The PMA leverages the resource functionalities
in the intent of monitoring Physical Metrics such as
Availability, Memory Available for VMs, Memory
Used by VMs, CPU Used, CPU Idle, Number of
The VMA leverages the hypervisor functionali-
ties for the purpose of monitoring virtualization met-
rics, which include the following parameters: a) VM
Metrics such as Availability, Process Virtual Memory
Size, Process Resident Memory Size, Process Page
Faults, Process CPU System Time, Process CPU User
Time, Process Uptime, Process CPU Total Time, Pro-
cess CPU Usage, VM CPU Wait, VM CPU Used, VM
CPU Sys, VM Memory Shares, VM Memory Min-
imum, VM Memory Maximum, VM Memory Size,
VM Memory Ctl, VM Memory Swapped, VM Mem-
ory Shared, VM Memory Active, VM Memory Over-
head, VM Uptime; b) VM Disk Metrics such as Avail-
ability, Reads, Writes, Bytes Read, Bytes Written; c)
VM NIC Metrics such as Availability, Packets Trans-
mitted, Packets Received, Bytes Transmitted, Bytes
All the information coming from the MAs will al-
low the RM to implement the best scheduling policy
to achieve the optimal configuration of the system.
For example, a proportional thresholding (H. Lim and
Parekh, 2009) approach could be used to determine
the target range of the variables according to which a
reconfiguration event needs to be fired.
The prototype implementation of the system vi-
sion we presented in this paper, uses the VIDA
toolkit (Anedda, 2011), a novel software architecture
for the deployment of virtual clusters currently devel-
oped as a part of one of the research activities of one
of the authors’. The VIDA architecture is designed to
dynamically allocate resources to applications via a
general control plane orchestrating the system’s com-
putational and network components. Hence, it meets
our best expectation at the PaaS to IaaS interface.
In this paper we have illustrated the highlights of our
vision for a new approach to the development of an
open PaaS framework which captures the main func-
tions which characterize the Cloud from the PaaS per-
spective. In our discussion we have highlighted the
interactions that the PaaS layer ought to have with the
two adjacent levels in the Cloud SPI stack in order to
draw maximum benefit the mediator potential of its
By virtue of the four constituent blocks sketched
in figure 1, we were able to clearly define and appor-
tion the responsibilities of each component of PaaS
architecture as well as to capture the interactions re-
quired among the different layers of the Cloud SPI
stack. Moreover, for each block in the envisioned ar-
chitecture we provided details on the inner working of
the relevant components. We also sketched the com-
munication interface to be put in place between the
PaaS and the IaaS layers, outlining the main function-
alities and parameters to flow across them.
We are currently developinga PaaSSOA prototype
using the Jolie (Guidi and Montesi, 2011) technology:
the demonstrator code may be downloaded at (Guidi,
We are grateful to Giovanni Giacobbi, member of our
team at the University of Padova, for his suggestions
and interesting discussions during the write-up of this
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