• Produce and reproduce documents in any media
or format for diffusion.
• Have the capacity of communicating using the re-
sources offered by new technologies.
Within the competences defined in the syllabus
approved by the University of A Corua for the de-
gree, the following ones can be outlined as the most
directly related to the Applied Informatics subject:
• Specific Competences
– Knowledge of techniques and work methods
– Innovation in presentation and diffusion of cul-
• Transverse Competences
– Learn to learn
– Solve problems effectively
– Apply critical, logical and creative thinking
– Work autonomously with initiative
– Capacity for proposing improvements and in-
– Creativity and originality in thinking and prac-
• Nuclear Competences
– Use basic information and communication
technology (ICT) tools which are necessary for
the exercise of the profession
– Critically asses the available knowledge, tech-
nology and information when dealing with and
solving problems
– Assess the importance of research, innovation
and technological developmentin the socioeco-
nomic and cultural progress of the society
More specifically, the subject?s competences are
the following:
• Know how to manage the file system and how to
organize information in a personal computer
• Know how to create complex text documents with
sections, styles, figures, tables and crossed refer-
• Know howto use a bibliographicalreferenceman-
• Know how to manage information in a spread-
• Know how to create multimedia presentations
• Know how to create multimedia content of differ-
ent types: images, graphics, sound, video, etc
The subject is based on three elements: theoretical
classes, guided practical classes, and practical exer-
cises. During the theoretical classes, the fundamental
concepts of the subject are introduced so as to allow
the student to study the proposed matter in depth. At
this point, the teaching staff plays an essential role,
but students are also encouraged to participate ac-
tively and this participationwill be taken into account.
Students receive the teaching material and a se-
lection of bibliographical references, enabling them
to prepare the classes in advance or to focus on a spe-
cific aspect.
The guided practical classes are dedicated partly
to the application of the exposed theoretical concepts
to a practical case. During these classes, students play
a more relevant role; the professor merely presents
the problem, makes a brief exposition about the way
it should be resolved and provides an individualized
(or generalized, if relevant) support in case of doubt.
Practical sessions take place individually (or in pairs).
The practical classes (or practical exercises) are
similar, but the teacher only presents the problem and
the students have to solve it without any kind of exter-
nal help. Later, the teacher will review these practical
exercises in order to obtain a final qualification.
The classes are within one semester, with two classes
each week (1.5 hours per class). The programme is
divided into 5 large sections of different nature. The
subjects are the following:
• SECTION 1: Informatics Basics
– Computer history
– Hardware
– Software
– Operative Systems
– Computer Networks
– Internet
• SECTION 2: Text Document Edition
– Text styles
– Content structuring
– Task automation: indexes, crossed references
– Reference managers
• SECTION 3: Information Management in
– Data