Márlon A. C. Teixeira
, Rodrigo S. Miani
, Gean D. Breda
Bruno B. Zarpelão
and Leonardo S. Mendes
Acre Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFAC), Rio Branco, Brazil
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Data Compression, Data Exchange, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Interoperability.
Abstract: Integration of information systems is essential to organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to make different
technologies interoperate. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is often used for data exchange because it is
self-descriptive and platform-independent. However, XML is a verbose language which may bring
problems related to the size of documents. This work proposes two new approaches for XML data
compression and compares our solutions with three algorithms: WAP Binary Extensible Markup Language
(WBXML), Xmill and Efficient XML Interchange (EXI). The comparison is based on compression rate and
compression time for files with different sizes.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a de facto
standard to exchange data in heterogeneous
environments. However, problems with the size of
XML documents are common due to the redundancy
contained in their repeated tags (Ng et al., 2006)
(Augeri et al., 2007). A possible solution to reduce
the size of XML documents is the application of data
compression algorithms. Yet, XML-conscious
compressors like WBXML (WAP Binary Extensible
Markup Language) (XBXML, 1999), XMill (Liefke
and Suciu, 2000) and EXI (Efficient XML
Interchange) (EXI, 2011) bring about, as a result,
compressed documents which are not in the XML
format. This way, one of the great advantages of the
XML language, which is the diversity of APIs
(Application Programming Interfaces) that can be
found for parsing and querying XML data, is
In the present work, we propose two approaches
for the compression of XML documents. The first
solution, entitled Schema-aware algorithm, is based
on the elimination of redundant tags of the document
structure. The final compression outcome is still a
document in the XML format. So, it is possible to
handle the compressed document by using the
various XML parsing and querying solutions
available. The second solution is a hybrid algorithm
which applies the general purpose compressor GZIP
(Gailly and Addler, 2011) on the result of the
compression achieved from the Schema aware
To assess both propositions, we have carried out
a comparative with the WBXML, Xmill and EXI
algorithms taking in consideration two metrics:
compression rate and compression time. These two
metrics were collected during the compression of
files of 8 different sizes.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. In section 2, the Schema aware algorithm is
presented. In section 3, the Hybrid algorithm is
presented. Section 4 brings the comparison between
the two proposed solutions and the compressors
WBXML, XMill and EXI. At last, section 5 frames
the final considerations on this work.
The Schema-aware algorithm consists of the
elimination of redundant tags which are in the same
level of the document, without neither compressing
the data, nor the tags existent in the document. To
demonstrate how this redundancy occurs, we shall
use the following XML document:
A. C. Teixeira M., S. Miani R., D. Breda G., B. Zarpelão B. and S. Mendes L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003896202330237
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 233-237
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1 <customers>
2 <customer>
3 <organization>Org1</organization>
4 <type>Type1</type>
5 <name>Name1</name>
6 </customer>
7 <customer>
8 <organization>Org2</organization>
9 <type>Type2</type>
10 <name>Name2</name>
11 </customer>
12 </customers>
The XML document can be represented as a tree,
as in Figure 1. By looking at the tree structure, one
realizes that the nodes of the same level in the tree
have the same tags. For this reason, plenty of
redundant information is sent through the network
and stored in the destinations, as well. So, it is
exactly on the elimination of the redundant tags of
the same level that the Schema-aware algorithm has
its base for reducing XML document size. By
applying the algorithm in order to have the tag
redundancy eliminated in each level of the tree, the
nodes of the same level will become a single node.
Therefore, the redundant tags are eliminated and the
pieces of information inside the nodes are stored in
this unique resulting node.
Figure 1: XML document shown as a tree.
A detail needs to be considered in the
information storing process in the resulting node: the
data location is of extreme relevance, since the file
decompression is carried out based on the order of
the elements. The Figure 2 tree stands for the result
of the compression of the XML document in Figure
The following XML document shows the result
of the compression carried out by using the Schema
Aware algorithm. Clearly, there was a remarkable
reduction in the size of XML file, mainly in the use
of tags.
1 <customers>
2 <customer>
3 <organization>[Org1, Org2]
4 <type>[Type1, Type2]</type>
5 <name>[Name1, Name2]</name>
6 </customer>
7 </customers>
Schema-aware algorithm, differently from the
WBXML, XMill and EXI compressors, generates
the same representation of the original XML file in
another XML file of smaller size. This is an
advantage, since self-descriptive characteristic of the
XML language is maintained and the tools which
handle XML can still be used.
Figure 2: Resulting compressed document.
The hybrid algorithm is a variation of the Schema-
aware algorithm. This variation consists of the
application of a generic purpose data compressor on
the result of the Schema-aware algorithm
compression. The data compressor chosen was the
GZip, which is broadly used and spread out in the
proper literature (Snyder, 2010). Figure 3 presents
the Hybrid algorithm diagram.
Figure 3: Hybrid algorithm diagram.
The GZip compressor has been chosen because it
is one of the most popular data compressors (in the
market). It is widely used even in specialized XML
file compressors, for instance, the XMill (Lifke and
Suciu, 2000). The objective of applying the GZip is
the compression of information and tags, not done in
the first approach, where only the redundancy of
existent tags in the same level of the XML tree was
With this change, it is expected an improvement
in the compression rate, followed by a possible
degradation in the performance of the method
regarding to the compression time. Beyond the
impact on the performance resulted from this new
approach, other alterations arise due to this change.
The resulting file of the compression is no longer a
XML document. In other words, for the information
to be extracted, it is necessary the utilization of a
GZip decompressor. Therefore, there is a loss of
legibility leading to a bigger impact on the
interoperability. No less important is the
impossibility of using the available tools for
handling the XML language.
In this section, we present the evaluation of the
following XML compression algorithms: Schema-
aware, Hybrid, EXI, WBXML and XMill. The
scenario of tests was built in accordance with the
tests proposed by Cokus and Winkowski (2002).
The authors used a range of XML document size
from 6,010 bytes (approximately 6 Kbytes) to
11,421,822 bytes (approximately 11 Mbytes).
In the same way, five sets of files were created in
our work. Each set contains eight files with the
following sizes: 1 – 268 Kbytes; 2 – 538 Kbytes; 3 –
1073 Kbytes; 4 – 2238 Kbytes; 5 – 4482 Kbytes; 6 –
8957 Kbytes; 7 – 17922 Kbytes and 8 – 35850
In these file sets, it was applied the EXI,
WBXML, XMill, Schema-aware and Hybrid
algorithms. Also, the following criteria were
assessed: compression rate and compression time.
4.1 Compression Rate
In this section, we will evaluate the compression rate
achieved by the methods. The five file sets were
submitted to the compression methods and, for each
file, the result of the compression rate was analyzed.
These results are exposed in the Figures 4, 5 and 6.
The analysis of the graphs in the Figures 4, 5 and
6 shows that the EXI method has reached the best
compression rate for all the sizes of the analyzed
files. By comparing the rates obtained by the XMill
method and Hybrid algorithm, one can notice very
similar outcomes. The WBXML method has reached
the worst rates in all the tests.
Figure 4: Compression rate for the 268, 538 and 1073.8
KB files.
The Schema-aware algorithm has reached a
reasonable compression rate, despite having lower
results than the other algorithms, except the
Analyzing the results achieved by the WBXML
method and the Schema-aware algorithm, one can
realize that the Schema-aware algorithm reaches
roughly rates of up to 68.81% and the WBXML
compressor reaches rates of up to 24.26%, which
means a meaningful difference.
Figure 5: Compression rate for the 2238.4, 4482.8 and
8957.8 KB files.
Figure 6: Compression rate for the 17922 and 35850.2 KB
4.2 Compression Time
Another point analyzed was the compression time.
The compression algorithms were executed on a
computer with a processor at 1.33 GHz and 1 GB of
system RAM. The results are presented in Figures 7,
8 and 9.
According to Figures 7, 8 and 9, one can realize
that the XMill compressor has presented the best
performance for all the files and in all trials. One
factor that may explain this result is the algorithm
implementation, based on C++. The other
compression algorithms were implemented using
Java language. C and C++ compilers output
platform-specific native code, while Java compilers
output machine-neutral bytecode. Therefore, C++
programs usually have better performance than Java
According to the results, we can also notice that
the WBXML has obtained better performance than
the Schema-aware and Hybrid algorithms for files
which vary between 268 and 2238.4 Kbytes and
worse performance for files which vary between
17922 and 35850.2 Kbytes. The performance
difference is of 35% when compared to the Schema-
aware algorithm and of 52% when compared to the
Hybrid algorithm.
The EXI compressor has shown the worst
performance in all file sizes and all trials carried out.
The biggest difference of performance, compared to
XMill, is of approximately 96% and regarding to
WBXML it goes around 88%.
Figure 7: Compression time for the 268, 538 and 1073.8
KB files.
Figure 8: Compression time for the 2238.4, 4482.8 and
8957.8 KB files.
Figure 9: Compression time for the 17922 e 35850.2 KB
This paper proposed two algorithms for XML
documents compression: Schema-aware algorithm
and Hybrid algorithm. Tests were designed and
applied to compare the two proposed approaches
with the following XML conscious compressors:
EXI, WBXML and XMill. The items compression
time and compression rate were evaluated.
No method was good enough in all requirements.
The method which reached the best compression rate
was the EXI. On the other hand, it is the slowest one
compared to the other two methods that most get
close to its compression rate, namely the XMill and
the Hybrid algorithm. Both the XMill and Hybrid
algorithm have reached compression rates very
much alike and also better performances compared
to the EXI. Finally, a remarkable characteristic of
Schema-aware approach is the preservation of
interoperability. The Schema-aware algorithm
outputs an XML document after the compression,
while other investigated methods output new
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