excitation by Notes
In order to define diatonic functions we had to detect
the key of musical work, that may be obtained in sim-
plified but effective method, by analyzing the pitch of
the last note in the leading voice and the key signature.
This is possible due to the fact that in vast majority of
cases melody ends on 1
degree of tonic scale, being
the resolution of tension. There are only marginal ex-
ceptions to this scheme (disregarding modulations).
In order to define the excitation of diatonic func-
tions by the notes occurring in the melody or the ac-
companiment we have defined a table of excitation
(Table 3), where each diatonic function may be ex-
cited by particular note with a specified degree. This
is relative to the pitch of the note in question, as well
as the pitches of the notes occurring in the tonal func-
tions themselves. We have defined the degree of exci-
tation in the range of [0,1], assigning:
greater degrees [0.8;1.0] to the most typical chord
components as root note, third and fifth,
moderate degrees [0.4;0.6] to less specific compo-
nents: sixth, seventh, ninth with ,occasional modi-
fication of natural third, that serves making major
chords from naturally minor chords, what serves
mostly as tonicization (local Dominant Tonic
small degrees [0.1;0.2] to rare modifications of
natural sixth and seventh, ninth.
A similar table has been prepared for minor scales,
the obvious differences are the natural qualities of
diatonic functions, the less obvious would be frequent
conversion from naturally minor Subdominant and
Dominant to major ones (occurring commonly in
melodic variation of scale and partially in harmonic
3.5 Function Popularity
The goal of determining function popularity is to di-
rectly prioritize frequently occurring tonal functions
(like Tonic, Subdominant, Dominant) and in this way
enforce them to occur more frequently than less pop-
ular derivative ones. The goal is indirectly obtainable
by using lower coefficients in the Functions Succes-
sion Matrix (described in Section 3.6), but it is ob-
viously easier to control directly. For experimental
studies we have used the Function Popularity Vector
as specified in Table 4.
3.6 Succession of Harmonic Functions
The succession of harmonic functions (horizontal re-
lations between neighboring harmonic functions) is
implemented using encouragement of more probable
combinations, with moderation of less likable ones.
This is done using a matrix of Functions Succession.
The exemplary matrix for major scale is presented in
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Table of excitation for major scales.
Absolute shift from function root note[in semitones]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
D 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.1
S 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
T 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
Table 4: Function popularity.
Tonal function
Name Popularity
T 1.0
S 0.9
D 0.95
Table 5: Functions Succession Weights for major scales.
Transfer into:
0,4 0,8 0,3 0,8 0,7 1,0
D 0,9 0,4 0,7 0,3 1,0 0,8
S 0,7 0,4 0,4 1,0 0,9 0,5
0,3 0,2 1,0 0,5 0,6 0,8
0,2 1,0 0,2 0,5 0,9 0,4
T 1,0 0,4 0,3 0,8 0,9 0,6
Table 5. The matrix for minor scale is very similar
and therefore not presented here.
The values in the matrix were determined in or-
der to prioritize most likable successions, like ca-
dence, but also allowing more complicated succes-
sions It is worth mentioning that the most supported
quasi-succession is maintaining the current function
(no change) with maximum degree of support: 1.0.
That allows more efficient handling of the common
case where harmonic functions change less frequently
than hard-coded (in our experiments) two beats. It is
also important to mention that the support of succes-
sion occurs only between harmonically determinable
half-measures, excluding these that do not contain
notes at all (only pauses) or contain only ongoing
tied notes from previous beats. It is assumed that
such fragments continue the previous harmonic func-
tion (which is a slight oversimplification as it does not
have to be always true). The succession support oc-
curs forwards and backwards with a degree defined
by the sum of products of the neighboring Function
Strengths and a succession weight from the Functions
Succession matrix for each possible succession.
This section presents the exemplary results of ho-
mophony harmonizations using proposed approach.
We have implemented and applied the model to mu-
sical works containing a single melody (monophony)
with no key changes, as we considered it more of a
challenge (more harmonic uncertainty) rather than us-
ing musical works with accompaniment, where har-
monic functions are generally much easier to detect
(depending on the degree of complication and the pur-
pose of musical work). It is however important to
stress that the proposed harmonization model remains
viable for almost every musical piece, regardless of
number of voices, as long as it is maintained in tonal
system i.e. uses either major or minor scale (possi-
bly with slight modifications). Use of higher number
of voices (chords) would ideally require a customized
Notes Importance determination (as described in Sec-
tion 3.3), in order to detect and prioritize more im-
portant voices and attenuate the less important ones.
Efficient harmonization of musical works with key
changes (known as modulations)would require detec-
tion of such changes and adequate updating of tonal
base and/or minor/major properties.
The results in Figure 2 present two different har-
monies for a short homophony fragment. The func-
tions and chords at the top were obtained for global
configuration weights (respectively: Notes impor-
tance, Function popularity, Functions Succession)
equal to [0.4,0.4,0.4], while at the bottom with global
parameters [0,0,0.8]. In the first case the less popular
functions are moderated, while in the second one the
less popular functions are present and there is more
continuity in successions. A change of global weights
alone - without the modification of the inner parame-
ters - gives different and interesting results.
Figure 2: Two different harmonizations for a homophony fragment.
In this paper we have presented the harmonization
model based on the knowledge of music theory. The
main goal of this approach is achieving universality
and obtaining direct control over various harmoniza-
tion mechanisms. It is important to stress the config-
uration possibilities and universality of the proposed
model: as it is not data-driven but knowledge-driven,
it provides the ease of control of the behavior and, to
some extent, results of harmonization. As opposed
to the data-driven approaches (taught with examples)
our methodology does not need to be fed with large
or representative sample of data (requiring data gath-
ering, selection and often producing hard to control
results). It may be used in many variants relying only
on the theoretical knowledge. With modifications of
underlaying configuration data one can try (and in
some cases be guaranteed) to achieve multiple valu-
able tasks, such as:
defining the Note Importance rules tuned to vari-
ous musical pieces;
defining the Function Excitation Matrix to eas-
ily generate very rare or very simple func-
defining the Function Popularity Vector to moder-
ate, forbid or encourage specific tonal functions;
defining the Function Succession Matrix to mod-
erate, forbid or encourage specific harmonic func-
tion successions;
changing the Weights of Harmonization Mecha-
nisms in order to tune the model to the specific
needs and expectations;
iterate through various configurations in order
to quickly generate various (possibly interesting)
harmonies for the same musical work.
Future works in the area will be conducted in the
following directions:
development and evaluation of presented harmo-
nization model,
developing criteria for evaluation of obtained har-
automatic parametrization of the harmonization
model based on the above-mentioned evaluation,
determination of configuration matrices and pa-
rameters for the different styles of musical works,
like jazz, classical music, popular music, etc.
accompaniment generation based on the harmony
provided by model,
existing accompaniment modification and enrich-
ment based on the independent harmony provided
by model.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence