ate another person or company. This way, an attacker
may trigger SMS based procedures on behalf of the
user. The issue becomes critical if the procedure does
not use any confirmation TAN, for example if the user
initially triggers the procedure via SMS and the re-
maining part is processed on the server side (includ-
ing the generation of the signature).
The conducted security analysis revealed several se-
curity issues that have to be considered in future work.
Also, the use of SMS messages to transmit potentially
security sensitive data raises the question on the gen-
eral security of SMS technology. The weakness of the
encryption schemes used by the GSM protocol has al-
ready been shown (Barkan et al., 2008). Hence, data
transmissions over GSM networks cannot always be
regarded as secure.
The need for a secure exchange of SMS messages
has already been addressed by various authors. A
comprehensive overview of current approaches to en-
hance the security of SMS is given in (Medani et al.,
2011). For instance, Lisonek and Drahansk (Lisonek
and Drahansk, 2008) enhanced the security of SMS
messages by using asymmetric cryptography. An-
other method relying on both symmetric and asym-
metric encryption schemes has been proposed by An-
uar et al. (Anuar et al., 2008). Another solution fol-
lowing a hybrid cryptographic scheme has been intro-
duced in (Al-bakri and Kiah, 2010). All these meth-
ods are basically able to enhance the security of data
being exchanged via SMS. However, all these solu-
tions also add a certain amount of complexity and re-
quire the incorporation of additional components. For
our prototypical implementation we have therefore
omitted all security enhancing features. The evalu-
ation of existing approaches and their integration into
our solution to enhance its security is regarded as fu-
ture work.
In this paper we have presented an SMS based ap-
plication that makes use of advanced as well as qual-
ified electronic signatures to meet security require-
ments of transactional m-Government services. Our
application allows users to dynamically create, elec-
tronically sign, and deliver PDF documents on a pure
SMS basis. Tests have shown that our solution allows
documents to be created, singed, and deliverd within
a few seconds.
Although being fully functional, the presented ap-
plication is still in a prototypical state. The basic goal
of this prototypical implementation was to evaluate
whether an integration of electronic signatures into
SMS based services is technically feasible. Definitely,
our application shows that this is basically possible.
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