common plan in the Planning Tool.
Concretely, for the students of our study,
LASAD was used in order to ask questions, express
agreement or disagreement and report the values that
were given to the variables to resolve the challenge.
Even though in the stage of the warm-up,
LASAD was not used appropriately in exposing
students’ ideas of the one subgroup, in the stage of
the main challenge, LASAD was exploited in a more
substantial degree, since it was observed that both
subgroups contributed with their ideas for resolving
the common challenge by exposing their ideas.
However, this did not happen in the stage of
constructing the plan, since they did not use it as
means to communicate.
The use of the Planning Tool has been made
exclusively for the construction of a common plan
by the students of the two subgroups in which their
moves were recorded on how they eventually
reached the solution of the challenge. Also, the cards
they used and the order they chose, reveal that they
have approached properly the scientific method and
through planning tool they were led to the creation
of scientific meanings. This conclusion is not
apparent for LASAD.
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did not have effective cooperation but then, they
seem to cooperate.
Additionally, students became, in a greater
depth, able to plan procedures for investigation,
build models using technology-based learning
environment, record results and draw conclusions.
The largest gains were obtained for the skills of
planning, modelling and drawing a conclusion.
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