Iasmina-Leila Ermalai
, Josep Lluís de la Rosa
and Araceli Moreno
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
Agents Research LAB, Institute of Informatics and Applications, University of Girona, E17071 Girona, Spain
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Facultad de Ingeniería, Campus Tampico - Madero,
Victoria, Tamaulipas, México
Keywords: Q&A Learning, Peer-to-peer Learning, Collaborative Learning, Social Learning, Intelligent Agents.
Abstract: Online collaborative learning between peers seems a viable complementary method to traditional learning,
even as the input no longer comes from only one man – the tutor – but from a number of people with
different levels of competence. Furthermore, nowadays an increasing number of people turn to social
networks when they need to find answers, for reasons like trust, response time and effort. Thus social
networks behave at times similarly to online collaborative learning networks. This paper presents a model of
Questions & Answers (Q&A) learning where students are the ones that ask and also answer questions, as a
method to increase and reinforce knowledge.
Recent surveys, notably Chi (2009), show that
people turn to social networks when they need
information or seek answers to subjective or open
questions. The main enablers are trust (Q&A sites
provide answers from strangers, while social
networks provide answers from people you know),
response time (social networks are faster than Q&A
sites), effort, personalization, and social awareness
(Morris et al., 2010). People often resort to social
networks as they find it easier to formulate a full
question, rather than to recurrently try to find the
right key words, and moreover when answers come
from friends, which have a certain degree of trust
and expertise, known by the questioner.
We claim that Questions & Answers (Q&A) is a
proper model for collaborative learning (CL).
Glasser (1986) argued that students remember more
information when they are actively engaged in
learning as a social act: we learn more by
collaborating, communicating within a group.
Glasser's trial data reveal that we remember 10% of
what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what
we see, 50% of what we hear and see, 70% of what
we talk with others, 80% of what we experiment and
95% of what we teach others.
An interesting new approach, the Self Organized
Learning Environments (SOLE) (Mitra et al., 2010)
can be empowered by online social networks,
mobile applications, and social currencies. It leans
on Social Constructivism for computer supported
collaborative learning (CSCL). The former Mitra’s
hole-in-the-wall experiments (2003) showed that
groups of children, given shared digital resources,
seem not to require adult supervision for learning.
Students learn best when they actively construct
their own understanding through social interaction
with peers. The responsibility of the instructor is to
facilitate the students’ learning process around a
particular content. This method of learning from
peers is also known as Reciprocal Peer Tutoring
(RPT) (Allen et al., 1978) or adaptive collaborative
learning support (ACLS) (Walker et al., 2009).
The Walker model (2009) basically encourages
solving own problems, by offering hints, but also
provides the alternative of asking questions to a peer
tutor. This was the general context which allowed us
to propose a peer Q&A simulation of CSCL and
compare it to a traditional tutor Q&A system. In
peer Q&A systems students answer each other’s
Ermalai I., Lluís de la Rosa J. and Moreno A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003919503310335
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 331-335
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
questions, a process supervised and facilitated by
tutors. For the initial model we drew inspiration
from Moreno et al. (2009) - completing Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) as a sort of a Wikipedian
approach of collaborative learning on a subject.
Each student initially has all its classmates in the
contact list. Further on, he can add whomever he
chooses to, from parents to friends outside school.
The model is similar to Facebook (or any social
network) in the sense that a user can post a question
on his wall or send email to a list/group of friends
(by means of the extinct Quora). Such a question
would be visible to his network friends who could
answer it in the eventuality they had the knowledge
and the availability to do so. We chose these
approaches to avoid spamming everybody in the
network list. In the eventuality a friend does not
know the answer, but he is willing to help, he can
share the question on his own wall, so that his
friends can see it. The difference from Facebook
resides in the fact that, in the eventuality that a
friend of a friend responds to the question, both the
initial asker, and the helping friend would receive
the answer. This is a method that would help to also
increase the knowledge of the mediator, the friend.
Every student entering the system has a LCV
(Learner Competences Vector) which includes
various domains of user knowledge (we will refer
them further on as subjects) and also a level of
competence for each of these matters. In order to
rate the competences of the answerer in each subject,
we drew inspiration from Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational goals (1956): competences range
between 1 and 6, being: 1 - knowledge, 2 –
comprehension, 3 – application, 4 – analysis, 5 –
synthesis, and 6 - evaluation. We introduced the 0
value to declare the forgetting factor (the user knew
something about that domain, but no longer does).
LCV initially contains no competences (Ø).The
competence value is built upon the user’s answers.
For example, after few answers about the following
subjects: a,f and h, the LCV could be L={a4, f2, h3}
that means competence of analysis in subject a, of
comprehension in subject f and application on
subject h. After a period of time in which a user does
not answer any question in the a subject, a
competence would decrease by a factor. In our
simulations, initial values for LCV (subjects and
competences) were randomly generated.
2.1 Assumptions and Measures
Drawing inspiration from Pous et al. (1997), we
consider that a set of pedagogical inputs can change
the state of the students, namely the LCV. Aside
from the traditional input system, where the teacher
provides the input that is supposed to change the
pedagogical value of each student, our model
introduces the student/peer input system, where:
A = { A
} is the set of students in a class.
K = {a, b..., z} is the set of subjects k
c = [0,1...,6] are the competence levels
is the LCV for each student A
C is the curricula, pedagogical goals in terms of
LCV for a class of students; for example C= {a6, b5,
c6, d4} means that subject ‘a’ should be achieved at
level ‘6’, while content ‘b’ at a lower level ‘5’, etc.
is the increase/reinforcement factor. It is
calculated out of the Q&A of each student A
should increase his competence level c in a subject k
α is the forgetting factor. When a subject
competence gets to 0, it means the student
recognises it, he is aware he knew something about
it, but now no longer remembers it. After every n
weeks a pupil does not ask, nor answer any question
about a subject, his competence decreases by a
factor d
The goal is to make average L
as close as
possible to the curricula C (completeness), after a
time frame of 12-15 weeks (a semester).
If the model behaves as Moreno et al. (2009) did,
it would show that CL is faster to reach
completeness (1), than the traditional tutor-based
system. The premises are that learning can be
achieved through receiving answers to questions and
reinforced through question answering. Every time a
student asks or answers a question, his competence
level is increased by a factor q
. Nonetheless, we
consider that he will learn only when receiving
answers from a peer with higher competence levels.
As well, we assumed that having a considerable
difference between the asker’s and the answerer’s
competence is not that good for learning, as the
answer could be too complex, eliminating thus the
peer tutoring advantage.
The mechanism of the model seeks to avoid
spamming network friends. This is achieved by
posting the question on the wall (like in Facebook)
or by sending email to a close group of friends.
Communication by emails could be implemented
with the Asknext protocol (Trias et al., 2010). The
teacher stimulates the community of students by
suggesting appropriate questions. He inspects the
unanswered questions and decides if answering
himself or inviting other students to answer. In the
future he will also have the possibility to correct
answers; this implies an upgrade of the model so that
it would allow the possibility to distinguish between
good and wrong answers. Friends will also be able
to rate the answers, which will lead to upgrading the
social network.
2.2 Experiments
Let us consider a class of 8 students that do question
answering, as well as the teacher does. The
questions are related to one subject from the
educational curriculum. The time frame is 12 weeks
(one semester) to reach goals set up in the
The student’s learning curve is the amount of
knowledge and the speed with which he achieves it.
It depends on his native abilities and also on the
effort he puts in. The native abilities will influence
the stochastic model, while in our approach, a
deterministic one, we only took into consideration
the effort. Effort is considered to be the frequency
with which a student answers and also asks
questions. Asking questions is not viewed as a sign
of laziness (not wanting to learn or solve problems
by himself, thus asking questions), but as a sign of
conscious and sustained, constant work. In this case
each student has a questions’ vector (consisting of
questions asked in a period of 12 weeks), an
answers’ matrix (answers given every week) and an
evolution vector (L
). The bandwidth is seen as the
number of questions one can answer. In this model
the professor’s bandwidth is considered to be
The social aspect (reorganizing the network’s
hierarchy according to who do I trust most,
depending on received answers) is left for future
The students’ evolution was simulated for a
period of 12 weeks, where the following two aspects
were rewarded with points:
receiving answers to asked questions
answering questions asked by different agents.
The answer factor, q
of student A
= C
- a
, is the competence index. C
is the
curriculum target competence and a
is the
initial average competence of the class
t, is the weeks allocated to reach C
from a
γ, is the number of questions a pupil has to
answer each week (established by the tutor)
We calculated q
with the following formula:
Each pupil has to answer at least 4
questions/week; every time a pupil gives an answer
to a question asked by a peer, he earns 0.1 points of
competence; if he reaches answering the established
target of 4 questions, he gains 0.4 points/week. If
there was no answer in a week, his competence is
decreased by the same value a week, entitled the
forgetting factor (d
=0.4). For each answer received,
the student is considered to be achieving knowledge
worth of 0.1 points.
The classical approach implies professors
consistently answering to pupils’ questions. The
forgetting factor in the classical approach is not
taken into account as students are supposed to learn
based on the traditional input system – the tutor.
Considering the ideal case that students would ask
one question/week and that every answer would
change their knowledge level, a simple simulation
for 8 students, generated the evolution of the class’s
competences, as presented in Figure 1.
Let us see how students evolve with
collaborative learning through question answering.
Pupils gain knowledge by answering questions
asked by peers. The rating mechanism is described
by equation (3). There are a few more things that
were taken into account when measuring the
evolution of students’ competences: answers were
accepted only from agents of higher competence in
the subject as well as the difference between
competences was lower than 4 - an a1 student (who
knows content a with competence level of 1) should
receive answers from a2, a3, a4 students, but not
from a5 and a6, as it would no longer be peer
tutoring. Results obtained after multiple simulations
are summarised in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Classical model of learning, where students are
asking, and tutors are answering.
For generating Figure 1 and 2 we used 8 agents with
the same initial competences and questions’ vector.
In the first one (where only tutors’ answers
contribute to the students’ competence increase), a
Figure 2: Q&A model of Collaborative Learning.
slight improvement can be observed in the
established period of time, whilst in the second one,
peer-to-peer interaction appears to be the best
method to boost competence.
Even in the worst case scenario, a week without
any activity, the overall results at the end of a 12
weeks semester were encouraging.
Table 1 presents an example of the increase in
competences (points gained), during 12 weeks, for
both of the above models, one subject, one set of
Table 1: Competences gained during 12 weeks in the
classical (C), and in the collaborative learning (CL) model.
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
C 0,8 0,5 1.6 0,7 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,8
CL 1,1 4,3 3,1 1,1 5,0 3,5 3,6 5,1
In recent years studies have offered constant proof
of the impact collaborative learning has on the way
students accumulate knowledge. Peer-to-peer
learning appears to succeed where classic tutor input
fails or faces resistance. The Q&A model proposed
in this paper seeks to increase knowledge by
emphasizing the importance of questions and
answers among peers in online social networks, a
process sustained and enhanced by tutors.
Simulations compared two models: the classic
model, where students ask and teachers answer, and
proposed one, where students ask and peers answer.
Simulations showed the increase in knowledge was
more significant in the latter case.
Expanding the network, allowing network
friends from different classes, and even from outside
school could only lead to an increasing Q&A
activity, to more questions and faster answers,
lowering thus the necessity for tutors to intervene, in
order to stimulate the answering process.
Furthermore agents will be used to speed up the
question answering, by automatically answering
questions they have answers for in a special Q&A
list (consisting of questions and answers approved or
given by tutors) and by suggesting contacts (other
agents) that could answer question from a certain
field (using the Learner Competence Vector).
This paper was supported by the project
"Development and support of multidisciplinary
postdoctoral programmes in major technical areas of
national strategy of Research - Development -
Innovation" 4D-POSTDOC, contract no. POSDRU/
89/1.5/S/52603, project co-funded by the European
Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Progra-
mme Human Resources Development 2007-2013,
and the Spanish MICINN contract IPT-430000-
2010-13 project Social powered Agents for Know-
ledge search Engines (SAKE).
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