Ethan Hadar
and Debra J. Danielson
CA Technologies, Inc., Herzelia, Israel
CA Technologies, Inc., Ewing, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Keywords: Compliance, Cloud Service Marketing and Management, Service Composition, Service Monitoring and
Control, IT Financial Management.
Abstract: Certified IT Services in-a-box position paper describes a conceptual architecture and a debatable approach
to increasing trust between cloud players, as well as increasing accountability of cloud services providers.
The presented conceptual system is comprised of a combination of contemporary IT management services
that provide modeling, assembly, automation, assurance and security of IT services, coupled with insurance-
based financial remedies. The integrated system constantly conducts auditing and reporting that will be
available upon demand in case of a defined incident, by insurance adjustors. This evidence is provided
while maintaining the cloud encapsulation and abstraction premise. Business models that increase cloud
services consumption; as well as enterprise level compliance fulfillment are among the offerings of this
conceptual system. As a result, this paper leads to a hypothesis on the ability of integrated technologies to
increase trust and reduce security concerns in cloud consumption, without detracting from the value
proposition for cloud services.
In the Cloud Computing domain, specifically
through Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and
Software as a Service (SaaS), IT organizations can
offload IT capabilities from the organization’s
internal datacenter and IT resources to public cloud
services [9]. Some human resource-related solutions
can be outsourced to an external agency to handle
difficult issues and to provide service desk solutions.
However, lack of trust (Habib, 2010) and external
transparency (Ko et al., 2011) are the primary
obstacles for cloud usage by enterprise IT
organizations. Specifically, data protection,
compliance needs by the consumers, and liability are
major obstacles (Brandic et al., 2010). Such
consumers can not even consider using the provided
cloud services, without clear understanding of the
target service’s compliance. Namely ensuring that
the consumed cloud services are compliant to
regulation, and in case of a failure, that liability and
remedy will be achieved.
Such remedy may be provided by an insurance
provider. This agency must have proof that an event
has occurred that constitutes a valid claim against
the policy (Insurance Event) to proceed with the
remedy; this evidence usually found on audit logs,
transactions monitoring or other reporting tools of
the IT activities. Insurance events are defined within
a written policy, and are limited only to that which
can be agreed upon by the consumer and supplier
and to what can be measured and proved.
The introduction of an insurance remedy into the
cloud consumer / provider relationship limits the
damage to the cloud consumer caused by failures of
the cloud provider and changes the risk equation for
adoption of the cloud service.
Today’s on-premise IT management toolsets can
provide all these monitoring tools, and provide
reporting and auditing as well as identity and access
enforcement (Heiser and Nicolett, 2008).
Connecting these existing solutions to certification
and insurance authorities, as well as providing
recorded evidence on demand, addresses the needs
for trust, transparency, and compliance (Blakley,
2011; Blum et al., 2011; Brandic et al., 2010) on
demand between providers and consumers of cloud
This position paper illustrates a conceptual
system that solves the certification needs that
increase trust and compliance transparency within
cloud environments.
Hadar E. and Danielson D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003897202110215
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 211-215
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The Certified IT Services in-a-Box system collects
reports, data transaction logs, access usages and
infrastructure changes. These changes include but
are not limited to virtualization structural changes,
hybrid connectivity to remote servers or fully public
infrastructure.. The information is stored (locally or
remotely) at a secured electronic vault by the IT
management tools vendor as a trusted third party.
When there is a possibility of an insurance event, the
information is provided to the service consumer,
provider, and the insurance provider.
Existing infrastructure services may have
enhanced security or monitoring tools. The
modification in this system is the binding of the
reported information with contractual financial
agreements and risk mitigation through an insurance
provider. Evidence in the form of logs, reports and
auditing, that testify whether or not a failure (data
leak, data roaming, service level failure or
infrastructure un-authorized change (Blakley, 2011;
Blum et al., 2011) occurred, is the differentiator.
Our Certified IT Services in-a-Box system
delivers reports and logs to the insurance provider
and other involved parties, archives these logs for a
period based on applicable regulations and/or any
relevant event or breach, and provides them to the
stakeholders on demand.
Cloud services vendors can increase the trust and
thus the usage of their offered services by proposing
Insurance Level agreements (ILA) through the
proposed system, with different pricing models
relevant to “non-insured” services. Moreover,
providers may sell their entire portfolio hardened
and enforced with insured technology.
Consequently, several advantages emerge from
this IT management service with certification:
A new business model integrated with systems
and technology that bundles insurance,
monitoring, and remedy. It opens large-scale
business opportunities for billable value added
services for IT Insurance.
Lack of transparency and trust between consumers
and providers may be overcome by inserting
financial remedies or other ramifications to the
loss of data or lack of functionality due to security
or availability issues.
Economic models are main drivers to cloud usage,
as well as the ability to provide scaled-up transient
loads on the cloud. Degraded functionality or
complete lack of service in these peak times has
more financial impact than non-peak times. Risk
mitigation is critical, and as in the case of any
insurance issue, proven evidence and facts are
needed by an auditing and measuring agency.
Our assumption is that a cloud service provider
would opt to purchase insurance and coverage for
loss of data and protection for malfunction. The
presented approach suggests that the provider can
charge more for “trusted and secured liable
services” dependent upon the ability of the
provider to show, after an incident has occurred,
the root cause and history stored at a third party
vaults for a certain period of time.
The system enables the service consumer to select
different types of services, and add different
insurance premiums, based on the type of risk
associated with the data. Accordingly, data
activity, or performance will be monitored to
collect logs in case on a breach on security or
segregated service level agreement (SLA).
On demand, service consumers may require that
the service provider will show evidence of using
security and auditing tools, approved by the
consumers, and embedded in the providers
The audit, monitoring and system availability data
can be extended to cover and enforce compliance
and regulation, using the intercepted activity data
as evidence. In this case, the evidence is shown as
part of a certification process, validating that a
potential lawsuits from a third party will not
The consumers can get quarterly reports of all the
changes done to the infrastructure, as well as all
the data relocation done within the infrastructure.
Such reports, provided by the “Certified IT service
in a box” for both sides, enable transparency and
increase trust, while maintaining usage abstraction
Figure 1 depicts the conceptual architecture of the
“Certified Services in a Box”, based on integrations
with IT management tools as well as several
conceptual modules. Each component is numbered,
and referenced accordingly in the text.
Figure 1: “Certified Services in a box” conceptual architecture.
3.1 Conceptual Architecture
Events and Log Sources (3). These are a set of
components that can access any of the IT
management, operation, and security teams in order
to extract logs of activities in a common format,
from the underlying vendor tools, such as CA
Technologies’ IT Management and Security
products: e.g. CA Application Performance
Management, CA Service Operations Insight, CA
SiteMinder® (CA Technologies’ tools) (2).
Events & Logs Classification (4). This set of
systems normalizes the data originating from the
collective set of CA Technologies’ tools (2), as well
as deciding which elements to log and which to not,
based on a configuration defined by the service
consumers (9).
Event end Logs Transient Warehousing (5).
As part of the insurance provider requirements, the
defined logs are stored for future analysis, based on
needs of the insurance provider (10), the
consumers or the service providers. The data in the
warehouse is archived and periodically sent to the
relevant parties. In addition, the data collected may
be purged or removed to off-line permanent storage
in compliance with defined retention policies.
Predefined Compliance and Auditing Reports
(6). Based on demand or other polices, the
components analyze the data collected in the
warehouse component (5), and produce predefined
reports to the relevant players such as the insurance
provider, Cloud Provider or Cloud consumers.
Log Sampling Policy Configuration (7). This
component defines which events and logs are going
to be collected, based on the type of insurance
defined for each user. The Certified-IT-in-a-Box
service (1) is configured differently for each
consumer since different insurance policies and
types of assets to be protected may be applied. Thus,
the service provider can define different pricing
models to its consumers, based on the level of
reporting and evidence needed.
Insurance Level Agreements (ILA)
Configuration Management (8). This component
defines the overall periodic scans that will provide
evidence of normal operations according to
contracts, or violation. Since each insurance policy
defines different scanning needs, each need should
be provided with a report that is executed on the
gathered data. These settings enable definition of the
insurance level agreements (ILA) between the
service consumer and service provider. The system
can offer a single ILA for all, multiple types of ILA
and different pricing models, or customized ILA.
These definitions trigger the relative reports and logs
provided periodically to the players. This component
interacts with the insurance provider as well, in
order to define the liability contract (agreement)
between the provided ILA to the consumers, and its
coverage by the insurance provider (10).
3.2 Prototypical Usage Pattern
A typical example for a scenario of the system and
method is as follows:
When a consumer of an IT services (9),
approaches a Provider (11) (either for
IaaS/PaaS/SaaS), it is offered with modified service
that includes insurance element. The insurance
includes liability in case of data security issue,
breach of a service level agreement or lack of
operational services. This offering can be part of the
basic service (without any negotiation and
amendment), or the consumers can select different
Insurance Level Agreements (ILA) from the
provider (11). The ILAs are predefined and
determined by the service provider (11) negotiating
a liability service from the insurance provider (10),
and either offers readymade ILAs to its consumers
(9), or builds a new definition (design) for an ILA,
using the ILA configuration management component
(8). The defined ILA are monitored and managed by
CA Technologies’ tools (2) according to the type of
services needed. For example, when the ILA
provider sets security enforcement, CA
Technologies’ tools (2) will monitor Identity Access
Management and provide Privileged Access
Management to server administrators. If roaming
limitations insurance is needed, CA Technologies
tools (2) will enforce network zone protection, and
physical roaming policies, enabling supervised
automatic provisioning by the provider datacenter.
Setting an ILA does not preclude the service
provider from protecting its private or public cloud,
rather that evidence or remedy of these activities
will not necessarily be provided
However, when such ILA do apply, CA
Technologies’ tools (2) will monitor and control, as
well as provide dedicated logging options for further
analysis by the reporting tools (6). Nevertheless,
ILA setting might be also partially configured,
enabling CA Technologies’ tools (2) to monitor just
part of the data, thus reducing data monitoring
capacity and aggregated reports.
Since the ILA is defined between the consumers
and providers, periodic monitoring and report
generation is conducted. These reports are delivered
either as a service, on-demand, periodically, or even
off-line. The recipients of these reports can be the
service providers, the consumers, and the insurance
provider, according to business arrangements.
In this position paper, we presented a novel
approach for providing certified cloud services, by
means of insurance provider, technology, and a new
business model for cloud services. Auditing and
reporting tools, when connected to IT management
tools, enables a centralized “evidence vault” for
future use. These reports and logs may be used for
insurance claims, certification and/or compliance
needs. We suggest that combining IT monitoring
and security tools with a reporting layer, alongside
risk mitigation and remedy from an insurance
provider, will increase trust and transparency, while
maintaining cloud computing abstraction concepts.
We argue in this position paper that certified
services with financial backup will provide a more
appealing approach for commerce relationship, and
will generate a significant market opportunity for
insurance providers, as well as for IT management
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