However, our present experiment findings
suggest that accommodative focus is nearly
consistent with the location of the stereoimage.
There is also an opinion that an image is seen as
blurred if the accommodative focus is not on the
display but on the virtual position. In this experiment,
however, all subjects said that the image was clear.
Figure 7:
Naked vision for primary school child in
The blue solid line indicates naked vision value
corresponding to refractive value. The X axis
indicates the refractive value, the left Y axis
indicates naked vision value measured in geometric
mean, and the right Y axis indicates LogMAR
values. LogMAR is the visual acuity log
Let us consider at the case of virtual 3D images
popping forward, for example the case in Fig. 5 in
which an LCD monitor was placed 100 cm in front
of the subjects and then a virtual spherical object
moved to 40 cm in front of subjects. The theoretical
blurring that occurs with virtual 3D images is
approximately equal to that of a subject who has a
myopic view of infinity of -1.5 diopters (nearly
equal to >5.0 m). That is blurring of far visual acuity
such as in a subject with myopia of -1.5 diopters.
The Nagoya City Education Committee has a
statistics on myopic children and visual acuity with
no astigmatism (Fig. 7). This data is the result of
detailed examination of thousands children (11 years
old) in Nagoya city (Japan) by more than 100
ophthalmologists. According to Fig. 7, among these
children visual acuity of -1.5 diopters is about the
geometric mean value of 0.35 (LogMAR value is
about -0.46). In addition, blurring is also greatly
affected by pupil diameter (Smith, 1991). For bright
virtual 3D images, pupil diameter contraction and
focal depth becomes deeper. Therefore, blurring is
reduced. In fact, the subjects in present experiments
did not recognize blurring in the 3D video clips.
In this experiment, we simultaneously measured
accommodation and convergence for subjects
viewing 2D and 3D video clips. The difference in
the eye movements for accommodation and
convergence is equally small in the cases of the
observation of both 2D and 3D video clips. This
suggests that the difference between accommodation
and convergence is probably not the main reason for
visual fatigue, motion sickness, and other problems.
In the future works, we are going to investigate
subjects’ visual information, for example, whether
subjects see a blurred image, and so on. In this
experiment, subjects didn’t accommodate on the
display in gazing 3D video clip. However there is no
report that subjects could not see a video clip.
Therefore, it is very important to investigate more
accurately the information which subjects get when
viewing 3D vision.
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