Experiences with iPad Mobile Tablet Technology
Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe
, Frank Reichert
and Svein Olav Nyberg
Department of ICT, University of Agder, Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad, Norway
Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad, Norway
Peer-assessment, Mobile Technology, Formative Assessment.
This paper addresses technology supported formative assessment in university mathematics education. The
challenges of formative assessment are the requirements for regular feedback and more student engagement in
the learning process. This paper suggests integrating peer-to-peer assessment in mathematics education, using
mobile tablet technology. The students are engaged in providing feedback to each other and the technology
allows for fast and regular feedback provision. The paper presents the results of experiments with undergradu-
ate engineering students, using iPad tablets and a learning management system. It is shown that mobile tablet
technology can greatly contribute to the integration of peer-to-peer assessment into mathematics education;
and providing peer-feedback is a practical approach to formative assessment.
The new media technologies have not only extended
learning opportunities, but they are also reshaping the
university education as a whole. The ever increasing
number of students and the quest for excellence in ed-
ucation, are also driving research efforts into new ped-
agogical models, which would be appropriate in this
media-rich world. For instance, all undergraduate en-
gineering students must study mathematics courses;
and they may be grouped into larger classes with a
minimum of teacher-to-student interaction (this is a
real concern at the University of Agder and other uni-
versities around the globe). Technologies such as
real-time video streaming are being used for teach-
ing, but there is still a challenge to assess the students’
progress as they learn (formative assessment).
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the
students’ attitudes towards technology enabled peer-
to-peer assessment (P2PASS) using iPad tablet com-
puters. P2PASS is a form of formative assessment,
expected to have a positive impact on the students’
learning performance as well as their reflective skills.
Peer assessment encourages active learning and col-
laboration among students, as they assess each other’s
work and provide constructive feedback. On the other
hand, this study will provide empirical data on the us-
ability of the adopted mobile technology and the fea-
sibility of P2PASS in a mathematics course.
The study will address the following research
What are the benefits that students can get from
involvement into a P2PASS in mathematics edu-
cation at university level?
What are the challenges and opportunities for in-
tegrating mobile technology enabled P2PASS in
mathematics education at university level?
The authors argue that mobile tablet technology
offers many advantages for learning: students can ex-
perience a natural feel with finger writing or stylus
in the same way as pen and paper; this would fos-
ter a faster technology adoption. Once the students
get used to this technology, it can also be time saving
compared to using alternative equation editor tools
such as MathML (Mathematics Markup Language),
which requires a substantial amount of time to input
mathematical symbols. There is also a lack of flexibil-
ity in automated systems for the student to show his
own approach to problem solving. Grading systems
rely mostly on multiple choice questions (MCQ) type,
hence missing the possibility to assess the student’s
Maurice Norbert Isabwe G., Reichert F. and Olav Nyberg S..
iPad Mobile Tablet Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0003919301190125
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 119-125
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
understanding, strategies, reasoning, procedures and
communication because those aspects cannot simply
be reflected in the final answer. Moreover, peer-
assessment on tablet technology adds a great advan-
tage to be able to provide feedback on the same sheet
as the assignment itself (student’s work). The re-
mainder of this paper is organised into 4 sections.
In Section 2, this paper provides a brief overview
of peer-assessment, including technology supported
peer-assessment systems. In Section 3, the methods
for this study are presented and in Section 4, the re-
sults of the experimental work are presented together
with analysis. The final part, Section 5, summarizes
our conclusions and future directions.
Peer-to-peer assessment stems from the practice of
active learning. Falchikov (2003) emphasised the im-
portance of students’ involvement in the assessment
process not only as the “testees” but also as the asses-
sors. The author suggested that students could be in-
volved more productively in their assessment by peer
assessment. In peer assessment, students rate the per-
formance of their peers through a four-stage process
comprising the preparation, the implementation, the
follow-up and evaluation as well as the replication.
Despite peer-assessment being an “excellent way of
enhancing the learning process”, it may have some is-
sues such as the students’ lack of confidence and ca-
pacity to assess fairly and accurately, and their unwill-
ingness to do the teacher’s job among other things.
In recent studies on technology-supported peer
assessment systems (Wen et al., 2008; Al-Smadi
et al.,2010; Chen, 2010; de-Marcos et al., 2010), sev-
eral advantages were reported, from the savings in
time and costs to improved students’ performance.
Web-based peer-assessment systems allow the asses-
sors (students and teachers) to enter grades and feed-
back. The systems described may be efficient for sub-
jects such as history, language studies and other stud-
ies for which students are assessed on oral presen-
tations or plain text answers. The authors have not
reported on any tools for writing mathematical sym-
bols and equations. In addition to that, there are no
indications of how the assessors could clearly indi-
cate on the same sheet any missing points and pro-
vide easy access to feedback. It is noted that mo-
bile technology has also been considered for peer-
assessment (Chen, 2010; de-Marcos et al., 2010),
but in both studies there was no consideration for a
touch input interface. A separate study at the Uni-
versity of Southern Queensland (Brodie et al., 2009)
considered the courses where standardized answers
and feedback could not be generated, thus requiring
a marker’s feedback on the individual level. Such
courses involve a lot of mathematical or technical
drawings, which proved to be time consuming for stu-
dents to produce feedback. In that work, they studied
the online marking with typed comments (there were
text boxes used for adding comments on each assess-
ment criteria) and a second option to provide hand
written annotations on the students’ assignments us-
ing a Tablet PC (Toshiba Portege M750). At the end,
the marker in this experiment was “supportive of the
use of the Tablet PC”. The analysis done thereafter
showed no significant difference in the quantity and
the quality of feedback, but still the handwritten feed-
back provided more details. Besides special tools that
are needed for assessing mathematics, there is also a
need for appropriate mathematics assessment rubric
to help students objectively assess their peers’ work.
Egodawatte (2010) proposed a comprehensive rubric
for assessing mathematical problem solving tasks.
Subsequent to a literature review, an experimentalist
approach was adopted for conducting user studies and
technology evaluation. The investigations consisted
of experiments, observations and a survey which was
completed at the end of the experiments. To study
the integration of P2PASS into mathematics educa-
tion, the researcher obtained consent from the teach-
ing staff of first year and second year engineering
mathematics to use the exercises from their respective
courses. This has allowed the study on the assess-
ment of learning while it is happening. The teachers
provided both the question papers as well as the cor-
rect answers, the latter being needed for the students
to provide correct and meaningful feedback to each
3.1 Research Intentions
The practice of peer assessment has been around for
several years and in different fields of study. However,
to the best of our knowledge, still a lot has to be done
in the area of mathematics peer-assessment based on
mobile tablet technology. Therefore, this study in-
tends to help understand this topic from a practical
point of view:
1. Can students perform the peer assessment in
mathematics using mobile technology tools and
the LMS?
2. How do students actually perform the involved
tasks (solving mathematics problems, providing
and receiving feedback)? Which usability prob-
lems that the students may find?
3. How is the student peer-feedback? Questions re-
lated to the quantity, quality and clarity of the
3.2 Participants Sample
The participants in this study are engineering students
in: mechatronics, as well as civil, computing, elec-
trical and electronics engineering. All participants
were taking a mathematics course at the time of ex-
periments and, they had basic computer literacy with-
out prior experience of using iPad tablets. There were
96% (23)male and 4% (1) female students. 63% of the
participants were between 20-25 years old, whereas
17% (4) were below 20 years and the remaininng
were above 25 years old including 13% (3) older than
30 years. With a total of 24 respondents, the study
would uncover usability problems to a great extent. In
fact, previous studies (Nielsen and Landauer, 1993)
(Nielsen, 1994) suggest that as few as 5 users are
good enough for simple user testing (qualitative stud-
ies) and 20 users can typically provide a reasonable
confidence interval in quantitative studies.
The experiments were conducted during the au-
tumn semester 2011. This paper reports on the
researchers’ observations, the participants’ opinions
collected through a think-aloud technique and the re-
sults of a survey instrument.
3.3 Systems and Technologies
This study was based on the use of Apple iPad tablet
computers with a selection of mobile applications for
the iOS operating system. The iPad was chosen as
a mobile platform to take advantage of the mobility,
portability, wireless connectivity, relatively high pro-
cessing power as well as a large memory. Addition-
ally, the iPad has a good support for multimodal user
interfaces including the support for hand-writing. The
iPad touch screen is of a great interest because it is
possible to directly write on it, especially the math-
ematics which involve a lot of symbol characters in
equations and formulas. In this work, we used a mo-
bile application to annotate, delete, and input text on
top of PDF documents, using either a finger or a stylus
It is argued that for a formative assessment to be
effective, the feedback should be timely accessible
to the intended receiver (a student). On the other
hand, however, peer-to-peer assessment also requires
Student A Student B Student C Student D
Feedback on Student D’s
Learning Management
System (LMS) Server
Student D’s work
Teacher’s moderation on
{A, B ,C}
Figure 1: Peer-to-peer assessment experimental model.
equal active participation of all students, both as feed-
back providers and feedback receivers. Therefore,
there is a need for a system to allow submission of
the work to be assessed and subsequent access to the
same work for the assessors (feedback providers); es-
pecially in case of a synchronous assessment process.
This was achieved using a Learning management Sys-
tem (LMS) called ‘Fronter’ (Pearson, 2011) and an
iPad web browser application ’iCabMobile’ (Clauss,
2011) which supports downloading and uploading of
files to the LMS. Each participant can have read and
write access rights to documents owned by three other
students so that he/she could assess their work as il-
lustrated in Figure 1. In this way, everyone was able
to provide feedback to up to three other students, and
likewise receive up to three feedback from different
colleagues. It is argued that this can help students to
learn from different perspectives.
3.4 Experiment Design
This study was conducted in a controlled environ-
ment, a laboratory setting as shown in Figure 2. Be-
fore the experiments begin, the researcher uploaded
to the LMS a set of mathematics exercises provided
by the teacher. At the start, each student was given an
iPAD, and the researcher explained the peer-to-peer
assessment process for 10 minutes, with a brief demo
of the tools on the iPad. Then students were grouped
according to their performance in the last mathemat-
ics exams, in such a way that each group of 3 students
would have at least one member with either an ”A” or
”B” grade where possible. Collaboration was encour-
aged among group members. Upon completion of the
given exercises, the correct answers were uploaded to
the LMS, and the research explained the mathemat-
ics assessment rubric, which consisted of five crite-
ria: the Understanding, Strategies, Reasoning, Proce-
dures and Communication. The assessors (students)
were required to rate their peers’ performance (High,
Medium, Low) and provide a feedback. Once all the
papers are marked and uploaded back to the LMS,
each participant should be able to see his/her initially
submitted work along with the feedback.
Figure 2: Peer-to-peer assessment session.
Subsequent to students’ grouping, each partici-
pant solved the given questions using the iPad and
submitted the work to the LMS. Once everyone has
submitted, the correct answer sheet was made acces-
sible to all, and every participant was assigned 2-3 pa-
pers to assess with reference to the assessment rubric.
The next step was to submit the marked papers with
feedback to the LMS so that each participant could
have access to 2 or 3 feedback provided by his/her
colleagues (peers).
A survey instrument was used to collect students’
opinions on peer-to-peer assessment in general, their
experience with mobile technology supported peer-
to-peer assessment system and the way forward (po-
tential improvements).
4.1 Summary of the Researcher’s
At the beginning of all experiments, students ap-
peared very interested in the process and as expected
some of them started exploring the iPad as soon as
they were handed to them. There was a mixture of
curiosity and a great interest in the new experience.
As the researcher explained about the process, stu-
dents were engaged in finding out the available tools
on iPad and within 5-10 min, about 40% of them had
already managed to download the mathematics ques-
tion paper. It was also observed that around 25 % of
the students had a tendency to first solve the prob-
lems on paper then write down the answers on the
iPad. Despite the guidance of the researcher for the
students to work on the touch interface straight away,
still some of them resisted and kept on using both
methods (pen and paper as well as iPad touch inter-
face). 60 to 70 % of the students used the pen at least
on one occasion for solving the math problems, and
one of the respondents just solved all the problems
on paper and the researcher helped to scan the pa-
per (using the iPad camera) and uploaded the paper
as a PDF document on Fronter. On the other hand,
all students were very enthousiastic in providing peer-
feedback using the touch interface. Figure 3(a) and
figure 3(b) illustrate an example of how two students
provided feedback on the same work but in a different
way, with one marker providing an indication of what
was missing and the right formula that should have
been used.
(a) Student A receives
feedback from student
(b) Student A receives
feedback from student
Figure 3: Example of 2 feedback received by one student.
Peer-feedback comprised of both free text as well
as typed text. Even tough an assessment rubric was
given, many students also gave a feedback in their
own words and indicated the errors on the answer
sheet as shown in Figure 4(a). On the other hand,
however, there were also students who used keywords
for the performance levels (Low, Medium, High) to
rate their peers’ work as shown in Figure 4(b). Anno-
tations were observed on a majority of marked paper;
which indicates the willingness of students to provide
a more personalized feedback rather than strictly con-
forming to the assessment rubric. This study showed
indications of promoting student responsibility and
high level of engagement in learning.
Collaboration among students was also stressed
in this study, and students were often seen seeking
help from the peers in their group as well as those
in the neighbouring group. Timely help was offered
as the researcher observed the students explaining the
math principles and referring their peers to the rele-
(a) Detailed feedback. (b) Summary feedback.
Figure 4: Peer-feedback provision.
vant course materials from their mathematics books.
From the usability perspective, all participants
were generally challenged by the new tools and
needed assistance from the researcher, in addition to
the instructions sheet that was handed to them at the
beginning. The user interfaces were not very intu-
itive, therefore there was a higher necessity to recall
rather than recognise, which usually minimise mem-
ory loading on behalf of the user. System message
boxes such as ”Open In” or ”Save in Downloads”
don’t tell much the user unless he/she is quite famil-
iar with the interface. The learnability of the tools
proved difficult. The affordance of the PDF Expert
application was liked by the majority of users because
they could easily manage to choose the tools needed
for opening a file, writing and saving; but scrolling
and clicking was not obvious since the system respon-
siveness was not always the same. Students adopted
a trial and error approach to achieve their goals. The
students appeared to have the pleasure with the iPad,
and the portability of the device was well appreciated
with some users sitting in a very relaxing way while
working on the given task.
4.2 Survey Results
4.2.1 Students’ Opinions on P2PASS
In a previous study related to student peer-assessment
(Isabwe et al., 2011), we have found that students
would be interested in getting feedback from their
peers. The survey results in this study confirmed a
positive attitude towards peer-assessment, with only
8% of the participants below the average on the Lik-
ert scale as shown in Figure 5(a). The majority of
the respondents (67%) believe that their colleagues
can provide them with a meaningful and fair feed-
back. In addition to that, 50% of the respondents felt
confident to make a fair and responsible assessment
of their peers’ work and 25% were not sure, whereas
25% of the respondents said ’no’. Upon completion
of the peer to peer assessment exercise, 21% and 38%
found the peer feedback ’very useful’ and ’useful’ re-
Stronglydislike 0
13 54%
5 21%
Stronglylike 4 17%
(a) P2PA rating scale.
Notuseful 0
3 13%
7 29%
9 38%
Veryuseful 5 21%
(b) Usefulness of P2PA.
No 6
Notsure 6
Yes 12
(c) Confident to pro-
vide feedback.
(d) Trust to receive
fair feedback.
Figure 5: Students’ opinions on P2PASS process.
The participants also mentioned the usefulness of
peer-feedback provision, with statements such as “it
could help me understand if i did see what other peo-
ple do”, “getting to see common errors would be use-
ful for me too” and “when I have to explain some-
thing to another person I do understand it better my-
self”. Peer-feedback provision also helps in reflective
skills development as one student pointed out: “Help-
ing others to understand is an easy way of forcing my-
self to reflect on my own competence”. Other students
were interested in peer-feedback because they be-
lieve that peer-feedback on assignments greatly helps
a student’s progress in his/ her learning process. The
study suggests that 20-40 minutes could be spent on
feedback provision regularly (at least once every two
On the other hand however, solving the mathemat-
ics problems on iPad appeared time consuming for the
participants since it was their first time using this tool.
The user interfaces were not user friendly, and one of
the student expressed his frustration saying that ‘A lot
of time was wasted due to problems with the inter-
face, and way too much time spent trying to solve the
math problems compared to giving feedback’. Giv-
ing feedback was a lot easier, at first much of the time
was spent on navigating the iPad rather than provid-
ing feedback, but this trend decreased as students got
used to the interface.
Stronglydissatisfied Stronglysatisfied
(a) Satisfaction with the set-
ting for P2PA.
(b) Difficulty to provide
Figure 6: Opinions on P2PA model.
The students expressed mixed opinions on the
mathematic assessment rubric that was given to them.
Some thought it was good and well defined, but oth-
ers could not well understand the criteria. It was sug-
gested that ‘the main focus should be on giving a
written comment instead of giving a mark for each
separate criteria’. There is a clear indication that stu-
dents need more skills to act as assessors. The peer-
feedback was found helpful by 66.6% (16) of the par-
ticipants, the reasons being the opportunity to under-
stand and correct their own mistakes, in addition to
increasing their confidence to perform the given tasks.
Some of the students (high-performer) noted that they
could recognise their mistakes themselves by seeing
the correct answersheet, but others didn’t read the
feedback because they were exhausted by the end of
the experiment. P2PASS has also a motivational fac-
tor among other things. The students mentioned that
the idea of peer-feedback made them spend more time
on their studies and work harder. There is also a ’feel
good and positive competition’ element because stu-
dents can help others and see “how well others have
done and then compare them to oneself”.
Student collaboration was another aspect of study
in this paper. Students worked in groups of 3 stu-
dents, and at the end of the experiment, it became
clear that it was important for them to work together.
A student stated that “Collaboration makes partici-
pants work as a team and discuss ideas. This in turn
increases the knowledge of participants”. The results
here obtained, emphasise the need to foster collabo-
ration among students since it helps them not only for
knowledge acquisition but also for developing their
social skills.
4.2.2 Students’ Opinions on the Usability of
Technology-supported P2PASS
Generally, the system suitability for learning scored
low. Users found difficult to learn the system func-
tionalities, hence conformity with user expectation
was also low. Since the learnability was low for the
majority of users, the effectiveness was greatly af-
fected as the experiments took longer than expected
(average duration was 3 hours). Participants ex-
(a) Difficulty to use the
(b) Appearance & re-
Figure 7: Opinion on P2PA tools.
pressed usability problems related to the system re-
sponsiveness and interaction, the user interface was
not very intuitive and iOS “apps dependent” file man-
agement system is not user friendly. The user guid-
ance of the mobile applications that were used was
also poor : there were no detailed error messages and
some of the actions were not confirmed upon execu-
tion; hence prompting the users to repeat the same ac-
tion several times. On the other hand, however, there
are also indications of improvements in suitability for
the task as users get used to the system.
Despite some difficulties to use iPad, the con-
cept was much appreciated; with statements such as
“Portability is important. The touch feature of the
iPad is also better than a mouse, since you can draw
and write uncommon sign without a lot of hassle. The
size, weight and battery power is also important” and
“It might help in the sense that you’d be able to check
out feedback and such at any time, any place”.
4.3 Challenges and Potential
This study encountered the challenges concerning the
students’ involvement, conceptual understanding of
peer-assessment as well as technology adoption. Stu-
dents did not respond well to the invitations to par-
ticipate in this study. As a recruitment strategy, par-
ticipants were rewarded with the university bookstore
gift cards, and in some cases their participation was
considered instead of a compulsory coursework. Fur-
ther on, peer-assessment concept was new to the stu-
dents and there were concerns regarding the quality of
feedback they might receive from their peers, the ad-
ditional workload involved and the potential impact
on their final grades. As it was mentioned earlier, par-
ticipants were concerned about their lack of necessary
skills in mathematics assessment; hence we suggest
that a system should be put in place to enhance the
students’ judgment capacity and foster the active role
of students as assessors. Peer-feedback is one of the
good approaches to formative assessment, especially
in large classes because it would be very difficult for a
teacher and very costly to provide regular individual
feedback. It is also suggested that students work in
groups in order to foster collaborative learning since
it proved beneficial in this study.
The participants also expressed issues related to
the technology tools used in this study, not only be-
cause they were not familiar with the tools, but also
because the tools were not necessarily designed for
mathematics peer-assessment purposes. The prob-
lems range from file management to finding the right
tools such as the pen colors and sizes. The user con-
trol was limited as well, and in some cases partici-
pants could not easily find their way to perform a de-
sired task or go back from an unwanted function. It
was challenging for participants to recognise and re-
cover from errors, since the users were not timely in-
formed on the system status (success or failure). Im-
provements can focus on training the students on the
available tools while working towards a development
of an integrated tool.
This paper presented results of iPad mobile tablet
technology-supported P2PASS experiments for two
mathematics courses. The study confirmed that peer-
assessment can foster student engagement and re-
sponsibility in their learning. In addition to porta-
bility, connectivity and mobility features of the iPad,
this study has proved the advantages of tablet tech-
nology in writing mathematics expressions, and this
can be time saving especially in providing an elab-
orate (step by step) feedback. However, this study
found no clear evidence of the benefits to use iPAD in
solving math problems. The technology acceptance
was found greatly dependent on how well the peer-
assessment could be planned especially in regards to
students’ training on how to use the tools. Future
research is required to find the effectiveness of the
P2PASS carried out over a period of time. This would
be necessary to exclude the effects of learnability is-
sues and to enable the measurement of the potential
impact on students’ performance. It is also desirable
to carry out the same experiments with students of
a different social and ethnographic background since
collaborative learning could be affected by such pa-
rameters. The iPad is easy to use in general but the
current set of available applications and LMS solu-
tions are not well integrated and prevent an efficient
use for P2PASS. This may change once iPad-like de-
vices are cheaper, more widely spread, and when
more integrated solutions have evolved.
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