incoherences and the axioms in cause. Next, we
describe the model checking technique and our
global methodology. Our approach can predict all
the potential logical inconsistency in the ontology
before the addition of the incoherent change thanks
to change constraints patterns derived from ontology
design patterns. The inconsistent axiom succession
patterns are then checked by the NuSMV model
checker on the evolution log NuSMV graph,
containing the whole change succession of the
ontology. We also defined the ontology
inconsistency in description logics, and we apply our
approach on a simple example of incoherent
ontology. This allowed us to identify the succession
of axioms causing the inconsistency.
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approach to both logical inconsistency and structural
incoherency. We will also treat the inconsistency
resolution based on this methodology in a next
paper. In addition, we are looking forward to
defining and integrating all the satisfiability
constraints patterns of OWL DL in the
implementation of our solution. Finally, we aim at
implementing our solution on huge ontologies to
measure the scalability and optimize our approach.
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