Sedentary Work Style and Heart Rate Variability:
A Short Term Analysis
Aleksandar Matic¹, Pietro Cipresso², Venet Osmani¹, Silvia Serino²,
Andrei Popleteev¹, Andrea Gaggioli², Oscar Mayora¹ and Giuseppe Riva²
CREATE-NET, Via alla Cascata 56/D, 38123, Trento, Italy
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Via G. Pellizza da Volpedo 41, 20149, Milano, Italy
Abstract. Emerging studies suggest that sedentary work style is often
associated with deleterious physiological implications, including diabetes, high
blood pressure and obesity. However, only few studies linked prolonged
periods of sitting with psychological responses thus the implications of
sedentary behavior on mental health still remain highly unexplored.
In this study, we investigated the relation between sedentary time and Heart
Rate Variability (HRV) parameters, which are considered important biological
markers of psychological processes including cognitive and emotional aspects.
In this manner, we aim to explore factors that may indicate that sedentary
behavior causes responses at psychological level. Recent progress in the
sophistication and usability of wearable sensors offers the opportunity to
continuously record ECG parameters and accelerometer data in daily-life
settings, such as at workplace.
1 Introduction
Physical inactivity leads to a number of health complications and various media
campaigns are designed to encourage increase in physical activity levels and promote
healthy lifestyle. However, a general increase in physical activities is not sufficient to
improve health. An important component of physical activity is the work style. In
developed economies, knowledge workers typically have a work style that requires
sitting for prolonged periods of time. As a number of studies have shown [1]; [10];
[13] sedentary work style leads to an array of health complications, including
diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The negative effects on health due to
sedentary work style occur even if people follow the guidelines on physical activity
and lead a healthy lifestyle outside of the workplace [1]; [10]. However, the impact of
prolonged periods of sitting on mental health remains a largely unexplored area of
research [18].
In this study, we explore how sedentary behavior affects a biological marker that
is indicative for processes at physiological (and maybe emotional and cognitive)
levels, namely Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Being suitable for a short term analysis
of cognitive and emotional responses, HRV might provide cues for the potential
Matic A., Cipresso P., Osmani V., Serino S., Popleteev A., Gaggioli A., Mayora O. and Riva G..
Sedentary Work Style and Heart Rate Variability: A Short Term Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0003893000960101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (MindCare-2012), pages 96-101
ISBN: 978-989-8425-92-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
psychological impacts of sedentary behavior thus motivating further investigations in
this area.
Wearable devices to measure ECG are readily available and are unobtrusive to
use, finding applications beyond health monitoring (for instance sport performance
monitoring), therefore becoming a powerful tool for both research and clinical studies
[4]. The clinical relevance of HRV was first noted in 1965 [9] and continues to be
used today to examine neuropathy in diabetic patients, risk of cardiovascular
mortality and a number of other physiological and pathological conditions [4]. On the
other hand, recent studies have found strong correlation between HRV and mental
stress [7], visual stimulations [3] and mood states [5]; [6]. In addition, the influence of
physical activities on HRV has been widely studied, including the effects of habitual
physical activity and also HRV analysis during pre-scheduled activities. However,
less emphasis has been placed on the physical inactivity, especially in workplace.
2 Background
Heart rate variability represents variations in inter-beat intervals (IBI) and provides a
significant measure of physiological and pathological conditions [4], furthermore
psychological responses. It mirrors the relationship between sympathetic and
parasympathetic branches of autonomic nervous system; the former stimulates
organs’ functioning and causes increase in heart rate (HR), while the later inhibits
functioning of organs and causes a decrease in heart rate [3]; [15]; [16]. The balance
between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems constantly changes when the body
attempts to achieve an optimum state corresponding to all internal and external
stimuli [2]; [17]. Therefore, HRV is considered a measure of changes in system
balance and consequently as a measure of body responses to internal and external
provocations [2]; [17].
These studies have demonstrated that lower HRV values often suggest
sympathetic dominance, higher stress and negative emotions, according to
experiments where subjects were asked to watch horror movies [3] or perform mental
tasks [7], [15]. Higher HRV values, to the contrary, indicate domination of
parasympathetic system and positive emotions that were typically evoked by
watching delightful movies, such as love stories [5] or landscape scenes [3].
3 Materials and Methods
3.1 Classification of Sedentary Time
Accelerometers are widely available in newer generations of smart phones, typically
used for their role in user interfaces [14]. They provide an important research tool
able to reliably measure and classify a number of physical activities, including
walking, jogging, sitting, standing [11], and more complex activities such as
estimation of metabolic energy expenditure, sit-to stand transfers, and assessment of
balance and intensity of physical activity [12].
For our study, it was important to distinguish only sitting periods from all other
physical activities and to provide precise duration and timestamp of each segment.
We analyzed acceleration data and calculated standard deviation of resultant
accelerations over each one-minute interval [12] - the square roots of the sum of the
values of each axis (x, y and z) squared [11]. In most cases it was easy to distinguish
periods characterized by very low intensity movements that were considered
sedentary periods.
All the activities related to usage of the phone itself, such as making phone calls or
sending texts, were also recorded; the accelerometer data for these periods was
discarded to avoid confusion with physical activities.
3.2 HRV Measures
In order to acquire HRV, we used Shimmer Wireless ECG sensor [8]; [17], connected
with the mobile phone via Bluetooth. Due to limited performance of the mobile
device, the maximum ECG sampling rate that it could process (along with the data
from other sensors, including accelerometer and location) did not allow us to use
frequency domain analysis [4]; [15]; [16]. Therefore, our focus was on time domain
analysis of HRV. In order to prevent the sensor battery from running out during
subjects’ working time, we recorded ECG data for 1 minute during a time frame of 5
minutes. Before the calculation of time domain measures of HRV took place, all
abnormal heart beats and artefacts were removed from consideration; the signal
suffered high noise usually when the subject was moving intensively.
In the ECG recordings, each interval between neighboring beats, called NN
interval was detected. We analyzed the following measures [4]; [15]; [16]:
SDNN[ms] – Standard deviation of the NN interval, i.e. the square root of variance.
RMSSD[ms]- The square root of the mean squared differences of successive NN
pNN50[%] – The proportion derived by dividing NN50 by the total number of NN
intervals, where NN50 represents the number of interval differences of successive NN
intervals greater than 50ms.
4 Experiments and Results
We recruited 6 participants from our research centre (4 males and 2 females), with
ages between 26 and 35, with an average age of 29. They were all knowledge workers
with no major differences either in the type of job regarding sedentary routines or in
the number of working hours. None of the subjects was a cigarette smoker, nor had a
chronic disease.
A total of 47 recordings have been collected among the six subjects. Descriptive
statistics have been reported in Table 1.
For each one of these recording we calculated three HRV indexes, namely SDNN,
RMSSD and pNN50, as before described, and an activity index (NonSedTime) to
measure non-sedentary time, that is the percent of time spent in non sedentary
activities. Since sedentary and non-sedentary time indexes are counter-proportional,
selecting one of the two is sufficient to investigate the correlation between sedentary
behavior and HRV parameters.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of activity and HRV indexes, used in our study.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
NonSedTime 47 0.00 46.85 13.38 10.49
SDNN Mean 47 0.05 0.18 0.09 0.04
RMSSD Mean 47 0.63 0.87 0.76 0.06
pNN50 Mean 47 0.25 0.49 0.37 0.06
The analysis (Table 2) showed a positive correlation between non-sedentary time
and HRV indexes – SDNN and pNN50 indexes increase as NonSedTime increases
and vice versa, i.e. the lower amount of time spent in non-sedentary activities the
lower the values of SDNN and pNN50. A lower levels of SDNN and pNN50 is
known to be associated with higher stress levels [4]; [15]; [16] and negative emotions
[3-7]. Therefore, the results indicate that sedentary workstyle lead the subjects to be
more prone to negative emotions and stress, measuring the stress level according to
the Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American
Society of Pacing Electrophysiology [4]. However, due to the small sample size of
this pilot study, the results should be considered only as an indication for the
association between sedentary behavior and psychological processes.
Table 2. Correlation analysis between non-sedentary time and HRV indexes.
SDNN Mean RMSSD Mean pNN50 Mean
NonSedTime .442
0.046 0.262
SDNN Mean 1 .305
RMSSD Mean .305
1 .576
pNN50 Mean .740
. Correlation is significant at the 0.10 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 2 also shows a strong internal coherence for HRV indexes, in fact the
correlations between these indexes are always highly statistically significant. This
means that the relationship between SDNN, RMSSD, and pNN50 is typically strong,
and the phenomena revealed with one of the indexes should also apply for the others,
even though it is indirect.
Furthermore, since the recording entries are hierarchical within participants, we
estimated, with hierarchical linear regression, the relationship between the non-
sedentary time and HRV, using SDNN as a dependent variable. Results are showed in
Table 3.
Table 3. Hierarchical linear regression.
Parameter Estimates
Parameter B Std. Error
95% Wald Confidence
Hypothesis Test
Lower Upper Wald Chi-Square df Sig.
(Intercept) .072 .0085 .056 .089 71.594 1 .000
NonsedTime .002 .0003 .001 .002 25.827 1 .000
(Scale) .001
5 Conclusions
Emerging studies suggest that sedentary work style is often associated with
deleterious health complications, including diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity
[1]; [3]; [5]; [9]; [10]; [11]; [19]. In this study, we aimed to explore the correlation
between sedentary time and HRV parameters, which are considered biological
markers of both physical and mental health. In particular, recent studies demonstrated
that lower HRV values often suggest sympathetic dominance, higher stress and
negative emotions [3-7]. Recent progress in the sophistication and usability of
wearable biosensors offers the opportunity to continuously record ECG parameters
and accelerometer data in daily-life settings, such us at work place. In this experiment
we used a Shimmer Wireless ECG sensor, connected with the mobile phone via
Bluetooth, to investigate the correlation between sedentary time and HRV parameters
at workplace, thus exploring possible cues for the association between sedentary
behavior and psychological processes. Results showed a strong relationship with
HRV parameters, in particular with SDNN and pNN50, suitable for a short term
analysis. Such evidences suggest the use of wearable devices to measure ECG indexes
in naturalistic environment to explore new possibilities to encourage a healthy work
style. However, due to the small sample size, these results provide only cues about the
examined correlations and we believe that they might motivate for future
investigation on the correlation between sedentary time and HRV but also on the
impacts of sedentary behavior on psychological response including emotions, stress
and the mood.
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