Arindan Saha
, Aniruddha Sinha
, Arpan Pal
and Anupam Basu
Innovation Lab, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Kolkata, India
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Keywords: Distance Education, Satellite Broadcast, Metadata in Analog Video, Spatial and Temporal Multiplexing.
Abstract: The demand of distance education in rural areas of developing countries like India is increasing due to
unavailability of skilled teachers in rural India and limited or lack of infrastructural support. Moreover, in
developing countries, the penetration of digital TV receivers is around 10% and remaining 90% uses analog
TV receiver. Hence we propose a distance education solution which not only uses the exiting satellite
broadcasting Television (TV) network but also maximizes the utilization of available bandwidth. In this
paper we present a novel way of multiplexing of multiple tutorials simultaneously into one broadcast
channel which is retrievable by the analog TV receiver. This multiplexing leads to a technical challenge of
embedding multiple audio streams in a single analog channel which is overcome by treating them as a class
of metadata.
The poor quality of delivery of educational services
in rural areas of the developing world (Akamai
Technologies, 2010) can be attributed to the paucity
of good teachers in these areas. As a consequence,
the demand for distance education is on the rise in
these areas.
Most of the existing distance education solutions
are based on the broadband internet protocol (IP)
connection (Basu, 2007). The average connection
speed in India for example is 256 kbps (Akamai
Technologies, 2010) and that is also mostly
available in cities and urban areas. Although
recently, wireless broadband connection is peaking
up, the situation in rural areas remains pale due to
the lack of infrastructure. Thus, the available
solutions for distant learning (Franco, 2008),
(Wattamwar, 2011), (Arger, 1990), (Basu, 2007)
cannot be applied.
On the other hand, the local cable operators in
developing countries like India occupy 90% of the
market share in pay TV services (Murray, 2011).
This indicates the dominance of analog client in
households. There are a few solutions proposed
(Vasantha, 2011), (Galajda, 2009) based on satellite
connections, which either need costly specialized
hardware setup or are less suitable for developing
With the above motivation, we present an
alternate approach for distance education solution
based on the existing television broadcast network
which uses a low cost Home Infotainment Platform
(HIP) (Arpan, 2010) client box capable of taking
analog video-audio as input and providing analog
output to the TV.
Figure 1: HIP based client configuration for distance
education using TV network.
On the client end, the standard digital set-top box
(STB) receives the satellite signal and extracts the
analog video-audio (VA) as shown in Figure 1. The
analog VA is then sent to the HIP client device
which acts as pass-through for the normal TV
channels and extracts the tutorial video, audio and
metadata information for the tutorials channel. In the
absence of the digital STB, the analog signal from
RF cable operators are given to the HIP device via a
Saha A., Sinha A., Pal A. and Basu A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003918003270330
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 327-330
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
RF demodulator. The desired tutorial is selected by
the user which gets automatically recorded in HIP
upon detection of the broadcast time for the same.
The student can then consume the content in off-line
In the country like India, it becomes a great
challenge to support multiple states, each having
their own curriculum and language, using a limited
number of broadcast channels. Considering 6 classes
per state, 6 subjects per class, 2 languages per
tutorial and more than 22 states, it comes to 1584
tutorials; if each tutorial is of one hour then it
requires 66 broadcast channels to broadcast 24
hours. This is an infeasible proposition. Hence there
is a need to design a system which will reuse the
standard broadcast infrastructure and standard
receivers to support the above requirement within a
few broadcast channels.
The novelty of the current paper lies in the
architecture for the transmission of multiple tutorials
(video, audio) simultaneously along with the
metadata (questions and their associated answers) in
a single TV channel using the existing infrastructure
of digital broadcast. The robustness of the method of
embedding metadata in analog video frame is
analyzed in (Basu, 2012).
The video, audio and QA are multiplexed to create
the broadcast content. The detail of the multiplexing
is shown in Figure 2. A special video frame is
multiplexed once in every 10 second along with the
tutorial video. The special frame contains the tutorial
information, QA of each tutorial and Electronic
Program Guide (EPG) for the tutorials in the form of
metadata (Basu, 2012). Due to the multiplexing of
the tutorials, the video-audio related metadata are
also inserted as new information in the special frame
which is detailed in section 2.1. The encoded audio
is also treated as metadata and embedded in normal
analog video frame. The video of the tutorials are
multiplexed in time and space in order to achieve
compression. The multiplexed video is encoded
using a standard video encoder (MPEG2) to generate
the elementary streams.
The video of the tutorials are multiplexed in time
and space in order to achieve compression. First
level of compression can be achieved by reducing
the resolution of each tutorial. Normal broadcaster
will send SD (720x576) quality channels, but
tutorial video does not need such high resolution
video as they are of low motion in nature. The idea
is to reduce the resolution to QVGA (320x240) so
we can multiplex 4 channels in spatial domain as a
2x2 array. The resolution of each frame becomes
640x480, which is still less than the SD resolution.
Now the remaining place in each frame is used for
insertion of audio. The encoded audio is treated as
metadata and is inserted as pixel data. The
description of insertion is given in (Basu, 2012).
Second level of compression can be achieved by
reducing the frame rate to half of the normal. If we
consider PAL system, the frame rate of each tutorial
is reduce to 12.5 fps and this reduced frame rate
gives us a chance to multiplex 2 channels in time
domain. In Figure 2 the video encoded to QVGA
resolution is encoded to 12.5 fps streams and finally
two such streams multiplexed together to make final
stream of 25 fps.
Figure 2: Content creation in broadcast end with spatial
and temporal multiplexing.
So totally 4*2 = 8 tutorials can be
simultaneously multiplexed within one channel as
shown in Figure 2 and encoded with a standard
video encoder. This multiplexed stream has one
special frame in every 10 second.
Temporal multiplexing of spatially multiplexed
tutorial sets is done within a Group of Pictures
(GOP) as shown in Figure 3. The normal video
frame in a GOP contains the pilot pattern, frame ID,
audio and its language ID, encoded audio data and
video data as shown in Figure 4. The tutorials are
taken from MIT online courses on Linear Algebra
by Professor W. Gilbert Strang.
Figure 3: Temporal multiplexing of tutorials.
Figure 4: Layout of the normal video frame.
2.1 Video Audio related Metadata
The information required for extracting the
multiplexed video and audio is present in the special
frame in every 10 sec. The information encompassed
the following:
Number of tutorial in the current GOP (8 bits)
For all the tutorials
o Tutorial ID (32 bits)
o Start offset in frame no. for video from
special frame (8 bits)
o Length of video in frame no. in the
GOP (8 bits)
o X-Y start co-ordinate of video (16+16 =
32 bits)
o Width-height for video (16+16 = 32
o Indication of end or not (1 bit) for the
o Fixed Marker bits (7 bits)
o Start offset in frame no. for audio from
special frame (8 bits)
Pilot bit start location X, Y (16+16 = 32 bits).
This is for video frames only.
It is assumed that every line will start at X point
in the video frame.
Length of the data inserted in a line from point
X (16 bits)
Thus assuming 8 tutorials are multiplexed, total
required bits for all tutorials are (8 +
(32+8+8+32+32+1+7+8)*8+48) = 1080 bits.
A standard STB (e.g. TataSky) will able to receive
and decode the channel and generate the analog
video output. The HIP connected to the output of
STB, receives the analog data in video input. The
required tutorial is extracted by de-multiplexing the
input video and recorded as selected by the user. The
metadata is first extracted from the special frame in
HIP box. This metadata provides the QA
Figure 5: Content extraction in HIP client box for satellite
The content extraction and recording process is done
by the following steps and also as shown in Figure 5.
Detects the special video frame.
Extracts the EPG from the special video
Extracts the required tutorial video based
on user selected input and the tutorial time
information present in EPG.
Extracts the QA.
Extracts the NB-AMR encoded audio.
Encodes the extracted video with H.264
Generates the multiplexed AVI file.
The audio and video extraction process from the
normal video frames is shown in Figure 6 whose
steps are given below:
Synchronization to pilot symbols
Extraction of frame ID
Extraction of audio ID and language ID
Extraction of encoded audio bits if the audio
corresponds to the desired tutorial selected by
the user
Extraction of the video pixels if that
corresponds to the desired tutorial selected by
the user
Encoding of the video to H.264
Encoded audio and video is multiplexed to store
the same in local hard-disk for future consumption
by the user.
Figure 6: Extraction process of metadata, audio and video
in normal video frame.
In this paper we propose multiplexing multiple
tutorials in spatial and temporal domain to support
lot more tutorials in a single TV channel to support
distance education using a low cost client HIP box.
The degree of multiplexing will depend on the cost
of each tutorial to broadcast. To extract and play
back the required tutorial it requires some metadata
information and these metadata are inserted as part
of the analog video frame. This metadata includes
pilot pattern, tutorial information and QA. The
encoded audio for multiple tutorials are also inserted
as metadata into analog video frame. The
acceptability of multiplexing multiple tutorials in
spatial and temporal domain depends on the trade-
off between bandwidth and video quality which
needs to be further analyzed.
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