Ivan Atanasov Kolarov
Faculty of Transport Management, Higher School of Transport, Geo Milev Str. N 158, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Stress Prevention Activities, Transport Sector, E-learning.
Abstract: Prevention of work stress is among the priorities of the European Commission as stated in the Health and
Safety policy published in March 2002. The case of the road transport drivers (freights and passengers) is
worthy to be considered separately, since their work accidents might affect not only their own health but
also other people's - road traffic participants, service personnel, etc. Aim of this paper is to analyze current
situation and to propose a methodological dossier of virtual learning environmental (VLE) for stress
prevention activities of road transport drivers and SME on the base of achievements in areas such as e-
learning and risk prevention. It is proposed the VLE to be composed of 6 learning modules: What is stress?
Causes of stress (stress related hazards); Effects of stress; Stress risk assessment; Stress management;
Prevention of work stress. The training content will be complemented with examples on Physical and
Physiological exercises and techniques. There is short a description of VLE organization, as well.
In 2008, major economic changes emerged in all EU
countries, which concerned every actor of the
economy in a negative sense. Stress is becoming a
more and more important work-related risk, as new
work organization is applied and as the economical
situation is still complicated. Quantative and
qualitative investigations of major stressors in the
workplace are studied and recommendations for
organization of labour in order to avoid them are
made (Gaston and Phyllis). Prevention of work
stress is among the priorities of the European
Commission as stated in the Health and Safety
policy published in March 2002.
Workers suffering from stress at work are more
likely to be unhealthy, poorly motivated, less
productive and more prone to suffer work-related
illnesses and accidents at work (EU-OSH). The case
of the road transport drivers (freights and
passengers) worth to be considered separately, since
their work accidents might affect not only their own
health but also other people's - road traffic
participants, service personnel, etc. The fact of other
peoples' life depending on drivers’ well-being
increases the necessity of preventing stress among
the road transport drivers.
There are good examples for e-learning
application for drivers’ training, created by
specialists in areas of transport science and e-
learning pedagogy - CD, DVD or Internet based,
web 2.0 included that can be changed and adapted
according to needs of trainers and training centres
(CT-TRANS and SAFE TRUCK). These examples
encourage us to apply the same technology for
driver training on stress prevention.
Aim of this paper is to analyze the current
situation and to propose a methodological dossier of
virtual learning environmental for stress prevention
activities of road transport drivers and SME by e-
Stress is not necessarily a negative phenomenon. It
is believed that certain types of stress are normal and
necessary for the satisfactory completion of work.
However, if stress is intense, prolonged or
continuous, and if one is unable to cope with it, or if
it is unbearable, this stress has a negative influence,
Atanasov Kolarov I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003898103050308
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 305-308
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which sometimes leads to physical illness and
mental disorders. The main sources of workplace
stress are work demands, lack of control over one's
job, change, conflicting roles, and interpersonal
relations, lack of support at work and balance work
and life. They exhaust human body, make it
susceptible to external factors, cause an increase of
the number of wrong decisions, etc. When the term
"stress" is used in this code, it usually refers to
negative, harmful forms of stress. So define the
types of workplace stress are:
Positive stress is that which is normal and
necessary for the performance of official duties
Negative stress is one that is strong, continuous
and prolonged and may lead to physical illness and
mental disorders.
There are three main strategies for the prevention
of workplace stress (European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions):
Remove or modify the stress factors and reduce
their adverse impacts on health and welfare of
Adapt changes in the work environment to the
individual characteristics of workers.
Increase individual resistance to stress through
awareness and improving skills to cope with
stress through training.
The first two strategies are aimed at the working
environment, and the third - the personality.
The main activities at work are: change tasks and
work environment, enter flexible work and rest,
promotion of workers, improving social support
from colleagues and managers, analysis of work
roles and objectives, clear job description,
weekly/monthly workshops, discussions on issues in
the enterprise, harmonization of responsibilities and
authority, monitor of workers, material stimulation
There are several parties involved in road
transportation and loading and unloading operations
as: principal; the transport company that is
contracted/subcontracted by the principal; the driver;
the site, where the actual loading or unloading takes
place; the operator who is physically carrying out
the loading/unloading operations. Each party has its
The management of the site should ensure that
operators have competences and have passed
successfully all the training necessary to fulfil the
legislative requirements and site requirements, in
particular regarding the handling of dangerous
goods. It must promote and maintain safety
awareness, particularly during product handling and
ensure that loading / unloading operations are
carried out under supervision, that cargo is secured
according to the rules and accepted agreement, that
that there is a procedure to report all near misses,
incidents, loading/discharge problems and unsafe
situations or conditions, including follow-up etc.
The management have to gather and operate with a
great amount of information to follow and predict
the market needs.
Drivers should have competences and training
according to Directive 2003/59/CE. Before driving
off, they have to be ensuring that all systems, units
and aggregates are normally working, secures, take
rest breaks according to EU rules, return and
complete all paper work etc. Drivers, who are
involved in international transport operations, should
be able to communicate in the local language of the
loading/unloading site or in at least one of the
following languages (English, French or German).
Competences, hazards and risks are determined
for all parties in road transport: Multi-drop,
Occasional, dangerous goods drivers, courier
services, warehousemen, workshop staff, lorry
loaders and Banksmen, fork-lift operatives. Since
stress can not be measured directly with widespread
measurement instruments, it is limited by indirect
activities, namely, strict compliance with restrictions
on drivers' hours, risk assessment and others. Thus,
stress is mentioned only short in widespread training
materials for drivers and important details are not
mentioned. In case the first symptoms of stress are
not noticed and health problems in physical and
mental status of the worker occur medical care is
called. So, the drivers and their managers, load
operators should have broad general knowledge on
the issues of stress and ways of its prevention.
Nowadays, e-learning provides flexible and
cheap opportunities for providing information and
specialized knowledge to the large groups of
specialists. It provides opportunities for easy
updating of training content, providing information
by text, images, short and longer videos to large
number of users at a time convenient for them,
control of access to training and of knowledge etc. It
is good by e-learning authorities and employers, in
cooperation with the workers representatives to
supply all employees, supervisors and managers
with information on stress at work. This information
should include:
Nature and causes of stress in the workplace
and activities to prevent the occurrence of such
problems and the best methods for their
reduction and elimination;
Information on laws and regulations, including
stress, which are general and specific to
Information about services available to help
workers exposed to workplace stress, including
assessment to rehabilitation, discussions, and
experience exchange.
So, training in transport should be based on a series
of policies and to ensure continuous knowledge
according to specific needs. It should be ensured by
the employer or together with workers, or by
supervisors and managers.
There are needs organization of work to be
improved for stress prevention. Working hours must
be respected according to European directives. The
timetable of work should be done efficiently, so
employees to have time for family and other
commitments. It should be avoided extremely long
hours of work in discouraging recourse in
emergency work, and providing enough time for
rest. Minimum consecutive night shifts and split
shifts to be assigned in accordance with healthy and
together with other activities to ensure welfare of
workers. From that point of view the work plan is
important for stress reduction. An effective plan
should ensure that: tasks are clearly defined,
significant, different, and allow an appropriate
degree of autonomy in their implementation;
identification of the tasks is according to the skill
and experience of staff, taking into account the
characteristics and difficulties of the different
operations of work; rotation of staff is planned,
especially if specific and dangerous activities and
new employees are provided; appropriate
verification of completed tasks and providing
opportunities for skills development of staff is
available; planning of work is continuously
improved in order to better meet the needs.
Another option for stress reduction is the good
communication skills. Communication with
customers and stakeholders can be improved by:
providing customers timely and relevant
information; customers are given the opportunity to
comment the quality of work; the comments are not
ignored and they are taken into account; reduce the
conflicts, creating service desks and acceptance of
complaints. Communication between management
and workers and among workers can be improved
when: communication channels are established on
the basis sharing information and facilitating
solutions to problems related to work; special
communication channels are set when organization
is changed or there are reforms; Put in operation
checking procedures; the employees are stimulated
and they have opportunity to work in formal or
informal, temporary or permanent groups; there are
opportunities for staff to submit ideas, and
particularly in planning and organization of their
own work; there is time for dialogue, sharing
information and concerns.
Use the good practices in work is another
inexpensive way to reduce stress at work and in the
same time to improve the quality of work. The
improved work practices should aim to ensure:
sufficient staff in terms of number and qualifications
according to the needs of work and consumers;
employees are given flexible deadlines so that the
rules and policies shall not be construed as
unacceptable by the society and customers; those
who work alone and especially at dangerous areas
should be equipped with devices for communication
and should be supported by emergency procedures
in case of need.
Stress caused by the new technology can be
prevented by their little by little implementation. It is
good to start by their advantages and critical point in
application. In this case speed of work, terms and
interruptions should be focused on people rather
than technology.
Working conditions are another key factor to
increase stress. It is recommended low noise, good
lighting, temperature, humidity and ventilation at the
workplace, risk assessment for stress prevention.
According to European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work sufficient working space must be
available to facilitate the work carried out and there
is enough space between the workers and with
customers to reduce personal intervention and
creation of stress and tension.
All employees must have access to proper
medical and psychological treatment, and it should
be known the hazard risks at workplace. When the
transport companies do not have the medical center
or case exceed their jurisdiction, the employer must
send the employee an appropriate treatment outside
the enterprise. Consultation should be organized by
the employer with all who are affected by stress and
the workplace. It should include: initial consultation
to help the individual to know the risks of stress and
change their behavior and attitudes; advice when
stress affects employees to help them cope with
these problems.
Specific training should be provided for all
parties in road transport sector.
Specific training for drivers and operators should
include: Obligations and rights according to
National and EU legislation; How to improve ability
to identify potential situations causing stress; How to
improve capacity to assess and to solve problems;
How to be prepared to manage activities at work;
What to do if there are some extra cases; Auto-
suggestion and communication skills; How to make
positive attitude at work.
Training for supervisors, managers and employee
representatives should include: How to organize the
work to decrees the stress; How to register change in
behavior of staff and which may indicate as stress;
How to put good conditions for operations and
which methods to use; How to support drivers,
operators and help them by administrative
procedures; How to keep confidence for any
information obtained about personal healthy of staff;
How to reduce stress in office; How to manage staff
and create a work environment based on mutual
respect, etc.
The VLE will be composed of learning modules,
each based on chapters. The modules are: What is
stress?; Causes of stress (stress related hazards);
Effects of stress (individual and organisational);
Stress risk assessment; Stress management;
Prevention of work stress; Each module will content
information about Learning objectives; Theory;
Control questions; Additional materials; Glossary;
Bibliography and Case Study. The training content
will be complemented with examples on Physical
and physiological exercises and techniques.
The VLE will present general information about
stress, stress related hazards in transport and how to
asses, manage and prevent them, to be composed of
6 learning modules: What is stress? Causes of stress
(); Effects of stress; Stress risk assessment; Stress
management; Prevention of work stress. The
chapters are planted to content: Learning objectives;
Theory; Control questions; Additional materials;
Glossary; Bibliography; Case Study. The training
content is planed to be complemented with examples
on Physical and Physiological exercises and
techniques and they will be presented by text,
pictures and videos. There is short a description of
VLE organization, as well.
VLE is in process of creation now, following the
described plan here.
This work is carried in the frame of the 2010-1-ES1-
LEO05-21000“SPA-ROAD: Stress Prevention
Activities for Road Transport Drivers and SME
project and has been funded with support from the
European Commission. This publication reflects the
views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.
EU road freight transport sector: Work and employment
conditions. European Foundation for the Improvement
of Living and Working Conditions, 2004.
Gaston H., Phyllis G. Mental health and work: Impact,
issues and good practices. Department of Mental
Health and Substance Dependence Noncommunicable
Diseases and Mental Health. World Health
Organization. Geneva, 2000
Managing risks to drivers in road transport. European
Agency for Safety and Health at Work. 2011.
Occupational safety and health in the transport sector —
an overview. European Agency for Safety and Health
at Work (EU-OSH).
CT-TRANS - ES/06/B/F/PP-149518, Formación Continua
armonizada para el Sector del Transporte por
Carretera, de acuerdo con la Directiva 2003/59/CE y
aplicación experimental de las Nuevas Tecnologías -
Leonardo da Vinci Project, (
cttrans2/), 2004 – 2006.
SAFE TRUCK - ES/09/LLP-LdV/TOI/149054, Improving
Health and Safety of Freight Transport Drivers -
Leonardo da Vinci Project, ( 2019 - 2011.