Design of a Tool for Facilitating the Practicum Monitoring
Xavier Perramon
, Josepa Alemany
and Laura Panad`es
Department of Information and Communic. Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Fargas 25–27, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Law, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Fargas 25–27, Barcelona, Spain
Practicum, Quality Assurance, Monitoring Process, Moodle, Google Docs, EHEA.
The introduction of the European Higher Education Area has a methodological impact on most university
courses, but in some cases the main change comes from the access of a larger number of students to the
courses. Specifically, the Practicum used to be an option for only a few students in most degrees, but after the
EHEA its deployment will be much more generalised. In order not to degrade the quality of the Practicum
monitoring process, measures should be taken for facilitating the task of Practicum supervisors. In this paper
we present the implementation of a software tool designed to this end. A first version of the tool is based on the
well-known Moodle e-learning platform. Since we detected some problems due to the coexistence of different
versions of Moodle, we introduced other emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, and in particular
Google Docs. We show that the combination of Moodle and Google Docs allows an efficient monitoring of
the Practicum and helps to guarantee its quality, regardless of the version of Moodle in use.
The work presented in this paper is part of a wider
project developed at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
aimed at adapting the Practicum to the European
Higher Education Area (EHEA).
The definition of Practicum in the context of this
work is a course intended to make students put in
practise the theory they have learnt, to be developed
typically as an internship in the professional environ-
ment of a welcoming institution, i.e. a company, a
public administration, or any other kind of organi-
sation. The benefits of the Practicum in the learn-
ing process have been described in different models
(Jaques, Gibbs and Rust, 1993), and in particular in
Kolb’s (1984) “experiential learning”.
At UPF the Practicum system is independent for
each of the 12 degrees conducted in its faculties. This
represents a challenge for the coordination of the tran-
sition to the new EHEA scenario.
The project for adapting the Practicum to the
EHEA comprises both a study of the status before
the EHEA and a forecast of the changes that will be
necessary to adapt the Practicum to the new require-
ments, mainly student-centred learning and employa-
bility, i.e. training that meets labour market demands.
The greatest impact of the new Practicum system
will be a significant increase in the number of students
taking this type of course. In most studies at UPF, the
Practicum will cease to be an option for a small frac-
tion of the roll and will become a widespread activity,
or even mandatory in some degrees. This expansion
of the Practicum to the masses should not be detri-
mental to its quality. In particular, special considera-
tion should be given to the monitoring and assessment
of the student’s activities during the Practicum.
Clearly, the monitoring of tens or even hundreds
of students’ professional practices a year by each
supervisor should not negatively affect its quality.
Our solution is the implementation of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT), which facil-
itates the task of academic supervisors.
One of the technological measures that can be
taken is the use of an e-learning platform for the
Practicum management. In our case, the use of
Moodle is a natural choice because there is already
an institutional platform available at UPF based on
The implementation of e-learning technologies
based on “the Cloud” is an issue that is currently un-
Perramon X., Alemany J. and Panadès L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003922901750178
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 175-178
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
der development. To the best of our knowledge, there
is no conceptual general framework yet. Most of the
literature is about cases of study inspired by “trial and
error” methodologies, with no bibliographic consoli-
dated literature background.
At the initial stage of our project, in 2009 we per-
formed an analysis of the status of the Practicum
courses in each of the 12 degree programmes offered
at UPF. One of the goals of our project is to assess the
changes introduced by the EHEA, by carrying out a
similar study after the EHEA has been fully deployed,
and comparing the outcome of both analyses.
The results of the initial analysis showed a wide
disparity of characteristics among the Practicum of
the different degrees, in terms of duration of the prac-
tices, number of credits assigned, etc. A detailed ex-
planation of these results can be found in Alemany,
Perramon and Panad`es (2012).
With regard to the monitoring of the practices, we
identified four basic models followed at UPF:
(a) In one of the degrees (Humanities) there was no
Practicum at all.
(b) In other degrees there was a small number of po-
sitions available, allowing an intensivemonitoring
of the students.
(c) Other degrees offered a higher number of posi-
tions. Around 90% of the students in the last
term could take a Practicum course. However,
the scarce resources available, mainly the limited
number of tutors supervising the practices, im-
plied a low intensity monitoring of the Practicum.
(d) Finally, there were degreesin which the Practicum
was an essential part of the students’ comprehen-
sive training. Consequentially, their selection and
monitoring were done tightly and thoroughly.
Monitoring Practicum students is a twofold pro-
cess. On one hand the in-house tutor at the company
or external organisation is in charge of the supervi-
sion of the student’s day-to-day work. And on the
other hand the academic tutor at the university is re-
sponsible for periodically overseeing this work and
checking that it fulfils its educational objectives.
The deployment of the EHEA at UPF started offi-
cially with a transitional period in the academic years
2007/08 for some degrees and 2008/09 for the rest,
one year before the maximum date set by the Bologna
Process (EHEA, 2010). Since the Practicum usually
occurs in the fourth year of the studies, 2011/12 marks
the start of the bulk of external practices developed in
accordance with the EHEA directives.
The results of our work comparing the Practicum
at UPF before and after the EHEA will not be avail-
able until we repeat the analysis we performed in
2009, but we observe that the four models we iden-
tified are converging into just two: model (a), i.e. no
Practicum at all, is no longer a model because all de-
grees have now a Practicum, and models (b) and (c)
are becoming the same because the number of stu-
dents of model (b) degrees is increasing, but the num-
ber of tutors is not augmenting equally. Therefore,
this leaves us with two Practicum models: one with
many students but a low intensity monitoring, and
the original model (d) with a tighter monitoring for a
large number of students. And in the long term we can
anticipate that every Practicum will move to the latter
model of high quality monitoring for a high number
of students, which is of course the desirable situation.
One significant change that the EHEA is intro-
ducing is therefore the extension of the Practicum
to the great majority of students. In some cases the
Practicum will be mandatory, so that it will have to be
taken by 100% of graduating students.
To ensure the quality of the Practicum, a method
has to be used to facilitate the tutors’ supervision
tasks. Otherwise the job of the tutors might become
impractical. And the use of computer tools is of great
help to this end.
Part of our project consisted in developing a tool
specifically designed for monitoring the Practicum in
the new context of the EHEA. In line with the princi-
ple that the Practicum is now a subject like any other,
and since Moodle is currently the generic platform
used at UPF for course administration, we started by
implementing a Moodle module for the Practicum.
The main design goal of the system we imple-
mented can be summarised as making the tutors’ life
easier when monitoring the possibly large number of
students they will be in charge of. In particular:
There should be little or no difference between the
assessment of the Practicum and of other courses.
The tutors’ work in reviewing the students’
achievements should be as easy and straightfor-
ward as possible.
4.1 The Solution based on Moodle
Our Practicum monitoring tool consists of a Moodle
module that offersdifferent functionalities to the users
depending on their role within the Moodle system.
Students. They can elaborate periodic reports on
their activities, receive reminders or notifications,
interact with the tutors, and prepare the final re-
port based on the contents of the periodic reports.
External tutors. They can read the student’s peri-
odic and final reports and the academic tutor’s re-
ports, add comments, and write their own reports.
Academic tutors. This profile has the same func-
tions as the external tutor, and in addition can val-
idate the reports and is responsible for the final
assessment of the student.
As with any Moodle course, there is an additional
role, the course administrator, who sets the general
parameters for the Practicum like the periodicity of
the partial reports, e.g. weekly or biweekly, etc.
Depending on the configuration set by the admin-
istrator, in each of the periods there will be at least two
types of Moodle activities: the student report for that
period, and a survey with a number of short questions
that the tutors can use to evaluate how the student’s
activities are fulfilling the Practicum objectives.
Our Practicum course also includes these items:
A forum for exchanging students’ experiences.
A diary where students can record their personal
experiences, e.g. prior to preparing their formal
reports, and which is not subject to assessment.
A glossary where students can add definitions of
terms used in their specific Practicum activities.
A final survey for students to evaluate their overall
experience during the Practicum.
The final report of the Practicum that all students
must fill out mandatorily. This will be the basis
for the tutors’ assessment of the Practicum.
One section of the final report, which we call the
summary report, is generated automatically from
the periodic reports, and consists of the aggregate
of activities done by the student in each period.
Thus it will be possible to know e.g. how many
hours the student has spent in each type of activity.
The communication between the Practicum users,
i.e. student and tutors, is done through the usual
mechanisms provided by the Moodle platform.
After testing our module, the next step was inte-
gration into the institutional Moodle system at UPF.
At this point, however, we found an obstacle due
to the way the Moodle platform is deployed at our
university. Some institutions, ours amongst them,
use a heavily modified version of Moodle tailored to
the singularities of their schooling system. When a
new version of the mainstream Moodle is published,
resynchronisation of the customised installation with
this new version may represent a non-trivial task.
In these cases, updating the Moodle installation
is usually deferred until the local changes have been
adapted or it has been checked that they do not break
the new version of the system. By the time this task
is completed, it is possible that a newer major version
of Moodle has come out, so that the local system will
be constantly lagging behind the mainstream version.
When integrating our Practicum monitoring mod-
ule into the campus-wide Moodle system at our uni-
versity, which is based on a 1.9 version of the plat-
form, we found some shortcomings that could not
be solved with the specific settings of that installa-
tion. Among other problems, we could not collect the
results of a set of surveys into a single spreadsheet
for easier review, it was not possible to automatically
generate a final report from selected parts of the pe-
riodic reports, we could not have the comments from
both tutors, academic and external, in separate sec-
tions of the report, the user associated with the exter-
nal tutor could not be enrolled in the course with the
access rights that we required, and the roles could not
be defined more accurately to better suit our needs.
Therefore, we ended up with two versions of our
module: one that met our requirements but was in-
stalled in a separate platform, and another that was in-
tegrated into the corporate Moodle system but lacked
some of its intended functionality. The inability to in-
tegrate our module into the platform used in the uni-
versity defeated our initial goal of working with the
Practicum in the same way as with any other course.
4.2 The Google Docs Alternative
Given the difficulties explained above, we sought an
alternative design based on an emerging technology,
generally termed “the Cloud”, which is more and
more extended in these days, and we focused on a
specific implementation such as Google Docs.
The key point that enables the use of this technol-
ogy is that we can reformulate the Practicum monitor-
ing process as a collaborative document editing pro-
cess. This may hold true for any course monitoring,
but in the case of the Practicum there is a peculiarity
due to the involvement of three different actors: the
student, the external tutor and the academic tutor.
Indeed, the monitoring can be regarded as the
preparation of a series of reports, both in an
asynchronous and a synchronous fashion. Asyn-
chronously, part of the documentation is elaborated
by the student, another part is written by the tutors
separately, and another part consists of comments
added by the tutors. When working synchronously, in
the equivalent of a face to face monitoring interview,
the participants can interact in real time, whether the
student with a tutor, or one tutor with the other.
Using a tool like Google Docs, we can benefit
from the advantages of cloud computing and, most
important, we can solve the problems we faced when
integrating our module into the old-versioned Moodle
system of our university. Some of the benefits of
using Google Docs include file format transparency,
flexible access control, real-time concurrent editing,
ubiquitous access, reliability, revision history, and in-
tegration with spreadsheets.
By using these features, we can overcome the
problems due to an outdated version of Moodle, de-
scribed in subsection 4.1. For example, surveys can
be redefined as spreadsheets and exported to a single
file to facilitate the tutors’ review tasks, a final report
can now be generated automatically from the parts of
the periodic reports marked to this end, the comments
made by each tutor to the reports can be clearly dis-
tinguished, and the problems with role assignments
within Moodle are solved with the access rights and
document sharing functionalities of Google Docs.
Starting with version 2.1 of Moodle, a plugin
called Moodle-Google is available for integrating
Google Docs, and in general various applications
from the Google Apps suite, into a Moodle course
(Moodle, 2011). This plugin has been backported and
adapted to Moodle 2.0 as well. It allows access to a
Google Apps account from Moodle, and the use of the
Google applications available to that account.
The main problem we had when working with the
university institutional Moodle is that it is a pre-2.0
version of the platform, in which installation of the
Moodle-Google plugin is rather complicated. Thus,
instead of using that plugin we simply work with web
links pointing to the Google Docs documents created
for editing the assessment reports.
Although this solution is not as seamlessly inte-
grated into Moodle as it would be with the Moodle-
Google plugin, it fulfils the initial requirements de-
fined for the Practicum monitoring process and works
reasonably well with any version of Moodle.
In this paper we have presented an implementation of
a Practicum monitoring system based on well-known
technological solutions such as Moodle and Google
Docs, with a view to accommodating the large num-
ber of students that will likely be enrolled in the
Practicum due to the deployment of the EHEA.
We have described the features of the Practicum at
UPF that make it require a specific tool, but it can be
generalisable to other tutored practice systems.
Some difficulties arose when our tool was to be in-
tegrated into the campus-wide Moodle system at UPF.
The problems came from the rigidness of this system,
which provides for the management of courses in all
majors, and thus incorporates many adaptations to the
local teaching system. It is therefore not easy to up-
date when new versions of Moodle are released, and
we found that the version currently used at our uni-
versity is too old for the module we implemented.
For this reason we have developed an alternative
solution based on Google Docs. We have shown how
the problems derived from the use of an old version
of Moodle can be overcome with Google Docs, based
on the cloud computing technology. And although the
access to the Google Docs documents is not as fully
integrated into old versions of Moodle as it can be
with newer versions, it nevertheless meets satisfacto-
rily the goals we had established for the assessment of
the Practicum of a large number of students, without
degrading the quality of the monitoring.
Alemany, J., Perramon, X., and Panad`es, L. (2012). The
Practicum after EHEA. A case study. Submitted to
7th International Congress on University Teaching
and Innovation (CIDUI 2012).
EHEA (2010). European Higher Education Area of-
ficial website. Retrieved Feb. 13, 2012, from
Jaques, D., Gibbs, G., and Rust, C. (1993). Designing and
Evaluating Courses. Educational Methods Unit, Ox-
ford Brookes University, Oxford.
Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning. Prentice Hall
Inc., New Jersey.
Moodle (2011). Google Apps integration MoodleDocs.
Retrieved Feb. 13, 2012, from
21/en/Google Apps Integration.