the difference between the Barab
asi-Albert graph and
the Erd
enyi graph in terms of robustness.
We have described a declustering algorithm for the
iTrust search and retrieval network. The objective of
iTrust is to provide trustworthy access to information
on the Web by making it difficult to censor or filter in-
formation. The declustering algorithm decreases the
expectation of cooperation between peers in the iTrust
network and, thus, improves the robustness of the net-
work. The expectation of cooperation represents the
degree to which the nodes rely on, or act on, informa-
tion provided by their peers.
The simulation results demonstrate that the
declustering algorithm succeeds in randomizing the
neighbors of a node. This randomness not only helps
mitigate malicious attacks, but also allows for eas-
ier analysis of the functionality of the network. The
simulation results also show that even networks with
high global clustering coefficients or extremely large
hubs can be transformed into Erd
enyi-like graphs
very quickly when declustering is used. In some
cases, only one pass is required to achieve the de-
sired outcomes of lower global clustering coefficients
and fewer nodes with high degrees. These findings
support the idea that techniques applied on a node-
by-node basis can be used to ensure certain network-
wide properties in pure P2P networks, both unstruc-
tured and loosely structured.
While declustering might be useful for iTrust, and
its objective of preventing censorship or filtering of
information accessed over the Web, it might not be
useful for P2P networks that have different objec-
tives. The declustering technique might sacrifice po-
tentially useful network features; however, it accom-
plishes its goal of making the network more robust.
Subsequent versions of iTrust might use information
gathered from forwarded queries to help in the declus-
tering process. Future work in this area might inves-
tigate other techniques like declustering that work to
create robust networks by supporting and promoting
high levels of network churn.
This research was supported in part by U.S. Na-
tional Science Foundation grant number NSF CNS
10-16193 and by an REU supplement to support the
first author.
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