how apps will be used in the future, and how the busi-
ness plans for app development could look like.
Future work could comprise extension to more
platforms, inclusion of additional features, and more
detailed evaluations. Eventually, testing should be ex-
ecuted by actual users. Despite being only an exam-
ple in this work, research on smart metering is a very
interesting area, and yet demanding. Our work will
include the evaluation of other frameworks and ap-
proaches for hybrid development. We intend to be-
come able to provide project-specific advice on tech-
nology and framework selection.
We would like to thank Marc Fischer and Florian
Blenkle from best practice consulting AG for inspir-
ing this paper’s topic, for professional support, and
for helpful discussions. Furthermore, we are grate-
ful for stylistic suggestions made by Tim Kane and
Veronika Hassel.
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