scale up or down according to criteria such as average
CPU utilization across a group of compute instances
(e.g. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon,
2011b)). Nevertheless, it does not take into account
the database service state such as query response time
or throughput. In addition, it uses only resource ori-
ented metrics and does not implement SLAs to define
the QoS.
This work presented QoSDBC, an approach to
quality of service for database in the cloud. We
evaluated the QoSDBC approach considering quality
of service characteristics. According to the analysis
of the obtained results, we found that the QoSDBC
includes the characteristics of a database service in
the cloud and can be used by providers to improve the
quality of their services. As future work, we intend
to conduct further experiments considering new
scenarios and costs to better evaluate the QoSDBC.
Other important issues to be addressed are related to
new strategies for monitoring, penalties, and other
aspects to be added to the SLA. Finally, we intend to
conduct a study with techniques of machine learning
to improve resource management and to add support
to multi-tenant models.
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search Grant.
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