presented. We proved that we can use the same
usability evaluation method in semantic application
than in another common type of application. In
addition, we proved that the set of used heuristics is
applicable in SW application and in another type of
interactive system that not use this kind of
technology. So, extending our set of heuristics to
evaluate this type of interfaces is not necessary yet
because it covers all usability features for SW
applications. Moreover, another and important
reason is that technologies used to design some
application should try to go unnoticed by end users.
But if in few years new functionalities will appear,
we should extend usability categories to cover all
features in SW applications. However, we will do
the same in another type of application. In fact, it is
technology evolution. Even so, we realized that it is
very important to design for users and include user
experience features in all interfaces design. Then,
considering that usability is one of the oldest factors
that scientific community uses to improve the user
experience of product, we included this factor in SW
application as the first one to start improving the
user experience of this type of interfaces.
We carried out a usability evaluation in eleven
semantic Websites and we concluded that the main
problems are in navigation, dialogs and memory
load categories. So, semantic application designers
should make more efforts to achieve a SW
application that causes end user a positive
experience. We hope that this article will help
semantic application designers to realize that when
they include some semantic tasks for users, these
tasks should be easy and intuitive. Our future work
will be based on extending user experience
evaluation to other factors apart from usability.
The work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation through the Open Platform
for Multichannel Content Distribution Management
(OMediaDis) research project (TIN2008-06228) and
by Universitat de Lleida for pre-doctoral fellowship
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