activity in the e-learning environment, providing
different versions to be chosen in running time,
according to student’s location, device, interests,
behavior, learning activity, knowledge and
performance as being presented in the m-learning
environment. Also, we present our integration of two
fields of study, recommender systems and adaptive
systems - in a synergistic way. Our approach deals
with creating context-aware recommendations of
different LO and filtering and adapting the user
interface, the navigation and the LOs taking in
account the user´s context and situation as well.
This work is structured as follows. Section 2
presents a background on e-learning environments
(ELEs). Section 3 present general concepts of
adaptation and recommendation and theirs
connection with ELEs. In section 4 we show the
infrastructure of m-AdaptWeb. A case study focused
on the internal operation of m-AdaptWeb is
presented in section 5, with our proposal for adapt
the student’s interface and recommend learning
content. The work finishes in section 6, with our
conclusions and future works.
Many are the ELE projected to manage distance
learning. They are constantly improved in order to
better fit the exigencies of real persons facing real
learning problems. Some examples of these systems
are: Moodle (Moodle, 2011), BlackBoard
(BlackBoard, 2011) e SAKAI (Sakai, 2011).
The main objective of those environments is to
structure and manage content, not necessarily
enabling: content adaptation; student-teacher
interaction facilities; and authoring tools. These
facilities are not found in traditional e-learning
environments, but they have been required as much
as these systems are more intensively used and
easily accessible via Web.
AHS have the ability to adapt and personalize the
systems content, navigation and presentation, and
can incorporate some recommendations to each
student. This means that the systems must be able to
anticipate the needs to users and provide them with
recommendations of items that they might
appreciate based on their interaction with the system
and with other user. Focusing on e-learning
environments, this implies in personalize the
interface and navigation to student’s, helping them
facilitating their learning, and recommending the
best LO, adapted by the student´s needs, tasks,
profile and context.
There are many AHS works described in the
literature, like for example De Bra (2008) and
Canales et al. (2007). In our research the
experiments are developed into the AHS
, which consists on an adaptive web-
based learning environment developed by the efforts
of different Brazilian academic institutions.
is an e-learning environment able to
adapt hypermedia courseware contents and
navigation to student’s characteristics and
preferences. It was developed in PHP language and
handles a MySQL data base to store the students and
learning data. The software is free and available at
the sourceforge website (AdaptWeb, 2003)
The adaptive character of AdaptWeb
is mainly
supported by the structuring phase of a discipline
(e.g. Introduction to Programming, Artificial
Intelligence or Calculus). To develop the discipline
content, the author registers all concepts and
materials related to each topic. After that,
generates XML that represent the
domain content of each discipline in particular, and
is used by adaptation module to filter the different
learning objects that are linked to a student profile.
Storing files in XML format makes possible to
structure data in a hierarchical way, making possible
to filter the content of a discipline to determine
which content have to be present to each learner and
how. In this sense, discipline content may be applied
to different courses (e.g. Computer Science,
Mathematics, Physics), adapting which concepts and
their related documents have to be presented.
2.1 Managing Learning Objects
A learning object (LO) is defined as any entity,
digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning,
education or training (IEEE, 2002). The LOs have
several characteristics which justify their use. Ferlin
et al. (2010) describe the characteristics
differentiating them in technical and pedagogical.
The technical characteristics are related to the
standardization, storage, transmission and reuse of
LOs. Among these features, stand out: reusability,
interoperability, granularity, classification and
adaptability. The pedagogical features focus on the
construction of knowledge from the use of LOs and
on the concern in their construction. These features
are: interaction, autonomy, cooperation, cognition
and affect (Kemczinski et al., 2011).
Seeking to provide solutions for storing,
managing and searching LOs, a lot of repositories
were developed like: MERLOT (2008), LabVirt
(2010), BIOE (2010), OE³/e-tools (2010) and