We decided to develop a dedicated eLearning
tool instead of using a better knowned one (e.g.
Moodle, Dotlrn) because in this way we had the
opportunity to adapt the on-line teaching sevices to
the specific needs of a doctoral school. We also had
the possibility to develop interfaces on Romanian
In the last years, significant research effort was
focused in order to find more efficient methods for
information search, retrieval and automated
document classification (Grossman 2004). Classic
keyword-based document search methods used by
most of today’s Internet search engines have limited
capabilities in expressing the search intention of the
users. It is difficult to formulate in a few keywords a
given interest in a scientific domain. The semantic
content of the search is also affected by synonym
and homonym words.
The research in this field is focused in the
following directions:
to find new methods for semantic representation
and storage of information (Messerly, 2000)
to implement efficient algorithms for information
retrieval, data mining, and content classification
(Fuhr, 1992); (Salton, 1975)
to develop tools for knowledge management
(Fensel, 2002)
In the Plat-Inova component, we tried to
integrate some of these research results in a digital
library type application. For instance, in order to
handle the knowledge related to a given research
domain we developed tools for defining thesauri of
concepts, relations and associations between
concepts. These elements of a domain ontology
enable semantic search and classification of patents
and information contained in them.
A typical scenario is the case when a research
group led by a PhD coordinator expresses its
knowledge and experience related to a domain in the
form of a particular ontology. Than the concepts and
relations in the ontology are used in the search and
classification phases in order to enhance these
procedures with semantic content. For instance if a
user formulates a search expression with a number
of keywords, than similar concepts or other more
general or more particular terms may be optionally
included in the expression. Navigation (browsing)
between documents is possible using the association
relations between concepts.
We also used the ontological references in order
to guide the classification of documents (e.g.
patents) based on predefined sets of concepts
(thesauri specialized for narrow domains of interest).
We implemented procedures that can compute the
similarity ratio between a patent and other patents in
the repository, or the similarity with a given
thesaurus. In this way, the search intention of a user
may be expressed through a patent given as an
example and not just as a limited number of
Another form of recording experience and
knowledge is through collections. The application
has functions for defining collections (individual or
collective ones) and associating patents to
collections. A given group or individual researcher
may define its own collection of patents that reflects
a given research interest. A newcomer in the group
may start his/her documentation by evaluating the
patents in the group’s collections or in individual
collections of more experienced group members.
Collections may be organized on different criteria
(e.g. content type, ownership, destination, etc.). The
same patent preserved in a single location may be
part in a number of collections.
For the same purpose of recording experience,
the application stores search queries and
expressions. These search strategies can be reused
later in time when it is supposed that new patents are
released in a direction of interest. PhD students can
obtain valuable updated information by reusing
search strategies defined by more experienced
members of the group.
Our solution is based on some of the latest results in
the field of digital libraries, information retrieval,
content management and semantic classification of
information. As information source, we considered
patent repositories because of their public availability
and because the information contained in patents has
a standard format, enabling automated content
In our vision, a research for a PhD thesis, in most
cases, is not an individual activity. The PhD student
is part of a research group coordinated by a PhD
conductor; a number of such groups are organized in
a doctoral school and they cover some research
domains. The application models this kind of