A Common Crafts Ontology
Andrea Horch and Maximilien Kintz
Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management, IAT University of Stuttgart
Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Ontology, Semantic Web, Crafts, Craftsmen.
In this paper we introduce GeCCO (German Crafts & Craftsmen Ontology), an ontology to establish a common
crafts classification, to be used for example in craftsmen search systems. Current standardized categorization
systems, which order crafts, do not include all needed logical connections between crafts and craftsmen as
well as the synonyms for a sufficient use in a search system. Actual craftsmen search systems have their own
categorizations of crafts and craftsmen, but they have the same problems as the standardized systems.
The crafts ontology proposed in this paper solves the mentioned problems by creating an extensible class
hierarchy as well as by defining synonyms and all needed logical connections between the classes. For quality
assurance the ontology was evaluated by crafts experts.
There are several search platforms and online market-
places like MyHammer
for search-
ing craftsmen. Most of them are organized by key-
word search combined with a search by various cate-
gories. These platforms are not using a consistent and
standardized form to categorize crafts.
Currently in Germany there are two popular cate-
gorization systems ordering crafts:
1. The German Crafts Code
which lists more than 100 crafts and crafts similar
2. The eCl@ss
classification system for products
and services.
These systems are not sufficient for use in crafts
search services since they do not include enough log-
ical connections between a craft and the associated
craftsmen. The German Crafts Code does not de-
scribe the overlap of craftsmen having common activ-
ities. eCl@ss shows only some connections between
a craft and its performing craftsmen in the form of
Thus there are no existing crafts categorization sys-
tems sufficient for the use in search systems. The on-
tology proposed in this paper shall close this gap. We
named it GeCCO (German Crafts & Craftsmen On-
tology) since it is modeled on the structure of the ger-
man crafts like given in the German Crafts Code.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 ex-
plains the limitations of current crafts classifications
and search systems. Section 3 gives some examples
for related work. Section 4 introduces the approach
for the ontology development. The proposed concepts
of the ontology are presented in section 5. The eval-
uation is shown in section 6. We conclude and give
some future prospects in section 7.
The common crafts ontology proposed in this pa-
per focuses on two aspects: the creation of a con-
sistent crafts categorization and the development of
a crafts model including all logical connections be-
tween crafts and the associated craftsmen by using
semantic technologies.
Testing five of the most popular online craftsmen
search systems (see table 1) we identified the follow-
ing current problems in their crafts categorizations:
1. Redundancy of Classes: a craftsman class has
more than one master category. There is only
Horch A. and Kintz M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003902003550360
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 355-360
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a hierarchical connection between the craftsman
class (presented in each master class) and its di-
rect master class, but there are no logical con-
nections between the craftsman class and all of
its master classes (see figure 1) or between these
craftsman classes among each other.
Windows & Doors
Joinery & Carpentry
Joiner / Carpenter
Figure 1: Redundancy of craftsman classes.
This kind of classification returns different search
results for each instance of the craftsman class.
2. Fuzzy Classification: a craftsman class is not as-
signed to the expected master class. Instead, it is
categorized in a fuzzy named class like "Miscel-
laneous" or "Other" (see figure 2).
Construction Work
Cycle Mechanic
Figure 2: Fuzzy classification.
Thus, the craftsman class is very hard to find.
3. Disregard for Equivalent Classes: equivalent
craftsman classes are assigned to different master
classes and there is no logical connection between
them (see figure 3).
Windows & Doors
Window Builder
Joiner / Carpenter
Figure 3: Disregard for equivalent classes.
That means the equivalent classes are completely
separated from each other therefore they return
different search results.
Other problems are missing synonyms and unre-
garded changes in the structure of a craft like the
consolidation of some craft trades to one trade (in
Germany the trades "forger" and "locksmith" were
combined to the trade "metal worker" in the 1980s
(Berufe-Lexikon, 2011)).
For solving all introduced problems a system rep-
resenting the objects of the crafts domain (classifica-
tion) and the relationships among them is needed. For
Table 1: Tested crafts search systems.
Platform Name URL
Find a Craftsman
this purpose an ontology was created and is proposed
in this paper. An ontology is defined as "an explicit
specification of a conceptualization" (Gruber, 1993),
which represents the domain knowledge including all
objects and their relationships.
The ASTECH project (Pralon and Million-Rousseau,
2011) defines a craft ontology and terminologies for
knowledge sharing in the sector of the renewable en-
ergies area across Europe. The Web Ontology for
Products and Services (eClassOWL
) the semantic
model of the eCl@ss classifcation system (see section
1) is an approach to classify products and services,
which also includes some crafts services.
(Uschold and King, 1995) introduce a methodology
that presents several recommendations and steps for
building ontologies. Some analysis of this method-
ology done in (López, 1999) results in the finding,
that the methodology does not propose a life cycle for
ontology design, which could be a problem when ex-
tending or reengineering the ontology for purposes of
quality assurance.
Nevertheless we have chosen the mentioned
methodology for creating our ontology since it is a
purpose driven approach of ontology design. In some
steps we adapted it a bit and integrated a cycle for
the purposes of quality assurance. After including our
adjustments the methodology results in the following
steps for ontology design (see figure 4):
1. Identification of Purpose(s).
(Uschold and King, 1995) determine that clarify-
ing the purpose(s) of the ontology (use cases and
users) is important for the ontology design.
2. Ontology Capture.
This step covers the identification of the key con-
cepts like classes, class hierarchies and the rela-
1. Identification
of purpose(s)
2. Ontology
3. Building the
Ontology Concept
4. Evaluation by
Domain Experts
5. Coding /
Modelling of the
6. Evaluation of
Figure 4: Ontology design steps.
tionships among them. Additionally it includes
the definition of clear textual names for the classes
and relations (Uschold and King, 1995).
3. Building the Ontology Concept.
This part of ontology design contains the creation
of triples (subject, predicate, object; for more in-
formation see (Segaran et al., 2009)) to sketch the
ontological concept (classes, class hierarchies, re-
lationships) in a form readable and understand-
able for domain experts (who usually are no on-
tology experts); like e.g. tables of an Excel sheet.
4. Evaluation by Domain Experts.
Some domain experts evaluate the created con-
cept. If necessary, they do some corrections and
provide suggestions for improvement. This step
and step No. 3 can be repeated till the experts
confirm the correctness of the ontology concept.
5. Coding/Modeling of the Ontology.
After the first evaluation step the ontology be-
comes coded or modeled in an ontology descrip-
tion language like OWL (W3C, 2009) or DAML
+ OIL (Stevens et al., 2003) including all logical
6. Evaluation of Consistency.
Check the ontology for conceptual consistency;
e.g. by using a reasoner like HermiT (Shearer
et al., 2008) or Pellet (Sirin and Parsia, 2004).
To model the ontology we decided to use Protégé
since it is an open source editor, which underlies a
continuous development process. Furthermore Pro-
tégé offers support as well as a lot of features like
several reasoners (Horridge et al., 2007).
The ontology was built in the standardized Web
Ontology Language (OWL 2 DL) (W3C, 2009).
Some parts of the ontology we want to describe in
detail in this paper are held in Manchester OWL Syn-
tax (W3C, 2009) (Horridge et al., 2006) and some de-
scription logics (Baader et al., 2008) for clarity.
The basis of the ontology is built by the four main
classes Craft, Craftsman, Object and TypeOfLoss (see
figure 5), which are disjoint from each other.
Figure 5: Ontology structure.
These four main classes have all the same structure.
They are subclasses of the class Thing and have an
English and a German label.
Class : Cr aft
Ann otations :
l abel " c r af t "@en
l abel " Handwerk "@de,
SubClassOf :
DisjointWith :
Craftsman , Object , TypeOfLoss
Listing 1: Class craft.
The class Craft (see listing 1) is the main class of all
different crafts like masonry, roofing work, etc. The
class Craftsman is the main class of all craftsmen like
a mason or a roofer. The class Object comprises the
classes of objects, which can be processed by a crafts-
man. TypeOfLoss is the main class of the different
types of losses, which can damage an object; e.g. the
breakage of glass or a fire loss.
Like shown in figure 5 the classes of the ontol-
ogy are restricted by eight different object properties.
Each two of the defined object properties are inverse.
The object property processes and its inverse
isProcessedBy define which craftsman processes
which object(s) (see listing 2).
ObjectProperty : pro ces s es
Ann otations :
l ab e l " p roc es s es "@en,
l ab e l " b e a r b e i t e t "@de
C h a r a c t e ri s t i cs :
Asymmetric ,
I r r e f l e x i v e
Domain :
Range :
InverseOf : ’ i s process ed by ’
Listing 2: Object property processes.
ObjectProperty : ’ i s component of
Ann otations :
l ab e l " i s component of "@en,
l ab e l " i s t B e s t an d teil von "@de
C h a r a c t e ri s t i cs :
T r an s i ti v e
Domain :
Range :
InverseOf : ’ c o n si s t s of
Listing 3: Object property isComponentOf.
The object property offersService and its inverse
isOfferedBy describe which craftsman offers which
Which type of loss often damages which object(s)
is given by the object property damagesOften and its
inverse oftenDamagedBy.
The structure of the object properties offersSer-
vice, damagesOften and their inverses is equal to the
structure of the object property processes and its in-
verse. The six depicted object properties are all de-
fined as asymmetric and irreflexive.
The object property isComponentOf (see listing
3) and its inverse consistsOf is a special property,
because it defines which object consists of which
other object(s). That means, the object property is
transitive; so domain as well as range refer to the
class Object.
All crafts are defined as subclasses of the class
Craft. The class Masonry, for instance, describes the
characteristics of the craft masonry (see equation 1).
Looking at the definition of the class Masonry
one can see that masonry is a craft offered by a ma-
son or a concrete worker (object property: ’is service
of’). The keyword "some" defines that it exists at
least one mason (class Mason) and at least some con-
crete worker (class ConcreteWorker) whose offered
services include masonry.
Masonry Craft isServiceOf.Mason
It is impossible to claim that there are no other crafts-
men offering masonry work. Craft is very complex,
it is imprecisely defined which craftsmen offer which
crafts and some crafts overlap in some activities.
Thus, class restrictions can only be defined by the
quantifier , which defines existential restrictions,
and may not be defined by defining universal
The subclasses of the main class Craftsman de-
fine the different craftsmen, e.g. the class Mason.
The logical definition of the class Mason is given by
the following term:
Mason ConcreteWorker (Craftsman
of fersService.Masonry
of fersService.NaturalStoneProcessing
of fersService.InsulationWork
of fersService.DiaphragmWallWork
of fersService.ScreedWork)
StormLoss is an example for a subclass of the main
class TypeOfLoss. These subclasses define the types
of loss, which often damage some objects (equation
3). For determining the objects a type of loss often
damages, one also has to use an existential restriction,
because a type of loss can damage much more objects
than can be defined by the ontology.
From the subclasses of the main class Object one
can get lots of information like which types of loss
often damages the object, which craftsmen process it
and if it is a component of another object or if it con-
sists of other objects. An exampleis given by the class
WindowGlass (see equation 4).
StormLoss (TypeOfLoss
WindowGlass (BuildingElement
oftenDamagedBy. Avalanche)
The object property isComponentOf and its inverse
consistsOf are transitive. For example: a tile consists
of clay and a tile roof consists of tiles, which implies
that a tile roof also consists of clay.
SolarEnergySpecialist (Craftsman
(AirHeatingFitter Electrician
ElectronicsTechnician HeatingEngineer
Roofer StoveEngineer)
of ferService.SolarEngineering
GeCCO models synonyms as labels (classes have dif-
ferent English and German labels to describe syn-
onyms). Examples for synonyms are the terms joiner
and cabinet maker or masonry and walling. Special
craftsmen are subclasses of other craftsman classes;
e.g. solar expert is subclass of roofer or electrician
(equation 5).
GeCCO defines a total of 524 classes and 8 ob-
ject properties. The main class Craft has 106 sub-
classes. The main class Craftsman has 185 sub-
classes. 211 classes are subclasses of the main
class Object, whereas the last main class TypeOfLoss
counts 17 subclasses.
From the design criteria described in section 4 and
the ones mentioned in (Gruber, 1993) we can derive
the following criteria for doing the evaluation:
1. Structural/Technical Consistency.
This first point affects the technical correctness of
the ontology. That means, if it is structurally as
well as logically correct. GeCCO was tested for
its consistency by using three different reasoners:
, Pellet
and FaCT++
. These evaluation
steps meet the criteria of Clarity, Coherence and
Extendibility described in (Gruber, 1993) and the
Ontology Capture step of section 4.
2. Functional/Textual Consistency.
Functional / textual consistency means the accu-
racy of the ontology content, or rather the ontol-
ogy concept. That affects the ontology class hier-
archy, the logical connections between the classes
as well as the design of synonyms.
For these purposes we created an Excel sheet in-
cluding the crafts and craftsman classes of the on-
tology as well as the connections between them
in form of different tables. We designed it in the
form of triples (subject, predicate, object). The
first design was made in Excel since it was the
format of choice of our domain experts. These
domain experts, who supported the creation of the
ontology domain concept, were employees of the
Chamber of Crafts of Stuttgart. Ontology model-
ing activities in OWL did not start before the eval-
uation of the Excel version of the domain concept
was finished.
This evaluation approach fits the design criteria of
Minimal encoding bias and Minimal ontological
commitment as introduced in (Gruber, 1993) and
the Ontology Concept step of section 4.
3. Practical Suitability.
In the first design step of section 4 we mentioned
the proposition of (Uschold and King, 1995) , who
determine that it is essential for ontology design
to clarify the purpose(s) of the ontology. From
this determination we derive the importance for
ontology evaluation to examine the suitability of
the created ontology for the purpose of its creation
defined in the first step of the ontology design.
Therefore we developed a semantic craftsmen
search based on GeCCO, which we tested for
different search queries. The craftsmen search
is connected to a test-database containing real
craftsmen data.
The main problem GeCCO focuses on is the fact
that laymen often do not know which craftsman is
processing which damage. GeCCO helps a user of
a craftsmen search system to find the right crafts-
man for eliminating a damage. Therefore a user
can just type in the name of the damaged item
or the craft he is searching for as a keyword into
the semantic search and GeCCO will find the right
type(s) of craftsmen for doing the database search.
The evaluation of GeCCO has shown that GeCCO is
structural and technical as well as functional and tex-
tual consistent. The test for the practical suitability
for the use case of a craftsmen search system demon-
strated the comfort of a semantic system based on a
domain ontology.
We have introduced GeCCO, an ontology describing
crafts. GeCCO delivers a good class basis for crafts
search services or crafts translation services, but does
not claim to be complete.
In this paper we have also shown how to evalu-
ate the ontology. We have checked the ontology for
structural consistency and evaluated the concept by
the support of domain experts. The ontology was
tested as basis of a semantic craftsmen search and has
passed the test. The test has shown the comfort of an
ontology-based user guidance for web searches, espe-
cially for complex search domains like crafts.
Further work should focus on the maintanance and
the extension of GeCCO. One way to extend the on-
tology could be the use of GeCCO in an online search
system in conjunction with an automatism, which
learns from user entries and extends GeCCO automat-
ically by using the acquired knowledge.
Furthermore GeCCO could be extented by other
modules like eClassOWL (see section 3), e.g. by em-
bedding the product-classes of eClassOWL as object-
classes into GeCCO.
The work published in this article was partially
funded by the openXchange project of the German
Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology under
the promotional reference 01MQ09011.
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