Rob Whent
, Dragana Martinovic
, C. I. Ezeife
, Sabbir Ahmed
, Yanal Alahmad
Tamanna Mumu
OTEP Inc, 13300 Tecumseh Road East, Suite 366, ON N8N 4R8, Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada
School of Computer Science, University of Windsor, Windsor, N9B 3P4, Ontario, Canada
Cognitive Skill Mapping, Computer Games, Database Integration, Database Mining.
National statistics confirm that nowadays about 20% of school children have some type of mental health is-
sue, about 70% of adult mental health disorders originated in adolescence, while about 40% have unidentified
learning differences that affect their learning abilities. Starting early enough with proper screening of a child’s
cognitive skills is critical for improved learning and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, assessments and treat-
ment can be costly, elusive or conflicting. This paper describes an approach to identifying child’s cognitive
skill level that is adopted by an online product called “Think2Learn” developed by OTEP Inc. (Online Train-
ing & Education Portal). OTEP uses ubiquitousness of the Internet and attractive features of online computer
games to give parents automated opportunity to screen and follow their children’s cognitive development.
OTEP presently uses a collection of approximately 100 video games for children to play and while doing so,
it records their score to continuously assess and monitor their cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The Web-
based tool for identifying cognitive skill level is developed as an integration or data warehouse of a number
of relevant data sources such as the cognitive skills categories data, games data, player inventory data and so
on. The integrated data are continuously mined, analyzed and queried for proper and quick assessment or
Currently available digital technologies provide for
multiple representations (e.g., visual, text, and sound)
that draw youth as attractive, artistic and fast-paced.
There is a bodyof research that pointsto unique learn-
ing habits of young people. Among else, they pre-
fer short visual explanations, to receive information
quickly and process it rapidly, prefer multi-tasking
and non-linear access to information, have a low tol-
erance for lectures, prefer active rather than passive
learning, and are kinaesthetic, experiential, hands-on
learners who must be engaged with first-person learn-
ing, games, simulations, and role-playing((Junco and
Mastrodicasa, 2007); (Oblinger and Oblinger, 2005);
(Tapscott, 2009)). The youth nowadays also rely
This research was supported by the Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under
an Operating grant (OGP-0194134) and Engage program.
heavily on communication technologies to access in-
formation and to carry out social and professional
interactions ((Veen and Vrakking, 2006); (Pletka,
2007)). At the same time, playing computerand video
games are lately being recognized as valid cognitive
activities as they affect a player’s capability to self-
regulate, make right decisions, and problem-solve.
Such environments are engaging but put a strain on
the cognitive load and attention span of the user. It
is notable that some parents deliberately avoid hav-
ing computers at home, while some restrict access for
their children out of fear that they will use comput-
ers to play games rather than for educational purposes
(Dance, 2003). How should educators respond? Is
there a way to convince parents that their children
may learn while they are playing computer games?,
that children may enhance their cognitive capabilities
while having fun on a computer?. Cognition refers to
the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge
and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, re-
Whent R., Martinovic D., Ezeife C., Ahmed S., Alahmad Y. and Mumu T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003917204950505
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (SGoCSL-2012), pages 495-505
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
membering, judging and problem-solving. These
are higher-level functions of the brain that encom-
pass language, imagination, perception and planning
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, national
statistics confirm that nowadays about 20% of school
children have some type of mental health issue;
the Mental Health Commission of Canada (Canada,
2011) states that 70% of adult mental health dis-
orders originated in adolescence, while about 40%
have unidentified learning differences that affect their
learning abilities (e.g., the acquisition, retention, un-
derstanding, organization of information). Starting
early enough with proper screening of a childs cog-
nitive skills is critical for improved learning and men-
tal wellbeing. Unfortunately, assessments and treat-
ment can be costly, elusive or conflicting. This paper
describes an approach to identifying a child’s cog-
nitive skill level that is adopted by an online prod-
uct called “Think-2-Learn” (Whent, 2012) created by
OTEP Inc. (Online Training & Education Portal).
Cognitive abilities of individuals such as auditory, vi-
sual, sequential, conceptual, speed, and executive de-
termine their learning abilities in the main cognitive
categories such as basic reading, reading comprehen-
sion, math calculation, math reasoning, writing me-
chanics, writing content, oral expression, and listen-
ing comprehension. According to (Crouse, 2010),
student needs to achieve, for example, high score in
auditory domain, high score in conceptual and moder-
ate score on speed of processing in order to have abil-
ity for reading comprehension. Determining a child’s
cognitive abilities in various categories of cognition
and later identifying any improvement in these abil-
ities in a natural environment such as their perfor-
mances when playing relevant computer games is an
approach being adopted in this paper. This paper pro-
poses integrating into a data warehouse a number of
relevant data sources such as video games data, cog-
nitive data, student game play inventory and others, in
other to quicklymine and compare their performances
with the norms for cognitive achievements for differ-
ent children from various age, gender, mental, physi-
cal, ethnic, social and other background they may be-
long to. While this approach does not claim to be a
panacea for alleviating developmental difficulties in
children, it should be taken as one attempt that, in
conjunction with other preventive and treatment mea-
sures, may help children to improve their cognitive
skills and strategies. More research is needed to es-
tablish to what extent is this approach helpful and
in which cases; however our preliminary case stud-
ies and data mining method provide the ground work
for future studies.
Section 2 presents the related work including those
in computer gaming and cognition, data warehousing
and mining. Section 3 presents the OTEP solution ap-
proach including the data warehouse integration al-
gorithm, schema and example application. Section
4 discusses performance analysis of how games data
can be effective in identifying cognition while section
5 presents conclusions and future work.
2.1 Youth and Gaming
Cognitively, young generations are known to have a
shorter attention span and to need immediate answers
(Pedro, 2006). This may be a consequence of the ex-
tensive propagation of video games among youth. In
(Rideout et al., 2005), it is noted that in the U.S., 8-
to10-year-olds spend more than an hour a day play-
ing video games. Since the main features of many
video games are quick reactions and immediate feed-
back, the games may reinforce the childrens inclina-
tion towards fast, focused, and repetitive actions that
result in direct (task-oriented and instant-feedback-
based) and limited (fast, focused, repetitive) learning
in a short time. In (Pedro, 2006), it is concluded that
“nothing seems further from this than the students’
daily school experiences requiring longer attention
spans, engaging students in reflective activities, fo-
cusing intensely on one activity at a time, and involv-
ing properly written text” (p.11). The learning habits
of youngsters not only differ from traditional learning
habits, but they also demonstratecertain uniqueweak-
nesses. For example,nowadays studentsare strong vi-
sual learners (Berk, 2010), but usually weak in learn-
ing from text (Vaidhyanathan, 2008). In addition,
while such students prefer fast-paced environments,
their performance sometimes lacks depth and critical
thinking ((Oblinger and Hawkins, 2006); (Rockman
and Associates, 2004)).
2.2 Computer Games and Cognition
There exist conflicting reports on the social and cog-
nitive consequences of playing computer and video
games (Martinovic et al., 2011). In the interest of
space, we will focus on studies that relate playing
games to positive effects. There are recorded ben-
efits emerging from playing computer games, such
as improving visual intelligence skills (which are es-
pecially relevant for subject areas in which manipu-
lating images on a screen may be particularly use-
ful, such as science and technology) (Subrahmanyam
et al., 2000). Computer-based games may enhance
hand-eye coordination, visual scanning, auditory dis-
crimination, and spatial skills (DeLisi and Wolford,
Moreover, emphasis on visual information pro-
cessing may be connected to a significant increase
in average non-verbal scores in various psychological
tests across all groups tested (see (Greenfield et al.,
1994), (Subrahmanyam et al., 2000)). A comparative
study of children aged 10 to 11 who played two dif-
ferent computergames, onewith strong visual content
and the other text-based, showed that playing the first
game improved the children’s spatial performance,
while playing the second did not (Subrahmanyam and
Greenfield, 1994). Repetitive game playing may in-
crease the young children’s working memory (Thorell
et al., 2009); mental rotation accuracy (DeLisi and
Wolford, 2002); and spatial rotation, iconic skills, and
visual attention (Subrahmanyam et al., 2001).
2.3 Computer Games and Learning
Playing the carefully and purposefully designed com-
puter games may positively affect learning among
children of wide range of ages. Early studies on
high school students’ use of educational software at
home showed significantly higher scores on com-
puter literacy tests among students who played these
games (Subrahmanyam et al., 2000). Describing the
study done with pre-school children, (Freeman and
Somerindyke,2001), concludedthat the children ben-
efited and thrived when given the opportunity to de-
velop skills through the use of computers. For these
authors, computers “are an ideal vehicle for learn-
ing in a social setting” (p. 206), and as such, have
a role in an active-learning, play-based curriculum.
Because playing computer games involves integration
of “touch, voice, music, video, still images, graphics,
and text” (IBM, 1991), children are faced with the en-
vironment geared to a variety of intelligences (e.g.,
linguistic, logical, spatial, kinaesthetic, musical), this
may particularly influence development of literacy
skills and ability to problem-solve. In (Gee, 2007), it
was argued that as “problem-solving spaces”, video
games can be excellent tools for learning, as they
provide an environment for recursive practices. It
is through these practices that learners can reach the
point of automaticity in a “non-boring” way. Players
see computer games as systems, rather than as collec-
tions of discrete skills. In addition, exploration and
successive challenges of increasing difficulty are pri-
mary principles of computer games. Beck and Wade
(as cited in (Bogost, 2007), p. 240), maintain that
the “videogamegeneration” (those born after 1970) is
uniquely positioned to use meta-cognitive skills ob-
tained through video game playing (e.g., reflecting
on immediate situation, analyzing choices and com-
paring odds, finding the right strategy). In (Bogost,
2007), Gee’s notion of computer games was taken
as “situated . .. and ... embodied learning” further,
stating that “videogames ... offer meaning and ex-
periences of particular worlds and particular relation-
ships” (p. 241, emphasis in original). In other words,
“the higher-order thinking skills still matter, but so
does the ninja” (p. 243). These statements are sup-
ported by the findings from the neurological research
that identify emotion as one important element of
learning (Zull, 2004). Another element of learning
is practice, and both are present in playing computer
2.4 Examples of Studies Involving
Game Playing
There are several recommendations coming out of
previous work that we took into account in this study.
For example, Ko (2002) analyzed 7-10 year old chil-
dren’s behaviour and cognitive development while
playing a game based on ’if-then rules. The author
used statistical methods to find if the child used the
game rules or achieved the goal by chance only, and
analyzed children’s game performance in relation to
their individual differences. Ko concluded that the
success in playing depended on the child’s age and
planning skills; also, the children improved in using
the game clues and developed their planning strate-
gies through repeated game playing. Ko’s recommen-
dation is that educational software must be measured
against how children think and learn (e.g., the purpose
of the game, activities during the play, what and how
the child performs, and what concepts are learned).
Computer games of different types affect children
cognitive processes differently. (Pillay, 2002) investi-
gated the impact of two recreational computer games
on 14-16 year old children’s subsequent performance
in a computer based instructional tasks, by employ-
ing both quantitative (i.e., speed and accuracy) and
qualitative (i.e., cognitive strategies) measurements.
The author found that playing recreational computer
games may influence performance (e.g., time effi-
ciency and correct problem solving) on subsequent
computer-based educational tasks. Pillay concluded
that although recreational and educationalgames may
have different goals, commonality in their structure is
what matters. By playing games of different types,
children develop a repertoire of cognitive schemas
that can help them later in performing learning tasks.
To conclude, (Lieberman et al., 2009) suggested that
more research is needed to understand cognitive and
other development of children when they play com-
puter games in order to support their healthy emo-
tional, cognitive and learning development. We con-
tinue our report by introducing the OTEP approach
and philosophy.
2.5 Data Warehousing and Mining
A data warehouse is a historical, integrated, subject-
oriented database storing data from multiple data
sources in the one data warehouse schema (Han et al.,
2011). Construction of a data warehouse is done
through processes of schema and data integration of
different data sources which involve data cleaning
(Ezeife and Ohanekwu, 2005), data transformation
and loading with periodic refreshing. A popular data
warehouse schema approach is the star schema where
there is a central fact table having foreign key at-
tributes that include the main subjects of interest, the
integration attribute, the historical time attribute and
some non-foreign key aggregate measures of inter-
est. Other descriptive tables in the data warehouse
design using the star schema are dimension attributes
for describing the foreign key attributes in the fact ta-
ble. A measure such as score achieved during a game
by a child can be calculated from a multidimensional
model version of the data warehouse called the data
cube (Ezeife, 2001). Other online analytical process-
ing (OLAP) queries such as drill-down and roll-up
analysis can be performed on the data warehouse fact
table or cube. Also, data mining querying for ana-
lyzing the correlation between groups of data in the
warehouse such as association rule mining and clus-
tering can be done to answer required queries.
3.1 The OTEP Model and Problem
As shown in the OTEP model of Figure 1, one goal
of the model is to measure a child’s cognitive abili-
ties through its performances in repetitive playing of
a variety of games in different cognitive categories.
The model proposes to accomplish this goal by com-
paring the child’s performance in these games with
the performances of dynamically changing normal-
ized performances(termed norms) of other childrenin
similar comparison groups such as age, ethnic back-
ground, social background, learning or physical level,
etc. In order to gather the necessary historical, inte-
grated and correlated game playing scores and param-
eters of each child, this approach proposes using the
data warehouse approach to integrate structured data
sources. The structured data sources to be integrated
consist of game playing database, cognitive inventory
database, and other data sources such as learning in-
ventory database. The game playingdatabase can also
result from a continuous integration of various gam-
ing sites. From the integrated data warehouse, online
analytical processing and mining of data for compar-
ative purposes can be performed. For example, some
analysis can be accomplished using multidimensional
data cube views (Ezeife, 2001).
Figure 1: The OTEP Model.
Some Challenges to be Resolved
Some of the questions to be answered include:
1. The data warehouse techniques to be used for con-
tinuous integration of both database schemas and data
of different game sites as different attribute names
need to be merged as one name in the data warehouse.
Also, data cleaning needs to be done to resolve differ-
ences in units of data (e.g., when one database stores
a games parameter in inches and the other stores them
in meters).
2. Establishing the approach for computing and re-
vising the ’Norms’ data. For example, the Norms for
children who are 8 years old and who are playing a
game involving reading can be computed using the
average speed over a period of time. However, many
other ways for computing the Norms are to be inves-
3. Data structuring, integration and mapping of the
cognitive inventory to various levels of Norms and
performances as well as to learning inventory.
4. Determining types of analysis and reporting that
are needed to indicate a child’s cognitive abilities and
improvement from the integrated data. Multidimen-
sional online analytical data cube approach is one
technique to be explored.
5. Establishing firmer correlations between playing
visual games for example, to learning skills.
6. What does it mean when a first level of a game
is played in comparison to when a second, third or
higher level is played with regards to performance in
cognitive abilities?
Table 1: General areas of cognitive processing and related abilities (based on Crouse, 2007).
Cognitive Sub-categories
Visual seeing differences between things, remembering visual
processing details, filling in missing parts in pictures, remembering
characteristics, visual-motor coordination, visualization and
imagination, organization of their room, desk, artistic skills
Auditory hearing differences between sounds/voices, remembering specific
Processing words or numbers, remembering general sound patterns, under-
standing when they miss some sounds, blending parts of words together, music
Sequential Short-term memory for details, long-term retrieval of details, fine-
Rational motor coordination, finding the words you want to say or write,
organization of your thoughts and materials, writing mechanics (spelling,
punctuation), reading speed/sounding out new words, attention to
details, putting words and thoughts in order
Conceptual memory for general themes or ideas, reasoning spatial awareness,
Abstract general knowledge, inferential thinking, estimation/approximation,
conceptual understanding, creativity/inventiveness, reading
comprehension, use of context rhythm, music, art
Processing short-term memory (with time pressure), long-term retrieval
Speed (with time pressure), talking speed, word-finding, writing speed,
reading speed, attention reasoning (with time pressure),
general response speed
Executive ability to stay focused on tasks, plan and anticipate, organize
Functioning thoughts and materials, follow-through and complete tasks,
cope with unstructured situations, cope with changes in routine, regulate emotions
Table 2: Correlation between areas of cognitive processing and student achievement.
Cognitive Auditory Visual Sequential Concept Speed Executive
Basic high moderate high high
Reading high high moderate
Math high moderate moderate high
Math high high moderate moderate
Writing high high high high high
Writing high high moderate
Oral high moderate moderate
Listening high moderate
7. How do we compare a single person’s record and
compare it to hundreds of people’s game records.
3.2 The Cognitive Categories
The cognitive categories being addressed or targeted
are based on six general areas of cognitive process-
ing: Visual processing; Auditory processing; Sequen-
tial/rational processing; Conceptual/abstract process-
ing; Processing speed; and Executive Functioning
that involve abilities listed in Table 1.
3.3 The Video Games Categories and
The current collection of games has about one hun-
dred games in ten categories encompassed by the
six general areas of cognitive processing of Table 1.
These ten cognitive categories are: 1. Visual Process-
ing, 2. Processing Speed, 3. Reasoning, 4. Self Di-
rection, 5. Self Regulation, 6. Auditory Processi ng,
7. Language Processing, 8. Motor Functioning, 9.
Memory/Learning, and 10. Flexibility. Each of these
main game categories has sub categories of games
they contain. For example, the visual processing cat-
egory has games that are classified as one of the four
types of i) puzzle games (e.g., number balls, the miss-
ing jigsaw and find the pair), ii) action games (e.g.,
fruit collection, mouse and cat, christmas gifts), iii)
sports games (e.g., free kick, freestyle soccer, aster-
oids) and iv) educational games (e.g., word search
II, whack a difference). Some games may belong
to more than one main game category. For exam-
ple, motor functioning games consist of some types
of action and sports games that may include some
games of those types in the visual processing cate-
gory. The games inventory continues to expand and
each of these games has a web link where they can be
played. The games results are classified as one of the
following five outcomes: 1) extremely below average,
2) below average, 3) average, 4) above average, or 5)
extremely above average.
3.4 Theoretical Correlation between
Cognitive Processing and Student
According to (Crouse, 2010), a student needs to
achieve, for example, high score in auditory domain,
high in conceptual and moderate score on speed of
processing in order to have the ability for reading
comprehension. Similarly, one can determine stu-
dent’s strengths or weaknesses in the domains of
mathematics calculation or oral expression, and sim-
ilar (see Table 2). Table 2 presents the relationship
between cognitive processing and student achieve-
ments. From Table 2, assessing a childs math cal-
culation skills or abilities as being strong can be done
with tests that would ascert the child’s visual skills as
high, conceptual skills as high, processing and execu-
tive skills as moderate. The OTEP approach is to use
a natural testing environment consisting of computer
games where these skills such as auditory, visual, se-
quential, conceptual, speed and executive are directly
measured through the child’s performance in repeti-
tive playing of games in various categories.
3.5 The OTEP Data Warehouse
Integration Approach
The goal of this system is to use the online games to
screen or assess children’s cognitive skills and later
suggest a learning plan that would be most suitable
for their learning success. While this paper describes
gathering and integrating the relevant data from (1)
video games data, (2) cognitive skills and mapping
data and to obtain a data warehouse schema called
OTEP GamesDW, in the future, other data sources
will be integrated including the learning achievement
data and third party data. The current schemas of the
games data source and the cognitive data source with
the integrated data warehouseare provided in this sec-
The Games Data Source
The database schema for the games data source to be
integrated holds data descriptors for each of the 100
or more games that a child can play. Information on
the games include the type of game it is. For exam-
ple, a game called “Building Blocks” belongs to the
game category type of “Puzzle” with a description of
the type of activity involved as “Scanning”. For this
game, the maximum allowed number of replays is 3
and the web link where this game can be found is in-
cluded as well as the override options that this game
can be set on. Other tables that are presented, con-
tain games instance, and records of each users play
of each game. The games data source schema is rep-
resented through the following eight table schema.:
1. Usertable(userid, useridc, userlogon, usermail,
2. Gamestable(gameid, gametag, gamepath, swfpath,
confpath, gametype, title, typedesc, maxplay, link,
3. GamesCategorytable(catid, cattag);
4. Gamesidentification(catid, gameid);
5. GamesConfiguration(confid, gameid, configmatch,
timestamp config, configuration);
6. GameInstance(usergamesid, userid, catid, insttag,
timecreated inst, timecompleted inst, gameslist);
7. UserGameInstance(usergamesid, gameid, time-
played, timecompleted, gamecompleted, numfin-
ished, numtries); and
8. UserGamePlayLog(usergamesid, gameid, times-
tamp, confid, status, completed, playresult);
The Cognitive Data Source
The current cognitive categorization has each game
belonging to one of the following ten main cate-
gories: 1. Visual Processing, 2. Processing Speed,
3. Reasoning, 4. Self Direction, 5. Self Regulation,
6. Auditory Processing, 7. Language Processing,
8. Motor Functioning, 9. Memory/Learning, and
10. Flexibility. Each of these main cognitive
game categories (i.e., Visual Processing, Processing
Speed, Reasoning, Self Direction, Self Regulation,
Auditory Processing, Language Processing, Motor
Functioning, Memory/Learning, and Flexibility) is
then mapped to one of the currently defined eight
categories. The sub categories are defined based
on the main category. For the ten main categories,
the corresponding two to eight subcategories are
provided next to them below:
1. Visual Processing has Saccadic tests, visual array,
feature detection, scanning, symbol processing,
visual perception, spatial perception, and non-verbal
2. Processing Speed has speed-efficiency, verbal
output, and written output.
3. Reasoning has verbal reasoning, complex problem
solving, non-verbal reasoning, and social component.
4. Self-Direction has planning, strategy generation,
organization, prioritizing, initiation/activation, and
task monitoring.
5. Self-Regulation has emotional, motor output
(writing), self-monitoring, attention, behavior, and
cognitive inhibition.
6. Auditory Processing has conduction, perception,
processing, direction following, and comprehension.
7. Language Processing has language concepts,
verbal logic test, reading, verbal expression, word
finding, and spelling.
8. Motor Functioning has speed, dexterity, static
steadiness, motor planning, and visual motor pro-
9. Memory/Learning has verbal, non-verbal, spatial,
and knowledge aspect.
10. Flexibility has working memory, and set shifting.
The following database schema presents the cog-
nitive data source, which describes the cognition lev-
els and the connection to game play instances.
1. UserCogMeasure(cogid, cogsubid, usergamesid,
userid, usercatid, normcogid, measure);
2. GamesCogMap(gameid, cogid, cogsubid);
3. CognitionCat(cogid, cogdescr);
4. CognitionTable(cogid, cogsubid, cogsubdesc);
5. GamesCogNorm(gameid, age, sex, highscore,
mediumscore, lowscore);
The Data Warehouse Schema
Using the Star schema which consists of a central
main fact table called FactTable, the data warehouse
contains an integration of the relevant data from the
Games data source and the Cognitive data source that
will enable continuous answering of needed queries.
One such needed query is “Given the game play data
of a child, what is the cognition language process-
ing skill of this child (an in particular, her word find-
ing abilities) in comparison with the normal cogni-
tion level for this game and for this child’s age, eth-
nic, and other group the child may belong to?”. In
addition to the FactTable, the data warehouse star
schema also contains dimension tables (e.g. Users-
Dim) , which are descriptor tables for the foreign key
attributes (e.g., userid) in the FactTable. The follow-
ing schema is similar to the current data warehouse.
1. FactTable(userid, gamid, gameseq, gameDB,
gamelevelid,catid, normcogid,cogid,cogsubid, time-
m, coglevel, gamescore, duration, tries);
2. GameCategory-Dim(catid, catname);
3. Users-Dim(userid, gender, age, userlogon, user-
4. GamesDB-Dim(gameDB, weblink);
5. GamesLevel-Dim(gamelevelid, gameid, levelid);
6. Games-Dim(gameid, title, maxplay, gametag,
gamepath, gametype, link, cogid, cogsubid);
7. Cognition-Dim(cogid, cogsubid, cogdesc);
8. CogCategory-Dim(cogid,cogdescr);
9. CogGameMap-Dim(gameid,cogid,cogsubid);
10. GameCogNorm(gameid,age,sex, highScore,
mediumScore, lowScore);
3.6 The Data Integration Algorithm
The data integration algorithm used to integrate the
various relevant data sources into a single historical,
subject-oriented, data warehouse which is refreshed
periodically and mined to obtain changing normal
data and user data is provided as algorithm 1. The
current implemenationdetails ofthe system are as fol-
lows: the data warehouse and source databases are
stored in mySQL database management system, the
data integration algrorithms are implemented using
mySQL stored procedures and triggers. The interface
for all the databases including the data warehouse is
implemented using PHP, JavaScript and jQuery tools.
The OLAP interface for multi-dimensional querying
and data cube views is implemented using JAVA, JSP,
Mondrian OLAP engine and MDX language for data
cube querying.
3.7 Using MultiDimensional Data Cube
Views for Queries
From the historical data in the data warehouse Fact-
Table, a data cube can be used to compute normal
cognitive measures and other results. For example,
the average score of a specific game such as ‘Number
Algorithm 1: The OTEP GamesDW Game Play Integration
Algorithm OTEP GamesDW()
Input: New GamePlay DB (GDB), Cognitive DB (CDB)
Data Warehouse (DWH)
Output: Clean updated Data Warehouse (UDWH)
FOR each new record in GDB.UserGamePlayLog
(userid, gameid, gameDB, gamelevelid,
tries, score, timereq, completed)
FROM GDB.UserGamePlayLog
IF userid NOT IN UDWH.Users-Dim
information FROM DS.usertable
INSERT into UDWH.Users-Dim
IF gameid NOT IN UDWH.Games-Dim
information including
FROM GDS.gametable
IF gameid is not IN
EXTRACT and CLEAN Cognitive
Categories of gameid FROM CDB
INSERT INTO UDWH.CognitiveMain-Dim
isVALID = DataValidatonProcess
IF (GDB.UserGamePlayLog.completed
= ’Y’ AND isVALID = ’TRUE’)
(userid, gameid, gameDB,
gamelevelid, tries, score,
timereq, completed )
Balls’ for different ages of children between 3 and 8
years, during several attempts of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4
tries. This is accomplished with an SQL query on the
fact table data that computes the average gamescore
group by user age and group by tries. The sample
data cube view for this query is given as Figure 2.
3.8 An Example Application of our
Olap Approach for Queries
The algorithm 1 provides a way to keep updating a
data warehousethat is built as an integration of a num-
Figure 2: Example compute norm score cube.
ber of relevant data sources such as games data and
cognitive data. The data warehouse now has the cen-
tral fact table and the adjoining dimension tables and
multi-dimensional or data cube querying (also called
online analytical processing) can be used to answer
a lot of needed comparative queries. Thus, when a
child plays a game, a relevant record from the game
play session that is integrated into the data warehouse
has the schema
GameplayRecord (usergamesid, gameid, timestamp,
completed, value);
An example of such stored record is:
(26, 28, 2010-11-09 02:04:48, Y, {“totaltime”:253.496,
“levels”:({“time”:253.496, success”:0, “score”:140,
“level”:1}), “totalscore”:140, “status”:3})
The sample data warehouse fact table schema after
integration and a sample record from this schema are
given below.
FactTable(userid, gamid, gameseq, gameDB,
gamelevelid, catid, normcogid, cogid, cogsubid,
time-m, coglevel, gamescore, duration, tries);
(33, 28, 20101109020448, ’think2learn’, 1, 1, 5, 4,
20, ’2010-11-09 02:09:48’, 3, 140, 253.496, 4)
To answer a query similar to query 1 in section
3.1, given below: “What are the norms (cognitive
norms and game achievement norms) for children
who are 8 years old and who have difficulty reading
for a reading game?”. This query may be answered
with an SQL instruction on the data warehouse fact
table joined with its dimension tables given below:
FROM cleanfact c,users dim u,gamecog dim g
WHERE c.user id=u.user id and id and g.cogid=100 and u.age=8
GROUP by u.age,u.gender;
Sample results from the above query is given below.
(Age, Gender, Cognitive Type, Average Cognition,
Average Score)
(8, F, Visual Processing, 2, 1980.00);
(8, M, Visual Processing, 3, 2155.71);
The above query has shown only a slice of the data
cube for children of age = 8. To display the entire
norms for children of all ages, we would just remove
the restriction condition in the “where” clause for the
specific age = 8.
In this section we provide readers with an example of
user performanceanalysisbased on a sample (N=106)
of randomlyselected test cases stored in our database.
Our analysis takes into account the following vari-
ables: (a) demographics information, such as user’s
age and gender; (b) qualitative information, such as
type of game as given by the production company,
two major cognitive attributes of the game as deter-
mined by an OTEP psychologist, and two cognitive
subcategories (4 in total); and (c) quantitative param-
eters of user performance, such as, score achieved
in each game, number of trials for each game level,
and time needed to complete each level. After a user
plays a number of games from one cognitive cluster,
his or her average score for this cognitive category is
compared to the normative score of the comparative
group of users (in terms of age and gender). The user
is then ranked according to the following schema:
if the score deviates up to one standard deviation
(1SD) from the normative score (mean = M), the user
demonstrates the ‘average range of skill’ for the cog-
nitive category; if the score deviates more than 1SD-
2SD from the normative score, the user demonstrates
the ‘moderate relative’ strength or weakness (depend-
ing on whether the user’s performance is above or be-
low the average score); similarly, ‘significant relative’
strength or weakness is recorded if the user deviates
2SD-3SD from the average. The idea is to recom-
mend action based on the childs current performance:
if the child has scores such that point to his/her weak-
ness in the area of Conceptual reasoning (see Table
2, this may affect Math Calculation, Math Reasoning
and Writing Content). So, our hypothesis is that if the
system suggests to the child more games in the area of
Conceptual Reasoning, the child will eventually de-
velop cognitive strengths relevant for his/her school
achievement. Recall that standard deviation (SD) is
a measure of how spread out numbers (e.g., n game
scores X
.. . X
) are from the average or mean (M)
and it is it is the square root of the Variance (V). The
formulas for computing the mean M, variance V and
standard deviation SD are respectively: M =
V =
SD = 1/n
Standard Deviation provides a way to know what
is normal range of data (usually those within 1SD
or within 68% from the mean), and what is moder-
ate performance (usually those within 1SD-2SD or
within 68.1% 95% from the mean), and those that
are extra large (strength) or extra small (weakness)
(usually those within 2SD-3SD or within 95.1%
99% from the mean).
4.1 Performance Study Example 1
Our queryshowed that in the sample of test data, there
were 28 girls and 78 boys, with average age of 13.5
years. There was no statistical difference between
boys’ and girls’ general performance (score or time
needed to complete the game(s)). Say that an 8-year
old girl (id = 95), played a game titled “Stationery”,
which was by the vendor described as Type = “spa-
tial” game, and by the psychologist as Cognitive Cat-
egory 1 = “visual processing”, with Subcategory 1=
“visual perception”. The girl achieved Score = 24185
points on this game, for which it took her 42 min-
utes to complete. Overall, this child played 5 games
in the visual processing category and obtained mean
game score of M = 6937 points (SD = 994.4 points),
and played for mean time of M = 80 min (SD = 50.3
minutes). The question is how this child compares
with other girls or children of similar age who played
games in the same category. After performing a one
sample t-test, there was no statistically significant dif-
ference between the score of this child and other chil-
dren who played similar games (t = .810, df = 58,
p > .4). There was no statistically significant differ-
ence between the time it took this child to play the
visual processing games and it took other children to
do so (t = 1.09, df = 59, p > .2) However, when this
child’s average score on visual processing games was
compared to scores of other 8-year olds, the statisti-
cally significant difference was established (t = -3.30,
df = 10, p < .01). According to Table 1, the child who
is lackingin the visual processing maybe at risk in the
mathematics calculation and reasoning, and in writ-
ing mechanics. Remediation could be recommended
in form of playing more games in the related category
and following the child’s improvement accordingly.
In this paper, we reported on our current work on the
the online product called “Think2Learn” developed
by OTEP Inc. (Online Training & Education Portal).
OTEP presently contains about 100 video games for
testing purposes, it records players’ scores to continu-
ously assess and monitor their cognitive strengths and
weaknesses with regards to the main cognitive cate-
gories. The Web based tool for identifying cognitive
skill level is developed as an integration or data ware-
house of a number of relevant data sources such as the
cognitive skills categories data, games data, player in-
ventory data and so on. The integrated data are con-
tinuously mined, analyzed and queried for proper and
quick assessment or recommendations.
We are presently working on: (a) increasing num-
ber of games; (b) increasing a reliability of catego-
rization of the games by achieving an agreement be-
tween 2-3 scorers; (c) developing a formula that will
incorporate the features of the game (including dif-
ferentiating the impact of different cognitive sub cat-
egories), the number of trials, the scores achieved and
the time spent playing. Once we have established col-
laboration with some schools, the system will asso-
ciate with each child a unique identifier tracking the
children’s cognitive development, proposing remedi-
ation, increasing validity and reliability of our ap-
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