Marco Comerio
University of Milano - Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Service Selection, Service Contract, Data Contract, Data Quality, Cloud Computing.
The application of techniques to improve the data quality of an organization is traditionally costly since differ-
ent specific tools are required. Potentially, cloud computing models could offer powerful solutions to reduce
costs. However, some challenges remain in the widespread acceptance of cloud computing models because
they require the sharing of business critical data. Therefore, services for data quality improvements in the
cloud should act in compliance with predefined contracts. This paper extends previous works on the specifi-
cation, selection and evaluation of service and data contracts. Moreover, a cloud-based architecture for data
quality improvement that supports contract-based service selection is proposed. Experimental activities on a
real scenario demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution.
In the last decade, the research has focused on defin-
ing data quality methodologies (Batini and Scanna-
pieco, 2006) providing a set of guidelines that defines
a rational process to select, customize, and apply data
quality techniques for improving the quality of data
of an organization. Techniques for data quality im-
provement can be divided into three different cate-
gories: (i) data cleansing techniques (e.g., standard-
ization, normalization and record linkage), which are
applied to correct errors, standardize information, and
validate data; (ii) data integration techniques (e.g.,
data and schema integration), which support the link-
ing of data elements about the same item available in
different data sources and the consolidation of these
data elements into a single view; (iii) data enrich-
ment techniques (e.g., data verification and data vali-
dation), which support the incorporation of additional
data from external sources to complete and verify ex-
isting records. The application of data cleansing, in-
tegration and enrichment techniques inside an orga-
nization is traditionally costly since different specific
tools are required.
The emerging cloud computing paradigm sup-
ports the Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) and Data-as-a-
Service (DaaS) distribution models in which software
and data are made available as on-demand services to
the customers. Potentially, these distribution models
could offer powerful solutions to reduce costs in per-
forming data quality improvement inside an organi-
zation. The SaaS model (Viega, 2009) can be used to
provide data quality improvement tools and the DaaS
model (Truong et al., 2011) can be used e.g., for data
enrichment activities. In this paper, SaaS and DaaS
dealing with data quality improvement are referred to
data intensive services.
The possibility to use data intensive services in the
cloud should be deeply investigated. By moving from
tools and data sources in an organization to data in-
tensive services in the cloud, traditional data quality
improvement activities must be re-formulated(Come-
rio et al., 2010). Moreover,some challenges remain in
the widespread acceptance of SaaS and DaaS delivery
models because they require the sharing of business
critical data (Li et al., 2009). Due to this fact, data
intensive services should act in compliance with pre-
defined agreements with the customer. The generic
term contract is used to refer to these agreements, the
specific term service contract is used when the con-
tract deals with Quality of Service (QoS), business,
contextual and legal terms related to a service and the
term data contract is used when the contract deals
with data managed by a service. Typically, service
and data contracts are composed of one or more con-
tractual terms that specify conditions established on
the basis of non-functional parameters.
Current data intensive services are typically asso-
ciated with human-readable contracts that hinder their
automatic evaluation and selection. In the literature,
Comerio M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003902802220227
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 222-227
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
different approaches (e.g., policies, licenses, service
level agreements) for the specification of structured
contracts have been proposed. These approaches de-
fine contractual terms by means of <attribute,value>
clauses that prevent the inclusion of articulated con-
tractual terms specifying technological and business
interdependencies among non-functional parameters
(e.g., a higher price for the service that guarantees a
certain bandwidth). Moreover, these approaches sup-
port only the specification of service contracts with-
out any reference to the data managed by the services
(Comerio et al., 2009b).
Contract specification is not the only impediment
to the use of data intensive services in the cloud.
Current tools for data quality improvements (e.g.,
DataFlux dfPower Studio
) provide a limited sup-
port for the integration of third-party services and do
not support automatic contract-based service selec-
tion. Basically, even if they allow for the usage of
external tools for specific data quality activities (e.g.,
geocoding services for data quality enrichment), the
selection of these tools is performed manually.
Previous works provide contributions to automate
the evaluation and selection of contracts (namely,
the matchmaking process) w.r.t. a set of user re-
quirements. In (De Paoli et al., 2008), a se-
mantic metamodel, namely Policy-Centered Meta-
model (PCM), has been defined to support expres-
sive descriptions of contractual terms according to a
language-independent ontology. The PCM was ex-
ploited as intermediate format to develop a hybrid
matchmaking process (Comerio et al., 2009a), where
hybrid indicates the capability of addressing symbolic
and numeric values and expressions. The match-
making process has been implemented by the Policy
Matchmaker and Ranker (PoliMaR) framework
This paper extends previous works providing new
contributions on modeling non-functional parameters
that are relevant when performing data quality im-
provement activities in the cloud. Moreover, a cloud-
based architecture that supports contract-based ser-
vice selection is proposed. Experimental activities on
a real scenario demonstrates the feasibility of the pro-
posed solutions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reports the new contribution on modeling con-
tracts for data intensive services. The proposed cloud-
based architecture is described in Section 3 and tested
in Section 4 on a real scenario. Related works are de-
scribed in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper
and outlines future works.
The analysis of existing contracts offered by real data
intensive services (e.g., Strikerion
, Postcode Any-
and Jigsaw
) allows the identification of non-
functional parameters that must be considered when
modeling contracts. In order to allow the semantic
specification of these parameters in PCM-based con-
tracts for data intensive services, a reference ontol-
ogy (namely, Data Contract Ontology (DCOnto)) has
been produced. In this section, the attention is fo-
cused on Data Rights terms (Truong et al., 2011) re-
lated to data handling and anonymity.
2.1 Modeling Data Handling
Several different authorizations on data handling can
regulate the exchange of data between the data owner
and the data intensive service provider. Examples of
rights to be observed when a data owner sends data
to the data intensive service and asks for a particular
request (e.g., data cleansing) are:
no-reuse: the service can use the data only to pro-
cess the request and after that the data must be
deleted. Re-use is not allowed.
reuse for commercial use (reuse4CU): the data are
used to process the request and, possible, to pro-
cess third-party requests. Re-use is allowed.
data must be managed according to a particular
Open Data Commons license
Public Domain Dedication and License
(PDDL): the data can be copied and dis-
tributed. Moreover, the data can be modified
and elaborated to produce new data assets.
Distribution and re-use are allowed.
Attribution License (ODC-By): as the PDDL
but with the restriction that any distribution and
re-use of the data (or of new data assets pro-
duced from them) must be attributed to the orig-
inal license.
Open Database License (ODC-ODbL): as the
ODC-By with the additional restriction that the
data (or of newdata assets producedfrom them)
must be distributed under the same license.
This hinders the commercial use of the data.
Data handling contractual terms are characterized
by inclusion relations (). As an example, if a data
owner requests a data cleansing activity on data cov-
ered by a ODC-By license, a data intensive service
that offers the same license for data handling or li-
censes that include it (i.e., the more restrictive li-
censes ODC-ODbL, no-reuse or reuse4CU) must be
selected. The complete set of inclusion relations on
data handling terms is the following: ODC ODbL
noReuse, PDDL ODC By, ODC By ODC
ODbL, ODC By reuse4CU and reuse4CU
A fragment of DCOnto that models the data han-
dling terms ODC-By and ODC-ODbL is shown in
Figure 1. To be noticed that the terms are modelled
as instances of the DataHandlingType concept. The
modeling of the inclusion relations is performed by
means of relationInstances pcm#composedOf.
concept DataHandlingType
instance odcBy memberOf DataHandlingType
instance odcOdbl memberOf DataHandlingType
relationInstance pcm#composedOf( odcOdbl , odcBy )
Figure 1: Data handling terms modeling.
2.2 Modeling Anonymity
Anonymity is an important requirement when dealing
with privacy-aware data intensive services. In gen-
eral, data can be categorized into different classes.
Among them, one class includes data, referred to as
sensitive data, concerning the private life, political or
religious creed and so on, while another class con-
tains data that describes the identity of individuals
(e.g., first name, family name, etc.) (Coen-Porisini
et al., 2010). A privacy-aware data intensive service
must assure that only authorized users can view the
existing relationships between sensitive data and the
identity of the individuals.
Different data modification methods (e.g., pertur-
bation and blocking) can be used when dealing with
the anonymity of data that needs to be released to
the public. To measure the anonymity, several met-
rics characterized by different levels of applicability,
complexity and generality are available. Similar to
data handling terms, the anonymity metrics present
inclusion relations. For example, let us consider the
metrics k-anonymity and l-diversity.
A dataset provides k-anonymity protection if the
information for each person contained in the dataset
cannot be distinguished from at least k-1 individu-
als whose information also appears in the dataset.
As shown in (Machanavajjhala et al., 2007), a k-
anonymized dataset has some subtle, but severe pri-
vacy problems (namely, the homogeneity attack and
the background knowledge attack). The metric l-
diversity solves these privacy problems introducing
the restriction that the k-anonymazed individuals are
characterized by at least l-diverse sensitive informa-
tion. Therefore, l-diversity introduces privacy beyond
k-anonymity and so when a data owner requests for
k-anonymity data management, a data intensive ser-
vice offering the k-anonymity or l-diversity (with k=l)
must be selected.
Since k-anonymity and l-diversity assume
numeric values, they must be modelled as
quantitative terms. The PCM allows for the
specification of single value terms and range
terms by means of pcm#SingleValueExpression
and pcm#RangeExpression. The relation
k anonymity l diversity cannot be directly
modelled into DCOnto since it is valid only when
k=l. However, it must be considered and evaluated
along the service matchmaking process by means
of predefined matching rules. Figure 2 shows a
matching rules stating that a request for a single value
k-anonymity must be evaluated with offered terms on
single value k-anonymity and l-diversity.
axiom anonymityMatching definedBy
matchCouple ( ?request , ?offer , anonymity ) :
( ?request memberOf dcOnto#singleValueKAnonymity
) and
( ? of f e r memberOf dcOnto#singleValueKAnonymity)
( ? of f e r memberOf dcOnto#singleValueLDiversity ) .
Figure 2: Matching rule for single value anonymity terms.
In (Comerio et al., 2010), a preliminary cloud-based
conceptual architecture for data quality improvement
has been proposed. Basically, this architecture allows
a data owner to invoke a data quality SaaS provid-
ing data cleansing, data integration and data enrich-
ment services. The data quality SaaS can directly of-
fer the services or it can act as a broker that selects
and invokes the best SaaS/DaaS over the cloud able
to satisfy the data owner request. The cloud-based
conceptual architecture in (Comerio et al., 2010) does
not provide support for the evaluation of service and
data contracts. This limitation can be overcome with
the integration of a new component for contract-based
service selection.
In this paper, the resulting conceptual architecture
is applied to extend the architecture of DataFlux df-
Power Studio
, a commercial solution for data qual-
ity engineering activities. Within the dfPower Studio,
the dfPower Architect supports the definition of work-
flows (namely, jobs) that are composed by different
nodes (namely, steps) configurable via metadata prop-
erties. Furthermore, DataFlux also offers the Enter-
prise Integration Server (EIS) to support the execu-
tion of dfPower Architect jobs and their conversion to
Web services. Through tight integration with the df-
Power Architect, the EIS enables the complete reuse
of jobs and services. However, the automatic selec-
tion and invocation of external data intensive services
in the cloud is not supported.
Figure 3: DataFlux dfPower Studio extended architecture.
Figure 3 shows the extensions proposed for the
architecture of DataFlux dfPower Studio. Two new
steps are introduced: service selection and service in-
vocation. The Service Selection step receives a Re-
quest specifying the requested contractual terms of
the service to be selected and realizes the selection
process on PCM-based contracts. The matchmak-
ing process is realized through the following phases:
a Term Matching phase, which identifies couples of
comparable requested and offered contractual terms;
a Local Evaluation, that computes a local degree (LD)
of match between each couple; a Global Evaluation,
which exploits LDs to compute a global degree (GD)
of match for each offered contract; and a Contract Se-
lection that performs a sorting based on the GDs and
returns the best matching contract. As mentioned in
Section 1, the matchmaking process has been imple-
mented in the PoliMaR framework. Therefore, the
DataFlux has recently released a new version of the tool
changing its name into Data Management Studio.
usage of a service selection step in dfPower Architect
jobs basically consists in a invocation of PoliMaR,
seen as an external service.
The Service Invocation step receivesthe ID of the
service to be invoked and the data to be sent to the ser-
vice (e.g., the URI of an external data enrichment ser-
vice and the data to be enriched). The service invoca-
tion step invokes a wrapper that supports the follow-
ing three-phase process: (i) the mapping between the
input of the service invocation step and the input of
the selected service; (ii) the invocation of the selected
service and (iii) the mapping between the output of
the selected service and the output of the service in-
vocation step. The mapping rules used along phases
(i) and (iii) are predefined and available into a rule
In order to verify the feasibility of the architecture
proposed in Section 3, a test on a real scenario has
been performed.
The Academic Patenting in Europe (APE-INV)
project has the objective to produce a freely available
database on academic patenting in Europe, that will
contain reliable and comparable information on the
contribution of European academic scientists to tech-
nology transfer via patenting. The reference source
of raw patent data is the PATSTAT database, issued
for statistical purposes by the European Patent Of-
fice (EPO)
. The raw data of the PATSTAT database
presents data quality issues (e.g., the addresses of the
inventors in the database are often inaccurate causing
the presence of duplicated records).
To execute the test, the following process has been
realized: (i) Geocoding Step: usage of a geocod-
ing service to verify/correct the addresses of the in-
ventors; (ii) De-duplication Step: usage of a de-
duplication service to identify and delete duplicated
records; (iii) Enrichment Step: usage of an enrich-
ment service to extend data of the inventor’s city of
residence with information about the number of in-
habitants. This information is useful for statistical
The process has been designed as a dfPower Ar-
chitect job, where the geocoding and enrichment
steps are realized by means of the selection and in-
vocation steps described in Section 3. The objec-
tive is to show that, changing the requested contrac-
tual terms (namely, Request), different functional-
equivalent services can be selected and invoked at
Figure 4: Examples of the selection performed for the
geocoding step.
Due to space limit, the description of the test pro-
ceeds focusing only on the geocoding step. The en-
richment step is performed similarly. Figure 4 shows
how the selection for the geocoding step is performed.
Tree geocoding services are available; two of them
are services in the cloud (namely, Google Geocod-
and Yahoo! PlaceFinder
) and the last one
(Rooftop Geocoding) is an internal service offered
by DataFlux dfPower Studio. Each service is char-
acterized by a contract including contractual terms
on the pricing type, the service coverage and typ-
ical data quality metrics (i.e., accuracy, reliability,
data currency and completeness). The selection has
been performed considering two different Requests
containing contractual terms associated with differ-
ent relevance value in [0..1] (i.e., the importance for
the requestor to have the terms satisfied). The for-
mer contains strictly-required (relevance=1) contrac-
tual terms on pricing type and service coverage and
preferred terms (relevance=0.8) on data quality met-
rics. The latter contains strictly-required contractual
terms on pricing type, service coverage and data cur-
rency and optional terms (relevance=0.2) on accu-
racy, reliability and completeness. Figure 4 shows
that: (i) the selection step for the first Request returns
Google Geocoding since this service better satisfies
the strictly-required and preferred contractual terms
and (ii) the selection for the second Request returns
Yahoo! PlaceFinder since this service better satisfies
the additional strictly-required constraint on data cur-
Figure 5 shows how the invocation of the Google
Figure 5: Examples of invocation performed for the
geocoding step.
Geocoding service is performed. For each record
of the table, the wrapper composes the input for the
geocoding service merging the six fields (i.e., IN-
INCY) that specify the address of an inventor. Then,
the wrapper invokes the Google Geocoding service
and receives, when available, a string with the cor-
rected address. Finally, the wrapper, by means of a
pre-defined mapping rule, splits the string and substi-
tutes the address in the table.
The usage of external service in the cloud provides
positive results for the data quality improvement. As
an example, Google Geocoding has verified/corrected
the 75% of the addresses in the table. This results out-
performs the one obtained using the internal Rooftop
Geocoding service. This is due to the fact that the
completeness (95%) of the data provided by Google
is higher. A limitation of the proposed solution is rep-
resented by the semantic solution adopted for contract
selection. The response time of the PoliMaR frame-
work is unsatisfactory due to the slowness of seman-
tic matching activities; moreover, as already tested in
(Comerio et al., 2009a), the performance decreased
dramatically with the growing of contracts in size and
number. However, this limitation is not crucial since
the approach in this paper is not proposed for a time-
critical application.
Only few papers (Zhou et al., 2009; Tsai et al., 2007)
propose a SOA-based solution to perform data qual-
ity improvement activities. A SOA-based semantic
data quality assessment framework which supports
automatically searching for proper data quality as-
sessment services which fulfill user requirements is
proposed in (Zhou et al., 2009). A dynamic frame-
work for data provenance (i.e., the origins and routes
of data) classification in a SOA system is described
in (Tsai et al., 2007). Respect to the proposed cloud-
based architecture, these SOA-based solutions cover
only a particular aspect (i.e., data quality assessment
(Zhou et al., 2009) and data provenance (Tsai et al.,
2007)) of a data quality improvement process.
A very limited number of papers (Faruquie et al.,
2010; Dani et al., 2010) proposes a cloud-based solu-
tion to perform data quality improvementactivities. A
cloud infrastructure to offer virtualized data cleansing
that can be accessed as a transient service is presented
in (Faruquie et al., 2010). Setting up data cleansing
as a transient service gives rise to several challenges
such as (i) defining a dynamic infrastructure for the
cleansing on demand based on customer requirements
and (ii) defining data transfer and access that meet re-
quired service level agreements in terms of data pri-
vacy, security, network bandwidth and throughput.
Moreover, as further discussed in (Dani et al., 2010),
offering data cleansing as a service is a challenge be-
cause of the need to customize the rules to be applied
for different datasets. The Ripple Down Rules (RDR)
framework is proposed in (Dani et al., 2010) to lower
the manual effort required in rewriting the rules from
one source to another. The solutions in (Faruquie
et al., 2010; Dani et al., 2010) face challenges similar
to the ones tackled in this paper but they focused only
on data cleansing and not to a complete data quality
improvement process. Moreover, the contract-based
service selection is not addressed.
Cloud computing models offer powerful solutions to
reduce costs when performing data quality improve-
ments by using software and data offered as services
on-demand. However, since data quality improve-
ments potentially require the sharing of business criti-
cal data, these services should act in compliance with
predefined contracts. This paper has extended pre-
vious works on the definition of methods and tech-
niques for the specification, selection and evaluation
of service and data contracts. Moreover, this paper
has proposed an extension for the DataFlux dfPower
Studio architecture that supports contract-based ser-
vice selection for data quality improvement activities
in the cloud. Experimental activities on the PATSTAT
database have demonstrated the feasibility of the pro-
posed solutions.
Future works deal with some open issues concern-
ing data transfer and resource allocation for data pro-
cessing services over the cloud.
This work is supported by the SAS Institute srl (Grant
Carlo Grandi). The author wants to thank Andrea
Scrivanti for his precious contribution in this work.
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