Fabrice Trillaud, Phuong Thao Pham, Mourad Rabah, Pascal Estraillier and Jamal Malki
L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France
Situation-based Model, Adaptive Scenario, Online Distant Learning, Scenario Management, Scenario
Execution Process.
This paper is an overview of our work to deal with scenario representation and management model in Online
Distant Learning domain. Our approach is based on scenario structuring using the notion of “situation”. A
“situation” is an elementary building block dividing the interactions between actors into contextual scenes.
This pattern not only supports the scenario execution, but also its creation and evolution. After discussing the
global methodology to manage ODL applications and introducing the situation-based scenarios, we show how
our methodology and situation structuring can be applied to and enhance ODL.
Online Distant Learning (ODL) is now becoming a
mature research domain (Lionarakis, 2009). We wit-
ness the development of online training applications
and the use of generic online meeting applications
for training purpose to create online virtual class-
rooms. But generic interactive applications are not
well suited to a training context, and specialized ones
can require too much learning time to master (Murphy
and Manzanares, 2008)(Kinser, 2003), slowing down
their acceptance by the users (Jung et al., 2006)(Pigli-
apoco et al., 2008). Moreover, users expect new learn-
ing possibilities through the use of these applications
(Hay et al., 2004).
ODL is not simply an unfolding of a “video con-
ference” or “online meeting”. A learning session can
be seen as a “scenario” that organizes the educational
activities. However, scenario organization for train-
ing purpose in online learning is still rarely used or
studied. We want to structure and organize learning
sessions into scenarios in an effective way. To achieve
this, we propose the use of “situations” blocks. Each
“situation” is a sequence of interactions between ap-
plication’s actors within a given shared context (Pham
et al., 2012). Furthermore, the situation-based sce-
nario uses interactive storytelling techniques as well
as consistency management (Pham et al., 2011) in dy-
namical execution to ensure robustness and interac-
tivity for online learning. It also facilitates the adapt-
ability during the training session and improves the
training quality by analyzing feedbacks and results.
We aim to obtain a complete generic situation-
based adaptive scenario management system, includ-
ing authoring tool, execution environment, and sce-
nario evolution control all along its lifecycle, since
users are looking for a system that can adapt itself
to its context and environment (McKee, 2010). The
resulting system has to be accessible for everyone,
without requiring particular training or equipment, as
these are the main problems associated with the im-
plementation of ODL systems (Cardoso and Bidarra,
2009). This paper gives a quick overview of our
situation-based model and details its application to
ODL case study.
Our scenario management system uses a three-
step cycle, namely Before (scenario’s construction),
Throughout (scenario’s execution) and After (execu-
tion’s analysis). Using this cycle, users involved in
scenario’s lifecycle are given tools and clues to im-
prove it between each execution. This cycle can be
applied to other interactive systems with scenario-
based execution.
We must at first determine system’s actors and
their environment. In ODL, we define three different
types of real actors: learners, trainers and training or-
ganization. Each of them is involved in one or several
Trillaud F., Pham P., Rabah M., Estraillier P. and Malki J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003914903130316
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 313-316
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
steps of the scenario’s lifecycle in ODL, and may take
on one or several roles, such as auditor, presenter,
moderator and designer. Figure 1 shows how each
involved actors and roles steps into this cycle, rep-
resented by a three-segment arrow, representing the
Before, Throughout and After steps.
Figure 1: Scenario’s lifecycle in ODL.
The seven points illustrated in the figure 1 are: the
definition of quality standards (1), the definition of
the training’s content (2), the choice of associated re-
sources (3), the execution of the training session (4),
the events recording (5), the events analysis (6) and
the feedback to the actors (learners, trainers, and or-
ganization) (7).
The “training organization” is responsible for the
training’s quality: Before the execution, it defines
rules and imperatives of the training. The “evaluator”,
in the After step belongs to the training organization
as well. He points out the most meaningful events
reported by some observation mechanisms, and dis-
patches them to the concerned actors in order to im-
prove the training prior to the next execution.
In the interactive domain, story or plot structuring has
been studied in many areas, such as games, interac-
tive drama and storytelling (Magerko, 2005)(Mateas
and Stern, 2005)(Paul et al., 2011), but also simula-
tion and educational applications. Interactive applica-
tions from our point of view always have a scenario
defining the interactive environment and tasks that ac-
tors have to do. In order to provide a story model, we
propose the notion of “situation” (Pham et al., 2012).
The situations are the narrative basic blocks that fa-
cilitate the story planning and management by char-
acterizing and confining the interactions.
A situation is a sequence of interactions between
two or more actors in a precise context to achieve a
predictive objective. It is characterized by the follow-
ing set of elements, illustrated in figure 2.
Figure 2: Situation model.
Pre-conditions: set of conditions that must be sat-
isfied to enter the situation.
Post-conditions: set of conditions or results that
must be completed in order to leave the situation.
Progression: presents a frame where actors
behave and interact using local resources and
launching different tasks according to their objec-
tives. Situation progression involves:
Actors: real (human, physical) or virtual (sys-
tem components, agents, non-player character).
Application’s designer logic: what the system
is allowed/supposed to do. It will orient the ac-
tors’ activities and tasks along the progression.
Event management: deals with the incom-
ing/outgoing events from/to the external world or
others simultaneous situations.
Resources managers: system’s actors responsible
for resources access and utilization with respect to
actors’ needs. Resources can be local or global.
Consistency management: mechanisms handling
actor’s inconsistency (Pham et al., 2011).
We distinguish 3 kinds of situations: elemen-
tary situations (basic situations introduced above),
composite situations (abstract situations that recur-
sively include other situations) and usable situations
or parameter situations (ready-to-use situations, pre-
designed and instantiated with common parameters)
(Pham et al., 2012).
An application scenario is finally represented as
an ordered sequence or directed graph of all possible
situations that can happen between actors.
We applied our proposition to our Online Distant
Learning framework. This framework deals with ac-
tivities structuring in distributed virtual classroom.
We use our situation-based structuring to organize
class learning activities. We have first identified the
corresponding situations and build the situations li-
brary. Then we have defined the scenario situation
graph that allowed us to assess the methodology fea-
sibility and perform adaptivity tests.
4.1 Building Scenarios using Situations
Our methodology of scenario specification is based
on the decomposition of pedagogic activities encoun-
tered in a classical face-to-face classroom. A clas-
sical course is regularly unfolded into several activi-
ties, such as lesson lecture, exercise working, going
to the blackboard, examinations... Each activity con-
sists of a set of actions and interactions between the
trainer and the learners using appropriate content and
This lecture structuring into activities in a face-
to-face class justifies the situations construction in
our work. Our concept of situations is well suited to
represent learning relatively independent activities in
ODL because these scenario structuring blocs allow
actions and interactions contextualization.
Generally, the situations library is determined by
application designers from the development point of
view. They have to satisfy reusability and general-
ization. The ODL sessions are then created from the
situations library by the course designer or the trainer
himself. The scenario structuring is thus based on the
main activities and steps in a real classroom.
The elementary situations defined for our virtual
classroom are: Presentation, Moderation, Discussion,
Individual working, Collaborative working, Browser
sharing, Survey and Grade. We also defined the com-
posite situations: Lesson lecture, Class working, Go-
ing to the blackboard and Evaluation; and the usable
situations: Group work and Examination. The figure
3 gives three examples of situations.
Figure 3: Three kinds of situations.
To validate our proposition, we defined a standard
typical scenario structured with situations for a les-
son session. The basic scenario contains the follow-
ing steps: Start of the lesson, Classwork, Going to
the Blackboard, Discussion and Survey. This five-step
scenario is “converted” into situations and organized
into a graph, as shown in the figure 4.
Figure 4: Example scenario.
Transitions between situations are triggered by
various events during the application execution, such
as publishing an exercise, designating a learner to go
to the virtual board, publishing a survey and so on.
4.2 Advanced Scenario Management
The course scenario is defined before the course be-
gins. It may have some weak points if it has rigid and
static structure. Indeed, once the scenario is created
and the course begins, it cannot be modified; class ac-
tivities can neither be added nor deleted. In real class,
the trainer may plan out his course scenario in the be-
fore step, but he is not certain that he will follow it
exactly as he intended initially. Therefore, although
the scenario is predetermined, it must be adaptive to
be easily modified or customized during the course.
Our approach gives this freedom to the trainer by al-
lowing the trainer to interchange situation blocks.
We could also mention the adaptation resulting
from consistency management, external events or
other types of adaptation. These are further discussed
in other papers. Please see our case study for exam-
ples of adaptation, scenario’s execution, and more de-
tails about the architecture and the adaptive scenario
management (Trillaud et al., 2011)
We have presented the methodology overview of our
situation-based adaptive scenario management sys-
tem. The situation model is used not only to con-
struct scenarios, but also to improve them through the
3-steps lifecycle, namely before, throughout and af-
ter. The situations support the scenario creation be-
fore system execution beginning; the automatic nav-
igation, dynamic adaption and consistency manage-
ment in the throughout step; and scenario improve-
ment after its execution. The notion of “situation” is
proposed to be a reusable model to all types of in-
teractive applications for which the execution can be
organized as a scenario. This methodology allows us
to build robust system architecture.
Since the Online Distant Learning is organized
as sequence of learning activities, it is well suited
to situation-based structuring. We have categorized
ODL actors with their different roles; these roles can
be changed during training session. Form the iden-
tified activities, we have defined the library of situ-
ations that is used to structure lessons in ODL. This
may allow best interactive online training, compared
to most existing online training or meeting applica-
tions: the trainer gets a permanent feedback on the
training execution; keeps control over the scenario
and can adapt it in a flexible way (a comparative study
has been carried out and will be the subject of upcom-
ing publications (Trillaud et al., 2011)).
Finally, we gave a glimpse of what the scenario
adaptation can be within situation-based scenario, but
there is much more to say about it, through tracks
analysis, consistency management or interactive sto-
rytelling. This will be covered in future publications.
We are now completing our works through sev-
eral aspects: development of the authoring system
supporting scenario creation and improvement, use
of traces analysis to support the scenario’s lifecycle,
1 for more informations about
our ODL project
complete integration of scenario management within
our ODL framework, and live tests with real online
trainers and learners. Our final aim is to estimate and
prove the performance and pertinence of our scenario
management methodology for different scenarios in
various interactive applications fields.
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