achievement level of the activity, etc. Alerts are sent
when something abnormal occurs.
We have chosen to deploy the system on the Madkit
multi-agents platform because it is intended for the
development and the execution of multi-agents
systems and more particularly those based on
organizational criteria.
The MaSE methodology and the deployment of
communication mechanisms on the Madkit platform
allowed us to test the feasibility of the multi-agent
system for the observation of the learning system
and to validate our conceptual approach.
Several issues remain to be explored and
implemented. This includes the development of
mechanisms to make the device more autonomous
and proactive. Thus, the environment would be able
to prevent the teacher and the students when a group
has a bursting risk or is in a position of educational
failure. Collecting interaction traces of different
users does this.
Analysis of these traces is used to provide four
types of assessments:
• A group level assessment: status related to the
implementation of educational activities and to its
members’ status (present, absent, inactive). The
group supervisor agent that resides on the server
carries out this assessment.
• A student level assessment: assessing his/her
productivity related to the realization of the
pedagogical activities, his/her sociability that
indicates his/her communication level with other
members of the group. An inactive user connects to
the platform only to read messages.
• An activity level assessment: indicating the level
of achievement of an activity by the group.
• A teacher level assessment: evaluating the
predictive pedagogical scenario compared to the
effective scenario. This agent will interact with the
evaluation module of the MACADDAM studio.
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