Finally, Canfora et al. (Canfora et al., 2005)
describe a QoS-aware service discovery and late-
binding mechanism which is able to automatically
adapt to changes of QoS attributes in order to meet
the SLA. The binding is done at run-time, and de-
pends on the values of QoS attributes which are mon-
itored by the system. It should be observed that in
SAVER we consider a different scenario, in which
each WS has just one implementation which how-
ever can be instantiated multiple times. The goal of
SAVER is to satisfy a specific QoS requirement (mean
execution time of workflows below a given threshold)
with the minimum number of instances.
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gorithm for executing workflows involving Web Ser-
vices hosted in a Cloud environment. SAVER se-
lectively allocates and deallocates Cloud resources
to guarantee that the response time of each class of
workflows is kept below a negotiated threshold. This
is achieved though the use of a QN performance
model which drives a greedy optimization strategy.
Simulation experiments show that SAVER can ef-
fectively react to workload fluctuations by acquir-
ing/releasing resources as needed.
Currently, we are working on the extension of
SAVER, exploring the use of forecasting techniques
as a mean to trigger resource allocation and deallo-
cation proactively. More work is also being carried
out to assess the SAVER effectiveness through a more
comprehensive set of real experiments.
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