Sanghoon Kim, Joonkyo Kim, Jaehyun Park and Seung-Gol Lee
School of Information and Communication, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Interactive Education, Bi-directional Education, Computer-supported Collaborative Learning(CSCL), Posi-
tion Pattern, Interactive Whiteboard, Digital Pen.
A bidirectional interactive education becomes one of the important issues in computer-supported education
area. The current computer-supported education system is often composed of an interactive whiteboard (IWB)
for a teacher and personal computers or tablets such as iPad and Android tablets for students. Even though
a tablet is good for providing various multimedia materials to the students, however, it cannot support the
sufficient functionality to capture their feedbacks, especially handwriting inputs. This paper introduces a bi-
directional interactive education system based on a position pattern technology. The proposed system consists
of an IWB for a teacher, and digital pens and smart papers for students. In the proposed system, a teacher can
communicate interactively with his/her students via an IWB and smart papers. Therefore, it is believed to be
very useful framework for the computer-supported collaborative learning either in a classroom locally or in
distance learning over the Internet.
In past, most of the educational materials in a class-
room were textbooks or printed reference materials.
However, in a modern classroom, teachers want to
use various form of teaching materials such as au-
dio, image, video, and even web-pages in the Inter-
net space. To provide these multi-media materials in
a classroom, multiple information technology(IT) de-
vices have been widely used and we call it as a com-
puter supported education. The most widely used IT
devices in a computer-supported education environ-
ment are a computer, an interactive whiteboard(IWB),
an electronic lecture desk, and a smartpad(iPad and
Android Tablet)(Eriti et al., 2011; Xin-Xing and Zhi-
Qin, 2011). Recently, several researches have been
performed to investigate the effectiveness and the de-
veloping strategy of the computer-supported educa-
tion(Tatarolu and Erduran, 2010; Trel, 2011; Sahin
et al., 2010; Tsonos et al., 2008). Though this new
style education can meet a certain level of educational
demands from teachers as well as students, higher
level interactivity is still required for more efficient
The key IT device of a computer-supported edu-
cation in a classroom is an IWB or a computerized
blackboard(or whiteboard), that can replace the tradi-
Figure 1: Interactive whiteboard and smart-paper.
tional blackboard in a classroom(Duan, 2010). The
basic concept of IWB is that teacher’s writing on a
whiteboard surface is captured by a sensor, transmit-
ted to the computer as mouse or tablet actions, and
then the computer screen is projected on the white-
board as shown in Figure 1. In most IWBs, film-
type touch sensors, ultra-sonic sensors, infra-red sen-
sors, and camera sensors are used to sense the writ-
ing action. Even though an IWB provides ranges
of applications in a classroom, its educational ef-
fect looks limited because the education using an
IWB is uni-directional rather than bi-directional edu-
cation(Trel, 2011; Serow and Callingham, 2011; Slay
et al., 2008). A vital element in education, however,
Kim S., Kim J., Park J. and Lee S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003923302120216
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 212-216
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Note taking on smartpad.
is a bi-directional communication between a teacher
and students through the students’ feedback, and the
hand-writing is the most effective method of students’
A smartpad that is a special form of tablet PC with
a hand-touch screen and communication capability
such as iPad and Android tablets recently becomes to
be used for the bi-directional education(Alvarez et al.,
2011; Mutter, 2011). With a smartpad, students can
not only read multi-media reference materials but also
put hand-touch inputs as shown in Figure 2. However,
with the current IT devices used in a classroom such
as smartpads, it is very hard to capture students’ hand-
written scripts even though they are very useful to
show multi-media materials to the students. Accord-
ing to the survey on the educational effect of Smart-
pad, a lot of students felt the lack of free note taking
on their contents displayed on Smartpad. As a result,
there is a mismatch between multi-media-based edu-
cation and students’ feedback. To overcome this dis-
crepancy, more emotional and reactive IT device is
In this paper, bi-directional computer supported
educational environment using smart-paper and elec-
tric pen along with IWB is proposed.
2.1 Position Pattern
To provide a bi-directional communication in a com-
puter supported education, a special input mechanism
for a student is necessary. Because the touch screen
of a smartpad is not accurate enough to capture hand-
writing script as shown in Figure 2, it might be inap-
propriate to the required input mechanism. While us-
ing a normal pen and paper is believed to be the most
accurate and natural method, the handwriting on the
paper has to be captured to couple it with IT devices.
A special device such as tablet and ultra-sonic sen-
sor can be used to do this. The other approach is to
use a special paper based on a position-coded micro
pattern technology. If a student writes something on
the special paper with a digital pen, the handwritten
can be automatically sensed and transmitted to a com-
puter. The trajectory of the digital pen is recognized
based on the position-coded micro pattern printed on
the special paper.
The position-coded micro pattern (position pat-
tern) is composed of several micro dots printed on a
paper surface and represents the center position of the
pattern area where it is printed. By varying the spa-
tial distribution of micro dots printed within a pattern
area, the great number of position patterns with dif-
ferent position information can be generated. Several
position patterns have been invented by several com-
panies such as Anoto Inc, Yosida Kenji, IBM, and Mi-
crosoft, and they are distinguished from the method
of encoding position information into the pattern, and
the representation of micro dots.
The position pattern shown in Figure 3(a) was
suggested by Anoto Inc.(Anoto AB, 2011) . It is
generated by shifting each micro dot horizontally or
vertically from a virtual 2-dimensional lattice point,
and does not use the pattern boundary separating each
other from adjacent position patterns. Since the en-
coding mechanism is based on the sequence of a
specially-selected numbers, the decoding process is
very simple. In addition, the position accuracy is very
high due to the concept of floating pattern. The po-
sition pattern invented by Yosida Kenji is composed
of two kinds of micro dots as shown in in Fig. 3(b).
The first one is used for representing position infor-
mation, and the other is for separating the adjacent
position patterns. Accordingly, the size of each po-
sition pattern is relatively larger than that of other
technologies, and thus the position accuracy may be
low(Kenji, 2006). On the other hand, the position
pattern suggested by authors has the different encod-
ing mechanism and the different method of repre-
senting encoded value into the pattern(Lee and Park,
2006). The encoding value is drawn by a kind of short
line which is often described with two closely-spaced
dots. An example of our position pattern is shown
in Fig 3(c). The generation of our position pattern is
based on the stochastic error reduction to escape the
appearance of the same pattern. The position pattern
described can be printed onto any surfaces such pa-
pers, plastic sheets, and glass plates.
(a) Anoto’s pattern.
(b) Yoshida Kengi’s pattern.
(c) Lee and Park’s pattern.
Figure 3: Position-coded patterns.
2.2 Digital Pen
The position information is decoded from the cap-
tured image via the digital image processing algo-
rithm. For doing this, the image of position patterns
observed below the pen tip of the pen is captured by
a CMOS image sensor embedded in the digital pen.
Since the position information is repeatedly extracted
from the captured images 100 times per second, the
Figure 4: Smart paper with position pattern.
Figure 5: Smart paper with hot spots supporting the direct
controllability of a program.
recognized trajectory of the pen is nearly identical to
the shape of the handwriting. Commercially available
digital pens usually use Bluetooth communication be-
tween a digital pen and computer, by which real-time
handwriting can be transimitted to computer.
2.3 Smart Paper
The position pattern described in the previous sec-
tion is a useful technology to recognize a sophisticate
movement of a pen. A smart paper is a normal pa-
per with position pattern printed. Because each dot,
the constituent of the pattern, is very small (approx-
imately 80µm), the position pattern printed is nearly
invisible. Thanks to the invisibility, the natural hand-
writing is possible. Figure 4 shows the concept of
smart paper and its usage.
Besides supporting the mere handwriting capa-
bility, pattern on a smart paper can be used to de-
fine a certain area as a special hotspots with which
menus, page navigation, and hyperlinks are easily im-
plemented as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 6: Handwriting with IWB and smartpad.
2.4 Interactive Whiteboard
Normal IWB requires a sensor to capture handwriting
on it. Sensors for IWB includes touchscreen panel,
ultra-sonic, infra-red light beam, or camera sensors.
Since the accuracy of these sensors is very limited,
however, details of handwriting are very hard to cap-
The position pattern can be used for IWB as well.
If the whole area of IWB is printed with huge number
of these position patterns, the writing trajectory of the
handwriting on the surface of IWB can be accurately
recognized and projected on the whiteboard surface
via beam projector. This IWB based on a position pat-
tern provides a high precision of position recognition
and prompt speed compared to other IWB sensors.
In the previous sections, three devices such as digi-
tal pen, smart paper, and IWB using a position pat-
tern, are introduced. By combining these three, an
interactive education is possible. In Figure 1, smart
paper and IWB are used altogether. Teacher uses an
IWB and a textbook based on a smart paper(called
smart book) and students use smart book or smart
notepad for handwriting. The handwriting on either
IWB or smart paper by a teacher and students can
be shown simultaneously on IWB and shared by all
participants. This means the bi-directional interactive
education between a teacher and students is possible
using position pattern technology, which is almost im-
possible using a normal IWB and smartpads. Using
multiple pens enables computer supported collabora-
tive learning(CSCL) in a classroom as well.
The smart paper can also be used with smartpad.
The shortcoming of smartpad such as iPad is that
handwriting is almost impossible. However, since the
handwriting on a smart paper can be also shown in
smartpad as well as IWB, more natural handwriting
script by a student can be shared as shown in Figure 6.
A special test paper for taking an exam during class
can be easily prepared with just printing the content
image including some test questions on the special
paper via a normal printer. If one student solves the
test question printed on the special test paper with his
digital pen directly, the process of solving the ques-
tion will be recognized in real time and the recognized
result will be displayed to IWB and/or the screen of
his smartpad as shown in Figure 6. After solving the
question, teacher can correct the mistake of the stu-
dent and also evaluate the solving result. In particu-
lar, this interactivity would be very useful for teaching
Beyond a simple handwriting pad, a smart paper
can be used as more interactive and reactive tool. Fig-
ure 5 shows the reactive usage of a smart paper on
which any hyperlink, menu hotkeys, and papge navi-
gation are printed. Students using this reactive smart
paper as well as a teacher using an IWB can par-
ticipate a more interactive and bi-directional enduca-
tional environment. Futhermore, a multimodal doc-
ument generation framework enables a sophisticated
multi-accessable envrionment in a classroom(Tsonos
and Kouroupetroglou, 2008).
This concept of interactive education can be ex-
panded to cyber space over the Internet. Figure 7
shows a concept of interactive education for a dis-
tance learning over the Internet. Teacher’s writing on
an IWB and students’ writing on a smart paper can be
shown on a IWB simultaneously and shared by others.
Specially, a smart mobile devices with a high speed
network capability get rid of the geographical limita-
tion nowadays. Even current distance learning sys-
tem supports on-line chatting and video sharing fea-
ture, natural handwriting is not supported but it is very
important factor in many educational fields including
mathematics, science, architect, design, and etc. The
higher level of the computer supported collaborative
learning(CSCL) and work(CSCW) are also possible
using a smart paper and IWB.
This paper introduces a bi-directional interactive ed-
ucation system that can be used either in a classroom
or cyber-space over the Internet. The proposed ed-
ucational system consists of an IWB, digital pens,
and smart-papers that are based on the position pat-
tern with which capturing the details of handwriting
is possible. Within the proposed system, teachers and
students can communicate interactively using an IWB
Figure 7: Online interactive education.
and smart papers, respectively. This interactive edu-
cation concept can apply to the computer supported
collaborative learning (CSCL) for a distance-learning
over the Internet and will be very useful for helping
the convenient education of the disabled students in
This paper is partially suppported by the research
grant of Inha Unversity, Korea. Authors also thank
to Pen Laboratory Inc. ( and
Easy Systems Inc. ( for their
support to review their electric pen, Interactive White-
board(IWB), smart paper, and HandiPDF software.
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