After we decipher the result in Eq. (6), we can
obtain the squared Euclidean distance
. Note that in Eq. (6), we
eliminate the verification code and all additional
features. Hence, if the service provider retrieves the
correct verification code and the client computes
correctly, our protocol outputs the correct
squared Euclidean distance for
Theorem 2. If one of the parties (either the client or
the service provider) is not following the protocol,
the final output will not reflect the squared
Euclidean distance for the two vectors (
Subsequently, the verification process will fail and
the user cannot access the system.
Proof. The client or the service provider who is not
following the protocol is considering as the
malicious party in our protocol. The proof of this
theorem is same as the proof in Theorem 3 and
Theorem 4 under the security analysis.
5.2 Security Analysis
In this section, we will analyze two possible attacks:
internal and external attack. Internal attack involves
malicious party such as employee at client who
attempts to gain access into the cloud. External
attack involves external parties (intruders or network
attackers) who watch the traffic on the network.
They are interested in learning some knowledge
from the computation protocol or intercept the data
in the network. Note that internal attack is more
serious as compared to the external attack because
attackers are having more knowledge about the
Theorem 3. Our protocol is secure against malicious
user who tries to gain access to the cloud. Without
the knowledge of sensitive information and the
decryption key, the authentication is not possible for
attacker at the client side.
Proof. During the enrolment process, the system
generates the biometric template for each user. Only
the user who enrolled into the cloud has its template
and the verification code stored in the cloud
storages. In the absence of the template, the system
cannot authenticate the user.
In our protocol, any malicious user who wants to
pose as an enrolled user must gain access to three
sensitive information: (1) the verification code, (2)
the original feature vector and (3) the shuffle
protocol. Since the verification code is stored at the
cloud storage and is encrypted using the encryption
key of the respective user, the attacker is not able to
view it because he has no knowledge about the
decryption key. If the attacker gains access to the
original feature vector of the user, he is not able to
use it directly for the verification process because
the verification code and the shuffle protocol are not
accessible. In the worst scenario, if the attacker
obtains the decryption key of any user, the security
for the user is still can be guaranteed. Hence, our
protocol is secure against attacker who tries to gain
access to the cloud system.
Theorem 4. Our protocol is secure against malicious
service provider who tries to gain access to the
verification codes and templates stored in the cloud
storages. The malicious service provider is not able
to reconstruct the original feature vector of any user.
Proof. A malicious service provider wants to learn
the original feature vector of the user. Although the
verification code and the template are reside in the
service provider’s side, but the malicious service
provider is not able to reconstruct the original
feature vector for any user. This is because the
verification code and the template are encrypted
using the encryption key from each respective user.
The service provider has no knowledge about the
decryption key of any user. Gaining access to these
encrypted vector is as difficult as attacking the
encryption algorithm. Brute-force attack is also
impossible since all the verification codes and the
templates are different (after the encryption
operation). Hence, our protocol is able to prevent the
malicious service provider from reconstruct the
original feature vector of the user.
Theorem 5. Network attacker who listens to the
traffic is not able to learn any sensitive information.
Proof. In our protocol, all the data transmit over the
network (between the client and the service
provider) are encrypt either with the user’s
encryption key or with the service provider’s key.
When the network attacker watches the network, he
cannot learn any information because he has no
knowledge about the decryption key. During the
verification process, network attacker is not possible
to be authenticated by the cloud because he has no
knowledge about any sensitive information. Hence,
our protocol is secure against the network attacker.
5.3 Privacy Analysis
The main privacy concern in our protocol is the
amount of information revealed to the service
provider during the authentication process. Our
protocol should ensure the confidentiality of all