E-Math for First Year Engineering Students
Steen Markvorsen and Karsten Schmidt
DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
E-learning, Multifaceted E-approach, First year University Mathematics.
We consider the technology enhanced learning of first year engineering mathematics and in particular the
application of E-learning objects and principles in the course Mathematics 1 which has a yearly intake of 750
students at the technical University of Denmark. We show that with non-linear multimedia technology and
e-learning principles it is possible to strengthen and enhance the students’ desire and ability to prepare for the
teaching and to read and enjoy the textual representations of the course materials.
With an enrollment of 750 students once a year the
first year course Mathematics 1 at the Technical Uni-
versity of Denmark is one of the largest courses at uni-
versity level in Denmark. Since its first re-formation
10 years ago a number of interesting and valuable as-
sets concerning undergraduate math education in gen-
eral have emerged from that course. These assets
have now been transplanted into the next 2010 re-
formation, which is our main concern in this report.
We are convinced that physical attendance to lec-
tures as well as to exercise sessions are still of utmost
importance for most students, but we are also con-
vinced that the overall outcome of the teaching can
be improved considerably with the aid of e-learning
The purpose of this paper is to show that it is pos-
sible to strengthen the students’ preparation for the
lectures and it is possible to strengthen their ability
to learn from the textual representations of the math-
ematics in question. This can be done by introducing
a wide spectrum of web-based learning objects and
activities which build directly upon the students’ own
up-to-date knowledge and use of modern multimedia
The strategy has two parts: First of all the individ-
ual students’ preparation can be freed from the classi-
cal linear string of text and progression, which has
been the classical way to learn mathematics. Sec-
ondly the e-learning technologies have the potential
to create new feed back to the mathematical text in
a way which eventually will facilitate the final syl-
labus or curriculum as something which is actually
owned by the individual student, based upon his or
her own experiences, work, and progression through
the course. This specific and explicit ownership of the
resulting text makes it readily available also for later
Specifically we show that it is possible to design
web based learning which satisfies these goals via the
following three-step strategy:
Present the main topics, concepts, and points in
many very different ways
Provide help through links and video examples
Replace traditional textbooks by easily accessible
and easy-to-search eNotes, which contain more
layers of understanding, and offer more and dif-
ferent ways of reading and study.
We will give a few glimpses from the present ar-
chitecture of the course and discuss some results and
challenges concerning such a modern large scale and
multifaceted teaching of first year undergraduate cal-
culus and linear algebra. The curriculum material in
question is worldwide usually considered as standard
service material and thus taught in standard courses as
a much needed background for almost all engineering
disciplines. Correspondingly these courses are also
usually taught from standard textbooks and in a very
standard way.
Our main goal with this paper is to point out that
even with a fairly well established essentially invari-
ant curriculum we have by now a unique chance to
apply the computer driven technologies and internet
facilities to enhance the teaching of undergraduate
Markvorsen S. and Schmidt K..
ONLINE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - E-Math for First Year Engineering Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0003923503600363
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 360-363
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mathematics and to inspire the young students even
more into the learning of basic linear algebra and cal-
In 2007-2008 DTU Mathematics conducted a thor-
ough investigation of the study habits among the stu-
dents in the course Mathematics 1, see (Ratleff et al.,
2009). The focus of the evaluation was partly on the
students’ participation in the various learning activi-
ties (preparations for the lessons, participation in the
lectures and in the exercises, and concerning their
strategies for homework) and partly on their use of
learning resources (text books, demo worksheets in
Maple, and the students’ own notes, respectively. The
primary goal of the investigation was to find out about
the role and importance of the traditional textbook
for the learning process. The result was meant to
support a decision concerning the pertinent question
whether the textbooks (which were from 1992-1993)
should be reprinted, new texts should be written, or
we should simply use different learning resources.
The assessment showed for example that the stu-
dents to a large degree change their study habits dur-
ing the first year of study. They typically find their
own strategy for survival as a way to get through and
pass the course. One of these strategies is expressed
in the title of the ensuing report: ”I read less, but un-
derstand more” which is a direct citation from one
of the students who were interviewed.
For the present paper the following three specific
conclusions from the 2007-2008 assessment are of
particular importance:
1. The students’ preparation for the teaching was
generally decreasing throughout the year. After
the 3.rd week of the course 65% of the students
reported that they had generally prepared for the
classes; this number had decreased to 30 % after
week 19. The time used for the preparation had
likewise declined in the same period by more than
40 %.
2. The importance of the textbooks for and in the
learning process was also strongly declining dur-
ing the year of study. The students were asked
how much of their learning outcome could be as-
cribed to the individual activities and resources.
The average was 12 % for the text books after
week 3 in the course and then only 6% after week
19. Moreover it was clear from the responses that
the textbooks were mostly used for skimming the
text and for looking up formularies and examples.
The number of students who reported that they
had read contiguous text in the books dropped
from 47% after week 3 to only 17 % after week
3. The importance of Maple as a facilitator for doing
e.g. the homework and exercises was, on the other
hand, increasing. In the above question concern-
ing the learning outcome the corresponding num-
ber for the effect of using the Maple demo work
sheets increased from 6 % in after week 3 to 12 %
after week 19.
The 2007-2008 assessment showed that the ex-
tensive use of Maple in particular the Maple demo
work sheets – to some extent also substituted the clas-
sical use of the textbooks. There were both positive
and negative effects of this. Some students reported
that the more experimental work with Maple implied
a better understanding of the concepts and topics,
whereas others admitted that they often used Maple
as a black box solver without actually understanding
the mathematics behind. We refer to (Schmidt et al.,
2010) which contains a deeper analysis of the pitfalls
and potentials that are associated with the extensive
use of Maple in a first year mathematics course like
Mathematics 1.
The decrease in the time for and quality of prepa-
ration for the teaching and the decline in the actual
classical intended use of the textbooks seems to be
quite correlated. One of the most important starting
points for the current development and re-thinking of
the course is our conviction that a carefully paced and
possibly individually enhanced preparation is a much
needed prerequisite for the students’ outcome from
lectures and exercises. Moreover we are convinced
that the ability and the desire to read and to cope with
the mathematical concepts in a textual representation
is of utmost importance for transfer – i.e the students’
ability to carry over and actually use the mathematics
in other disciplines and technology applications.
Based on the findings reported in the above section,
DTU Mathematics decided in 2010 to replace the
traditional textbooks and the corresponding printed
weekly menus by a Mathematics 1 portal.
As mentioned above we believe that physical at-
tendance, lectures and group exercises are crucial
hallmarks of effective teaching and learning, but we
also face the facts and challenges that the course in
question is mandatory for more than 750 first year
students, that it must give fundamental mathematical
training and services to 11 very different study lines
at DTU, and that each one of our students at the same
time is struggling to find the working methods and
styles which are best suited for him or her at DTU.
Therefore we have introduced a wide range of web
based learning objects and activities into the teach-
ing agenda - to support and drive the good old clas-
sical curriculum but now also to open up and offer
plenty of windows and pathways into the core mate-
rial. Traditional teaching materials such as textbooks
and printed exercises and weekly sheets are replaced
by the internet portal where YouTube-based video in-
structions, e-Notes and electronic exercises suggest
and offer a much less linear form of learning than
before. In order to create both new solid challenges
for the strongest students and at the same time keep
the weaker students well motivated and engaged we
have found that the assets mentioned in the introduc-
tion (the three bullets) are of invaluable importance
for this enterprize.
In particular there are then obvious new chal-
lenges that the authors of the e-Notes (replacing the
traditional textbooks) are facing. The e-Notes must
contain several layers corresponding to different pur-
poses: They must display the concepts and the theory,
they must serve as the target for links from the online
exercises, they must provide inspirations for videos,
they must take advantage of and unfold parallel vi-
sually enhanced exercises, and finally they must pro-
vide several choices for printing ”your own book” -
depending on which parts of the content the reader
wants to emphasize. Similarly the e-Notes should of-
fer flexible and different ways of reading: studying
contiguous text, skimming, finding theorems and for-
mulas, checking examples etc.
Originally our working title for the e-Notes was
transfer notes. We consider them as an integral
yet compactly distilled – part of the whole enterprise.
They function as a constant reference for all the other
activities so that there is in principle a link to the rel-
evant section, example, or theorem from every other
activity in the course. The idea is thus twofold to
keep the e-Notes as a text and to actively help lift-
ing this text into every corner of the course. Techno-
logically the text is constantly only one click away
through the portal of the course. We have the hope
to be seen and reported – that the students in this way
will be able to ’carry’ and transfer what they have
learnt much more readily into their next courses in the
engineering disciplines.
Figure 1: All lectures are available on video.
Figure 2: Look and listen to a careful pencast solution.
Figure 3: Prepare for the lecture view the appetizer video!.
Figure 4: An exercise with clearly marked questions.
Figure 5: The exercise with 3 unfolded hints.
3.1 Balanced and Useful Sample Codes
The Maple system is a well functioning example of a
merger between a calculator, pen and pencil, formu-
laries, and editor tool which is used throughout the
course for solving the math problems, for document-
ing homework, and for handling larger project exer-
cises. All the figures in the eNotes are produced from
simple Maple commands so that the students can
do their own modifications of those figures directly in
their own work sheets and thereby enhance their study
and reading of the eNotes even further, see Figure 6.
Figure 6: A glimpse of a page from the eNotes.
As a contribution to the evaluation of the 2010 refor-
mation of the course Mathematics 1, DTU Mathemat-
ics has conducted a series of investigations in collab-
oration with LearningLab DTU, both before and after
the 2010 reformation. We display here a few selected
results, which contain information about the students’
preparation for the teaching and about their outcome
from the respective textual representation of the math-
ematical content and syllabus.
After week 8 in the study year 2009-2010 (i.e.
before the reformation of 2010) and correspondingly
after week 8 in 2010-2011 the students were asked
to prioritize the various teaching activities and state
from which activities they have learnt the most in
their own opinion. The total score concerning prepa-
ration, lectures, and excercises in classes displayed as
in Table 1. The table shows that the active individ-
ual preparation before the teaching has been strength-
ened at the expense of the more passive listening to
Correspondingly the students were asked to pri-
Table 1: Increasing preparation.
Year Preparation Lectures Exercises
2009 13.1 % 44.3 % 42.6 %
2010 21.6 % 37.0 % 41.5%
oritize the learning resources. The total scores con-
cerning textbooks/eNotes, Maple Demos, and the stu-
dents’ own notes from lectures are shown in Table 2.
The table shows that the students’ appreciation of the
new eNote representation of the mathematical con-
tent of the course has increased considerably at the
expense of the Maple Demos and their own notes.
Table 2: From textbooks to eNotes.
Year (e-)Text Maple Demos Own notes
2009 26.8% 38.0 % 35.2 %
2010 45.8 % 28.8 % 25.5 %
Taken as a whole the two tables 1 and 2 indicate that
the combined effects of a wide spectrum of web-based
learning objects has helped fulfil the overall aim: To
strengthen the students’ desire and ability to prepare
for the teaching and to read and enjoy the textual rep-
resentations of the course contents.
The investigation and the data that we mention in
section 4 have been designed and collected by P. M.
Hussmann (LearningLab DTU), P. Ratleff (Danish
School of Education), H. Rotz
en (DTU Informatics),
and K. Schmidt (DTU Mathematics).
Ratleff, P., Schmidt, K., and Hussmann, P. M. (2009). Rea-
ding less and understanding more. In MONA, (2009)
3, pp. 21-40.
Schmidt, K., Rattleff, P., and Hussmann, P. M. (2010). The
impact of CAS use in introductory engineering math-
ematics. In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at
ECMI 2008. Mathematics in Industry, Volume 15, Part
2, (2010) 653-659. Springer Verlag.