Tomoki Shiomi
, Masaru Miyao
, Hiroki Hori
, Keita Uemoto
, Akira Hasegawa
Masako Omori
, Satoshi Hasegawa
, Hiromu Ishio
and Hiroki Takada
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Information Science, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
Nagoya Bunri University Inazawa, Aichi, Japan
Kobe Women's University, Suma-ku, Kobe, Japan
Fukuyama City University, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Japan
University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan
Keywords: Accommodation, Convergence, Simoultaneous Measurement, 3D Video Clips.
Abstract: Recently, 3D technology has been developing. It is generally explained to the public that, “During
stereoscopic vision, accommodation and convergence are mismatched and this is the main reason for the
visual fatigue caused by 3D”. The aim was to compare fixation distances between accommodation and
convergence in young subjects while they viewed 2D and 3D video clips. Measurements were made using
an original machine, and 2D and 3D video clips were presented using a liquid crystal shutter system. As
results, subjects’ accommodation and convergence were found to change the diopter value periodically
when viewing 3D images. These findings suggest that the ocular functions when viewing 3D images are
very similar to those during natural viewing. When subjects are young, accommodative power while
viewing 3D images is similar to the distance of convergence, and the two values of focusing distance are
synchronized with each other.
Recently, 3D technology has been developing.
Today, 3D is not only used in movie theaters. Each
home appliance maker has started to sell 3D TVs
and 3D cameras.
It is generally explained to the public that,
“During stereoscopic vision, accommodation and
convergence are mismatched and this is the main
reason for the visual fatigue caused by 3D. During
stereoscopic vision, while accommodation is fixed
on the display that shows the 3D image,
convergence of left and right eyes crosses at the
location of the stereoimage”. Studies by Wann et al.
and Yano et al. (Wann, 1995); (Yano, 2004) found
that in natural vision lens accommodation is
consistent with convergence; that is, accommodation
and convergence matched. However, they noted that
fatigue might occur after extensive viewing of 3D
images because accommodation and convergence
are not matched when viewing these images.
According to the findings presented in our previous
report (Miyao, 1996), however, such explanations
are mistaken. We found that lens accommodation for
3D images is in fact consistent with convergence
among young subjects. However, our research has
not been recognized in the world. This may be
because the experimental evidence obtained in our
previous studies, where we did not measure
accommodation and convergence simultaneously,
was not strong enough to convince people. We
therefore developed a new device that can
simultaneously measure accommodation and
The aim was to compare fixation distances
between accommodation and convergence in young
subjects while they viewed 2D and 3D video clips.
In this experiment, the subjects were six healthy,
young men and women in their twenties (two had
uncorrected vision and four used soft contact
Shiomi T., Miyao M., Hori H., Uemoto K., Hasegawa A., Omori M., Hasegawa S., Ishio H. and Takada H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003908407800783
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2012), pages 780-783
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lenses). We obtained informed consent from all the
subjects and the approval from the Ethical Review
Board of the Graduate School of Information
Science at Nagoya University.
We placed an LCD monitor facing the subjects at
a distance of 1m from them. We presented either a
2D or a 3D video clip on the monitor; in both
images, a spherical object moved forward and
backward with a cycle of 10 seconds (Figure 1). The
spherical object appeared as a 3D video clip located
at a virtual distance of 1m (i.e., the location of the
LCD monitor) and moved toward the subjects to a
virtual distance of 0.35m in front of them. We asked
the subjects to gaze at the center of the spherical
object for 40 s and measured their lens
accommodation and convergence distance during
that time. The 3D video clip was presented using a
liquid crystal shutter system and a circular polarizing
filter system. The 2D video clip was presented using
only a liquid crystal shutter system.
Figure 1: Spherical object video clips.
We developed an original machine by combining
and EMR-9
to perform these
simultaneous measurements
Figure 2: WAM-5500.
WAM-5500 (Figure 2) is an auto refractometer
(Grand Seiko Co., Ltd.) that can measure
accommodative power under natural conditions for
the case in which both eyes are open. It can
continuously record accommodative focus distance
at a rate of 5 Hz, thus achieving reliable and accurate
measurements of accommodation.
EMR-9 (Figure 3) is an eye mark recorder (NAC
Image Technology Inc.) that can measure the
convergence distance using the pupillary/corneal
reflex method. Its resolution for eye movement is
0.1 degree, with a measurement range of 40 degrees
and sampling rate of 60 Hz. The convergent focus
distance can be easily calculated from the obtained
binocular eye movement data.
Figure 3: Eye mark recorder EMR-9.
We used a liquid crystal shutter system or a
circular polarizing filter system combined with the
respective binocular vision systems to present 2D
and 3D video clips. The experimental environment
is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Overview of the experiment.
The video clips we used in the experiment are
trademarked as Power 3D
video clip (Olympus
Visual Communications, Corp.). Power 3D is an
image creation technique that combines near and far
views in a virtual space and has multiple sets of
virtual displays whose positions can be adjusted.
Power 3D presents a video clip that is similar to a
natural image.
The measurements for the six subjects showed
roughly similar results. For 3D vision, the results of
2D and 3D for one subject are shown respectively in
Figs. 5 and 6, as typical examples.
Figure 5: 3D liquid crystal shutter system (age:23, male).
Figure 6: 2D liquid crystal shutter system (age:23, male).
When Subject (23-year-old male wearing soft
contact lenses) viewed the 3D video clip presented
using the liquid crystal shutter system,
accommodation varied between approximately 1.0
diopter (100cm) and 2.5 diopters (40cm), whereas
convergence varied between approximately 1.0
diopter (100cm) and 2.7 diopters (37cm). The
changes in the respective diopter values had almost
the same amplitude and were in phase, fluctuating
synchronously with a cycle of 10 s, which
corresponded with the cycle of the 3D video clip
When the subject was viewing the 2D video clip,
the diopter values for both accommodation and
convergence remained almost constant at around 1
diopter (1m).
The mean values of accommodation and
convergence for the six subjects viewing the 2D
video clip were 0.96 ± 0.12 and 0.96 ± 0.07,
respectively. The difference between
accommodation and convergence was negligible.
When the subjects were viewing the 3D video clip,
the values of accommodation and convergence were
1.29 ± 0.11 and 1.32 ± 0.08, respectively. The
difference between accommodation and
convergence in this case was approximately 0.03
diopters, which is also negligible. Therefore, we can
say that there is not much quantitative difference in
the fixation distances between accommodation and
convergence when the subject views either the 2D or
3D video clip.
Wann et al. stated that within a virtual reality
system, the eyes of a subject must maintain
accommodation at the fixed LCD screen, despite the
presence of disparity cues that necessitate
convergence eye movements to capture the virtual
scene. Moreover, Hong et al. stated that the natural
coupling of eye accommodation and convergence
while viewing a real-world scene is broken when
viewing stereoscopic displays (Hong, 2010).
In addition to the above two, Hoffman et al. and
Ukai et al. (Hoffman, 2008); (Ukai, 2008) stated that
if there is inconsistency between accommodation
and convergence, then accommodation to a 3D
object is fixed at the position of the display. In this
study, however, the result showed good
synchronization between accommodation and
convergence during stereoscopic vision and this did
not occur. This suggests that the difference between
accommodation and convergence is probably not the
main reason for visual fatigue, motion sickness, and
other problems.
We can also say that the kind of results presented
herein could be obtained because the 3D images
used in the experiments were produced not by
conventional means but with Power 3D, whose
images are extremely close to natural viewing.
In fact, conventional 3D and the Power 3D on
HMD have been compared experimentally in our
previous study (Hasegawa, 2009). This study found
that the result of Power 3D is closer to natural vision
than that of conventional 3D.
Therefore, we consider that as long as 3D images
are made using a proper method, accommodation
and convergence should almost always coincide, and
that we can view such images more easily and
In conventional “accommodation-convergence
discrepancy theory,” accommodation is fixed on the
display during virtual 3D vision, although focus of
convergence is consistent with the location of the
virtual image.
IVAPP 2012 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
However, our present experiment findings
suggest that accommodative focus is nearly
consistent with the location of the stereoimage.
There is also an opinion that an image is seen as
blurred if the accommodative focus is not on the
display but on the virtual position. In this experiment,
however, all subjects said that the image was clear.
Figure 7:
Naked vision for primary school child in
The blue solid line indicates naked vision value
corresponding to refractive value. The X axis
indicates the refractive value, the left Y axis
indicates naked vision value measured in geometric
mean, and the right Y axis indicates LogMAR
values. LogMAR is the visual acuity log
Let us consider at the case of virtual 3D images
popping forward, for example the case in Fig. 5 in
which an LCD monitor was placed 100 cm in front
of the subjects and then a virtual spherical object
moved to 40 cm in front of subjects. The theoretical
blurring that occurs with virtual 3D images is
approximately equal to that of a subject who has a
myopic view of infinity of -1.5 diopters (nearly
equal to >5.0 m). That is blurring of far visual acuity
such as in a subject with myopia of -1.5 diopters.
The Nagoya City Education Committee has a
statistics on myopic children and visual acuity with
no astigmatism (Fig. 7). This data is the result of
detailed examination of thousands children (11 years
old) in Nagoya city (Japan) by more than 100
ophthalmologists. According to Fig. 7, among these
children visual acuity of -1.5 diopters is about the
geometric mean value of 0.35 (LogMAR value is
about -0.46). In addition, blurring is also greatly
affected by pupil diameter (Smith, 1991). For bright
virtual 3D images, pupil diameter contraction and
focal depth becomes deeper. Therefore, blurring is
reduced. In fact, the subjects in present experiments
did not recognize blurring in the 3D video clips.
In this experiment, we simultaneously measured
accommodation and convergence for subjects
viewing 2D and 3D video clips. The difference in
the eye movements for accommodation and
convergence is equally small in the cases of the
observation of both 2D and 3D video clips. This
suggests that the difference between accommodation
and convergence is probably not the main reason for
visual fatigue, motion sickness, and other problems.
In the future works, we are going to investigate
subjects’ visual information, for example, whether
subjects see a blurred image, and so on. In this
experiment, subjects didn’t accommodate on the
display in gazing 3D video clip. However there is no
report that subjects could not see a video clip.
Therefore, it is very important to investigate more
accurately the information which subjects get when
viewing 3D vision.
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