a physical system. Interestingly, the authors explicitly
point out the time measurement deficiencies on VMs
and reportedly counteract them through the use of an
external reference. However, Domingues et al. do not
provide a quantification of these effects.
In summary, the issue of timekeeping in VMs
has already received notable attention by the scien-
tific community. However, no work has specifically
aimed to quantify measurement inaccuracies in the sub-
second range and outline the practical implications of
these deficiencies, e. g., the VM-based evaluation of
algorithms or heuristics.
In the work at hand, we argued that literature and prac-
tical experience points to deficiencies of VMs with
respect to accurate time measurements. To experimen-
tally evaluate these potential drawbacks, we imple-
mented a Java-based measurement tool, which permits
to repeatedly measure the computation time of a deter-
ministic, parameterizable method, namely the factorial
Using this tool, we conducted a series of experi-
ments on both physical and virtual infrastructures, in-
cluding a VM leased from the cloud. Our experiments
indicate that VMs feature much higher measurement
inaccuracies, specifically in the case of sub-second
absolute computation times, compared to physical ma-
Based on these findings, we conclude that physical
machines should be preferred for exact time measure-
ments, specifically, if absolute computation times in
the sub-second range are expected and valid scientific
results are to be drawn from those measurements.
In our future work, we plan to include additional
machine configurations in our experiments, specifi-
cally, a wider range of public cloud computing offers
and operating systems. We will further examine how
the undesired side-effects of measurement inaccura-
cies on virtual infrastructure can be pragmatically ad-
dressed by researchers.
This work has been sponsored in part by the E-
Finance Lab e.V., Frankfurt am Main, Germany
(www.efinancelab.de). We would like to thank Sil-
via R
odelsperger and Johannes Schmitt for their help
with the preparation of the experiments.
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