described above, since SPEED does not consider the
increase of the end-to-end distance, the value of
TDSR is decreased as the distance increases. But
since the proposed scheme considers both the
distance and the speed of sink, it has higher value of
Figure 3: Time deadline success ratio according to end-to-
end distance.
Figure 4 indicates the TDSR of the proposed
scheme according to both the end-to-end distance
and the virtual region size. We also vary the region
size from 60m to 140m. The speed of the mobile
sink is fixed to 20m/s and the time deadline is 1.0s.
If the grid size is smaller, the frequent updates are
need. Since the mobile sink could move out of the
grid region during data dissemination due to small
grid size, the TDSR is decreased.
Figure 4: Time deadline success ratio according to both
sink speed and grid size.
In this paper, we propose a new real-time data
dissemination scheme for mobile sinks in wireless
sensor networks. The existing schemes for real-time
service to stationary sinks exploits the
spatiotemporal approach which forwards data at the
delivery speed calculated through the fixed distance
between a source and a static sink and the desired
time deadline. However, in case of mobile sinks,
since the distance between the source and the sink is
dynamically changed, it is difficult to adapt the
approach. So, our scheme considers the virtual
region to be expected for the mobile sink to locate
in, and calculates the desired delivery speed based
on the region. The proposed scheme exploits the
virtual region and grid based infrastructure.
Simulation results show that the proposed scheme
has better performance than the existing scheme in
terms of guaranteeing the real-time dissemination.
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time Deadline Success Ratio (TDSR) (%)
Distance from source to sink (m)
Proposed Scheme
SPEED + Footprint Chaining
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time Deadline Success Ratio (TDSR) (%)
Distance from source to sink (m)
Proposed Scheme (60m)
Proposed Scheme (80m)
Proposed Scheme (100m)
Proposed Scheme (120m)
Proposed Scheme (140m)
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems