conceptions regarding important physics concepts
persist often into college years.
We addressed this problem through a two-
pronged approach: (1) by making it easier for stu-
dents to construct, simulate and experiment with
simple machines in a virtual environment, and (2) by
integrating a tutoring component with the simulation
component. We chose one class of simple machines,
pulley systems, as the domain for the tutoring and
simulation environment because students generally
find pulleys harder to understand than simpler ma-
chines like inclined planes. Another reason for this
choice is that complex pulley setups (e.g., those
involving compound pulleys with multiple grooves
or many movable pulleys) are so difficult to cor-
rectly build and experiment with in the real world
within the limited class time available that teachers
tend to limit hands-on activities to very simple set-
ups only. Furthermore, there are experimental setups
such as those with no friction that are impossible to
construct and test in the real world. The rest of this
paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses
research literature that forms the background of our
work. Section 3 describes the architecture of the
simulation and tutoring system ViPS. Section 4 pre-
sents empirical evidence for the efficacy of ViPS
and section 5 concludes the paper.
Tutoring is an instructional activity known to im-
prove student learning. For instance, Reiser, Ander-
son and Farrell (1985) reported that students work-
ing with private tutors could learn material four
times faster than students who attended traditional
classroom lectures, studied textbooks and worked on
homework alone. When a human tutor is not availa-
ble, the next best option maybe an Intelligent Tutor-
ing System (ITS). An ITS is a computer-based in-
structional system that has knowledge bases for
instructional content and teaching strategies. It at-
tempts to acquire and use knowledge about a stu-
dent‘s level of mastery of topics in order to dynami-
cally adapt instruction. Anderson & Skwarecki
(1986) reported that an ITS is a cost-effective means
of one-on-one tutoring to provide novices with the
individualized attention needed to overcome learn-
ing difficulties. ITS have been built for various do-
mains such as mathematics, medicine, engineering,
public services, computer science, etc. (Ritter el al.,
2007). The potential of ITS for helping students
learn is well recognized.
Another learning activity that is beneficial is
problem solving through experimentation. It is a
hands-on activity that involves designing and build-
ing an experimental setup, letting it perform its func-
tion and collecting data from it in order to solve a
problem, to better understand the underlying phe-
nomena or to test a scientific hypothesis. Computer
modelling and simulation often take the place of
physical manipulation in this learning activity. Many
researchers have described the affordances and limi-
tations of problem solving using physical manipula-
tives and computer simulations in science education
research (de Jong and Van Joolingen, 1998);
(Finkelstein, et al., 2005); (Triona, et al., 2005).
Zacharia and Anderson (2003) investigated the ef-
fects of interactive computer-based simulations,
presented prior to inquiry-based laboratory experi-
ments, on students’ conceptual understanding of
mechanics. They found that the use of simulations
improved students’ ability to generate predictions
and explanations of the phenomena in the experi-
ments. Triona and colleagues (2005) investigated
how physical and virtual manipulatives affected
student learning about mousetrap cars. Students used
either physical or virtual manipulatives to design
their cars. The physical and virtual treatments
showed the same effectiveness in helping students
design cars. Finkelstein and co-workers (2005)
looked at how students learned about electrical cir-
cuits differently with virtual or physical manipula-
tives. The simulations used by the students were
similar to the physical materials, except that the
simulations showed electron flow within the circuit,
which the physical materials could not. They re-
ported that the students who had used virtual ma-
nipulatives, i.e. the simulations, scored better on an
exam and were able to build physical circuits more
quickly than students who used physical manipula-
tives. Zacharia et al., (2008) looked at physical and
virtual manipulatives in the context of heat and tem-
perature. One group of students used physical ma-
nipulatives, while other group of student used physi-
cal manipulatives followed by virtual ones. Students
who worked with physical followed by virtual ma-
nipulatives performed better on a conceptual test
than students who only used the physical manipula-
tives. The authors’ conclusion was that one reason
for the addition of simulation increasing student
learning was that simulations could be manipulated
more quickly than physical setups.
Our research combines these two strands of tu-
toring and experimentation by designing and testing
a system, ViPS, that has both intelligent tutoring and
virtual experimentation capabilities. ViPS is able to
provide guided tutoring to a student as he or she