Adaptation and Recomendation Processes based on Context
Isabela Gasparini
, Ana Marilza Pernas
, Marcelo S. Pimenta
, José Palazzo M. de Oliveira
Avanilde Kemczinski
and Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro
Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Keywords: Web-based Learning, Mobile Learning, Adaptation, Situation-aware Recommendation.
Abstract: This work presents a case-study focused in practical learning scenarios of m-AdaptWeb, an adaptive
e-learning environment envisioning the exploration of mobile functionalities in the web-based learning
environment AdaptWeb
. The main objective of our research is to provide content adapted to different
students facing different learning problems when using their mobile devices. In this paper we present an
infrastructure to allow mobile-aware behaviour to an e-learning system and a case-study that emphasizes the
enrichment needed to be applied to learning objects metadata, in order to be effective in specific mobile
conditions. Also, we show how m-AdaptWeb provides support for the adaptations presented to the students
and for the recommendations depending on their progress in a specific learning activity.
The growing adoption of distance learning (or e-
learning) brought new focuses and resulted in
fundamental changes in teaching and learning. In
particular, as e-learning environments become
widely used, more sophisticated personalized
features have to be investigated.
An efficient solution for distance learning are the
Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS), which build
a model of goals, preferences and knowledge of each
individual user, and use this model throughout the
interactions with the user, in order to adapt to his or
her needs. Nowadays, with the multiplication of
mobile devices, people are connected all the time
and should be enabled to develop their learning
activities wherever they are and what device they are
using to.
Mobile learning (m-learning) is an emerging
concept as educators had initiated exploring mobile
technologies in teaching and learning environments,
and they cover from the ability to transmit learning
modules and administrative data wirelessly, to
enabling students to communicate with tutors and
peers “on-the-go” (Yuen and Yuen 2009). M-
learning refers to learning opportunities through the
use of mobile solutions and handhelds devices (i.e.,
PDA, mobile phones, smartphones and tablets) and
it is engaged to deliver right information and
resources – anytime and anywhere – to a specified
user, in a rich interaction, with powerful support for
effective learning, performance-based assessment
and strong search capabilities (Yuen and Yuen
2009). Presently, these mobile devices have become
cheaper and thus their usage by the students of our
universities is more common. In addition, in many
countries there is a government incentive for
lowering taxes for these devices for educational use,
offering a real possibility of use in high schools.
Our research in this paper goes further on the
functionalities and requirements of these systems in
order to be effective when learners develop their
learning activities using mobile devices. We are not
focusing just on mobile versions of e-learning
environment, which must be previously downloaded
and installed or specially developed for some group
of mobile devices. Indeed, we are focusing on the
real adoption of the m-learning environment
transparently by the student, adapted to student´s
context and needs.
To become this proposal a reality, is necessary to
enrich the learning objects (LOs) available to each
Gasparini I., Marilza Pernas A., S. Pimenta M., Palazzo M. de Oliveira J., Kemczinski A. and Geraldo H. Cavalheiro G..
: AN ADAPTIVE E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FACING MOBILITY - Adaptation and Recomendation Processes based on Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0003921303950400
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 395-400
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
activity in the e-learning environment, providing
different versions to be chosen in running time,
according to student’s location, device, interests,
behavior, learning activity, knowledge and
performance as being presented in the m-learning
environment. Also, we present our integration of two
fields of study, recommender systems and adaptive
systems - in a synergistic way. Our approach deals
with creating context-aware recommendations of
different LO and filtering and adapting the user
interface, the navigation and the LOs taking in
account the user´s context and situation as well.
This work is structured as follows. Section 2
presents a background on e-learning environments
(ELEs). Section 3 present general concepts of
adaptation and recommendation and theirs
connection with ELEs. In section 4 we show the
infrastructure of m-AdaptWeb. A case study focused
on the internal operation of m-AdaptWeb is
presented in section 5, with our proposal for adapt
the student’s interface and recommend learning
content. The work finishes in section 6, with our
conclusions and future works.
Many are the ELE projected to manage distance
learning. They are constantly improved in order to
better fit the exigencies of real persons facing real
learning problems. Some examples of these systems
are: Moodle (Moodle, 2011), BlackBoard
(BlackBoard, 2011) e SAKAI (Sakai, 2011).
The main objective of those environments is to
structure and manage content, not necessarily
enabling: content adaptation; student-teacher
interaction facilities; and authoring tools. These
facilities are not found in traditional e-learning
environments, but they have been required as much
as these systems are more intensively used and
easily accessible via Web.
AHS have the ability to adapt and personalize the
systems content, navigation and presentation, and
can incorporate some recommendations to each
student. This means that the systems must be able to
anticipate the needs to users and provide them with
recommendations of items that they might
appreciate based on their interaction with the system
and with other user. Focusing on e-learning
environments, this implies in personalize the
interface and navigation to student’s, helping them
facilitating their learning, and recommending the
best LO, adapted by the student´s needs, tasks,
profile and context.
There are many AHS works described in the
literature, like for example De Bra (2008) and
Canales et al. (2007). In our research the
experiments are developed into the AHS
, which consists on an adaptive web-
based learning environment developed by the efforts
of different Brazilian academic institutions.
is an e-learning environment able to
adapt hypermedia courseware contents and
navigation to student’s characteristics and
preferences. It was developed in PHP language and
handles a MySQL data base to store the students and
learning data. The software is free and available at
the sourceforge website (AdaptWeb, 2003)
The adaptive character of AdaptWeb
is mainly
supported by the structuring phase of a discipline
(e.g. Introduction to Programming, Artificial
Intelligence or Calculus). To develop the discipline
content, the author registers all concepts and
materials related to each topic. After that,
generates XML that represent the
domain content of each discipline in particular, and
is used by adaptation module to filter the different
learning objects that are linked to a student profile.
Storing files in XML format makes possible to
structure data in a hierarchical way, making possible
to filter the content of a discipline to determine
which content have to be present to each learner and
how. In this sense, discipline content may be applied
to different courses (e.g. Computer Science,
Mathematics, Physics), adapting which concepts and
their related documents have to be presented.
2.1 Managing Learning Objects
A learning object (LO) is defined as any entity,
digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning,
education or training (IEEE, 2002). The LOs have
several characteristics which justify their use. Ferlin
et al. (2010) describe the characteristics
differentiating them in technical and pedagogical.
The technical characteristics are related to the
standardization, storage, transmission and reuse of
LOs. Among these features, stand out: reusability,
interoperability, granularity, classification and
adaptability. The pedagogical features focus on the
construction of knowledge from the use of LOs and
on the concern in their construction. These features
are: interaction, autonomy, cooperation, cognition
and affect (Kemczinski et al., 2011).
Seeking to provide solutions for storing,
managing and searching LOs, a lot of repositories
were developed like: MERLOT (2008), LabVirt
(2010), BIOE (2010), OE³/e-tools (2010) and
Interred (2010). In this work, we adopted the
repository ROAI (Learning Object Repository for
Computer Science and Informatics) (Kemczinski et
al., 2011) to store the LOs. The set of metadata
adopted in this work are presented in subsection 4.1.
Recommender system describes any system that
produces individualized recommendations as output
or has the effect of guiding the user to interesting or
useful objects in a large space of possible options
(Burke, 2002). Recommender systems can apply the
following kinds of techniques in recommendation
(Jannach et al., 2011): i) Collaborative
recommendation, implies implicit or explicit
collaboration among users; ii) Content-based
recommendation, based on the availability of item
descriptions and a profile that assigns importance to
these characteristics; iii) Knowledge-based
recommendation, when historical information is not
available, this technique makes use of additional
information (like technical feature of products) for
recommendation; and iv) Hybrid approaches, this
approach combines different techniques to generate
better or more precise recommendations.
In the special case of e-learning environments,
the recommendation process has to take into account
student’s relevant information, like student’s
interests, goals and problems. In our research,
beyond the user modelling and the learning objects
information, we propose the use of student´s context
and the experienced mobile situation in order to
guide the recommendation. To us, the student´s
context is considered as a 'broad notion' of relevant
data that can be used for recommendation.
The areas of recommender systems and AHS can
cooperate and actually one can benefits from the
other. However, we recognize that one significant
distinction relies in what is the final objective of
each one. Normally recommender systems provide a
set of resources that can be (or not) choose by each
user/student. By the other hand, AHS - besides
preparing different recommendations - also prepare
and execute different adaptations and
personalization for each user/student. Our work
integrates both approaches in a synergistic way: our
system is able not only to 1) creating context-aware
recommendations of different LO and the students
could choose accept or not, but also to 2) filtering
and adapting the user interface, the navigation and
the LOs taking in account the user´s context and
situation as well. In the next section we describe the
main characteristics of our system.
In this section we present our infrastructure for
modelling the user context in order to support
recommendations and a richer adaptability focused
on mobile devices. As presented in Figure 1, the m-
AdaptWeb infrastructure has to deal with data stored
in database repositories, related to: the LOs;
technological and location data; the student profile,
preferences and culture; learning domain data, which
represents the taxonomy of terms being.
First, in the LO repository, we have the different
LOs defined by the teachers and available to the
students. Each LO is defined according to a specific
set of metadata content, aiming at describing its
different characteristics in order to be adapted to
different mobile situations experienced by the
students. Details about the metadata that describe the
LOs are presented in the subsection 4.1.
The infrastructure also contains the description
of the mobile devices, used by learners when
navigating into the environment, and the location of
this device. This data consist on sensor data, which
describes: the kind of device student´s is using; the
screen resolution; kind of navigation browser; the IP
address and the network speed. These features are
very important for the recommendation because the
environment cannot recommend some LO that is not
the most adequate for the used device.
The Learning domain provides a taxonomy of
terms related to the learning domain being taught to
the student. The “subject” element from the LOs
metadata is related with some specific item from the
learning domain. We need information about the
student profile, preferences and culture to
adapt/recommend some specific material. Thus, the
Student personal data storages all needed
information about the students including their
profiles and contexts. These data are request by
different ontologies in the semantic layer.
Our semantic layer includes two ontologies: the
Technological ontology and the Learning ontology,
which are described in details in (Pernas et al.,
2011a), and an Student ontology, that, extended
typical characteristics of the students, to include new
dimensions (e.g. personal, educational and cultural
context dimensions) and each dimension is
Figure 1: Infrastructure of m-AdaptWeb.
represented by a specific ontology that can be used
jointly or separated, depending on the information
that we have available. More information about each
dimension can be found in Gasparini et al. (2011)
and about the structure see Gasparini et al (2012).
The infrastructure presented in Figure 1 collects
all relevant information from the repositories and
merge it in order to define the current mobile
situation of the student, depending on the LO being
accessed; the technological requirements of the
mobile device and the student’s profile and context.
To this merge, we are using the ontology network
and situation ontology defined in (Pernas et al.,
2011a) from which is possible to represent the
relationships among the individuals, obtained from
the data repositories, and infer the mobile situation.
A practical application of the ontology network is
presented in (Pernas et al., 2011b), with the relevant
events and the learning situations detected.
The Recommendation and Adaptation engine is
responsible to filter the content and present the right
LO to the right situation detected. Details about the
engine are presented in our Case Study, in section 5.
4.1 Structure of the Learning Objects
As we are working with an already existent and
functional e-learning environment, but not designed
to provide adaptations required by mobile users, the
structure of the learning content had to be revised.
The diversity of LOs present in the web today,
and their relationship with the current e-learning
environment had led our group thought of how to
store and organize these different materials. In this
way we have been integrating the “Learning Object
Repository for Computer Science and Informatics
(ROAI)”, an online repository, available to students
in our university (Kemczinski et al., 2011) to
environment. As ROIA uses the Dublin
Core metadata standard, either adopted by us in our
Domain model, the communication with ROIA
repository was facilitated. The element properties
defined by Dublin Core and applied in the ROIA
repository are: Contributor, Coverage, Creator,
Date, Format, Identifier, Language, Publisher,
Relation, Rights, Source, Subject, Title and Type.
More details about them in (Dublin Core, 2011).
requests the LOs to the ROAI
repository, which returns the specified LOs. Diverse
elements of the Dublin Core standard (Dublin Core,
2011) are needed, for example, the Creator element
is important to AdaptWeb
to be able to check if the
professor is responsible to the LO. The Date helps
checks the date to the learning situation.
With the Format, AdaptWeb
searches this element
to compare to the learning style and culture-
awareness of the student. The Language helps in
discovering this element to recommend or not based
on student´s skill in any language. The Relation is
used to recommend a different LO. The Subject and
Title are used to compare with the AdaptWeb
subject and title materials.
In the case study we describe two different learning
scenarios, where two distinct students, from
different regions of Brazil, are developing the same
learning activity. These two scenarios are focused on
students from the 8
grade of the middle school.
General scenario – learning activity: the students of
the middle school (8
grade) have to develop a
research work about the Liberal Revolutions occurred
in Brazil in the beginning of the XX century. They have
to choose one Revolution to explain and also relate the
chosen revolution with other revolutions that were
occurring in Europe at the same period.
Profile of student_1: José lives in Rio Grande do Sul, a
state in the south of Brazil. He is developing the
discipline of History, in the modality of distance
learning. As he is visually impaired, he needs special
functionalities when using a web-based learning
system. Also, his learning style is active (learn by
trying things out, enjoy working in groups) and verbal
(prefer written and spoken explanation).
José’s current situation: José is in the library,
searching for some material about the Farroupilha
Revolution. He is currently using his tablet to help him
in this activity, connected in the Wi-Fi network from his
school library.
Profile of student_2: Maria lives in Bahia, a state from
Northeast of Brazil. She is also doing the discipline of
History in the modality of distance learning. Her
learning style is active, but she is visual (prefer visual
representations of presented material, such as pictures,
diagrams, flows and charts). As she had lived for 2
years in Canada, she has skill in English and French.
Maria’s current situation: Maria is on the bus, going
to her college, using her smartphone. She is searching
for some material about the Sabinada Revolution,
another Liberal Revolution occurred in Brazil. She is
connected through a 3G data connection, which varies
according to her location.
Internal rules that represent the valid context of
José and Maria in the infrastructure:
Context of João = {
hasDevice (O
hasNationality (O
interac_pref (O
.João, O
.João, O
hasCourse (O
.João, O
.João, O
style_1 (O
.João, O
style_2 (O
.João, O
hasConnection (O
Context of Maria = {
hasDevice (O
hasNationality (O
. Maria,O
. Maria, O
. Maria, O
hasCourse (O
. Maria, O
.Maria, O
style_1 (O
. Maria, O
style_2 (O
. Maria, O
hasConnection (O
. Maria,O
langSkill (O
.Maria, O
langSkill (O
.Maria, O
5.1 Recommendation and Adaptive
Interface generation
already allows a certain level of
adaptive navigation. However, with the architecture
improvements’, it is possible to provide another
ways of adaptation, being aware of a broad number
of student’s context and, consequently, adopt other
ways of adaptation and recommendation.
As presented in Figure 1, our infra-structure has
a recommendation and adaptation engine. In this
engine we have been using different adaptive
techniques. First, in the adaptation of interaction, we
use the two categories of adaptation: content
adaptation (De Bra, 2008) and link adaptation (De
Bra, 2008). In the content adaptation category we
use the removing fragments technique to eliminate
all elements in the interface that do not correspond
to the student´s device, nationality and interaction
In the link adaptation category we combine two
techniques: adaptive link annotation is used to
shows students their current state in the learning
process, by differing links already known, in study,
available to learn but not yet clicked. Also in the
menu, could be links that students’ do not have
sufficient knowledge yet and for that we used the
adaptive link hiding technique (by disabling the link
and present only the name of the topic.
In order to make recommendations, we evaluate
the metadata of the LOs stored in the ROAI to filter
the list of LOs that suite the student´s context and
situation properties in the mobile situation detect in
the last process step. In the first filter we evaluate
the metadata related to the Subject of the LO (and
the student’ knowledge and course); the Format of
LO (if it is appropriated to the student´s restriction)
and the Coverage and Description of LOs to analyze
if this LOs fit the students’ task. The second filter is
responsible to evaluate the metadata related to
Relation and Type to rate which of them cover the
student´s learning styles; evaluate the Language
metadata; and finally we re-evaluate the metadata
related to Format of the LOs with respect to network
connection restrictions.
This work presented a practical view of the m-
AdaptWeb. m-AdaptWeb is a module developed to
provide situation and context-aware behaviour to
mobile students in courses of the e-learning
, an adaptive e-learning environment. A
detailed description of how this context-awareness is
put in practice is provided, including the
infrastructure, the extended student´s model and its
representation in complementary ontologies.
A simple but actual contribution of this work is
the description of one feasible infrastructure –
particularly containing a recommendation and
adaptation engine - for adapting the content and
navigation taking in account properties of student´s
context in a specific mobile situation. We think that
our work has also a potential contribution, trying to
provide some directions of how to apply mobile-
oriented contextual aspects in e-learning
environment design. Our intention is to provide a
basis to discuss practices that address mobility
dimensions and cultural-aware issues for helping
designers incorporating such aspects in their e-
learning design process.
This work has been partially supported by CNPq,
CT-Info/CNPq and by CAPES, Brazil.
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