Alberto Coen Porisini and Sabrina Sicari
Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Informatiche e della Comunicazione, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria,
via Mazzini 5, Varese 21100, Italy
Keywords: WSN, Privacy, Secure Localization, Data Quality.
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the target of different kinds of security attacks. The network nodes,
which sense, aggregate, encrypt and transmit data, play a key role for assuring data quality. In this paper we
present a way in which the network sink can evaluate the nodes reputation in order to determine whether
one or more nodes are behaving maliciously. The approach combines different techniques such secure
localization and privacy aware transmission in order to assess both nodes reputation and data quality.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) technologies
support data collection and distributed data
processing by means of very small sensing devices
(Akyildiz et al., 2007), with limited computation and
energy capabilities.
In many applications contexts it is necessary to
know the location information of sensor nodes
(Akyildiz et al., 2007) and thus, location-aware
sensor devices are becoming the de facto standard in
all domains requiring location-based service.
Equipping each sensor with a GPS receiver is not a
feasible solution from both an economic and
technical perspective since sensors are often
deployed in very large numbers and require manual
configuration. Thus, position is usually computed by
means of nodes cooperation before being
transmitted. The main drawback is that several
security attacks, such as node displacement, distance
enlargement (by introducing fake nodes),
dissemination of false position and distance
information (by compromising nodes) can take
Privacy is another crucial issue for many WSN
applications such as localization and telemedicine.
However, wireless communications and the
deployment in uncontrolled environments raise
several issues since malicious tampering of sensors
and/or traffic may jeopardize the confidentiality, the
integrity, and the availability of data.
Traditional approaches to security and privacy,
which can be found in literature, are based on access
control and strong authentication. However, both
techniques are not suitable to WSN because of the
limited resources and short battery life. Moreover,
approaches based on pre-shared encryption keys are
prone to physical attacks since sensor devices and
their keys can be easily cloned.
This paper tackles both secure localization and
privacy issues following the modeling approach
proposed in (Coen-Porisini et al., 2007), (Coen-
Porisini et al., 2010) and (Coen-Porisini et al., 2010)
in order to define an integrated solution that
considers a sound privacy management policy
coupled with a secure localization protocol. The
presented approach is based on the assessment of
data quality, that is we evaluate to which extent the
information to be processed by applications is
reliable and trustworthy. Our approach combines
together several cheap protection techniques to
evaluate the overall data quality. Although none of
the used techniques guarantees reliability and
trustworthy by itself, we exploit consistency across
them to evaluate data reliability. As a result we
introduce a protocol, named Cross-Layer Protocol
(CLP), that defines the fundamental steps for
assessing data quality. We use privacy compliance
and a secure localization protocol to gather
information about the data generated by the sensors
to assess the overall quality of the data collected by
the sink node.
Coen Porisini A. and Sicari S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003901102030208
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2012), pages 203-208
ISBN: 978-989-8565-01-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Privacy Model
A privacy policy defines the way in which data
referring to individuals can be collected, processed,
and diffused according to the rights that individuals
are entitled to (Directive 95/46/EC). In the
following, a short overview of the conceptual model
for privacy policies is illustrated. The structural
aspects are defined using UML classes and their
relationships. A WSN Privacy Policy is characterized
by three types of classes: Node, Data, and Action.
Node represents a member of the network and it
is characterized by a function and a role. The former
describes the task performed by the node within the
network in which it operates (e.g., data sensing,
message transmission, etc.), while the latter
describes the role played by the node with respect to
privacy. Three distinct classes represent the different
roles: Subject, which is a node that senses the data;
Processor, which is a node that processes data by
performing some kind of action on them (e.g.,
transmission, forwarding, etc.); Controller, which is
a node that verifies the actions executed by
processor nodes.
Data represents the information handled by
processors and is extended by Identifiable data and
Sensed data. The former represents the information
that can be used to uniquely identify nodes, while
the latter represents the information that is sensed by
the nodes of the network. Moreover, Sensed data is
further extended by means of Sensitive data, which
represents the information that deserves particular
care and that should not be freely accessible (e.g.,
health related data). Data is a complex structure
composed of basic information units, named Fields,
each of which represents a partial information
related to the whole data structure. Moreover, data
are aggregated among them to compose Messages,
which represents the basic communication unit
exchanged by the nodes of the network.
Action represents any operation performed by
Node and is extended by Obligation, Processing,
and Purpose. Moreover, each action can be
recursively composed of other actions. Since in a
privacy aware scenario a processing is executed
under a purpose and an obligation, Processing
specifies an aggregation relationship with Purpose
and Obligation. Notice that in the context of WSN
each function usually corresponds to one action. In
order to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of
data as well as to assure that only authorized nodes
are allowed to access such data and execute actions
encryption mechanisms are used. More specifically,
two classes representing encryption keys, named
DataKey and FunctionRoleKey, are introduced. The
former key is used to protect sensed data; while the
latter is used to ensure that message communication
and data handling are executed only by authorized
2.2 The Network
We consider a dense network composed of N nodes
uniquely identified by means of a label n and that
can exchange messages so that all sensed data are
directed to the sink. Each node directly
communicates with its closer neighbors (at one hop
distance) and thus, a sensed data before reaching the
sink passes through different nodes of the network
by means of different messages. Messages represent
a single transmission hop between adjacent nodes
and contain data that may be classified as
identifiable and sensed. A message is denoted by
, where n identifies the node that generated
and transmitted the message and q identifies the
message among those generated by node n.
In order to guarantee the integrity and
confidentiality of the end-to-end communication, we
use a message structure that keeps track of the last
two hops of the transmission. Therefore, a message
, is a tuple
=<curr, prv, sub, sensId, errId, errFl, data, idL>
curr: is the couple <n, q>, which unambiguously
identifies the current message among those
transmitted by node n.
prv: is a couple <n
, q
>, where n
, is the
identifier of the node that operated the last
forwarding of the sensed data contained in the
current message, and q
is the identifier used by
to identify such a message.
sub: is a couple <n
, q
> where n
is the identifier
of the node that originally sensed the data, and q
is the message identifier used by such a node for
the message that started the communication of the
sensed data towards the sink. Notice that in case
of error notification this field identifies the node
that found the error.
sensId: is a couple <n
, q
> that in case of error
notification contains the identifier of the node that
sensed the correct data and the identifier of the
message transmitted by such a node.
errId: is a tuple <n
, q
>, which contains the
identifier of the node that generated the error and
the identifier of the message containing the error
transmitted by such a node.
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
Figure 1: UML Model.
errFl: represents an error code reporting whether
an anomaly was identified in the message content.
data: includes the ciphered data sensed by the
subject node.
idL: is a list containing the identifiers of the
nodes that already processed the data content of
the message.
Notice that fields sensId and errId are used only
when errFl equals 1, that is the message reports an
error notification.
In order to guarantee the confidentiality of
messages content every field but errFl is ciphered.
Notice that a node may play different functions and
roles and therefore it may own multiple function-
role keys (one for each pair of function-role). More
specifically the following function-role pairs are
defined: Sensing-Subject (SS), Authenticator-
Processor (AP), Transmitter-Processor (TP) and
Notifier-Controller (NC). Keys are denoted by k(n,
fr), where n is the node label and fr is the function-
role played by node n (The SS key is equivalent to
the DataKey of the conceptual model). We assume
that keys are pre-shared in the nodes and that each
node contains a table in which it stores the last sent
At sink level, nodes are classified, as far as
localization is concerned, in Verifier and Unknown
nodes. The former are nodes whose position is
known, while the latter are those whose position is
unknown. Notice that Verifier nodes are able to
cooperate among them to verify the position of an
unknown node.
This section presents the protocols introduced in
order to guarantee secure localization and privacy
requirements. More specifically the protocols
introduced the following:
Sensing, which defines the actions that a node
carries out to communicate sensed data;
Message Reception and Integrity Verification,
which defines the actions that a node carries out
when receiving a message from other nodes;
Secure localization, which defines the action that
a node carries out to localize in secure manner;
Cross-layer node evaluation, which defines the
actions performed by the sink in order to evaluate
nodes reputation using the information gathered
from the localization phase and by evaluating
privacy policies compliance.
3.1 The Sensing Protocol
Let n be a node sensing a data d from the
environment. Hence the node acts as a Sensing-
Subject (SS) and therefore d is encrypted using key
k(n, SS). Moreover, let q denote the number of
messages that n already transmitted over the
network. Thus, message m
is prepared according
to the previously discussed structure. Notice that,
when preparing the message the node acts as a
Transmitter-Processor (TP) and therefore every
ciphered field but data is encrypted using k(n, TP).
Thus the non-empty fields of m
curr = sub =<Enc(n,k(n,TP)), Enc(q+1,k(n,TP))>;
data = Enc(d, k(n, SS)); idL = {Enc(n, k(n,TP))};
errFl = 0.
Once prepared part of the message (fields data
and sub) is stored in the local table before being put
in the transmission queue.
3.2 Message Reception and Integrity
Verification Protocol
Let n be a node receiving a message m
, and let q be
the number of messages already transmitted by n
over the network. The message is analyzed to find
out whether it was originally transmitted by the node
itself. This can be done searching the local table
using the content of field prv as hash key. If the
search fails n has to re-transmit the message over the
network, that is n acts as a Transmitter-Processor
(TP). Thus a new message msg
is prepared and
then it is stored in the local table before being put in
transmission queue.
curr = <Enc(n,k(n,TP)), Enc(q+1,k(n,TP))>;
prv = m
sub = m
.sub; sendId = m
.sendId; errFl = 0;
data = m
.data; idL = m
{Enc(n, k(n,TP))}.
Instead if the search succeeds, then m
transmitted by n and therefore the integrity of the
received message is verified, that is n acts as a
Notifier-Controller (NC). Hence, the node compares
the content of field data of the received message
with the information retrieved from its table. If the
information matches, this means that the node from
which it received the message preserved the integrity
of the content. In this case, no additional action is
performed by the node.
If the content of field data is different from the
one extracted from the local table or no data entry
corresponds to the search key, this means that
something wrong happened. In this case, the node
generates a new message msg
in order to notify
the sink that a corrupted message is spreading
through the network.
curr = sub =<Enc(n,k(n,TP)), Enc(q+1,k(n,TP))>;
sendId = retrieved.sub; errId = m
.curr. errFl = 1;
data = Enc(, k(n,NC));
idL = m
{Enc(n, k(n,TP))}.
Notice that errFl is set to 1 to indicate that the
current message is an error message; field prv is
empty to avoid message loops with the malicious
node and the spreading of error messages; both
fields sub and curr are set to n to specify which node
found the error; sendId equals field sub of the
message stored in the local table, to report which
node has sensed the original data; errId equals field
curr of the received message to report which node
made the mistake. Finally, field data is set by
encrypting with the Notifier-Controller key the
homonymous field retrieved from the local table.
Once generated the message is stored in the local
table before being put in the transmission queue.
3.3 Secure Localization
Node positions are evaluated using a multilateration
technique, which determines the node coordinates by
exploiting a set of landmark nodes, called anchor
nodes, whose positions are known. The position of
an unknown node u is computed using an estimation
of the distances between the anchor nodes and u.
Notice that such distances are computed by
measuring the time needed to get a reply to a beacon
message sent to u. This is done under the assumption
that the speed of the signal in the medium in which
the transmission occurs is known.
In case node u behaves maliciously, the only way
in which it may pretend to be in a location different
to the actual one is by delaying the reply to the
beacon message. However, under some conditions, it
is possible to detect such malicious behaviors by
using the Verifiable Multilateration (VM) technique
(Capkun and Hubaux, 2006), which uses three or
more anchor nodes (verifiers) to detect misbehaving
Once computed by the verifiers, the estimated
position of u undergoes two different tests before
being considered as reliable. The first test, known as
-test, aims at verifying whether the estimated
position is compatible with the distance bounds
previously computed, while the second test, known
as point-in-the-triangle-test, aims at verifying
whether the estimated position of u lies inside the
triangle formed by the three verifiers.
More specifically, if the
-test fails then the
estimation is considered to be affected by malicious
tampering and thus node u is marked as Malicious.
If the
-test is passed node u is marked as Robust or
Unknown depending on whether u lies inside the
triangle formed by the three verifiers.
3.4 Cross-layer Node Evaluation
The sink evaluates the trustworthiness of the nodes
of the network by using both looking at the
messages it receives and the information gathered
during the localization phase. Notice that the sink
uses a node reputation table to store information
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
about nodes trustworthiness. Such a table reports for
each node two different values, the first of which
provides information about node localization (i.e.,
Robust, Malicious or Unknown), while the second
one provides information about privacy compliance
(i.e., PrivacyCompliant or PrivacyViolation). Notice
that initially, anchor nodes (i.e., verifiers) are
considered to be Robust, while the remaining nodes
are classified as Unknown. Moreover, initially all
nodes are considered to be PrivacyCompliant.
Each time the sink receives a message it carries
out the evaluation by checking whether field errFl is
set to 1 or not. If it is, this means that the received
message is an error notification message. As a
consequence, the reputation of the node whose
identifier is reported by field idErr (i.e., the node
that made the mistakes reported by the message) is
updated by assigning the value PrivacyViolation.
Notice that, in such a case the field data of the
message contains the correct message, which can be
further processed by the sink.
Otherwise, if field errFl equals 0 then the
received message contains sensed data and therefore
the sink before processing data evaluates the
trustworthiness of all the nodes that handled the
sensed data (i.e., the nodes whose identifiers are
stored in fields sub, idL and curr) by means of the
reputation table.
If the reputation is Robust and PrivacyCompliant
the sink considers the data as reliable; otherwise if
the reputation is Malicious or PrivacyViolation the
data are discarded; finally if the reputation is
Unknown and PrivacyCompliant the data may be
processed or discarded depending on the sink policy.
Finally, it must be noticed that a malicious node may
decide not to lie on its position, still providing fake
information in term of sensed data. In order to
uncover this kind of malicious behaviors other
consistency properties can be exploited.
Notice that even if fake data may be produced by
a node that provided authentic localization
information, knowing the real position of the
malicious node may help the sink to take appropriate
counter-measures. In conclusion, cross-layer
analysis enables a more careful assessment of the
overall quality of the received data, thus avoiding
malicious poisoning.
Designing secure WSN is a very mature research
field (an exhaustive and very comprehensive view of
this topic can be found in (Chan and Perrig, 2003)).
Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, no
solution is able to take into account privacy, data
integrity and secure localization issues at the same
time using end-to-end encryption techniques.
As far as privacy is concerned, the available
solutions may be classified into two main groups:
anonymity mechanisms based on data cloaking
(Gruteser et al., 2003) and privacy policy based
approaches (Snekkenes, 2001).
For instance, (Gruteser et al., 2003) proposes a
solution that guarantees the anonymous usage of
location based information, focusing on localization
services and therefore, constrains the middleware
architecture required to support the proposed
Other approaches belonging to the former
solution are K-Anonymity (Samarati and Sweeney,
1998); Decentralize Sensible Data, in which sensed
location data is distributed through a spanning tree,
so that no single node holds the complete view of
the original data; Secure Communication Channel,
in which the use of a secure communication
protocols, such as SPINS (Perrig et al., 2002),
reduces the eavesdropping and active attack risk by
means of encryption techniques; Change Data
Traffic, in which the traffic pattern is altered with
some bogus data that obfuscate the real position of
the nodes; Node Mobility, in which the sensor nodes
are moved in order to change dynamically the
localization information, making it difficult to
identify the node.
Privacy policy based approaches (Coen-Porisini
et al., 2010), (Gruteser and Grunwald, 2003),
(Snekkenes, 2001), (Molnar and Wagner, 2004) state
who can use individuals data, which data can be
collected, for what purpose the data can be used, and
how they can be distributed. A common policy
based approach addresses privacy concerns at
database layer after data have been collected
(Snekkenes, 2001). Other works (Molnar and
Wagner, 2004) address the access control and
authentication issues, for instance Duri et al.(Duri et
al., 2000) propose a policy based framework for
protecting sensor information.
As far as data integrity is concerned, most of the
proposed solutions are based on the adoption of
encryption techniques, ad-hoc key distribution
schemes (Eschenauer and Gligor, 2002), (Pietro et
al., 2003), (Pietro et al., 2009), authentication,
access control solutions.
Data quality is a fundamental requirement in any
WSN scenario. Our approach allows the sink to
analyze data trustworthiness by exploiting
consistency on cross-layer information, i.e., node
localization and privacy violations.
More specifically, the trustworthiness about the
node position information and the privacy
compliance are used for evaluating data
trustworthiness. In fact node position, being target of
different kind of attacks (e.g., malicious node
displacement, distance enlargement) can be used to
identify malicious behaviour.
Our approach is largely independent from the
adopted routing protocols, the verification
localization algorithm and the used encryption
technique. Besides assessing data trustworthiness we
provide an integrated framework for facing privacy
and secure localization issues at the same time. CLP
definition is supported by means of a UML
conceptual model that defines privacy policies in the
context of WSN. The model provides the basic
concepts involved when dealing with privacy-related
information. At the moment we are carrying out
simulations in order to evaluate the CLP
performance in real settings.
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