An Empirical Analysis
Marcos Palacios
, Laura Moreno
, María José Escalona
and Mercedes Ruiz
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
IWT2 Group, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain
Keywords: Service-Level Agreements, Software Testing, Web Engineering.
Abstract: Service-Level Agreements (SLA) is one of the well-known mechanisms to manage the services offered by a
provider. In software engineering, it is usually taken as the starting point to define the collaboration between
the development team and clients. More concretely, an SLA is a part of a service contract where the level of
service is formally defined. In this document, both providers and clients purchase commitments that rule the
working guidelines in a software project. However, despite its relevance, sometimes it is difficult or too
subjective to assure that providers and clients are following SLA. This paper proposes a research approach
based on the standard WS-Agreement and model-based paradigms that offers a mechanism for SLA testing
and presents an initial evaluation of this approach in a Web methodology named NDT (Navigational
Development Techniques). The paper refers to some practical experiences so as to evaluate the quality of
the results, as well as introduces a new research line as a future work.
In the scope of software engineering, a Service
Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract or technical
document signed by both the service provider and
the user. Basically, this document states all the
conditions to be fulfilled regarding the provision of
the services. Furthermore, the SLA can also specify
the set of actions (penalties or rewards) that must be
applied if the guaranteed conditions are not satisfied.
In order to make a decision about the fulfilment
of the SLA conditions, it is necessary to gather
information about the service provision. This task
may be performed by means of a set of monitors in
charge of obtaining relevant information according
to the SLA terms. However, the evaluation of SLAs
is not a trivial task and may result very difficult or
too subjective to be carried out. One of the main
reasons is that SLAs are not always defined
following a systematic and standard specification
but they are usually elaborated in an unstructured
format or even through natural language.
This paper presents a research approach that
allows specifying SLAs in a systematic way using
model-based paradigms. The approach is aligned
with the application of a Web methodology named
NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) that
is currently used in a large number of companies in
Spain. In this work we compare NDT solution with
the standard WS-Agreement with the aim at
identifying their common characteristics and
differences. The approach is assessed by means of
two empirical examples extracted from real projects
developed by the Regional Cultural Ministry in
Andalusia, Spain.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
outlines the basic concepts about WS-Agreement
and a general vision of NDT methodology. Section 3
describes the NDT solution to manage SLAs by
analyzing empirical examples in comparison with
WS-Agreement. Finally, conclusions and future
work are presented in Section 4.
This section introduces the basic concepts about
WS-Agreement language as well as a general vision
of NDT methodology.
Palacios M., Moreno L., José Escalona M. and Ruiz M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003906602460250
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 246-250
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 WS-Agreement
WS-Agreement is a recommendation of the Open
Grid Forum (OGF), which offers an XML-based
structure to define SLA documents. The
specification of an SLA in WS-Agreement is
composed of the following elements: name, context
and Terms. Although there are different types of
terms, Guarantee Terms are the most important
elements of the SLA and they list the obligations
that have to be fulfilled by a specific obligated party
(service provider or service consumer). A guarantee
term includes a list of services the term applies to
(Service Scope), a Qualifying Condition (QC) which
is an assertion under which the term is applied, a
Service Level Objective (SLO) which is the
condition that has to be guaranteed and, finally, a
Business Value List (BVL) which specifies a set of
business values related to the agreement description
(i.e., penalties, rewards, importance).
2.2 NDT – Navigational Development
NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) is a
methodological approach based on the model-driven
paradigm. NDT begins defining requirements phase
formal metamodels and a set of transformations to
generate analysis phase models. Requirements
engineering phase begins with the definition of the
objectives of the system. In this context, NDT can be
understood as an objective-guided methodology.
Once the objectives are defined, NDT proposes
the capture and definition of all the requirements in
the system. In the analysis phase, NDT works in a
similar manner, representing a content model, a
navigation model and an abstract interface model.
All of them are also defined in a set of metamodels.
After analyzing both the requirements
metamodel and the analysis metamodel, this
approach establishes a series of relationships among
all the artefacts from the different models.
In recent years the initial approach of the NDT
methodology (Escalona and Aragon, 2008) has
evolved and nowadays it offers full support for the
entire life cycle. It covers the stages of viability
study, requirements, analysis, design, construction
and implementation, as well as maintenance and
testing phases during software development. Thus,
NDT is compatible with a set of processes such as
project management or safety and quality assurance.
Currently, a large number of companies in Spain are
working with NDT in software development due to a
set of free tools grouped in NDT-Suite (NDTQ-
Framework 2011).
In the maintenance phase, NDT supports SLAs in its
lifecycle. In this Section, we present the solution
offered by NDT and we compare this solution with
the standard WS-Agreement.
3.1 SLA in NDT
The current solution of NDT to support SLAs is
offered in two ways to the development team. The
first one, more classical, is a word pattern that has to
be completed by the development team and accepted
by the client. The index of this NDT SLA Template
is organized in the following sections (Figure
Figure 1: NDT SLA Template Index.
1. Introduction: defines business objectives,
scope of services, details of the organizational
structure and relationships between the
organization and service providers.
2. Project description: includes information
about the technical infrastructure and
architecture, obligations, terms of license or
responsibilities among others.
3, 4 and 5: Annex, Glossary and Bibliography.
This model means a good solution for development
teams although it poses limitations (difficulty to be
tested and maintained). Regarding this pattern and
the fields defined in the model, a metamodel to
include SLA in NDT was developed. Thus, by
means of elements of UML, a development team can
develop an integrated SLA in the rest of the system.
3.2 Empirical Examples
With the aim at comparing NDT approach with WS-
Agreement standard, we assessed two empirical
examples of SLAs obtained from two real projects
carried out by the Culture Government in Andalusia.
The first example is named Archiva and
consists in a report to the Steering Committee on the
proposed maintenance of the application. It analyzes
the current status of the project and the incidents
response time, studying the reasons that increase
these times and setting the necessary measures to
correct them. Then, the project indicators will be
graphically represented according to open and close
incidents. The report must be based on SLA
indicators so as to obtain the list of incidents that do
not fulfil such indicator and the reasons. Another
indicator is the impact analysis, which allows us to
be informed of the state of the system, showing the
set of indicators that have improved and those that
must be improved. Finally, an analysis of the whole
project must be done, showing a matrix with the
current problems of the project and identifying in
each case the impact of the lack of resolution as well
as the necessary actions to solve it.
The second example involves the project for the
evolution of Mosaico, which describes the
operational, management and relationships models
as well as the quality parameters from the catalogue
governing during the full life of the project. This
plan should help to increase efficiency in the
information systems life cycle management and to
facilitate continuous improvement of the quality of
the TIC services provided. The description of the
project presents the services, the operating model
which describes the details of the service requests
and the information that must be provided at each
stage when processing a request for service. Once
the volume of service and required effort have been
decided, the indicators that determines whether it is
necessary to establish specific actions to stabilize the
situation or start the modification process should be
set. Finally, operational tools are listed and the
metrics and indicators per service are established. It
will also establish periodicity for SLAs
measurement with SLA indicators and the basic
documents that must be enclosed for the committees.
3.3 SLA vs WS-Agreement
This section studies the traceability between the
SLA template provided in NDT and WS-Agreement.
The objective is twofold: identify the common
characteristics of both specifications and describe a
reasonable mapping between the elements of each
template. In Table 1 the elements of the NDT SLA
Template are listed in rows while WS-Agreement
elements are represented in columns. We use () in
a cell to show that these characteristics represent the
same information in both specifications. We use ()
to indicate that the information within the NDT SLA
Template is not explicitly specified in WS-
Agreement, but should be reasonably included in the
corresponding WS-Agreement element. In the same
way, we use () to highlight that the information
specified in the WS-Agreement element can be
mapped to the section of NDT SLA Template
represented in that row. We use () if the
information contained in WS-Agreement and NDT
SLA Template is not the same, but it can be
bidirectionally mapped from both elements. Finally,
the cross-lined cells points out the elements of both
specifications that do not have similar information,
so they could not be directly mapped.
Both specifications share identical information
in different parts of their structure. Firstly, the whole
definition of the services is described in the Project
Service Types section of NDT SLA Template and
also in the SDTs of WS-Agreement through a
specific DSL. Furthermore, both specifications allow
identifying the set of measurable properties with
their corresponding metrics.
Probably, the most important part of the SLA
comprises the specified conditions to be fulfilled by
the stakeholders signing the agreement. This
information is stated in the Service Guarantee of the
NDT SLA Template and the GTs section of WS-
Agreement. Such sections indicate who is
responsible for satisfying the conditions and the
thresholds that have to be honoured.
The fulfilment or violation of the SLA terms
may lead stakeholders to further consequences.
Hence, a specific policy must be agreed, depending
whether the objectives have been met or not. This
information may appear both in the Penalties and
Rewards Planning of NDT SLA Template and in the
BVL of a GT in WS-Agreement.
Generally, each agreement lasts a specific
period of time. However, WS-Agreement only
includes the expiry date of the SLA, whereas the
NDT SLA Template indicates both the initial and
final dates of validity of the SLA.
In addition to the specific guarantees of the
agreement, different information about the business
objectives, stakeholder’s organization or the
relationship between service providers and
consumers, among others, may be specified in the
Introduction section of NDT SLA Template and the
Context section of WS-Agreement. Furthermore, a
description of the project or system can be given
both in the Project Service Types of NDT SLA
Table 1: Traceability between NDT SLA Template and WS-Agreement specification.
Agreement ID
Term Compositors
Guarantee Terms
Service Name
Expiration Date
TemplateID & Name
Any Attribute
Service Name
Full Description
Service Name
Service Name
Variable Name
Custom Value
Custom Business Value
Project Description
Project Service Types
Service Properties Types
QoS Thresholds
Severity Levels
Resource Planning
Incent. and Penalt. Plan
Validity Period
Review Proc.
Annex, Glossary and Ref.
Template and the Service Description Terms of WS-
Agreements, here again through a specific DSL.
This paper presents an approach that allows
specifying SLAs in a systematic way through a
model-based paradigm. The solution is applied in
the context of a Web methodology named NDT,
which is currently in use in several companies in
Spain. The evaluation of the solution is performed
by two empirical examples of SLAs extracted from
real projects developed by the Culture Government
in Andalusia. This evaluation has allowed us to
identify similarities and differences between both
specifications helping to address our future work.
With the aim at improving the profile of NDT,
it should be integrated with the types of problems
and tests, the business objectives and the scope of
the contracted services as well as the organizational
structure and its relationships. This would follow the
standard and improve the traceability of the system.
This work has been funded by the Department of
Education, Science and Innovation (Spain) and
ERDF funds within the National Program for
Research, Development and Innovation, project
PROTES (TIN2010-20057-C03), National Network
Quality Assurance in Practise, CaSA (TIN2010-
12312-E), FICYT (Government of the Principality
of Asturias) Grant BP09-075 and NDTQ-Framework
project of the Junta de Andalucía, Spain (TIC-5789).
Escalona, M. J., Aragón, G., 2008. NDT a Model-Driven
Approach for Web Requirements. In: IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering. vol. 34 (3), pp
NDTQ-Frawework. Available in www.iwt2.org/iwt2/ndt-
qframework.php. Last accessed in February 2012.