Opportunities for Teaching and Learning
Annemieke Craig
, Jo Coldwell-Neilson
, Annegret Goold
and Jenine Beekhuyzen
Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: e-Learning, e-Learning Technologies, e-Technologies, Higher Education, Literature Review.
Abstract: The number of different e-learning technologies available to support teaching and learning is growing
exponentially. A major issue for faculty and educational developers in higher education is to determine
which e-learning technology is most appropriate to support their particular teaching needs and provide
optimum learning opportunities for students. Over the last few years a vast amount of literature has been
published on e-learning technologies and how they are used in education Therefore the decision to use a
particular technology should be based on sound research and clear evidence. This paper reviews many of
these e-learning technologies and provides information regarding their use and the opportunities afforded by
The literature provides many definitions of e-
learning since the term was first introduced in the
late 1990s (Gerhard and Mayre 2002). Romiszowski
(2004) counted more than 20 different definitions
within 50 articles. In this study the comprehensive
definition from Tavangarian, Leypold, Nölting,
Röser and Voight’s (2004) review of the literature
has been adopted: E-learning is “all forms of
electronic supported learning and teaching, which
are procedural in character and aim to effect the
construction of knowledge with reference to
individual experience, practice and knowledge of the
learner. Information and communication systems,
whether networked or not, serve as specific media
…to implement the learning process” (p. 274). E-
learning then is supported by technology.
Brewer, De Jonge and Stout (2001) suggest that:
“Ideally, technology plays a transparent supporting
role in the learning process … appropriate
integration of learning technologies casts technology
in the background … gratuitous and/or awkwardly
or inappropriately employed learning technologies
can actually juxtapose the role and importance of
technology allowing it to compete with the learning
process” (p. 39).
Educators need to be well informed and familiar
with the available technologies if they are to use
them effectively for e-learning. However the number
of different technologies available to educators
continues to grow rapidly and technologies not
originally considered as teaching tools (such as
Facebook) are now permeating teaching and
learning spaces. There are also growing expectations
that educators are tech-savvy and familiar with a the
wide range of technologies. These expectations have
placed increasing pressure on educators (Orton-
Johnson 2009; Thinyane 2010).
This paper is a review of recent literature of
current technologies used in e-learning in higher
education. It describes some of the uses of these
technologies for teaching and learning and
highlights the opportunities afforded by their use.
Throughout this paper the term e-technology is
used to describe a technology that supports e-
Deakin University, a large university in Australia
where this project is centred, has a focus on
providing learning environments that “are flexible,
student-centred and accessible to our diverse range
of students, utilising appropriate technology to
enhance teaching and learning and providing student
Craig A., Coldwell-Neilson J., Goold A. and Beekhuyzen J..
A REVIEW OF E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES - Opportunities for Teaching and Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0003915400290041
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 29-41
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
support services which are responsive to student
needs and responsive to students support needs”
(derived from the University Teaching and Learning
Plan). The University has sponsored many e-
learning research activities in an effort to inform not
only teaching practice, but also policy development.
One of the projects funded in 2010 was a study
that aimed to provide an improved student
experience of e-learning by developing resources for
academics to enable them to make informed
decisions as to the best use of e-technologies.
An initial step was to review the e-technologies
used for teaching and learning at Deakin University
at that time. This revealed that the University
supported 23 components which were core within,
or power-linked from the online learning
environment, as well as nine other e-technologies.
The authors were also aware of at least seven e-
technologies that were being used on an ad-hoc basis
by staff to support teaching and learning. This list of
e-technologies (39) together with a categorisation by
Hamilton (2010), were used as the starting point to
compile categories of relevant technologies (see
Table 1).
Table 1: Categories of e-technologies.
e-technology Tool Examples
ssessment and Survey
Respondus, Quiz Builder, StudyMate,
Zoomerang, Survey Monkey,
Email, Announcements, Discussion
forum, SMS
igital Repositories
Google Scholar, ePortfolio,
dministration tools
Turnitin, Gradebook, iGoogle,
Flickr, Gallery2, Zoomr, Picasa,
odcasts and
Podcast, iLecture, iTunesU, MyPod,
7 Shared Documents
Google Docs, Zoho Writer,
SlideShare, Elgg, Clearspace
8 Social Bookmarking
del.icio.us, CiteULike, Simple, Diigo,
Connotea, digg, reddit
9 Social Networking
Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Ning,
Subscribed Content
Google Reader, Bloglines, RSS Feeds
Google Talk, iChat, CUworld, ICQ,
Skype, Elluminate Live, MSN /Yahoo
12 Virtual Worlds
Second Life (SL), Virtual Graffiti,
Weblogs and
Blogger, Wordpress, Twitter,
RAMBLE, Yammer
14 Wiki
PBWorks, Wikispaces, MediaWiki,
WikidPad, Zwiki
It should be noted that the broader categories of
virtual learning environments (VLE), online learning
environments (OLE), and learning management
systems (LMS) were excluded. The exclusions
include products such as Blackboard, SAKAI,
Moodle, Desire2Learn, AJAX. The rational here was
that generally these very large systems are centrally
supported within the university environment and
have adequate resources, support and exemplars to
allow informed decisions to be made about their use
to support specific pedagogical requirements, unlike
the range of e-technologies being investigated in the
study. Further, the use of such systems is usually
prescribed by the institution and therefore educators
do not have the opportunity of opting out of using
A search of selected journals (Table 2) was
undertaken to explore the most recent uses of the e-
technologies in higher educational settings. These
peer-reviewed journals were chosen from the
Australian Field of Research classifications of 1301
(Educational Systems) and 1303 (Specialist Studies
in Education). This paper presents the results from
this review.
Table 2: Initial sources.
Selected journals ISSN # ERA* Rank
ALT-J Research in
Learning Technology
Australasian Journal of
Educational Technology
British Journal of
Educational Technology
Computers and Education
Educational Technology
Research and
Higher Education
Research and
Interactive Learning
Journal of Higher
Research in Higher
Teaching in Higher
* Excellence in Research Australia
The focus of the encompassing project then
moved from the review of the literature to the
identification of expert users (academic staff) of the
e-technologies within the University. Their
knowledge and expertise of using these technologies
was captured through interviews. Students who were
enrolled in classes in which the e-technologies were
used were invited to participate in focus groups
thereby enabling the expert views to be
complemented by the students’ perceptions of using
these technologies. These parts of the project will be
the subject of future papers.
The following section provides a review of the
affordances of e-technologies identified in the
previous section, including a brief introduction of
their use for educational purposes.
3.1 Assessment and Survey Tools
Tools for formative and summative assessment
being used in higher education include: quiz and
survey tools, eExaminations and those for
visualisation and activity development. Such tools
are found to encourage student learning and enable a
better understanding of student behaviour in
teaching environments.
Online surveys or quizzes are generated for
testing purposes or used as a learning tool
incorporating automatic feedback. Surveys can be
created through an LMS, or using web-based survey
tools such as SurveyMonkey or Zoomerang. In a
study of mathematics students using a quiz built
using Respondus, Angus and Watson (2009) found
that higher exposure to such online instruments lead
to higher student learning all else being equal. The
use of the web-based MathXL, with features such as
self-paced homework and a test manager, allowed
automatic grading and targeted feedback (Buzzetto-
More and Ukoha 2009).
The use of online examinations (eExaminations)
is becoming more prevalent and there are efforts to
move away from multiple choice questions to more
sophisticated software tools. Fluck, Pullen and
Harper (2009) describe a system using an open
source CD on student owned laptop computers that
was supervised by invigilators without specialist
information technology skills.
There are also a variety of visualisation tools that
help teachers to better understand students’
cognitive levels and how they might progress
through concepts and learning materials. These tools
vary from CourseVis, that graphically renders
student tracking data collected by a CMS (Mazza
and Dimitrova, 2004), to a tool described by
Costagliola, Fuccella, Giordana and Polese (2009)
that allows tutors to monitor a learner’s strategies
during online tests by using data visualisation.
Although the focus with these tools is not on student
assessment per se, they nevertheless provide a
means of understanding behavioural patterns of
students better, thus allowing for improved
assessment processes. In a classroom, tools such as
VotApedia can enable questions to be answered by
large groups of students using their mobile phones.
Similarly an Audience Response System (aka
clickers) help motivate and engage students while
simultaneously providing feedback on their
understanding of material (Johnson and Lillis 2010).
3.2 Asynchronous Communication
In educational settings Email is a commonly used
asynchronous communication tool for one-to-one or
one-to-many online communication. It can transmit
files that include text, graphics and other multimedia
content with or in the messages. The strengths of
email include the immediacy of the technology, the
ability to connect and be connected, ease of use and
flexibility (Dawley, 2007). However these may be
seen as weaknesses as they create expectations upon
the educator to be always connected and contactable.
Other weaknesses include the potential for
misunderstandings through lack of non-verbal
triggers such as tone or mood, as well as the need to
establish and enforce boundaries and netiquette
(Koehler and Mishra, 2009). Such weaknesses are
accentuated when corresponding with distance
students or students with English as a Second
Language (ESL).
Another type of asynchronous communication
tool used in higher education is the discussion
forum, which allows participants to post to a bulletin
board or forum which can be viewed and responded
to by others at any time. However a major
disadvantage of discussion forums is the length of
time it takes to hold a conversation. Pena-Shaff,
Altman and Stephenson (2005) suggest that the use
of online discussion forums has the potential to
increase students’ participation and interaction when
used as a supplement to face-to-face learning
activities. Discussions also support online
communication and collaboration in situations where
face-to-face communication is not possible (Goold
and Coldwell, 2005). Klisc, McGill and Hobbs
(2009) suggest that when assessment is associated
with discussion, there are higher levels of
participation and quality of outcomes than when no
assessment is used.
Announcements are a further type of
asynchronous communication tool useful and widely
used in educational settings. An announcement is a
broadcast message to a predefined group of people
such as a class of learners. It is a useful way of
notifying the group(s) of breaking news, last-minute
events or simply reminders of key dates.
Announcement tools are often incorporated into
learning management systems.
Short message service (SMS) is a method for
sending messages to mobile phones and these are
becoming more commonly embedded in higher
education pedagogy. Additionally, an SMS message
can be sent from a mobile phone or from a computer
connected to the Internet. Anderson and Blackwood
(2004) report that the widespread adoption of mobile
devices together with the increased emphasis on
lifelong learning have become key drivers in the
development of applications and uses of mobile
devices. A number of experimental projects have
shown promise in this arena such as the mobile
learning tool developed by Cavus and Ibrahim
(2009) which encouraged language students to learn
new words via their mobile phones.
3.3 Digital Repositories
This category covers a plethora of different content
management systems and the search engines that
index them. Digital repositories typical in higher
education incorporate online bibliographic databases
that provide abstracts and indexing to the world’s
scientific and technical papers in wide-ranging
disciplines. Bibliographic databases, of which there
are more than 100, include PubMed, IEEE Xplore,
Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Web of Science and
Google Scholar and are easily accessible through
institutional libraries.
Another type of digital repository is the learning
repository created from combinations of in-house
and third-party resources, enabling academics to
retrieve and share these resources (Atkinson et al.,
2009). An issue with these types of sites is their
sustainability with the advent of Web 2.0 tools
where sites are “self-sustaining because users see a
value in continuing to add content and share
resources” (Conole and Culver, 2009, 763).
The ePortfolio is a type of digital repository
where the focus is on an individual’s collection of
artefacts. They facilitate “the process of collecting,
reflecting on, sharing, and presenting learning
outcomes and other professional accomplishments
via a digital medium” (Fitch, Reed, Peet and Tolman
2008, p. 38). EPortfolios have been used in
educational contexts such as:
English language teaching for students to record
and demonstrate evidence of learning and
development (Cheng and Chau, 2009);
As a medium for creating awareness of the
importance of lifelong learning for students
(Heinrich et al., 2007);
Professionals who are required to provide
evidence of competence and professional
development (Kardos et al., 2009);
Supporting and empowering women returning to
employment (Herman and Kirkup, 2008);
As a management system to store lesson plans of
student teachers and allow subsequent evaluation
and detailed analysis (Swan, 2009).
The use of ePortfolios can help students better
understand learning goals and reflect on the
knowledge and skills they have developed
(Buzzetto-More, 2010); (Lopez-Fernandez and
Rodriguez-Illera, 2009). Structure and organisation
of ePortfolios should reflect the “messages” that the
tool is bringing (Brandes and Boskie, 2008).
Innovative use of ePortfolios is being made in
areas that link education to the domain of
professional development planning, supporting
reflection on professional goals and career planning
(Bratengeyer, 2008) and in work-integrated learning
(Koch, 2010). In these contexts, Dorninger and
Schrack (2008) emphasise the importance of having
a common framework of content demands and
technical environments.
3.4 Management and Administration
Tools that are used for teaching and the management
of students and their learning include those tools
used for administration of students’ grades and
reporting of student progress, and tools for the
detection of plagiarism. Also included here are tools
to support the building of groups and provision of
infrastructure to support group work such as private
discussion spaces and shared document spaces.
An electronic gradebook is a student information
system which stores students’ demographic data and
allows grades and other data to be recorded. The
data can be edited, released for viewing and
exported. “Students really appreciate the ability to
see their overall progress in a course at any given
time” (Dawley, 2007, p. 185). Tracking and
reporting tools provide the means to monitor
students’ access to online components of a course or
of completion of tasks.
Online plagiarism detection software is used in a
variety of ways. It is often a way of encouraging
students to reference correctly and to write
assignments in their own words (Sheridan, Alany
and Brake 2005). For teachers it is a detection tool to
ensure that work submitted by students is their own.
Online plagiarism software can also be used purely
as an assignment submission tool (Dahl 2007).
While Turnitin is the most widely used plagiarism
detection software available in high schools and
universities, other tools with specialised features
have been developed for internal use (see for
example Butakov and Scherbinin, 2009). Chao,
Wilhelm and Neureuther (2009) showed that
students who had been given instruction and
exercises in paraphrasing and citing to avoid
plagiarism, were less likely to plagiarise.
Personalised homepages allow users to pull
information such as news, weather, gadgets,
webpage links and RSS feeds from multiple sources
into one fully customizable page. Netvibes,
Pageflakes, My Yahoo, iGoogle and Windows Live
all allow the creation of personalised homepages.
There appears to be very little literature on the use of
homepages for educational purposes but Marathe
(2010) has begun to explore the creativity enhancing
potential of such environments with students.
3.5 Photo Sharing
The use of photosharing websites has the potential to
“open lines of dialogue, communication, and
learning” (Fisher and Baird, 2006 - 2007, p. 22).
Flickr is an example of a website which enables the
publishing of photos online so that they can be
shared with others either publicly or privately. Users
can make annotations, leave comments and have
ongoing discussions about the images. The
discussion generated by the group remains visible in
Flickr for future reference.
Buffington (2008) explains that such sites can be
used to compare and contrast images in fashion or
art courses. Students on a field trip, who take photos
with their mobile phones, can instantly post them
online. Later the students can reflect and discuss,
through the photosharing tool, their experiences and
observation with the rest of their learning
community (Fisher and Baird, 2006 - 2007). Godwin
(2007) describes how a group of nearly 2000
librarians has formed on Flickr. They have
accumulated over 13,000 pictures and images
accessible to all members. Another example of an
educational use is the group of photography students
who have collaborated across universities to create
and comment on virtual photo albums using
Gallery2 (Samarawickrema, 2007).
3.6 Podcasts and Streaming
The term podcast is a contraction of iPod and
broadcast. A podcast is an audio or video file
(educational resources in this case) that can be
created and made available for download from the
Internet to a computer or mobile device that is
capable of playing MP3 or MP4 files on demand.
Most podcasts have RSS capability (see subscribed
content) allowing users to automate the process of
accessing recent additions. An alternative to
podcasts are streamed files which contain data sent
in a compressed format that is played in real time at
the destination. Unlike podcasts, playing a streamed
file can lead to stop-start reception depending on the
speed at which the data is transmitted. Such media is
becoming commonplace in education, particularly in
distance learning with many of the world’s
prestigious universities now distributing their
lectures through services such as iTunes (e.g.
Stanford and Harvard).
Considerable research has been undertaken into
the use of both teacher-generated and student-
generated podcasts in learning environments. Hew
(2009) reports that the most common use of podcasts
is for delivery of lectures and supplementary
recordings. With the advent of iTunesU, podcasting
was touted as the answer to learning anytime,
anywhere and high profile universities made
podcasts of lecture series freely available
(McKinney et al., 2009). Other projects have
demonstrated the versatility and efficacy of podcasts
as a means of engaging students in their learning
(Buffington, 2008); (Lazzari, 2009); (Middleton,
2009). Barriers to sustainable use of podcasts in
education include unfamiliarity with the technology,
lack of perceived relevance to teaching or learning
and lack of time to prepare podcasts (Hew, 2009).
Middleton (2009) highlights lack of technical
support and technical confidence as barriers to
institutional scalability of podcasting. However
Sutton-Brady, Scott, Taylor, Carabetta and Clark
(2009, p. 219) suggest that “the majority of students
believe they gained learning benefits from podcasts
and appreciated the flexibility of the medium”.
3.7 Shared Documents
Numerous collaboration applications exist which
enable the storing, editing and reviewing of
documents in a virtual space. This can be done by
multiple individuals, either in real time or
asynchronously. By using a web browser and an
application such as Google Docs students can access
a group’s documents, edit and save them
(Southavilay et al., 2009). Shared document
technologies such as Google Docs are considered
particularly useful if or when an institution adopts
gmail (google mail) as their email system, which has
been the case in many Australian universities. Such
technologies are then extremely convenient
particularly for students.
These collaboration technologies enable students
and faculty to see what changes have been made to
the documents and by whom. This facility is not
confined to text documents but a group can be
working collaboratively on spreadsheets and
presentations (EDUCAUSE, 2008) which is
considered useful in group work situations.
3.8 Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is the practice of saving a link
to a web site as a public or private bookmark then
tagging it with meaningful keywords (Lomas, 2005).
These bookmarks are then available, in an organised
manner, from any internet connected device
(Buffington, 2008). It is possible to see how many
other users have bookmarked a site, what else these
users have bookmarked, and to search for resources
by tags, person or popularity. Heymann, Koutrika
and Garcia-Molina (2008) suggest that this user
generated content is a new source of information as
it describes the web pages directly.
Commonly used social bookmarking sites
include del.icio.us, Simple and Diigo as well as
Connotea and CiteULike which are aimed
predominately at scientists (Godwin, 2007).
However there are over 250 other sites that offer this
type of service. In 2008 about 115 million
bookmarks existed in del.icio.us alone (Heymann et
al., 2008).
In an educational setting Lomas (2005) suggests
that social bookmarking simplifies the distribution
of resources such as reference lists, bibliographies
and articles to students and colleagues. Buffington
(2008) organises her students to use social
bookmarking to build a repository of information.
Shared bookmarks can lead to the discovery of
further resources while the creation of tags also
encourages critical thinking (Godwin, 2007), which
suggests they are particularly useful in educational
contexts. Lomas (2005) however has two concerns
with social bookmarking which could occur when
using them in teaching: users may assign
inconsistent, inadequate or even negative tags to
resources; and the storage of data in yet another
location outside of the university learning
management system that has to be maintained and
updated, adding another level of complexity.
3.9 Social Networking
Social networking creates online communities where
people share interests and activities. Users are able
to choose how they are “seen” within this
community by creating profiles for themselves and
can choose what information they wish to share.
While social networking sites like Facebook,
MySpace and Bebo were not developed as
educational tools they have been eagerly adopted by
some educational institutions seeking new levels of
student engagement and interactivity (Boon and
Sinclair, 2009). Eberhardt (2007) notes that
Facebook is a feature of contemporary student life
and transition to university can be eased through
interactions with numerous online communities.
Some educational institutions are concerned by the
possibility of postings which might be considered
inappropriate and they addressed this by blocking
access to Facebook through their network (Bugeja,
2006). Contrary to the negative perceptions of using
this very popular technology in an educational
context, De Villiers (2010) found that the use of
Facebook for academic discussions with
postgraduate distance learning students enhanced
student’s learning and insight.
Cloudworks is one social networking site
specifically developed for educational purposes.
Conole and Culver (2009) state that Cloudworks
harnesses Web 2.0 principles of connecting and
sharing by bringing together “teachers/designers to
share, discuss and find new ideas and designs” (p.
779). LibraryThing, another social networking site
developed with an educational flavour, enables users
to share information about books that they have
read. Godwin (2007) suggests this social network
can be used to encourage students to read or to
undertake critical reviews. Using technological
infrastructures such as Joomla and Drupal, social
networking sites have also been created specifically
for individual courses or sub groups within
institutions. Each of these social networking sites
have a slightly different focus on different areas of
social interaction (Weaver and Morrison, 2008)
making their fit for purpose a necessary
consideration when using them in teaching.
Boon and Sinclair (2009) caution that online
social networking does not come without concerns:
the uncertainty of someone’s online “identity” can
lead to lower levels of engagement; there can be an
emphasis on superficial issues; and problems may
arise with authenticity and trust. Students also need
to be made aware of the visibility of their online
behavior and recognize the long-term consequences
of sharing personal information and how it may
(negatively) impact future relationships, careers or
employment (Fisher and Baird, 2006 - 2007); (Kolek
and Saunders, 2008). This issue is especially
pertinent when using social networks for the
delivery or support of education, where individual
profiles and individual communications may be
accessed by faculty delivering the teaching
materials. Furthermore Foulger, Ewbank, Kay, Popp
and Carter (2009) argue that for educators, the
technology presents a new medium where the scope
of their authority and responsibility is not always
3.10 Subscribed Content Delivery (RSS
Feeds / Aggregators)
RSS, short for Really Simple Syndication or Rich
Site Summary, provides a means of keeping up-to-
date with content on the Internet that is updated
frequently. It allows content distributors to syndicate
content via an RSS file on the Web (Glotzbach et al.,
2009) which an RSS reader can then easily
download and check for updates. Individuals who
subscribe to an RSS feed are notified when new
items are added. The newsreader is accessible via
the Internet, desktop computer, an email client or
mobile phone. The feed is in a standardized format,
which allows it to be published once and viewed by
many different programs. The reader provides a user
interface to monitor and read the feeds as well as
functions that enable users to search, organise,
manage and share their RSS posts. Often email
programs and web browsers have the ability to
display feeds. Such technologies pose new
possibilities for e-learning and the distribution of
teaching materials.
There are any number of general readers easily
appropriated for education such as Google Reader
and Bloglines, and there are also specialised
aggregators freely available including MedReader
targeting medical and healthcare professionals.
Recent classroom experiments have found mixed
results with student uptake of this technology
(Glotzbach et al., 2009); (Lee et al., 2009).
3.11 Synchronous Communication
Synchronous communication has many forms and is
the closest technology-supported communication
mode to face-to-face communication. It has an
immediacy that asynchronous communication lacks.
Synchronous communication can be text or audio
based and can include video, multimedia, document
and desktop sharing. Synchronous communication is
facilitated through chat rooms, instant messaging
and video-conferencing and is often used in
The need to support distance education and
remote learners has prompted the use of
synchronous tools to facilitate communication in
environments where face-to-face is not possible. It
has been used in a variety of learning environments,
including small group teleconferences (Bliesener
2006); professional development for teachers (Chen
et al., 2009); virtual assistants as online facilitators
(Blignaut and Nagel, 2009); and supporting
acquisition of study and literacy skills (De Fazio et
al., 2000).
Although some researchers have found that there
are differences in the use of synchronous tools
which are dependent on factors such as culture
(Wang and Reeves, 2007) others have found that
using such tools may cut through potential barriers.
A study undertaken by Rutter (2009) suggests that
the use of synchronous communication tools brings
benefits to student support through efficient
communication. Such tools can also be used to
promote cooperation among students who work
individually on their computers at home (Bliesener
2006) and to cross national and cultural boundaries
(Harrison et al., 2003). Pelowski, Frissell, Cabral
and Yu (2005) found that the immediacy of
synchronous tools to facilitate class communications
afforded a number of benefits to students that
asynchronous communication tools did not achieve.
3.12 Virtual Worlds
A virtual world is a simulated environment through
which users can interact individually or with others
to use and create objects. Virtual worlds include
multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs), and
eSimulations, which are ideal for classroom teaching
MUVEs are “environments that support learning
activities such as experimentation, exploration, task
selection, creation, and dynamic feedback ... [and]
...provides opportunities for social interaction,
collaboration, an increased sense of shared presence,
partially dissolved social boundaries, and lowered
social anxiety” (Jarmon et al., 2009, p. 170). With a
MUVE there is no predetermined narrative. MUVE
designers have the freedom to define and create the
environment most suitable for their teaching context
(Warburton, 2009) and use it as an alternative model
of education (Twining, 2009). Second Life (SL) is
by far the most popular MUVE and applications can
be found in many disciplines and educational
contexts (Twining, 2009); (Warburton, 2009);
(Wheeler, 2009). In SL the user is represented by an
avatar, a graphical image that represents a person,
and can interact with other avatars in a 3-D virtual
environment. SL offers an alternative space where
learners can gain experiences that may not be
possible in the real world. These include
hypothetical or imaginary experiences or those
involving large risk (Boon and Sinclair, 2009);
(Jarmon et al., 2009); or where these experiences
would be too expensive to produce in real life
(Wheeler, 2009). Twining (2009, p. 498) suggests
that they are also “spaces which encourage
playfulness and testing of boundaries”.
There are some concerns about the MUVE as a
learning environment. “The omnipresent artificiality
of identity within these spaces and the concomitant
challenges to frameworks of trust and truth may
leave some students feelings distracted, isolated, or
even disconnected” (Boon and Sinclair, 2009, p.
108). This finding is supported in the literature
(Omale et al., 2009); (Warburton, 2009). Another
concern is that educators are ill prepared to take
advantage of these new technologies (Twining,
2009), which could seriously complicate
student/teacher interactions.
ESimulations are computer-based simulations
that are delivered via a computer network and,
increasingly, from mobile screens. The major
benefits of eSimulations are that they are interactive,
stimulating and enjoyable for learners and they
provide single-user or team interaction in realistic or
real-world scenarios where trial-and-error learning
in a risk-free setting is possible (Cybulski, 2007).
Many other attempts have been made to provide
simulated learning experiences to students including:
The use of live broadcasts using a small-scale,
satellite-based expedition transmission package into
remote areas which brought a “live experience” back
to students on campus (Robert and Lenz, 2009).
The creation of a virtual learning environment on
CD that emulated a fire investigation activities
scenario (Davies and Dalgarno, 2009).
The utilization of a fictitious telecommunications
organisation (website) as a context for engaging
students in professional practice (Goold et al., 2006).
3.13 Weblogs and Microblogs
A blog (weblog) is a web page where the owner
writes personal commentary, or opinions, to which
readers have the ability to leave comments (Duffy,
2008). The owner of the blog directs its content with
dated postings of items in reverse chronological
order containing text and images. The blog may
incorporate a number of features such as links,
taglines, permanent links, blogrolls and archives
(Farmer and Bartlett-Bragg, 2005). A blog owner
requires motivation to post regularly placing
increased pressure on educators using the
technology. However various applications such as
RAMBLE and Google’s Blogger Mobile enable
bloggers to easily send messages and images directly
to their blog from their mobile phones (Fisher and
Baird, 2006 - 2007).
Blogs can provide a shareable student writing
space or be used as a mechanism to record a
student’s progress. They can also be used as a digital
display of a student’s work and achievements
(Duffy, 2008). Blogs have the potential to improve
the correctness, completeness and innovations of
achievements by students (Chu et al., 2009). Hou,
Chang and Sung (2009) suggest that blogs can also
be a way for teachers to share information and
experience, though in their study the use of the blog
for knowledge construction was limited.
Buffington’s (2008) experience with implementing
blogs in a university however were mixed.
Blogging “small nuggets of knowledge”,
typically in postings of 140 characters or less, which
can be read on the web or on mobile devices is
known as microblogging (Skiba, 2008). Examples
include Twitter (where each posting is known as a
tweet), Jaiku, Tumblr and Pownce. Yammer is a
“private” microblogging tool. It restricts user access
to a community by an email domain name.
Instructional uses include as a tool for effective
professional development and collaboration
(Grosseck and Holotescu, 2008); making
announcements as well as collaborative story writing
(Skiba, 2008); and enhancing the social, cognitive
and teacher presence in an online course (Dunlap
and Lowenthal, 2009). Roth and McCully (2010)
argue that while these type of social media tools may
facilitate student collaboration they need to be
simple and purposeful.
3.14 Wikis
Wikis are a collection of web pages designed to
allow multiple authors to create, edit and delete
content at any time and from anywhere
(Cunningham, 2005) and they are particularly
suitable for group work in education. Content is built
collaboratively with many users being able to
structure the content, create links and track a history
of contributions (O'Leary, 2008). The pages within
the wiki can be interconnected and organised as
necessary as there is no predetermined structure
(Duffy, 2008). The most well known wiki is the
online encyclopedia Wikipedia. As of 2012,
Wikipedia had over 19 million articles from 85,000
active contributors in more than 270 languages.
Application of wikis in the academic context
include fostering learning in students (Ruth and
Houghton, 2009); the collaborative writing of a
textbook by faculty and students (Ravid et al.,
2008); as a tool to understand artworks (Buffington,
2008); and to improve report writing amongst
students (Neumann and Hood, 2009). Hernandez-
Ramos (2004) suggests that wikis promote the art of
reflective writing due to the public nature of these
tools. However some students experience feelings of
uncertainty if they are not accustomed to writing and
publishing their ideas to such a wide audience
(Hernandez-Ramos, 2004). Neumann and Hood
(2009) suggest that using a wiki can improve student
engagement with content but they found no evidence
that students’ performance was also enhanced.
However Cole (2009) did not find an increase in
student engagement amongst her students though
this may have been due to an unattractive course
The accuracy, relevance and verifiability of the
content of wikis can be questionable (Dawley,
2007); (Giles 2005). However O’Leary (2008)
argues that they can be as accurate as traditionally
published sources but acknowledges that a lack of
peer reviewing does result in a lack of quality
assurance and that authors can introduce bias.
The rate at which new e-technologies are emerging
is rapid and hence any list which attempts to capture
them will soon be out of date. For example since
undertaking this review the researchers have
encountered the Bliki, a combination of a blog and a
wiki (Huang and Yang, 2009), and the SNAG, a
suite of mobile phone and internet games to
facilitate networking between group members. Other
tools such as Google Wave, a combination of
synchronous and asynchronous communication,
showed much promise (Feldstein, 2009). In 2010
active development of Google Wave was
discontinued with a full shut down of the product in
April 2012. However, the list of categories of e-
technologies is less likely to change but rather
specific entries will be extended by new innovations.
The technologies which are most likely to impact
teaching and learning in higher education in the
future are listed in the latest Horizon Report
(Johnson et al., 2010). The report suggests that cloud
computing and collaborative environments will have
a significant impact on teaching and learning over
the next 12 months, however with recent reports of
‘clouds’ being hacked such as Sony’s Playstation
network in April 2011, such technologies are not
immune from misuse and negative consequences.
The report suggests that in the medium term (two to
three years), game-based learning and mobile
devices will be key drivers in pedagogical
developments. In four to five years, the report
suggests that augmented reality and flexible
computer displays will be used, even though in
reality these may only be adopted within this time
frame by a few in the mainstream; those with
substantial funds and infrastructure to support them.
To put this discussion in context, it is important
to consider the key trends that are driving the
adoption of technology in the classroom (Johnson et
al., 2010):
Technology as a means for empowering students,
a communication and socializing tool that is
ubiquitous and transparent.
Technology is continuing to impact workplaces
and elsewhere.
The value placed on innovation and creativity is
There is a move to just-in-time, less formal,
modes of learning.
Perceptions of the learning environment are
The popularity of emerging digital technology
presents new opportunities and challenges for
educators. Farnan, Paro, Higa, Edelson and Arora
(2008) argue that educators need to familiarize
themselves with the advances in digital media, not
only to take advantage of the educational
opportunities they provide, but also to encourage
safe practices and professional behavior by students
using these technologies. Armatas, Holt and Rice
(2005) warn however that a constant challenge will
be “to integrate the possibilities of the emergent
[technology] with ongoing commitments to the
established corporate technologies” (p. 34).
As part of ongoing research, a future project will
seek to expand the number of e-technologies
reviewed and provide dissemination of best practice
and exemplars via the web as well as providing the
mechanism for ongoing updates.
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