Yumiko Kasae and Masato Oguchi
Ochanomizu University, 2-1-1 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-8610 Tokyo, Japan
Hybrid Cloud, Power Consumption, Middleware, Load Balancing, Evaluation of Costs, Data-intensive
Based on the recent explosive increase of information in computer systems, we need a system that can effi-
ciently process large amounts of data with limited resources. In this paper, we propose a method to implement
such a system in its Hybrid Cloud environment, implemented as Middleware. Using this Middleware, the user
can not only efficiently process large amounts of data but can also control monetary costs, including power
consumption, by setting parameters. Furthermore, we evaluate the total costs, calculated by Execution Time,
Public Cloud’s Metered Rates and Charge of Power Consumption on the Private Cloud when running our
Due to the recent explosive increase of information
in computer systems, we need a system that can ef-
ficiently process a large amount of data with lim-
ited resources. To achieve this, using cloud com-
puting is effective, and it has spread throughout the
world. However, this diffusion has caused power
consumption to increase in the equipment used to
build a cloud. Moreover, according to the global eco-
conscious trend, we should reduce the power con-
sumption of computer systems. To reduce power con-
sumption, it is possible to develop power-saving com-
puter systems and air-conditioning equipment. How-
ever, it is often difficult to realize such a power-saving
system from the hardware perspective. We thus also
require a software effort to this end. In this research,
focusing on a hybrid cloud in cloud computing, which
is a combination of public and private clouds, we pro-
pose a method that can both process a large amount
of data and control monetary costs, including power
consumption. We have implemented the system as
The middleware has two characteristics. First, as a
target job, we have used a data-intensive application.
Second, this system aims to realize power-saving load
balancing. This system considers two types of costs:
time and monetary cost. The time cost is the exe-
cution time, and the monetary cost is the sum of the
charge of a public cloud at a metered rate and the
charge of power consumption on a private cloud. In
this middleware, it is possible to realize power-saving
oriented load balancing by controlling the rate of pri-
vate/public cloud usage. By changing the parameters,
users can choose to lay weight on either execution
time or monetary cost. In this paper, we have mea-
sured and calculated execution time, the charge of a
public cloud at a metered rate, and the power con-
sumption charge on a private cloud while executing
the application with our middleware. Using these re-
sults, we have estimated the time and monetary costs.
Moreover, we have evaluated these costs when users
decide the importance of both costs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces related research studies.
Section 3 shows an experimental system of the hy-
brid cloud that we have constructed in this study. Sec-
tion 4 describes our proposed method and introduces
how to implement it as middleware. Section 5 intro-
duces the results of the execution using our middle-
ware. Section 6 evaluates our middleware, and Sec-
tion 7 presents concluding remarks.
Previous researchers have discussed load balancing
Kasae Y. and Oguchi M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003911504070412
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 407-412
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in the cloud computing (E.Kalyvianaki and S.Hand,
2009). In this papers, however, CPU-intensive appli-
cations were used as targets of load balancing jobs,
and not as data-intensive applications. In computing-
centric applications, like some scientific calculations,
performing appropriate load balancing based on the
CPU load of each node is possible. In this research,
however, we have used a data-intensive application as
a target of the jobs. In such a case, because the CPU
is often in the I/O waiting state, load balancing is al-
most impossible by CPU load. In this research, we
have used the disk I/O as a load indicator.
In data-intensive applications, load balancing
middleware was also developed using the amount
of disk access for load decisions (S.Toyoshima and
M.Oguchi, 2011). This middleware, based on disk ac-
cess, provided dynamic load balancing between pub-
lic clouds and a local cluster and performed the op-
timal job placement. As we have further developed
middleware by introducing user-specified parameters,
it becomes possible to reduce the monetary costs of
load balancing, including power consumption.
Power saving in cloud computing has also been
actively investigated. Unlike this study, researchers
have discussed an approach to power saving when ex-
ecuting CPU-intensive applications in a cloud (Che-
Yuan Tu, 2010). Another study (C.; Parr, 2011) exam-
ined power saving efforts for a cloud datacenter. Our
study aims to save power in entire clouds, including
private clouds. Researchers (Zhang, 2010) proposed
a scheduling algorithm considering power consump-
tion and a job’s execution time. However, these stud-
ies differ from our study, especially because we have
focused on the point at which total costs in the hybrid
cloud are discussed, consisting of job execution time,
public cloud charge at a metered rate, and power con-
sumption charge on a private cloud. In addition, we
have used data-intensive applications as target jobs.
In this paper, we have used the cloud-building soft-
ware, Eucalyptus (D.Nurmi, 2010) to build two cloud
We have built an emulated hybrid cloud environ-
ment in our laboratory. Figure 1 shows an experimen-
tal system developed in this research. In the Hybrid
Cloud experimental system, the Private Cloud has a
Frontend Server and four Node Servers, in which in-
stances are created. Similarly, the Public Cloud has 1
Frontend Server unit and 4 Node Server units. The
Private and Public Clouds are connected to Dum-
mynet, which artificially causes delay. Tables 1 pro-
vide specifications for Node’s physical machine. The
two Frontend Servers have two network ports: one is
connected to the Node Servers, and the other to an
external network. With this configuration, each Node
Server is independent from the external network.
Figure 1: The system for experiment.
Table 1: Public and private cloud node.
OS Linux 2.6.32-xen-amd64 and xen-4.0-amd64
/Debian GNU/Linux 6.0
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 3.60GHz
Memory 4GByte
Disk 141GByte or 222GByte
To measure power consumption in this environ-
ment, we have used the watt-hour meter SHW3A,
which is a high-precision power meter produced by
the System Artware Company in Japan. After plug-
ging an electric product into SHW3A, the power con-
sumption is instantly measured and displayed. This
study only measures the Private Cloud’s Node power
consumption. In reality, it is difficult for users to
know the amount of power consumed by a Public
Cloud. Instead, in the Public Cloud, we have assumed
that the power consumption charge is included in the
Public Cloud charge at a metered rate. This is dis-
cussed later. The measured powerconsumptionis col-
lected by a monitoring PC.
4.1 Load Balancing Method used in
Hybrid Cloud
This Middleware performs load balancing of data-
intensive jobs during runtime. It estimates the num-
ber of jobs by monitoring the disk I/O of the private
and public clouds. In a sequence where data-intensive
application jobs are submitted consecutively, after all
resources in the private cloud are fully utilized, the
next job is distributed to the public clouds resources.
First, the middleware checks the status of the disk I/O
on the private cloud; it next examines the status of the
disk I/O on a higher priority instance on the public
cloud. By executing jobs at a vacant status instance
with higher priority, the middleware realizes well-
balanced load balancing while considering time and
monetary costs. In addition, by changing parameter
settings according to the user’s instructions, power-
saving load distribution can also be achieved.
4.2 Disk I/O Saturation Decision
This middleware uses the disk I/O to decide on
resource exhaustion because it focuses on data-
intensive jobs. For data-intensive jobs, as the system
often waits for I/O processing, it is difficult to deter-
mine the CPU load. The disk I/O thus decides the
system load.
Figure 2 shows a graph of execution time and disk
I/O when data-intensive jobs are thrown in every two
seconds. According to Figure 2, as the number of jobs
increases, the value of disk I/O becomes saturated.
When this occurs, the execution time becomes longer
compared to the baseline condition, which is not the
case with the saturated disk I/O. This middleware thus
is used only within a range where resource usage is
not saturated. The middleware periodically measures
the disk I/O value. When the disk I/O exceeds a sat-
uration value (hereafter ’S’) designated times, the in-
stance is considered saturated, and load balancing to
another instance is performed. When the disk I/O falls
below the S value, the instance is not considered sat-
urated. This is one of the most suitable methods to
estimate saturation because the disk I/O value is un-
Figure 2: DiskIO and execution time of executing data in-
tensive application.
Users can determine the saturation level param-
eters of this middleware. Users can control load
balancing by weighting either the execution time or
monetary cost, which includes power consumption.
Changing the saturation level means changing the fol-
lowing two parameters: ”the number of times the in-
stance’s disk I/O exceeds the S value (hereafter ’M’)”
and ”the number of times the instance’s disk I/O falls
below the S value (hereafter ’L’)”.
4.3 Evaluation Indices of Middleware
Considering load distribution in a cloud, many tasks
can be executed in parallel using many instances on
a public cloud, and the overall execution time is thus
expected to be shortened. However, if many instances
on public cloud are employed, though the power con-
sumption charge on a private cloud is suppressed, the
public cloud charge at a metered rate increases. To
achieve load balancing on hybrid clouds while ac-
counting for power saving, it is important to allocate
resources based not only on execution time but also
on the cost and power consumption. As an evalua-
tion index for this middleware, the time and monetary
costs are thus considered. The time cost is the job ex-
ecution time. The monetary cost is sum of the power
consumption charge on a private cloud and the public
cloud charge at a metered rate.
5.1 Experiment Overview
In this experiment, as shown in Figure 3, after gen-
erating one instance in every Node server in both
clouds, load balancing was performed in eight total
instances. Table 2 shows the performance of every
instance. In the public cloud, the instances are gener-
ally available without restriction. In this experiment,
the total number of thrown jobs is capable of load bal-
ancing within the public cloud’s 4 instances.
In the experiment, the saturation level varies by
changing the M values, as in Figure 4, but maintains
a fixed L value, described in Chapter 4. In this sat-
uration level, if the level is small, the load is easily
distributed, and if the level is large, the load is hard to
be distributed. When varying the saturation level, we
thus measure the job processing time, metered pub-
lic cloud costs and private cloud’s power consumption
rates. We then evaluate these costs.
Table 2: Instance.
OS Linux 2. 6. 27. 21-0.1-xen /
x86 84 GNU / CentOS 5.3
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 3.60GHz 1 core
Memory 1024MByte
Disk 10GByte
Figure 3: The system for experiment.
Figure 4: Load
balance level.
5.2 About Populated Jobs
As a job to bring into this experiment, we sought a
data-intensive application and used pgbench, which is
the PostgreSQL benchmark. Pgbench is a simple tool
benchmark that is bundled with PostgreSQL. Tatsuo
Ishii created the first version, published in 1999 by
the PostgreSQL mailing list in Japan. Because this
benchmark uses a basic server-side database based on
TPC-B, the performance can be judged by the num-
ber of transactions allowed per second in this experi-
ment to create a PostgreSQL database on the local 6
Gbyte in all instances. The number of clients in this
job is 1, and number of transactions is 500. We were
thrown jobs every two seconds 200 times. The pro-
cessing time per job is approximately 9 seconds. In
this experiment, we assumed that independently data-
intensive small jobs, including pgbench, were contin-
uously thrown.
5.3 Measurement Result
Figures 5, 6, and 7 show the measurements.
In each graph, the horizontal axis shows the num-
ber of submitted jobs. Figure 5 shows the entire time
until all jobs are submitted.
Figure 6 shows the public cloud charge. This is
computed by multiplying the metered charge by the
number of rented public cloud instances plus the job
execution time. The public cloud’s metered charge is
based on the metered charge AmazonEC2; instances
in this study had performance calculated as $0.5 per
hour. Figure 7 shows the power consumption until
all jobs are submitted to the private cloud. Power
consumption rates, with reference to Tokyo Electric
Power Company’s electricity rates, were calculated as
$0.5 per 1kwh.
In Figure 5’s graph, despite equal processing
times in levels I and II, the metered charge’s level
I is higher than its level II in Figure 6’s graph. For
this job, load balancing can have enough resources to
reach level II. The saturation level of level I is wasting
public cloud resources. From saturation levels III to
IX, the metered charge is lower as the level increases,
Figure 5: Execution time.
Figure 6: Public cloud’s metered rates.
Figure 7: Charges of power consumption on private cloud.
as in Figure 6, indicating that load balancing becomes
difficult. Accordingly, job processing also takes time.
As Figures 7 and 5 are similar, the processing time
clearly has a significant impact on energy consump-
tion. By varying saturation levels in this middleware,
we thus realized ways to control the power consump-
tion rates in a private cloud, metered rates in a public
cloud and job execution time.
6.1 Evaluation Overview
In this section, based on the results of measurements
in Chapter 4, we have evaluated the middleware. In
this middleware, consider the following equation as
an evaluation index.
Total cost = F* T
+ ( T
* N
* C
* C
:Execution time of Total Jobs
:Execution time on the Public Cloud
:Number of Instances used on the Public Cloud
:Public Cloud Charges
:Power Consumption on the Private Cloud
:Charges of Power Consumption on Private Cloud
:Power Consumption Charges on the Private Cloud
F:The Factor for Converting Money into Time
The first term represents the time cost of the execution
time. The second term represents the monetary cost,
which is the sum of the power consumption rates on a
private cloud and the charge of metered costs on pub-
lic cloud. We have considered the power consumption
charge on a public cloud, which includes the metered
cost, because it is difficult for a user to know the ac-
tual charge.
Factor F is intended to be converted into mone-
tary and time costs. The users use factor F to decide
how to balance the time and monetary costs. In this
chapter, we first discuss the financial costs using the
metered and power rate pricing. Based on the mone-
tary costs considered, we then evaluate the total cost
by varying the factor F in the above formula.
6.2 Discussion of Monetary Costs
In this study, we have considered the monetary cost,
which is the sum of the metered public cloud charges
and power consumption rates of the private cloud.
These two amounts are not always constant, as many
cloud provider’s recent metered rates have not neces-
sarily been constant. Moreover, as such providers in-
crease in the future, metered rates may decrease based
on price competition, but may be higher now. This
is also true for energy consumption rates. Based on
these facts, we have considered the various financial
costs when evaluating this experiment, as the prices
of both energy consumption and metered rates vary.
In the experiment, we have converted the metered
charges as $0.5 per instance and power consumption
rates as $0.5 per 1 kwh. In this evaluation, as in
Figure8, metered rates varied from $0.5 to $1.5, and
power consumption rates varied from $0.5 to $3.0.
When changing one value, the other was fixed at its
initial value.
Figure 8 shows that, for most pricing, the financial
costs of level 1 were larger. In this experiment, this
means that the metered costs are more expensive than
the energy consumption charge.
Figure 8 presents the typical results: Power-
Consumption: CloudCost = $3.0:$0.5, $1.5:$0.5,
$0.5:$0.5, $0.5:$1.0, $0.5:$1.5. We have assumed
that these results are representative examples.
6.3 Evaluation of Total Cost
When evaluating the total cost, we have used the for-
mula described in section 5.1. In this formula, factor
Figure 8: The monetary costs.
F is important. Using factor F, the total job execution
time is converted into monetary costs. In this evalu-
ation, the F value has changed between 1/20, 1/200,
1/2000 and 1/20000. Using F=1/20 means that the
user considers processing time to be the most impor-
tant cost, whereas using F=1/20000 means that the
user considers monetary cost to be the most impor-
tant. Figures 9, 10, 11, and 12 show that the Total
Cost of factor F varies. In addition, as discussed in
Section 5.2, monetary cost pricing is also changed in
these figures.
Figure 9: Total cost
Figure 10: Total cost
Figure 11: Total cost
Figure 12: Total cost
As Figure 9 is the result that considered process-
ing time to be the most important cost, there is little
change in the pricing of each. To provide the time-
critical load distribution processing by the user re-
quires setting the level I parameters, at the lowest sat-
uration level. In Figure 10, as in Figure 9, the user
specifying level I, which is the lowest saturated level,
can reduce the total cost.
However, these results are different in Figure 11.
This result is a cost evaluation, which suppresses pro-
cessing time and monetary costs. Figure 11 indi-
cates a difference in Total Cost when examining the
pricing. PowerConsumption: CloudCost = $0.5:$0.5,
$0.5:$1.0, $0.5:$1.5, if the power consumption of the
private cloud charges are fixed, and the pricing of
the rates change metered is change, the total cost is
the smallest in level VI or level V. In this pricing, if
the user set up parameters of level V from those in
level I, the middleware thus provides load balancing
that controls both Time and Monetary Costs. Pow-
erConsumption: CloudCost = $0.5:$0.5, $0.5:$1.0,
$0.5:$1.5 such that if the private cloud charges power
consumption is fixed and the rate change metered
pricing changes, the total cost is the smallest in levels
V or VI. When considering the Total Cost of the im-
portance of metered rate pricing, following the user-
set parameters for levels V or VI, execute load bal-
ancing that reduces both Time and Monetary Costs.
In Figure 12, because it is little consider of time
cost, and largely reflected the impact of monetary
cost. PowerConsumption: CloudCost = $3.0:$0.5,
$1.5:$0.5 such that if the monetary costs are dom-
inated by power consumption rate pricing on a pri-
vate cloud, the Total Cost creates little difference be-
tween levels. This pricing causes no change in the
Total Cost when executing this middleware, as the
pricing is more important to monetary costs, even fol-
lowing the user parameter settings. In addition, Pow-
erConsumption: CloudCost = $0.5:$0.5, $0.5:$1.0,
$0.5:$1.5 such that if the private cloud rate power
consumption is fixed and the metered cost rate has
changed, as in level IX, and if most jobs were exe-
cuted in the Private Cloud without using the Public
Cloud, the user can control the Total Cost. Therefore,
when considering the Total Cost of the importance of
metered rate pricing and Monetary Cost, the middle-
ware, following the user-set parameters for level IX,
executes load balancing that reduces Monetary Costs.
In this research, especially focusing on hybrid clouds,
we have proposed a method that can process large
amounts of data and control the monetary cost, which
includes power consumption. We have also imple-
mented the System as Middleware. To evaluate the
Middleware, we have used a data-intensive applica-
tion as target of jobs. The middleware measures disk
I/O periodically as an indicator for load-balancing de-
cisions. Using this Middleware, the user can not only
efficiently process large amounts of data, but also con-
trol the monetary cost, which includes power con-
sumption, by setting parameters.
By varying the parameters to run the middleware,
we have measured and calculated processing time,
public cloud metered rates and power consumption
charge on a private cloud. We have evaluated the to-
tal cost by calculating the sum of the costs and the
financial time costs. This evaluation showed that this
middleware perform load balancing can reduce costs
if the actual user sets the parameters. To reduce load
balancing in both the Time and Financial costs, we
have demonstrated that this middleware is success-
fully implemented.
In the future work, this middleware will be applied
to wide variety of data-intensiveapplications. We will
also evaluate the effectiveness of the middleware. In
addition, data placement in a cloud is also a key issue
in the future.
This work is partly supported by the Ministry of Edu-
cation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, un-
der Grant 22240005of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Re-
search. The authors would like to thank to Drs. At-
suko Takefusa, Hidemoto Nakada, Ryousei Takano,
and Tomohiro Kudoh at the National Institute of Ad-
vanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) for
the conscientious advice and help with this work.
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