Alessio Di Mauro, Davide Papini and Nicola Dragoni
DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Security, Energy-harvesting, Wireless Sensor Network.
With the recent introduction of Energy-Harvesting nodes, security is gaining more and more importance in
sensor networks. By exploiting the ability of scavenging energy from the surrounding environment, the lifes-
pan of a node has drastically increased. This is one of the reason why security needs a new take in this topic.
Traditional solutions may not work in this new field. Brand new challenges and threats may arise and new
solutions have to be designed. In this paper we present a taxonomy of attacks, focusing on how they change in
the energy harvesting scenario compared to regular sensor networks. Finally, we present and discuss existing
security solutions for EH-WSNs.
A recent trend in the sensor networks field is to equip
nodes with energy scavenging units. Energy Harvest-
ing Wireless Sensor Networks (EH-WSNs) are regular
wireless sensor networks, where nodes have the spe-
cial capability of recovering some of the energy sur-
rounding them. This energy is then used to power a
node. Harvestable sources can vary according to their
provenience, their predictability and whether they are
controllable or not. Typical sources of scavenged en-
ergy are light sources, thermal gradients, radio waves,
wind sources, shocks and vibrations. As described in
(Sudevalayam and Kulkarni, 2011) the possible archi-
tectures are Harvest-Use where the harvested energy
is instantly used to energize the node, or Harvest-
Store-Use where the energy obtained from the envi-
ronment is accumulated in one or more storage units
such as super-capacitors. In the second case the ex-
cess energy is not wasted (unless also the storing unit
is full) and the harvested energy source does not have
to be constantly present for the node to run. On the
other hand additional components have an impact on
the final cost of the nodes.
The introduction of energy harvesting radically
changes the way to design WSNs. The energy avail-
able in a node battery is not bound to monotonically
decrease, but it can also increase or maintain its level
over time, depending on the availability of the scav-
enged source. This means that a sensor node can “die”
and “come back to life” multiple times. Furthermore,
different operations require different amount of en-
ergy, with the transmission through the on-board ra-
dio generally being the most expensive one (Wander
et al., 2005). This requires the node having to choose
how to spend its energy, depending on what parame-
ter is considered most important and should therefore
be prioritized (e.g. throughput vs availability).
In this paper we provide a taxonomy of attacks for
energy harvesting WSNs, we see how scavenging ca-
pabilities affect them and if new and specific attacks
can be depicted. Moreover, we present a discussion
of the current state of the art for security contribu-
tions specific to EH-WSNs. Lastly we present some
considerations and ideas about such solutions.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
low. In Section 2 we present a classification of secu-
rity threats for EH-WSNs focusing on the differences
with regular WSNs. Section 3 contains an overview
of related work for the topic and Section 4 presents
some comments and thoughts on it. Section 5 con-
cludes the paper.
Security in WSNs is a well known topic and has been
studied for many years. Lots of different attacks have
been discovered, implemented and addressed (Lupu,
2009), (Sen, 2010), (Martins and Guyennet, 2010).
Specific protocols have been designed to secure diff-
Di Mauro A., Papini D. and Dragoni N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003907104220425
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 422-425
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
erent aspects. Despite that, introduction of energy
harvesting capabilities is a game changer, a fresh ap-
proach is required in order to address the specific
challenges that this technology introduces. Imagine
a simple scenario where an attacker takes control of
one or more than one node. In a regular WSN envi-
ronment a node would eventually run out of available
energy, and the attacker should then take actions in
order to keep the attack going, for example by phys-
ically replacing the battery of the depleted node or
re-deploying the attack on a new target, with all the
connected problems and risks. On the other hand in
energy harvesting enabled networks, the same iden-
tical attack would have a much greater effect due to
the extended lifespan of a node. At the same time,
an energy depletion attack would completely disrupt
a node in a battery powered WSN whereas it should
constantly be repeated in an EH-WSN scenario.
The introduction of energy scavenging capabili-
ties completely redefines the typical life cycle of a
WSN and so specifically designed approaches are re-
quired. While is obvious that the attacks possible on
EH-WSNs are a superset of those possible for regular
WSNs, it is not clear if and how they behave differ-
ently, or if new specific attacks can be deployed.
Taxonomy of Attacks. We provide a classification
of attacks in WSNs by defining and exploring three
dimensions which the attacker can exploit to perform
an attack. These are: (i) Intervention, (ii) Presence
and (iii) Time. Time dimension relates to the time
span the attacker has or needs to perform the attack,
it can go from few seconds (e.g. jamming), to sev-
eral minutes (e.g. hijacking, MITM) to a longer time
(if we take into consideration key recovery through
mere brute force or direct retrieval from stolen nodes).
Presence relates to the space domain the attack ex-
tends on, it can be local, distributed or global as de-
fined in (Benenson et al., 2008). Finally Intervention
takes into consideration the actions that the attacker
can do. This is the most interesting dimension since it
can directly give an idea of possible attacks. We iden-
tified eight forms of intervention:
Destruction: the attacker can destroy one or multiple
Eavesdropping: the attacker can intercept and store
messages sent between nodes.
Data Knowledge: the attacker can acquire the data
stored on one or multiple sensors (e.g. by dumping
the whole memory of a sensor).
Disturb/Partial Data Modification: the attacker can
partially modify data on a sensor (e.g. change secu-
rity parameters).
Full Data Modification: the attacker can fully modify
data stored on a sensor (e.g. by direct access to the
node or simply by feeding it with data).
Reprogramming: the attacker can reprogram a sensor.
Energy Reduction/Control: the attacker can force the
reduction of a node’s energy, or control its depletion
Energy Exploit: the attacker can exploit the energy
level of a node in a malicious way.
By looking at the list it is clear that in the en-
ergy harvesting scenario the last two elements bring to
slightly different attack patterns with respect to ordi-
nary WSNs. For space limitation, a complete analysis
of the combinations between the three dimension is
not within the scope of this paper. The reader can re-
fer to (Lupu, 2009) and (Martins and Guyennet, 2010)
for short surveys on attacks on WSNs.
Energy Harvesting. In order to better understand
attacks and relate them to energy harvesting, we iden-
tified what we call atomic actions. These can be com-
posed to build an attack. Most of the atomic actions
are not restricted to EH-WSNs only, but can be related
to any security threat in every system. We identified
three main subset of atomic actions:
Medium/Channel: listen, inject, intercept, destroy,
modify, localize, selective block of destination/source
Physical: tamper, switch on/off, reduce energy.
Cryptography: break encryption (e.g. key attacks) ex-
ploit specific crypto mechanisms (weak random num-
ber generator or rekeying methods, wrong implemen-
tation, side-channel attacks).
WSNs devices are typically resource constrained
in terms of energy and computation. Consider-
ing that performing cryptographic operations has an
heavy impact in terms of computations and resources
needed, and that additional work is required to han-
dle the data overhead (e.g. signatures, keys, padding),
it is clear why security has always been a challenge.
With EH-WSN energy potentially is not an issue any-
more, and computation could also be improved (more
energy translates into less need for reduced power
computation). This brings a whole new perspective
in view and new possible scenarios for security, such
as adaptable security levels, waiting queue for highly
confidential data (the device transmits data when it
has the energy to encrypt it according to its content),
more reliable network topology due to the fact that
nodes last more time, possibility of multiple dupli-
cated and separated routes.
Obviously this impacts also on the attacker per-
spective, making it more difficult to break stronger
encryption but also giving him other ways of attack-
ing the system. Looking at the Intervention dimen-
sion it is clear that the element that changes most with
respect to ordinary WSNs is Energy Exploit. The
atomic actions which are directly connected to this
are physical (on/off switching and reduce energy) and
cryptography related. By hampering the amount of
energy that a device harvests from the environment,
an attacker can force the device to lower its security
level or to delay the transmission of high sensitive
data . Moreover, in an EH-WSN is very likely for a
node to go off for long periods and then back on, thus
hiding possible attacks that tamper with the device.
EH-WSNs also rely on energy level prediction to
perform activities at the best. An attacker could in-
tervene and alter the expected energy level thus forc-
ing the network to behave in an unpredicted or incor-
rect way. Multiple combinations are indeed possible:
an attacker could weaken the energy of a node which
is supposed to decrypt a high security level message,
thus preventing it to do so. It is very much like a DoS
attack, but softer: the node is not completely disabled
yet it cannot perform its duties to the expected level.
Only two interesting results can be found in litera-
ture. In both cases an adaptive security mechanism
is presented, even though the actual approach used is
somehow complementary.
Strength Oriented Approach. The first energy
harvesting specific approach for security that we are
going to describe is the one presented in (Taddeo
et al., 2010). Here the authors consider a sensor net-
work where the traffic is sent from the nodes to the
sink. Moreover, they assume the existence of differ-
ent types of package, where every type has a different
priority level and security requirements.
The starting points are the amount of energy avail-
able at a given time on a node (considering also the
energy harvester contribution), and the amount of en-
ergy required in order to send a single packet, speci-
fied as the sum of discrete items (such as the energy
needed for sending the payload and the energy over-
head introduced by cryptography).
The main idea is to provide a list of possible pri-
ority levels and supported security suites with differ-
ent characteristics. The higher the priority level of a
packet, the more likely it will be delivered to its final
destination. Different security suites instead provide
different combinations of security properties (e.g. au-
thentication, confidentiality) with increasing strength
(i.e. longer key), at the cost of an higher overhead
for the transmission, which translates into an higher
amount of energy required to convey the package. By
introducing an optimization process, a node is able to
choose an adequate security suite depending on the
amount of energy available, and to delay packets ac-
cording to their priority levels.
Time Oriented Approach. The second solution
worth mentioning is (Pelissier et al., 2011). It takes
a completely different approach: the authors question
the adaptability of using block ciphers and propose a
scheme that applies to stream ciphers. They point out
that in a stream cipher the keystream is independent
of the input message, therefore it can be computed
separately in advance. So the authors suggest to pre-
compute and store keystream bytes in a buffer, and
use them when the energy within the system is scarce.
Under the circumstances of the case study pro-
posed, the authors claim a 14% increase of messages
sent from a node that uses a key buffering mechanism
compared to one that does not.
As an addition the approach introduces the pos-
sibility of having authentication capabilities. To do
so the authors implement a Wegman-Carter MAC
scheme (Carter and Wegman, 1977) based on the
Poly32 universal hash function family (Won, 2001).
The first proposed approach directly takes advantage
of the inherent properties of EH-WSNs. It imple-
ments a security system that, based on the available
energy and on external constraints, can adapt two op-
posing factors such as security performance and the
node’s lifespan. Within these setting the proposed
model successfully applies the strongest available se-
curity suite and guarantee an high delivery rate for
high priority packages.
Here the network topology used could be a major
problem for real world applications. Very commonly
multihop networks are used in order to cover bigger
areas without having to use multiple or mobile sinks.
In the discussed approach, by using a star shaped net-
work, two facts always hold true: firstly, the receiver
of a packet (i.e. the sink) always has enough energy
to unpack the message, and secondly it never has to
forward the message to another node. By switching
to a multihop network these facts are not true any-
more. First of all routing protocols are needed to de-
liver messages from one end to the other. This could
cause a node to form a choke point either because it
is the routing choice of reference for a large number
of other nodes and so it has to process a lot of mes-
sages, or also because its scavenging capabilities are
hindered by physical world circumstances (e.g. a so-
lar panel equipped node is deployed close to a tree
and doesn’t receive too much sunlight). It is not clear
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
what would happen in one of these scenarios, but it is
probably a problem worth further investigating.
Moreover, a system like the one presented could
greatly take advantage of harvesting prediction mod-
els like (Lu et al., 2010), so that the best choice is
not computed locally as the one that instantly maxi-
mizes the cipher’s strength or the length of the out-
going queue in a greedy manner, but a more proactive
approach could be used to provide better performance
over a longer period of time. For example by know-
ing that soon a very good situation for the energy har-
vester will manifest (e.g. sun is rising, lots of sunlight
will be available for a long period) then the current
security suite could be kept unchanged even if that
wouldn’t be the optimal choice in the short run.
The idea proposed in the second work aims at pre-
computing data when the harvested energy is abun-
dant, and using it when the available amount is re-
duced to prolong the life of a node. Anyway, the
authors of the paper do not discuss matters like the
topology of the network and the shape and direction-
ality of the traffic. As discussed before, if the traf-
fic generated by one node is intended to another node
rather than the sink, it could be possible that the re-
cipient does not have enough energy to process it (i.e.
decrypt it, analyze its content and react). Again, in a
multihop network nodes are burdened with the addi-
tional task of forwarding packages. This could greatly
reduce the time available for a node to compute future
keystreams. Furthermore, for node to node communi-
cation the keystreams have to be aligned for decryp-
tion to happen, and for the verification of MACs keys
have to be shared in advance and agreed upon.
An interesting idea could be to rely on other
nodes to perform computationally demanding opera-
tions when the energy is scarce. A way to do so could
be by piggybacking data, such as the keystream bytes
for future messages, on regular messages.
Applications for EH-WSNs are constantly increasing,
and so are their security requirements. How to im-
prove these aspects is an interesting open question. In
this paper we have provided a taxonomy of attacks for
EH-WSNs, we have discussed how scavenging capa-
bilities affect them and if new and specific attacks can
be depicted. Afterwards, we have described recent
approaches that present two complementary take on
the same topic. On one hand we have an adaptation
of the strength of the algorithms used according to the
available energy, in this way communications can be
carried on, at the cost of less secure messages. On the
other hand there is a time oriented approach that takes
advantage of the decoupling between plain text and
keystreams in specific scenarios, so that the latter can
be computed in advance when the energy is abundant,
and used when it is scarce. Both ideas explain how
to exploit characteristics specific of power harvesting
systems where the amount of available energy will
fluctuate over time both up and down.
Clearly being able to define solutions that can dy-
namically adapt some of their parameters according
to the current available energy, allowing the system to
run within acceptable limits in any circumstance is a
very critical feature of future EH-WSNs.
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