Zuzana Kubincov
, Martin Homola
and Roman Janajev
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Mlynsk
a dolina, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia
FBK-IRST, Via Sommarive 18, 38050 Povo, Trento, Italy
Wiki, Education, Assessment, Evaluation.
Integrating wiki-based activities into education encourages development of students’ competencies that are
important for their future professional life. As wikis support social learning and interaction, when working
with them students learn to cooperate, plan and organize collaborative tasks, create concepts, express ideas,
etc. Many teachers recognize undeniable benefits of a wiki in learning and try to involve it in their teaching.
Since wikis were developed for collaborative work but not for use in education, they typically do not include
proper tools for tracking and assessing the students’ activities, which makes the evaluation difficult for the
teacher. In this paper we present a tracking and assessment tool, which we have proposed and developed
and report on our experience with evaluation of wiki-based assignments using this tool as well. Since the
evaluation of wiki-based assignments is a nontrivial problem not only from the technical point of view but
also from the point of methodology, the assessment methodology is also discussed here.
One of the most important competencies which our
students will need in their future professions is the
ability to collaborate during problem solving. Un-
fortunately there is only a limited number of courses
offered at our faculty where teamwork is exercised
and students work on projects in groups. The major-
ity of courses relies strictly on individual assignments
and hence the students are not trained in collaboration
well. In order to improve this status we have reached
toward wikis, and integrated wiki-based assignments
into multiple courses.
Wikis were developed as a tool for collaborative
creation and sharing of Web documents. This tech-
nology provides users with the possibility of publish-
ing documents (called wiki pages) on the Web, which
can then be accessed by other Web users who are able
to read but also revise these documents. New pages
can also be added and existing pages can be removed
if considered useful by any of the users. Hence wiki
pages are typically an outcome of multi-author col-
laboration. In extreme cases, such as some popular
Wikipedia pages, there can be hundreds of coauthors
contributing to a single wiki page.
Apart from being inherently collaborative, wikis
are easy to use and excessive knowledge of Web tech-
nologies is not required for users to participate. In
order to manage the collaborative activity, they of-
fer special tools such as revision history tracking and
comparison that greatly support the collaborative ef-
Applications of wikis in the educational process
help to develop basic skills such as technical and cre-
ative writing, working with external sources, and of
course language skills (Neumann and Hood, 2009;
Rick and Guzdial, 2006; de Paiva Franco, 2008). In
addition to these basic skills, the collaborative na-
ture of wikis reinforces social learning (i.e., orga-
nization of knowledge in the form that is suitable
and understandable by other members of the com-
munity), and helps to develop some more advanced
skills such as cooperation, organization and planning
of the collaborative tasks, but also communication
skills, critical and analytical thinking, and the ability
to express one’s ideas clearly (Ruth and Houghton,
2009; Popescu, 2010). As mentioned in several stud-
ies (Rick and Guzdial, 2006; de Paiva Franco, 2008;
Ruth and Houghton, 2009) using this tool stimulates
community building, students’ active participation in
learning and responsibility of students for their own
learning as well as for one another’s learning.
While there is a number of apparent advantages
that clearly motivate applications of wikis in educa-
Kubincová Z., Homola M. and Janajev R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003921900580067
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 58-67
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion, and there is a body of literature that supports
this approach, it is not completely clear from this lit-
erature how exactly a wiki should be applied and how
students’ interaction with it should be assessed. In
this respect, the most powerful and useful aspect of
wikis their collaborative nature quickly becomes
the most problematic one. It shows that students
are not accustomed to collaborative tasks very well,
they need excessive motivation and guidance. Stu-
dents should be continually involved with the wiki,
which requires periodical involvement of the teacher
as well. Finally, even if most wikis provide basic
activity tracking tools, the collaborative activity car-
ried out by a group of students over longer periods of
time breaks down into an increased number of rather
heterogeneous revisions which are difficult to track
and evaluate from the didactic point of view. Hence
suitable assessment methodologies remain largely an
open issue.
In our approximately four years experience with
wikis we run into many of these problems and were
forced to tackle them. In order to get a better overview
of students’ activity we have designed and developed
a special activity tracking tool that enables to organize
students but also wiki pages related to the course into
groups and allows the teacher to filter out the group
activity within any given time frame. To keep track on
students’ fulfillment of the task, their revisions can be
graded with evaluation points of multiple types from
which overall evaluation can be computed. Statistical
summaries and visualization of the activity and results
are available as well. Our tool is freely available for
download and reuse.
In addition our experience forced us to seek an-
swers also for many of the methodological issues.
Even if our conclusion in this respect may not be un-
equivocal and universal, the lack of research reports
on this problem encourages us to share them with the
community. We believe that they can provide useful
insight for other seeking to integrate this useful tool
into their curricula.
In the following section we describe wikis and
their uses in education. Then our attention turns to-
ward evaluation of students’ activity, the basic activ-
ity tracking tools available in wikis and the function-
ality that is missing. In Section 3 we concentrate on
methodological issues. Then in Section 4 we describe
the tool that we have developed and its use. Discus-
sion on related work and final conclusions follow.
There are many ways how wiki can be used in the ed-
ucational process as documented in numerous stud-
ies (Schwartz et al., 2003; Gobbo and Lanzarone,
2006; Juan Ramon Prez Prez, 2006; Neumann and
Hood, 2009; IT User Services, 2008; Popescu, 2010).
Among the most interesting we find:
Collaborative Study Materials. In case of newly
created courses or courses in quickly develop-
ing areas and topics, a wiki based collaborative
text book with active collaboration from the side
of students may be useful. Collaborative lecture
notes or annotations written by students may be
used even for well established courses. The infor-
mation in the wiki textbook or lecture notes is up
to date and the students’ output provides valuable
feedback to the lecturer.
Collaborative Report. In the assignments which re-
quire a report on the results (e.g., experiments,
data analysis, etc.) students can communicate the
results of their previous work and collaboratively
write the report using wiki.
Creating a Library. In several courses it may be
useful to create a reference library of topics and
resources related to the course (e.g., a collection
of algorithmic problems and their various solu-
tions). A slightly modified perspective is to use
wiki as host-environment to collect and share re-
sources of various kinds such as papers, images,
audio and video files, external links, etc., which
can be uploaded, shared, annotated and discussed.
Project Diary. A group of students working on a
team project assignment may use wiki as a com-
mon space where they record the project goals,
their progress, schedule, and other project related
Reciprocal Correcting of Essays. In the assign-
ments requiring to write an essay, the essays
can be uploaded into a wiki and then students
may be asked to review the essays written by
their classmates, check and correct the grammar,
typos, sentence structures, etc.
Besides the benefits mentioned in the previous
section, integrating wiki into teaching brings many
other advantages. As it follows from recent compar-
ative studies (Rick and Guzdial, 2006) student per-
formance can improve measurably after adapting cur-
riculum to this new tool, however the success is prob-
ably related to the culture and discipline in the class-
room as well as the subject of study. Another stud-
ies showed higher students’ involvement (Neumann
and Hood, 2009) and acquiring significant skills in
self directed learning (Ruth and Houghton, 2009)
when using wiki in higher education. According to
(Mikeor, 2011) using wiki in education can help stu-
dents to build greater relations between new and old
knowledge by allowing student-created structure for
the information and ideas. It also stimulates discus-
sion and meta-cognition, different conceptualization
of the same content, develops creativity and writing
skills in students, etc. Monitoring of wiki discus-
sions by teacher can help to determine the areas or
topics of the course that are problematic for students.
Also the development of interpersonal and communi-
cation skills, especially consensus-building and com-
promise, as well as teamwork skills we consider to be
very important benefit of employing wiki into educa-
As we already outlined in the introduction, one of
the main reasons that hinders more widespread use of
wikis in education is the problem of evaluation of stu-
dents activity with a wiki. This evaluation is needed
and should be continual or at least repetitive in several
stages during the course in order to increase students
engagement with the tool.
When a teacher is to evaluate a contribution of
a particular student, she is confronted with a large
number of revisions – the actions that have been per-
formed – the students have carried out on a set of doc-
uments that are part of the assignment. These revi-
sions are typically presented as a long list and have to
be reviewed in detail because of their heterogeneous
nature (e.g., some added new content, some edited ex-
isting content, some were improvements, some were
corrections of typos and grammar, etc.).
A typical and probably the most popular example
of wiki software is MediaWiki
. It offers two basic
tools that can be very helpful to the teachers:
Revision History. Edits are stored in the database
and can be listed and reviewed. The user may
retrieve the history per each document, per par-
ticular user, or for all documents contained in the
wiki. Timestamps are available, so the teacher is
able to figure out the frequency and regularity of
edits. Each version can be reviewed and any ver-
sion can be restored if needed.
Version Comparison. This tool is integrated into re-
vision history. It shows two selected versions side
by side and visualizes the difference. This tool is
essential for evaluation which would otherwise be
nearly impossible.
The intended use of these tools is in tracking the
basic activity of a large number of often anonymous
contributors, identification of abuse and vandalism,
etc. This is not to say that the tools are not useful
MediaWiki is a free software provided by the WikiMe-
dia foundation. It is used by the foundation’s projects such
as Wikipedia and many others. It can be obtained from:
to the teacher, they indeed are. However, their func-
tionality is only very basic in order to support the
task of student assessment which becomes difficult
especially with larger groups of students or with la-
bor intensive assignments. For such tasks, more com-
prehensive and specifically directed tools are needed.
From our experience we were able to identify the fol-
lowing functionality that is needed to support the as-
sessment task and it is currently lacking or not satis-
factory in most of the readily available wiki softwares:
User Groups: wiki is rarely deployed for one single
course. Typically a wiki is reused for multiple
courses and also for multiple runs of same courses
in consecutive years. Very often also students of
one course are divided into several groups each
working on a separate assignment or its version
as collaboration in excessive groups becomes in-
creasingly difficult. It is handy if the teacher is
able to associate documents of interest with each
Filters & Search: teachers need to be able to filter
out revisions of a particular set of documents,
user, or user group. Sometimes it is handy to
add or remove students/documents from the fil-
ter. It is also necessary to be able to filter out
revisions in any given time frame. For instance,
MediaWiki offers only most recent revisions with
different windows the largest being last 500 revi-
sions in last 30 days. As typical course runs in a
semester spanning multiple months this is clearly
Evaluation Records: while wiki may offer some ba-
sic revision metrics such as number of edits and
number of bytes changed in a revision, for a thor-
ough assessment of student’s activity one needs to
assign some kind of evaluation score to the revi-
sions. Evaluating a revision, teacher needs to take
to account not only the amount of text edited or
removed, but must be able to assess also the qual-
ity of the revision: is it addition a new content,
modification of existing content, major error cor-
rection, or just grammar and typos correction? It
may be desirable to assign a different weight or
score to multiple quality categories for each revi-
Statistics & Visualization: a comprehensive assess-
ment supporting tools should provide statistics
and charts for analysis and visualization of both:
the revision metrics provided by the wiki software
and the evaluation points assigned by revisions by
the teacher. It should be able to spot the most ac-
tive students, the most frequent types of edits, the
relation between the time period and activity of
students, etc. It would be also very desirable to be
able to compare students and student groups.
In Section 5 we review a number of various tools
which extend the basic functionality of MediaWiki
with the aim of enhanced activity tracking. As we did
not find any of these tools satisfactory for our needs
we decided to design and develop our own activity
tracking tool, which we describe in Section 4.
Another important problem is that even with dif-
ferent supporting tools, to our best knowledge, there
is no methodology for wiki-based assignments assess-
ment. We elaborate on this in the next section.
Evaluation of wiki-based assignments is a non-trivial
task even for an experienced teacher. It is difficult
in general to evaluate the products of students’ col-
laborative work and in addition a wiki offers to stu-
dents many diverse ways how to contribute and hence
typically a combination of multiple evaluation criteria
need to be applied.
Before we get to the details, let us take a slightly
broader perspective on wiki-based assignments. In
the first place, attention needs to be given to formulat-
ing the assignments properly. Vaguely or too gener-
ally formulated assignments, (e.g., “contribute to the
wiki with an article related to the topic of the course”
and providing a list of topics) should be avoided. Such
an assignment would most probably work fine with
individual tasks, such as essay or blog article writing.
In case of wiki-based assignments most probably one
of the aims is also to exercise collaboration this may
not be obvious to the students however. Therefore stu-
dents need further instructions and explanations how
much of collaboration is expected, how should it be
executed and coordinated.
It can be very handy to provide such instructions
in the form of separate howtos and guides, that can
reside in the very same wiki that will be used by the
students as separate wiki pages. This way they are ac-
cessible to the students and can be shared by multiple
assignments and even courses if applicable (in most
cases the organization of the work will be very sim-
ilar for different assignments). To some extent these
instruction should outline also some details on how
the assignment will be evaluated. For instance, we
typically include a “How to get points” section which
explains that certain amount of collaborative activi-
ties is needed to gain the full score, examples of such
activities, and a warning that just adding new content
will not be satisfactory.
One advantage of wikis is that students’ contribu-
tions, even partial, become immediately visible to the
teacher revision by revision. The teacher may thus su-
pervise and provide guidance if necessary. In collab-
orative assignments an increased amount of guidance
is needed. Teachers thus become actively involved
with their students, they continually provide feedback
and discussion. Wikis are very well suited for this
purpose. In MediaWiki, for instance, each page and
each user as well have a dedicated discussion page.
The teacher can immediately use these pages to de-
liver feedback, and students themselves should be en-
couraged to use discussion pages to cooperate their
contribution. In addition, in large wiki projects such
as Wikipedia, so called message box templates have
become a standard to indicate if there is some prob-
lem on a wiki page. These templates can be easily
adopted for didactic goals, and we encourage their
use especially by the teachers to deliver more targeted
feedback to the students. An example of such a mes-
sage box that we employ is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of a message box.
Most typical didactic message boxes that we em-
ploy ask for correcting errors, adding clarifications
and further explanations, reorganizing text, etc. Such
message boxes, once created, can be reused between
assignments and courses. While in most cases the
teacher adds the message box describing some prob-
lem when needed, and consecutively some of the stu-
dents would resolve the problem and remove the mes-
sage box (which the message box itself suggests), also
the students should be able add message boxes and
suggest some improvements to their colleagues if they
find it useful.
Collaborative projects with number of participants
typically only yields meaningful results if executed
over a reasonable period of time. For most applica-
tions in higher education this can ideally match with
the overall length of the course. Minimal time span
for such assignments depends on the difficulty and
size of expected results and the size of the team. On
the other hand, our experience suggests that at least
4–5 weeks will be typically required in order to grasp
the assignment and wiki basics, to establish effective
collaboration, and to produce first meaningful results.
This kind of assignments also requires that the
students participate continually and coordinate their
contribution with the others. Students must work as
a team and their results will depend on other team
members. Our experience shows that for this rea-
son these assignments cannot be completely volun-
tary, and should somehow be part of the course as-
sessment. For instance, in order to get high grading
students need to collect a certain amount of evalu-
ation points through the wiki-based assignment. In
order to encourage continual involvement and team
work we suggest that the following aspects of their
work should be evaluated:
quantity of contribution,
quality of contribution,
periodicity of contribution,
amount of coordination with colleagues.
As students require feedback, the evaluation
should be provided periodically. Our experience
shows that one method to achieve a reasonable trade
off between quantity and periodicity is to split the as-
signment time into multiple intervals which are eval-
uated separately. Approximate amount of content
added or revised during one period is described to
the students and the maximum number of evalua-
tion points per period is set. Students are hence re-
quired to split their contribution between the periods
and immediately receive feedback. The periods them-
selves may be weekly, biweekly, monthly, or so. We
have achieved the best results with weekly evaluation,
however it certainly puts increased workload on the
teacher. Monthly periods seem already to be too long,
as students then tended to leave all work to the last
couple of days and decrease in cooperation activities
was observable.
The evaluation points awarded for each revision
will depend on the revision quantity (amount of added
or revised content), the quality of added content or
of the improvement, and collaboration activity. How-
ever a revision on a wiki page may be contributive in
many different ways, hence we suggest to distinguish
between multiple types of evaluation points respec-
tive to different evaluation criteria. These criteria are
probably best defined by each teacher, however we
suggest criteria as follows:
New Content (n): respective to the amount of new
content was added.
Modifying Content (m): for significant improve-
ment in the content.
Grammar/Editing (g): improving grammar, lan-
guage and structure of the existing content.
Topicality (t): a coefficient (0-1) indicates whether
the content is on topic.
Cooperation (c): use of descriptive comments, dis-
cussion with other users, planning of new content,
The overall score (s) for each revision is then com-
puted by a suitable equation, for instance:
s := t × (n + m) +g + c , (1)
but certainly other equations may be applied, depend-
ing on the needs of particular teacher and particular
assignment. For instance, the topicality coefficient t
may be applied to grammar and cooperation values as
well, or even more complex equations with weighted
sums of the score types may be handy.
Total score is then calculated as sum of totals for
each revision. Structuring the score into different
types is not only helpful in order to evaluate each re-
vision properly but may as well provide interesting
statistical summary of student’s activities over longer
periods of time. From the sums in the score types
(average in case of the coefficient t) the teacher can
obtain interesting insights on overall students’ inter-
action with the wiki and their dominant types of ac-
Another important aspect is the size of students’
groups that should participate on one wiki-based as-
signment. Clearly, certain minimal amount of stu-
dents is required to achieve effective team work. On
the other hand, if the group is too large, some students
may complain that there is too little space for them to
contribute, as everything what has to be done is done
already. Also unnecessary competition may arise be-
tween the students as everyone wants to get the best
(or easiest) share of evaluation points which degrades
team work as well. Therefore large groups of students
should be divided and each group should be given an
independent assignment. It is hard to estimate an ex-
act maximal size of a group, it largely depends on the
size of the assignment, especially on how broad is the
topic. Our experience shows that groups of twenty
and more students are already quite difficult to man-
Finally we would like to consider also the issues
related to copyright and intellectual property law. Al-
though our university implements strict sanctions for
copyright infringement and plagiarism, our experi-
ence shows that a number of undergraduate students
but not uncommonly master students as well are quite
ignorant in the copyright issues. We share the opin-
ion that students should be educated in these issues
in the first place and this education must come dur-
ing the courses as well. Creative assignments such as
collaboration on wiki documents are well suited for
this purpose. We have achieved interesting results by
implementing small penalization into the course eval-
uation system (e.g., evaluation points are not awarded
Figure 2: List of revisions for specified group of users.
for the given evaluation period if part of the content
was reused without permission of the author, or even
a small amount of points may be subtracted). Such
rules of course need to be formally implemented in
the evaluation methodology and the students need to
be acknowledged about them at the beginning. The
main goal here is to rise awareness of the copyright is-
sues, as in most cases the problem is that students are
not aware of how information from external sources
should be processed and credited properly. Provid-
ing students with extensive guides and howtos on this
topic is extremely helpful.
In Section 5 we review a number of various WikiMe-
dia plugins and other tools that were created or can be
used with the aim of improving the activity tracking
task in the wiki. Unfortunately, we did not find any
existing tool that would support the assessment task
appropriately as we explained in the previous sec-
tions. Therefore we designed and developed our own
tool (Janajev, 2011). It is called TrackingBundle and
it is freely available
as a MediaWiki extension.
The TrackingBundle extension for MediaWiki
is available from the WikiMedia extension matrix:
Once the extension is installed into a run-
ning MediaWiki it creates three new special
pages: TrackingBundle, AssignUserGroups, and
ActivityWatch. The first page provides global con-
figuration options, the second page serves for admin-
istration of user groups, and the third one contains the
tracking interface itself.
Let us have a closer look on the functionality sup-
ported by the extension. On the AssignUserGroups
page the teacher is able to create groups for tracking
and evaluation. Users can be added to each group, one
user may possibly belong to multiple groups. Users in
the group are split into ordinary members (students)
and leaders (teachers). This is handy when there are
more than one teacher responsible for a course. Group
leaders can add or remove members, and assign or
cancel the leader role to any member. Apart from
users the leaders can also assign specific pages of in-
terest to their group. Hence the group serves as a col-
lection of users and documents associated with a par-
ticular course, assignment, team of students, etc.
Once user groups are configured the activity is
tracked on the ActivityWatch page. This page is
split into two tabs: Ratings and Statistics. An
important part of this page is the filtering interface
common to both of the tabs, with help of which the
teacher can easily find relevant revisions in between
Figure 3: Chronological graph with the score overview table.
the large number of revisions done by many users of
the wiki (Fig. 2). The filtering is enabled along three
different axes: first, revisions carried out by a selected
set of users which can be loaded from a user group but
users can be also dynamically added or removed from
the filter; revisions done on a set of documents asso-
ciated with a group or a wiki category; and third, revi-
sions carried out within a specific window of time. All
filters can be combined according to teacher’s needs.
The Ratings tab lists all revisions that meet the
filtering criteria in the chronological order (Fig. 2).
For each revision its author, revision time, revision
summary, and link to the revision itself (showing the
difference w.r.t. the previous version) is displayed.
Additionally, each revision can be rated in terms of
evaluation points that can be assigned on this page as
well. As we explained above, there are different as-
pects to be rated for each revision, hence the teacher
may assign evaluation points of multiple types. These
types and their relation to total score can be config-
ured on the TrackingBundle page; the three prede-
fined types are new content, modified content,
and grammar/editing. A comment explaining the
evaluation may be added as well, so the student is able
to find out the reason why she was assessed that way.
The Statistics tab provides a score overview
of all students showing the totals for each score type
and the grand total as well as total number of edits in
a summary table (Fig. 3). These results are also re-
spective the current settings, and so the teacher may
review and compare students’ activity and results dur-
ing selected periods of time or for selected documents
The total score (s) can be computed in multiple
ways, which is also configured by the teacher on the
TrackingBundle page. The preconfigured options
include simple sum of points from different score
types, weighted sum of points, and a special prede-
fined contribution score formula that was originally
introduced in the ContributionScores plug-in as
described in Section 5:
s := upe + 2 ×
(e upe) (2)
In this formula, the basis of the score is formed
by the number of unique pages edited (upe). This is
increased by bonus score gained from total number of
revisions (e) decreased by the number of unique pages
edited. This way if someone did only one change per
page, she gets no bonus score. In the case of more
revisions per page a bonus score is assigned. In order
not to overweight the base score value with the bonus
score, the difference (e upe) is square rooted and
multiplied by a constant.
The teacher may also define her own evaluation
formula consisting of regular mathematical expres-
sions and variables corresponding to the respective
score types.
Finally, the Statistics tab offers also three dif-
ferent ways of visualization of students’ activity and
Chronological Graph: a line graph visualizing the
activity of the students within the time frame set
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Ratios of evaluation points (a) earned by different students; (b) for particular score types.
by the current filter. The value which is visualized
can be selected by clicking on the column in the
score overview table (Fig. 3);
Shares of People: a pie chart displaying ratio of
points earned by different students (Fig. 4 (a)).
Also for this graph the score type to be visualized
can be selected from the score overview table;
Shares of Points: a pie chart visualizing the ratio of
evaluation points for particular score types in all
watched revisions (Fig. 4 (b)).
As we can see one of the main design goals of the
tool was flexibility. Partly due to the fact that there is
no unified methodology that would allow to evaluate
wiki-based assignments in one particular way. Also,
great flexibility of filtering is needed due to the large
number of revisions that students can possibly gen-
erate during one course. Powerful visualization tools
may also be very helpful to tackle this task.
In Section 6 we share some of our experience with
wiki-based assignments and with their evaluation us-
ing this tool.
Several plug-ins supporting evaluation in wiki were
developed and are available as extensions stored
on official MediaWiki extension matrix (Mediawiki,
2011). Some of them are purely cosmetic extensions,
e.g., TransformChanges, which transforms the de-
fault Recent Changes extension from a list of re-
visions into a table. But there are also extensions
trying to visualize data from wiki databaze in other
than standard way with the aim to acquire informa-
tion about revisions more effectively.
Most of them offer the list of users who con-
tributed to the wiki and sort them by the amount
of their revisions. The difference among the par-
ticular plug-ins is that some of them (e.g., the
plug-in Contributors) list the contributors of a
specific wiki page, while others (e.g., the plug-in
SpecialUserScore) gather statistics about revisions
from all the pages on the whole wiki or revisions re-
lated to a particular user (e.g., CountEdits).
One of the similar but more complex tools
ContributionScores not only lists the contribu-
tions from the last 30 days according to some filter
but offers also the possibility to calculate the evalua-
tion score using the formula (2).
There are also plug-ins in MediaWiki focused on
revision activities of a specified user. For example
the extension EditCount lists all pages edited and for
every page it shows the number and the percentage
share of revisions done by a selected user.
Since these extensions use the number of revisions
as the main measure of the user’s contribution to the
wiki, we do not find them satisfactory for our pur-
poses. The number of revisions does not reflect the
substantial factors of contribution, such as the amount
of the text added and, more importantly, its quality, so
this information could be misleading. Also the statis-
tics information could give only the evidence of who
is active with the wiki in general but it is not helpful
in evaluating of the contributions related to a specific
course. All the above mentioned plug-ins are insuffi-
cient also for other reasons. They mostly do not offer
the opportunity to set the time period, create groups
of students or groups of pages to be monitored, they
do not allow to set the roles (teacher/student) or define
teacher’s own criteria and evaluation rules.
As one of the most inspiring MediaWiki exten-
sions we consider Annotation. This tool tries to
interactively visualize which parts of a single page
have been edited by which user. Different colors are
used to highlight parts of the page edited by differ-
ent users. When hovering over a highlighted area,
detailed changes respective to this revision are vi-
sualized. Unfortunately this helpful and interesting
project was never finished.
Assessment extensions of DokuWiki (other pop-
ular Wiki type) were also reported. One of them,
EdDokuWiki (Popescu and Manafu, 2011) tracks stu-
dents activities, enables teacher and also peer evalua-
tion and allows to use various assessment criteria.
Independent from the MediaWiki and DokuWiki
projects, the ClassroomWiki system developed at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Khandaker and Soh,
2010), offers an environment in which students work
collaboratively on wiki-based assignments. Based
on the set of pedagogy theories explaining collab-
orative learning, the authors implemented the tool
with tracking, modelling and group formation capa-
bilities. The system offers a mechanism for dynamic
creation of heterogeneous student groups, which has
been showed to improve the collaborative learning
outcomes (Roberts and McInnerney, 2007). This tool
offers the roles of teachers and students with differ-
ent rights. Teachers are provided with an interface
to create assignments for specific student groups and
afterwards to review the revisions made by students
and assess them. On the other hand, the dedicated
students interface is similar to an ordinary wiki, en-
riched by forums, where they can discuss their contri-
butions. The ClassroomWiki seems to be a powerful
tool considerably improving the collaborative learn-
ing skills of students. We found many of its features
useful and inspiring also for the development of our
own tool and methodology.
Wiki as one of the educational tools encouraging
the constructivist approach to knowledge acquisi-
tion (Heafner and Friedman, 2008; Parker and Chao,
2007) brings many benefits which we find important
in modern teaching and learning. Moreover, it helps
students to develop skills that are substantial not only
for their learning but also for their future professional
life, e.g., teamwork, conceptualization, communica-
tion skills etc.
For that reason we started to use this tool in our
courses more than three years ago. Various types
of wiki-based assignments were gradually integrated
into several courses in different study programs.
One of the first courses where wiki was employed
was the master course of Computational Logic. Since
this course is a new element of the study programs,
there is a lack of study materials for it. Therefore the
main wiki-based assignment for students was collab-
orative writing of lecture notes.
Other courses (e.g., Algorithms and data struc-
tures for the bachelor students of Applied informatics
or Principles of databases in the master program for
future teachers of informatics) use wiki for creating
additional materials related to various course topics.
As the aims of these two approaches of integrat-
ing wiki into education are different, the ways how to
include wiki-based assignments into course and also
how to evaluate them differ as well. In the case of
preparing lecture notes the assignment was compul-
sory, students’ contributions were evaluated weekly,
so that the students received feedback almost imme-
diately. This method brings strong motivation for the
students to work continuously and periodically.
Creating of additional materials is an optional as-
signment and it is awarded some extra points. We
first tried to employ this type of assignments in the
database course and the evaluation was carried out
at the end of the course, so the students had all the
semester to work on them. This approach did not
work properly, because the students were not moti-
vated enough to contribute regularly. Most of them
started to publish their contributions in the last few
days of the semester and that way one of the main
aims of these assignments – collaborative work – was
impossible to accomplish. For this reason, when we
consecutively applied this optional type of assign-
ments in the course on algorithms, the evaluation
was adjusted: the wiki contributions were evaluated
monthly and per every month a maximal amount of
evaluating points which could be assigned to individ-
ual student was specified. This helped partially but
we were not fully satisfied as only about 13 % of the
total number of students contributed to the wiki.
However, the evaluation of students’ contributions
was difficult task in all these cases. The problems
related to the students’ activity tracking and assess-
ment served us as a motivation to develop the tool
introduced in one of the previous sections. Subse-
quently, this tool was used in assessing some runs of
the courses mentioned above.
Considering the small number of students con-
tributing to the optional assignments and rather low
level of their cooperation we used this tool with three
predefined types of evaluation criteria: new content,
modified content, and grammar/editing. The to-
tal score was counted as a weighted sum of evalua-
tion points, as described in Section 4. Although in
this case when wiki pages created by the small group
of students were evaluated, the assessment tool was a
useful aid because the number of revisions evaluated
at once was quite large.
As regards the compulsory assignments where
the number of contributing students was relatively
large and students were forced to cooperate, we
added two new evaluating criteria (topicality and
cooperation) to the three criteria mentioned above.
The overall score was calculated according to the for-
mula (1). While evaluating these contributions we
ran up against the problem of large number of re-
visions with not too significant changes, e.g., minor
spelling corrections or format changes, that needed to
be checked one by one.
This problem and also our first experience with
the tool inspired us to the proposal of several minor
or major improvements. One of the most needed im-
provements is grouping multiple revisions of the same
user as one revision. This could avoid checking long
lists of small revisions without significant changes
one by one. In addition, an improved visualisation
of changes made by individual users on a single wiki
page in a fashion similar to the Annotation plug-in
described in Section 5 would be very helpful. Another
interesting feature would be some kind of originality
check that would enable marking of suspected parts of
students’ contributions and searching for excessively
similar content.
In this paper we focused on issues related to as-
sessment of students’ contributions in the wiki. We
have analysed the teachers needs related to this kind
of tasks. Based on this analysis we have proposed
a methodology for application of wiki-based assign-
ments in higher education and designed and imple-
mented a tool for students’ activity tracking and sup-
porting the assessment process which we have also
described here. In the future we would like to im-
plement some improvements of this tool and further
investigate on the evaluation of the wiki-based assign-
ments. In our opinion, the assessment tool introduced
above is already now a handy aid for teachers which
can help them to overcome increased workload re-
lated to evaluation of students’ wiki contributions and
facilitate this task.
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