Seungmin Oh, Jeongcheol Lee, Hosung Park, Yongbin Yim and Sang-Ha Kim
Department of Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Mobile Sink, Real-time Service, Wireless Sensor Networks, Region-based.
Abstract: In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), previous real-time data dissemination schemes for stationary sinks
exploits the spatiotemporal approach, which utilizes the delivery speed based on the fixed distance between
a source and a static sink to fulfil the desired time deadline. This approach cannot be directly applied to a
mobile sink since the distance can be varied depending on its movement. That is, the delivery speed cannot
be determined without knowing the distance between a source and a mobile sink. It must be the hardest
problem for all intermediate sensors to know the current location update of the mobile sink and control their
transmission speeds. We focus on the real-time data dissemination for a slowly varying mobile sink
compared to the transmission speed, which may be the most common case. By the slowly varying constraint,
the movable area of a mobile sink can be determined by the two factors: its speed and the distance between
a source and its initial location. In this paper, we propose a real-time data dissemination scheme for a
mobile sink by utilizing the movable area concept. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme
provides a high success ratio in terms of the guarantee of real-time requirement.
Many applications in WSNs, such as battlefield
surveillance and earthquake response systems, are
tailored to interact with fast changing events and
required to gather the event data in an application
desired time deadline (He, 2005) (Felemban, 2006).
The existing protocols for the real-time applications
in WSNs mainly exploit the spatiotemporal
approach which forwards data at the delivery speed.
The desired delivery speed is calculated by dividing
end-to-end distance by the time deadline. In the
protocols, each node on the data dissemination route
selects a node as its next-hop node which is nearer to
the sink and provides a better relay speed. The relay
speed means the advance in distance to each next
node dividing by the delay to forward a packet to the
each next node. End-to-end real-time data
dissemination is achieved by maintaining the desired
delivery speed from sources to the sink. However,
the protocols typically assume sinks are stationary.
Recently, sink mobility has been receiving
attentions from the researchers of WSNs (Li, 2009)
(Akyildiz, 2002). Since the mobile sinks are able to
move within the sensor field, source nodes could not
accurately know the location of the mobile sink
because of continuous movement of the sink. For
mobile sinks, the spatiotemporal approach cannot be
directly applied since the distance could be varied
depending on the movement of mobile sinks. That is,
the delivery speed could not be determined without
knowing the intermediate sensors to know the
current location update of the mobile sink and
control their transmission speed. Moreover, since the
time overhead for sink location update is occurred
frequently, it might not fulfill the time deadline.
Since the end-to-end distance may be longer, the
initially calculated delivery speed could not
guarantee the real-time data dissemination. Hence,
the real-time data dissemination needs to adapt a
new approach for the distance between the source
and the mobile sink. We focus on the real-time
protocol only for a slowly varying mobile sink
compared to the transmission speed, which may be
the most common case. By the slowly varying
constraint, the movable area of a mobile sink can be
determined by the two factors: its speed and the
distance between a source and its initial location.
In this paper, we propose a real-time data
dissemination protocol for slow varying mobile
Oh S., Lee J., Park H., Yim Y. and Kim S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003907303870390
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 387-390
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sinks based on a virtual region for movable area of
the sink. The protocol utilizes the movable area
concept. The virtual region of movable area provides
the maximum distance of the slow varying mobile
sink. Through the virtual region, the source node
could determine the data delivery speed for the
spatiotemporal approach. Simulation results show
that the proposed protocol provides a high success
ratio in terms of the guarantee of real-time
Figure 1: Real-time data dissemination for mobile sink
with modified spatiotemporal approach.
In this section, we propose and describe a Region-
based Real-time Data Dissemination (RRDD)
scheme to support sink mobility of real-time data
2.1 Assumptions
RRDD relies on several assumptions that are
explicitly and implicitly exploited in other studies
about real-time routing (He, 2005) (Felemban, 2006)
(Li, 2009) and many geographic unicast routing
schemes (Akyildiz, 2002) (Hamida, 2008) (Karp,
2000) as follows.
Once a phenomenon appears, the sensor nodes
surrounding the phenomenon collectively gather
information and one of them becomes the source
to generate data of the phenomenon (Akyildiz,
2002) (Hamida, 2008). And the mobile sinks
require knowing where the sources locate.
The source nodes that generate event data could
be provided the location of sink by one of the
sink location services (Li, 2000) (Park, 2009).
For the geographic unicasting routing, which is
one of the stateless routing method, each sensor
node is aware of its own location after
deployment by receiving Global Positioning
System (GPS) signals (Karp, 2000) or using
some localization techniques (Bulusu, 2000).
All the nodes and the sinks have a priori
knowledge about the size and the center point (x
) of the sensor field.
2.2 Spatiotemporal Approach
While in multi-hop wireless sensor networks, since
communication is physically bounded, the end-to-
end delay depends not only on single hop delay
(temporal), but also on the distance a packet travels
(spatial). The spatiotemporal approach for real-time
data disseminations utilizes a data delivery speed.
The approach calculates the data delivery speed by
dividing the end-to-end distance by the desired time
deadline. Each node on the dissemination route
selects a node as its next-hop node if it is nearer to
the sink and provides a better relay speed than the
desired delivery speed. The relay speed means the
advance in distance to each next node dividing by
the delay to forward a packet to the node. The end-
to-end real-time data dissemination is achieved by
maintaining the desired delivery speed.
2.3 Modified Spatiotemporal Data
Dissemination Approach
In the proposed protocol, the data dissemination
procedure consists of two steps: 1) forwarding the
data from the source to one of the vertex nodes
registered by the sink, and 2) forwarding from the
vertex node to the sink. The time deadline T
depends on applications in WSNs.
To reduce data detour, the vertex node, which
locates between the source and the sink, is selected
as a data relay node. The source node selects a
vertex node (x
, y
) as follows:
()( )0
()( )0
s cp cp src
scp cpsrc
xx x x
yy y y
where (x
, y
) and (x
, y
) is the location of the sink
and the source node, respectively. We define T
as the time of forwarding data from the source to
the selected vertex node, and the time of forwarding
from the vertex node to the sink, respectively.
should be larger than the total sum of both
and T
. The distance of forwarding data is the
total of the distance from the source node to the
vertex node and the distance between the vertex
node and the sink node. However, since the mobile
sink moves continuously, we could not estimate the
distance between the vertex node and the sink. The
length of the longest straight line from a crossing
Vertex node
_Setspeed Modified
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
point within a coarse-grained grid is
. From the
nature of wireless sensor networks, since the time
for data propagation is proportional to the distance
for itself (Park, 2009), the following equation is
established. The source node could calculate the
modified delivery speed S
, which is the
desired delivery speed from itself to the vertex node,
with the calculated time T
as follows:
A vertex node, which receives data from the source,
acts as the relay node for the virtual region. The
node also stores the current location information of
the sink to relay the data from the source to the sink.
However, since the time passes from the registration
time, the sink may not be on the registered point.
Therefore, before the new periodical update of sink
location, data from the source should be sent to the
area the sink will be expected to locate. For this, we
are able to exploit flooding data into a whole cell to
disseminate them. But it wastes a lot of energy since
all nodes in the region have to participate in the
communication mode. The width of a cell of the grid
is V
x T
. During the T
, the sink could
move out of the registered cell of the grid but within
the cell and at most its adjacent cells. The vertex
node concurrently sends the data to 9 cell leaders. If
some of the adjacent grid cells are not belonged to
the virtual region, the sink prepare a new region
through the current location. Through this process,
though the sink moves out of the virtual region, the
data could be continuously disseminated to the sink.
In the cell of the grid, the data are propagated to the
sink by limited flooding. The total of the distance
from a vertex node to the leader of grid and the
distance of data flooding is equal to or less than
Consequently, the data delivery in the grid cell is
3.1 Simulation Environments and
Metric for Performance Evaluation
In this section, we compare the performances of
RRDD with that of other real-time data
dissemination protocol, SPEED (He, 2005), which is
the most popular real-time protocol in WSNs.
However, since SPEED does not consider mobility
support, we add footprint chaining method to
SPEED. The protocols are implemented in Qualnet
(Scalable, SITE). The simulation network space
consists of 2,500 sensors randomly deployed in
500m × 500m area. The radio range of sensor is
10m. A source node generates 30 byte-packets with
interval 0.5s. The simulation time is 50 seconds and
the sink has random way mobility model.
Transmitting and receiving power consumption rates
are 21mW and 15mW, respectively (Hill, 2002). All
results are the average values of 100 times of
3.2 Simulation Results
Figure 2 shows the values of TDSR in the proposed
scheme and SPEED in accordance of the sink speed.
We vary the speed from 0m/s (stationary) to 35m/s.
The width of the virtual region is 100m and the end-
to-end distance between the source and the sink is
fixed at 200m. Since SPEED calculates the desired
delivery speed with the initial location of the sink,
the possibility of data dissemination on the time
deadline is decreased. And as the speed of the sink
moves faster and the distance due to foot-print
chaining becomes longer, the possibility is decreased
much more. However, in the proposed scheme, since
the source node calculates the delivery speed
considering the region to be expected for the sink to
locate and sends its data with the desired delivery
speed, the value of TDSR in the scheme is higher
than that in SPEED though the speed of the sink
Figure 2: Time deadmine success ratio according to sink
The values of TDSR of the RRDD and the
SPEED according to the end-to-end distance are
presented in fig. 3. The longer the end-to-end
distance becomes, the larger the hop count of data
path is. The speed of the mobile sink is fixed to
15m/s and the width of the virtual region is 100m. As
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time Deadline Success Ratio (TDSR) (%)
Sink S
Proposed Scheme
SPEED + Footprint Chaining
described above, since SPEED does not consider the
increase of the end-to-end distance, the value of
TDSR is decreased as the distance increases. But
since the proposed scheme considers both the
distance and the speed of sink, it has higher value of
Figure 3: Time deadline success ratio according to end-to-
end distance.
Figure 4 indicates the TDSR of the proposed
scheme according to both the end-to-end distance
and the virtual region size. We also vary the region
size from 60m to 140m. The speed of the mobile
sink is fixed to 20m/s and the time deadline is 1.0s.
If the grid size is smaller, the frequent updates are
need. Since the mobile sink could move out of the
grid region during data dissemination due to small
grid size, the TDSR is decreased.
Figure 4: Time deadline success ratio according to both
sink speed and grid size.
In this paper, we propose a new real-time data
dissemination scheme for mobile sinks in wireless
sensor networks. The existing schemes for real-time
service to stationary sinks exploits the
spatiotemporal approach which forwards data at the
delivery speed calculated through the fixed distance
between a source and a static sink and the desired
time deadline. However, in case of mobile sinks,
since the distance between the source and the sink is
dynamically changed, it is difficult to adapt the
approach. So, our scheme considers the virtual
region to be expected for the mobile sink to locate
in, and calculates the desired delivery speed based
on the region. The proposed scheme exploits the
virtual region and grid based infrastructure.
Simulation results show that the proposed scheme
has better performance than the existing scheme in
terms of guaranteeing the real-time dissemination.
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time Deadline Success Ratio (TDSR) (%)
Distance from source to sink (m)
Proposed Scheme
SPEED + Footprint Chaining
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time Deadline Success Ratio (TDSR) (%)
Distance from source to sink (m)
Proposed Scheme (60m)
Proposed Scheme (80m)
Proposed Scheme (100m)
Proposed Scheme (120m)
Proposed Scheme (140m)
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems