Sonia Hashish
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer and Information System,
Um-Alqura University, Makkah, PO Box 715, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Protocol Reusability, Sensor Networks, Network Infrastructure, Self-organization.
Abstract: Increasing the reusability of the wireless sensor network protocols requires decoupling the underlying
communication primitives from the upper layer protocols primitives. One way to achieving this goal is
unifying the whole software stack architecture. This unifying process would significantly increase the
overhead and affect the resulting performance. It is still unknown whether this huge unifying process will
provide the required benefits to the protocol designers. Building a generic infrastructure at the level of
physical links is a promising step towards increasing the reusability of upper layer protocols. To be
described as a generic, the infrastructure should efficiently support different upper layer protocols and
different communication configurations. It should also provide logical relationships among nodes without
hiding the physical relationships. Moreover, Failures should neither destruct the infrastructure nor hinder the
upper layer operations. Building such infrastructure is very challenging and is still an open research
The random deployment process in wireless Sensor
network WSN results in an arbitrary network graph
that is referred to as a network topology (Akyildiz
2002); communication over such a graph is secured
via multiple hops. This mode of communication
implies that each node is able to play the role of a
router, and thus forward the messages over multiple
hops on behalf of other nodes—the arbitrary
topology graph is structured by the communication
algorithm (Yoneki and Bacon, 2005). The
communication process then takes place through the
primitives of the communication algorithm;
Most of the current proposed protocols for WSN
are described as cross-layered protocols (Wu 2007),
which reflects the fact that these protocols are in
most cases tied up to specific communication
algorithm which is optimized for a specific network
deployment. For example, spanning tree based
algorithms opt for building the tree structure over
the arbitrary graph. Then the communication process
takes place using the tree primitives.
Decoupling the communication protocols from
the application semantics to increase the modularity
and reusability is still an open research direction that
should be carefully studied. Given that the sensor
network is mainly application oriented, the benefits
of the clear cut between various networking aspects
over the current cross- layer approaches require
more research efforts to be clearly identified. To
date, little work has been conducted towards
unifying protocol design.
One of the research concerns that is not fully
explored in the literature is the degree of
independency between various network protocols.
Most of the current proposed protocols merge
functions from different networking levels. To date,
little work has been done towards unifying the
design of WSN protocols. WSN is application-
specific in the first place. It poses many challenges
that motivate the production of hundreds of
protocols at each networking level. The different
hardware characteristics and the different
requirements of the upper layer applications boost
the protocol productivity of WSN (Whitehouse et al.
Numerous protocols that target aggregation,
Hashish S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003904800950098
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2012), pages 95-98
ISBN: 978-989-8565-01-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
routing, dissemination, medium access and topology
control have been developed. The main notice
regarding the wide scope of WSN protocol
development is that the performance of a given
protocol is tied to the underlying assumptions about
the rest of the system. When such assumptions are
varied, degradation in performance is noticed. The
variety of possible assumptions about the system
decreases the reusability of the developed protocols.
A new research direction towards unifying WSN
software architecture that increases the modularity
and reusability of the designed protocols is
established in (Culler e al. 2005;
Cheng et al. 2006).
In (Culler et al. 2005) the authors discuss the
narrow waist architecture where sensor protocol
(SP) resides between the network layer and the data
link layer. They describe the rules by which the
network services could be arranged over the layered
architecture. They also discuss the neighbour’s
management issue.
Leveraging the SNA (Culler et al. 2005), a
modular network-layer for sensor networks that sits
atop SP is proposed (
Cheng et al. 2006). Their main
concern is to ease the implementation of new
protocols by increasing code reuse and runtime
sharing. Code reuse provides a rapid protocol and
application development. On the other hand, run-
time sharing reduces code and resources consumed.
The authors discuss the trade-off between
functionality decomposition and complexity. They
find that finding the right granularity at which to
break up the functionality at the network layer is
challenging. Unnecessary runtime overhead could
result from a very fine-grained decomposition while
a too coarse decomposition reduces the level of
sharing, which in turn increases the
Gnawali (2006)
proposes Tenet architecture,
which is complementary to the narrow waist
architecture proposed in the work of (Culler et al.
2005). Tenet architecture does not address the
modularity of the software. It restricts the placement
of the application functionality in a multi- tier
system. In Tenant, the sensor level tier can be
implemented on SP. Tenet shares some similarities
with the Internet's end-to-end principle (Saltzer et al.
1984), yet it is based on specific tiered network
The above solutions target achieving complete
standard software stack architecture for sensor
networks. This is still far away from being a reality.
There is a conviction in the literature that this
unifying process would significantly increase the
overhead and affect the resulting performance (Ali
and Langendoen, 2007). It is still unknown whether
this huge unifying process will provide the required
benefits to the protocol designers.
Building a generic infrastructure at the level of
physical links is a promising step towards increasing
the reusability of upper layer protocols. To build
such infrastructure over sensor networks, the
literature explores two approaches; the first is to
construct an in-line infrastructure that supports a
specific process, such as routing or data aggregation.
This model is usually optimized to efficiently
achieve an upper goal such as minimizing
congestion. Clustering and tree-based approaches
are the most utilized techniques to build such
infrastructure. They provide nodes with the means to
self-organize and thus achieve unstructured overlays
(Younis et al. 2006). Operations over such overlays
are usually based on flooding mechanisms (Olariu et
al. 2004); failure handling and maintenance require
cascade updates throughout the network. In addition,
the resulting infrastructure cannot be utilized by
different protocols.
The second approach is building an infrastructure
that is not tied to any upper protocol. This is a
general purpose infrastructure, which should be able
to support different upper layer processes with equal
efficiency. To be generic, we claim that the
infrastructure should adhere to the following design
(i) Generic: efficiently supporting different
upper layer protocols (e.g., routing, data collection,
data aggregation and broadcasting).
(ii) Flexible: efficiently supporting different
communication configurations (both multi- hop and
data mule- like communication).
(iii) Maintainable: failures neither destruct the
infrastructure nor hinder the upper layer operations.
(iv) Complete: providing logical relationships
among nodes without hiding physical relationships.
Taking into consideration that sensor networks
are application-oriented and have scarce resources,
the problem of building such generic infrastructure
is challenging.
Building generic infrastructure over sensor
networks is studied in (Olariu et al. 2005). The
authors develop a virtual infrastructure in terms of
coronas and wedges. They consider the case of a
static sensor network where all nodes are static. The
sink, named as Training Agent (TA), is assumed to
be at the centre of the network, and it is assumed
that the TA has multiple-levels transmission range.
The TA takes the burden of training the nodes to
acquire knowledge about their position with respect
to it (TA). The position is considered as the (wedge,
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
corona) where the node is located; however, the
protocol is centralized and is based on global
information. The number of coronas to be created
should be known to the TA before it creates them. In
addition, the mechanism proactively divides the
nodes into subsets and requires synchronization of
the wakeup times of each subset of sensor nodes and
the level of the transmission range of the sink at that
time. This model is extended to account for the TA's
mobility in (Olariu et al. 2007). Mobility is
considered for achieving the QoS requirements of
the applications rather than for infrastructure
organization. Moreover, the authors do not specify
the effects of involving multiple sinks/TAs on the
constructed infrastructure. For example, how to
proactively determine the number of coronas per
each TA is not answered.
A multi-scale communication overlay is
developed in (Palchaudhuri et al. 2005) to support
upper layer protocols. The protocol belongs to the
clustering-based approaches. Nodes are organized
into cells, super-cells and so on. A self-election
mechanism based on sending periodic beacons is
used to form the hierarchical overlay. As in most
clustering based approaches, maintaining the whole
structure requires topological updates to be
broadcasted to all nodes, and re-clustering is
performed to adapt to the changes. This introduces
extra overhead that could participate in draining the
resources of sensor nodes.
Building logical overlays, such as Distributed
Hash Tables DHTs, has long been the focus of
research. Sensor nodes have scarce resources in
terms of energy, bandwidth and communication,
which render DHTs unsuitable; the main reason
being the belief that DHT overlays produce extra
overhead compared to the benefits they provide to
the upper layer applications (Ali and Langendoen,
2007). When mobility is considered, movement of
the nodes may quickly change the topology, thus
resulting in an increase in the overhead messages for
topology maintenance and movement management.
An attempt to fill in the space between the
logical and physical infrastructure is proposed in
(Caesar et al. 2006). Authors proposed a Virtual
Ring Routing (VRR) protocol where logical rings
are constructed over the link layer. The protocol is
inspired by DHT mechanisms, and provides both
point-to-point and DHT like operations. The
protocol creates logical rings that do not keep the
node proximity. Moreover, all nodes within the
network should have unique logical addresses
(identifiers) that are globally ordered. In addition,
the protocol is optimized only for routing processes.
A promising approach for building a generic
infrastructure that adheres to the design objectives
mentioned above has been proposed in (Hashish and
Karmouch, 2009). The authors proposed Layered
Infrastructure Protocol (LIP). LIP exploits mobility
to organize sensor nodes, and form a generic flexible
infrastructure that could be leveraged by upper layer
protocols. LIP allows mobile robots/sinks to
discover physical co centric circular layers within
the arbitrary network topology. LIP creates physical
co centric circular layered infrastructure (CLI)-the
resulting CLI infrastructure guarantees the proximity
of the nodes. Nodes that are neighbours in the
infrastructure are physically neighbours; each layer
in CLI is assigned a mobile robot that acts as a probe
to access the data and monitor the layer. Access
positions are selected dynamically at each layer to
act as anchors for the probes to visit at their
associated layers.
CLI has the ability to trade mobility overhead vs.
communication overhead (higher number of access
points implies that data travels in smaller number of
hops to access points, hence to be offloaded to the
moving robot/sink). Moreover, layers in CLI are
managed separately by the associated mobile robots.
This makes CLI a rich environment for developing
efficient upper layer protocols (Hashish, 2010). It
provides varieties of communication configurations
which support both multi-hop and data-mules
regimes of communication. It also provides a high
degree of reliability to the upper layer applications
while reducing the overall energy consumption. This
ability to cope with failures makes it a good
candidate for sensor networks applications;
Applications based on adaptive allocation of mobile
sinks, applications based on nodes scheduling and
applications based on multi-granularities
communications could be efficiently developed atop
of CLI.
In this paper, we show that decoupling the
communication protocols from the application
semantics to increase the modularity and reusability
is still an open research problem. The main
approaches for increasing the reusability of the
wireless sensor network protocols have been
discussed. Achieving standard software stack
architecture for sensor networks is still far away
from being a reality. Building a generic
infrastructure at the level of physical links is a
promising step toward increasing the reusability of
upper layer protocols. This is very challengeable in
sensor networks that feature scares resources. Some
of the existing solutions and their limitations have
been described. Limitations of the existing solutions
have been mentioned.
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SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks