et al., 2011; Wright et al., 2011).
Virtual bioinformatics courses were initiated in
VSNS (de la Vega et al., 1996) or the EMBER
project (2001) mainly focused on sequence analysis.
The latter has been kept alive on and off since the
project end in 2005 highlighting the difficulty of
sustaining this type of effort. Even references
recognised as successful in a recent review (Wright
et al., 2011) like BioManager (Cattley et al., 2010) is
now discontinued. Consequently, a scheme for
knowledge sustainability is a central issue that needs
attending. Successful on-line teaching programmes
like those developed at the universities of
Manchester or Bielefeld (BiBiServ) cited in the
same review (Wright et al., 2011) tend to show that
rooting e-learning strategies into university courses
increases sustainability.
An early version of a self-learning website in
bioinformatics for proteomics (e-proxemis) was
developed in recent years by members of the SIB.
Despite positive feedback and a lifespan of several
years (a few thousand registrations during that time),
the platform was restricted to the proteomics domain
thereby remaining limited in reach (the genomics
and transcriptomics communities are much wider).
The expansion of –omics technology reinforced by
the frequent combination of more than one –omics
approach in biological studies impose a reflection on
the renewal of teaching strategies. This concern is
shared in OpenHelix (Williams et al, 2011) though
the tutorial format on this platform is not interactive.
The eBiomics project presented in this paper
strives to provide an e-learning environment in
which both students and experts can find
information relevant to their field of study. The
purpose of eBiomics is to familiarise users with
bioinformatics analysis flows in diverse -omics
applications. To that end, we revised the e-proxemis
pedagogical strategy to account for the spread of
automated pipelines and tied our effort to an existing
e-learning platform that is already used in master
programmes (provided by the HSeT (Health
Sciences eTraining) Foundation).
The resources that populate the eBiomics
catalogue were selected to reflect both the widely
recognised usage in a given –omics community and
the citations in our collection of case studies. In that
sense they are not bound to a set geographical origin
or to the respective services provided by the
institutes to which the authors belong. The catalogue
is not destined to become exhaustive in terms of
coverage of existing tools but to focus on a selection
that mirrors widely adopted and/or recommendable
Other content in eBiomics was originally prompted
by the following observation: most published work in
the field of –omics includes a compact description of
data analysis captured in a few paragraphs in the
Material and Methods section of the article. The
unfamiliar reader may recognise but also discover
software names or note references to well-known and
less known databases. The eBiomics platform
proposes the expansion of such condensed paragraphs
in detailed case studies to enhance the reading of an
article in two complementing ways. The approach is
known of “article-based learning”. On the one hand, it
provides a guide to learn about the most popular
individual resources as traditionally done in e-
learning platforms (EMBER, etc). On the other hand,
it illustrates their combined use in several contexts. In
fact, the latter approach assumes that data analysis
follows protocols in much the same way data
generation does. In eBiomics, protocols are presented
as flowcharts, text and put into the context of a
specific case study.
In short, eBiomics was built on past experience
from both EMBER, e-proxemis and on the expertise
of HSeT for grounding e-content in university
programmes. Two versions are hosted on two sites.
The full content is available for self-training
(currently at http://ebiomics.sdcinfo.com/) and
selected content for targeted article-based learning is
transferred to the HSeT site for academic use. The
present paper describes the full content and outlines
the basis of transfer to HSeT.
Besides creating an environment for e-learning and
specific use of bioinformatics resources, pedagogy
and long-term sustainability are the main focus of
eBiomics that constrained its design and
development. Even though a range of books
describes several aspects of bioinformatics (e.g.,
basics, algorithms), electronic media are more
adapted to assisting scientists in mastering day-to-
day usage of data analysis tools and reference
databases. Like books, an e-platform encourages
self-training; unlike books, e-content can easily and
rapidly be updated. Furthermore, the main advantage
of e-tools over books is interactivity, which is
essential for involving learners. Very few initiatives
were launched to take on the challenge.
2.1 Pedagogy for Self-training
The pedagogic strategy is two-fold. Firstly, it is
eBIOMICS - A Website Promoting Good Practices and Specific Methods for using Bioinformatics Resources