Christian Neuhaus, Martin von L¨owis and Andreas Polze
Operating Systems and Middleware Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Cloud Storage, Security, Access Control, Threshold Cryptography, Information Dispersal, Authorization
Cloud-based exchange of sensitive data demands the enforcement of fine-grained and flexible access rights,
that can be time-bounded and revoked at any time. In a setting that does not rely on trusted computing bases on
the client side, these access control features require a trusted authorization service that mediates access control
decisions. Using threshold cryptography, we present an implementation scheme for a distributed authorization
service which improves reliability over a single service instance and limits the power and responsibility of
single authorization service nodes.
Healthcare is one of the most costly and complex un-
dertakings of a country. A high degree of division
of labour and specialisation require a close collabo-
ration of thousands of people and institutions. For
data exchange in this scenario cloud storage services
are an appealing option, as they require hardly any
up-front investments into infrastructure, scale quickly
to the current demand and provide high availability
and performance. However, sensitive patient infor-
mation may never be accessible to commercial stor-
age providers and therefore has to be encrypted. Ad-
ditionally, fine-grained, time-bounded and revokable
access rights have to be enforced over the exchanged
data. This is usually achieved by mediating access
control decisions by a trusted authorization service in-
stance (Neuhaus et al., 2011).
The problem with this scheme is that the autho-
rization service represents a single-point of failure: If
it is unavailable, no data access can be made. The
challenge is to provide an implementation of the au-
thorization service which is both secure and depend-
able. Simply replicating the service over several in-
stances poses a risk to security, since an attacker has
to take over only a single one of these instances to
gain full control. The general approach to unify de-
pendability and security is the idea of Fragmentation-
Redunancy-Scattering (Fabre et al., 1994): Confiden-
tial information is broken up into insignificant pieces
which can be distributed over several network nodes.
The contribution of this paper is a scheme for a
distributed authorization service. We present a soft-
ware architecture for fine-grained access control on
data items in a distributed system. The achitecture sa-
tisfies the requirements of revokable access rights and
cryptographic keys. To make the system secure and at
the same time scalable and dependable, we make use
of a threshold encryption scheme to limit the power
of a single authorization service instance and provide
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: We
state the requirements for our solition in section 2. In
section 3, we reviewrelated work and explain why the
past approaches cannot fulfil our requirements. We
explain theoretical foundations and algorithms in sec-
tion 4. Our approach, the distributed license service,
is explained in section 5. We discuss and summarize
our approach in section 6.
Because of the strict regulations for the electronic pro-
cessing of patient data and general security concerns,
a solution for cloud-based data exchange in a health-
care scenario has to be highly secure while providing
flexible access rights and high availability. Therefore,
we assume the following requirements:
In terms of security, data may only be accessible to
authorized end-users. The cloud provider is not re-
Neuhaus C., von Löwis M. and Polze A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003925505680573
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 568-573
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
garded as trusted and may under no circumstances get
access to data items stored on his infrastructure. Ac-
cess rights for a data object have to be specified in
a security policy assigned to that data object. It is
required that these access rights can be specified for
every security principal (i.e. user) of the system inde-
pendently. It has to be possible to limit these rights
to a certain timeframe and revoke any of these rights
at any time. In terms of availability, it is required
that the enforcement mechanism of these access rights
does not have an unreasonably negative impact to the
reliability of the system.
The advent of cloud computing (Armbrust et al.,
2009) has the potential of great change: The amount
of data generated and exchanged all over the world
is growing rapidly, and a lot of it is going to be out-
sourced to cloud storage services (Gantz and Rein-
sel, 2011). The Oceanstore-Project (Kubiatowicz
et al., 2000) explored questions of data locality and
data movement in a worldwide-spanning storage net-
work for good performance and availability. Several
publications revolve around the question of availabil-
ity and dependability (Laprie, 1985) of cloud stor-
age services. Potential outages and failures of indi-
vidual cloud storage services can be masked by em-
ploying redundancy, using RAID-like encoding tech-
niques (Schnjakin et al., 2011; Bowers et al., 2009),
information dispersal (Rabin, 1989) or secret shar-
ing techniques (Shamir, 1979) in projects like DepSky
(Bessani et al., 2011).
3.1 Encryption
The method of choice to achieve security and im-
plement access control by technical means is usu-
ally the protection of data by encryption. Encryp-
tion of data on the client-side hides it from the cloud
storage provider and makes it accessible only to
clients in possession of the appropriate cryptographic
keys. In the previously mentioned projects (DepSky,
Oceanstore, etc.) client-side encryption is proposed
in different levels of detail but with one limitation:
Security by client-side encryption is only considered
for a single-user scenario, where a single user holds
the cryptographic keys for his data. Sharing of data
items and access rights between a group of users is not
intended. Shared access and sharing of access rights
on particular data items is however required in our
scenario. In multi-user access scenarios, the access
rights on data items are usually specified in an explicit
data structure, such as an access control list or a secu-
rity policy (see section 4.1). Several approaches exist
on how security policies can be technically enforced:
One approach is to implement them entirely by means
of cryptography: Several works were published that
extend the original idea of public-key cryptography
(Rivest et al., 1978; Diffie and Hellman, 1976) by a
multi-user aspect. Key generation and management
schemes can be used to generate cryptographic user
keys and encryption keys for data items. The gen-
erated keys enable decryption of the content for the
right combination of user and data keys as specified
in an access control matrix (e.g. (Zych et al., 2006)).
A recent development in cryptographyis the approach
of attribute-based encryption (ABE) (Sahai and Wa-
ters, 2005; Bethencourt et al., 2007): Cryptographic
user keys are generated in such a way that they reflect
which attribute the user possesses (e.g. ”nurse”, ”ra-
diology staff”). Protected data items can only be de-
crypted by someone in possession of a user key which
matches a certain criterion of attributes. An impor-
tant property of ABE-schemes is collusion resistance:
User keys cannot be combined to join their set of as-
signed attributes. These schemes can be used to im-
plement security policies through cryptography (e.g.
(Akinyele et al., 2010)).
However, as these approaches do not mediate ac-
cess control decisons they do not provide the possi-
bility to revoke access rights: Once a cryptographic
key is transferred to a user it cannot be taken away
3.2 Trusted Authorization Services
The revocation of access privileges can be achieved
by introducing an indirection in the authorization pro-
cess: Instead of granting the access token (i.e. a
cryptographic key) directly, this token has to be re-
quested from a centralized trusted authorization ser-
vice. When a user requests access to a protected re-
source, the authorization service checks the requesters
privileges against a security policy or access control
matrix. If the user has sufficient privileges, the ac-
cess token is granted. The revocation of rights can
be achieved by blacklisting privileges or users on the
authorization service. This concept has been imple-
mented as mandatory access control using a refer-
ence monitor (Anderson, 1972) in Kerberos (Kohl and
Neuman, 1993). A similar concept is shown for a
distributed document repository (Katt et al., 2009),
largely following the XACML-nomenclature. The
concept of a trusted authorization service can also be
used with cryptographic access tokens. An approach
that relies on cryptography is the development and
research around Microsofts Cloud-Storage CS2 (Ka-
mara and Lauter, 2010; Kamara et al., 2011), which
uses trusted services to help with access control deci-
sions. The idea of a semi-trusted mediator service is
also considered to extend the flexibility of attribute-
based encryption schemes (Ibraimi et al., 2009).
However, a single instance of an authorization ser-
vices puts the dependability of the system at risk,
since it is a single point of failure. Therefore, dis-
tributed approaches have been proposed in the litera-
ture: A combination of a distributed authorization ser-
vice and trusted computing is presented by (Abghour
et al., 1999) to guarantee tolerance against byzantine
failures of single nodes.
The FADE system (File Assured Deletion) (Tang
et al., 2010) is similar to our approach in its objec-
tives. A key manager service provides enforcement of
access policies using cryptographic techniques. Dele-
tion can be assured by having the key manager erase
private keys associated with access policies; the cor-
responding file data then might remain available in
the cloud in an encrypted form, but the plain text
becomes unrecoverable. The specific cryptographic
techniques in FADE differ significantly from our ap-
proach, though: while FADE employs blinded RSA
encryption to hide keys for data items from the autho-
rization service, this becomes obsolete by distribut-
ing the authorization service over several instances.
We believe that the overhead of the blinded RSA ap-
proach does not provide additional security. In partic-
ular, the threats to FADE and to our approach are the
4.1 Security Policies
A security policy (McLean et al., 1994) is a document
that specifies the property of security of a system. In
a very formal view, a system can be seen a finite-
state machine. A security policy can then separate
the set of states into two disjoint subsets. The states
of one subset are considered as authorized, the others
as unauthorized. We use a more practical approach,
where security policies serve as confidentiality poli-
cies: For sharing data between users, policies specify
access rights to data items and can be considered as
security metadata: They provide additional, machine-
interpretable information that specifies which subject
(e.g. a natural or legal person) has which rights (e.g.
read access) to which resource (e.g. a data item).
4.2 Threshold Cryptography
A (m,n) threshold cryptography scheme (see (Shamir,
1979)) is a cryptographic scheme that can be used to
divide a piece of data D into n shares of data D
... D
with the following properties:
Knowing a subset of m or more shares of the n
shares generated, D can easily be computed.
With less than m pieces of the n shares available,
the original value of D cannot be reconstructed.
The value of the parameter m can be chosen freely in
the range of 1 m < n. The length of each generated
share D
... D
is the same as the length of D.
The implementation of the scheme proposed by
(Shamir, 1979) is based the interpolation of polyno-
mials: The shares D
... D
are distinct data points of
a randomly chosen polynomial of degree m 1, the
constant term of which is D. With at least m shares
available, the polynomial can be reconstructed and the
value of D can be obtained.
4.3 Hash-based Message Authentication
A Hash-based authentication code (HMAC) is a mes-
sage authentication code (MAC) based on crypto-
graphic hash function. The purpose of a MAC is to
enable the receiver of a message to verify both the in-
tegrity and the authenticity of a message. Using the
message, a cryptographic hash function H (such as
SHA-1), a secret key K and two fixed padding values
(ipad, opad), a HMAC is computed in the following
way, as suggested by (Krawczyk et al., 1997):
H(K opad, H(K ipad,text))
The HMAC is computed by the sender of the mes-
sage and sent along with it. It is also computed by
the receiver of the message and compared to the re-
ceived HMAC. If both values match, the message is
unchanged and thus authenticated. The integrity and
authenticity of the message are protected by the fact
that the secret key is necessary to compute a valid
This section illustrates our solution for a distributed
authorization service that can cryptographically en-
force revokable and time-constrained access rights of
security policies on data objects, fulfilling the re-
quirements stated in section 2. A data object holds
arbitrary information in a byte array and is assigned
a security policy, which states the access rights that
users have on this object. For more details on these
security policies, see (Neuhaus et al., 2011).
5.1 Distribution Mechanism
The service is distributed over n nodes by using a
threshold cryptography scheme (see section 4.2). The
underlying protection mechanism encrypts every data
object with a randomly generated key. This key is
then broken up into n shares, m of which suffice to
reconstruct the key. m can be freely chosen within
1 m < n to balance security and dependability. Each
share is made available to exactly one particular au-
thorization service instance. A quorum of m of these
instances has to be queried by a client to reconstruct
the data object key and get access to a data object.
Depending on parameter m, a certain number of these
nodes can fail or fall under hostile control without af-
fecting availability of the service or security of the
protected data.
storage servicestorage service
cloud infrastructure
user client computers
client software
Instance #1
Instance #2
Instance #n
Figure 1: Overview of the system and its building blocks.
5.2 System Overview
The users of this system interact with it using a client
software library, which runs on the device they are
using. It it assumed that every user authenticates him-
self to this client software using public key cryptog-
raphy. The users’ private key is available to the client
software, and the users public key is assumed to be
known throughout the system.
Data is stored in the cloud by the storage service.
This service provides a simple interface to store and
retrievedata, using the classic four CRUD-operations:
Create, Read, Update and Delete. The storage service
is assumed to run on possibly untrusted infrastructure.
All data sent to and stored by the service has previ-
ously been encrypted and is therefore inaccessible to
the service and its operator.
Access control decisions are made by the autho-
rization service by checking the security policy of a
data item. The service is distributed over n instances.
To get access to a data item, the client software has
to query a number of m < n instances of this service.
Every instance of this service holds its own public-
private-keypair,the public key of which is assumed to
be known throughout the system. No single instance
of this service holds the cryptographic key material to
make this access decision alone. Instead, a client soft-
ware needs positive answers from at least m instances
of this service.
5.3 Placement of Services & Trust
It is important to note that this approach can only
keep its promises of dependability and security if
the instances of the authorization service each run
in completely independent locations on a cloud in-
frastructure. For achieving dependability, the differ-
ent instance locations have to be structurally indepen-
dent and thus are unlikely to fail simultaneously. For
achieving a gain in security, these service instances
may not be accessible to a common operator. The ser-
vice operators of the authorization service instances
have to be trusted not to influence the computations
of the services, not cooperate using the cryptographic
keys of the service instances to escalate their rights
and to always provide accurate time information to
the services.
5.4 Cryptographic Protection of Data
Every data object that enters the system through the
client software has to carry a security policy and the
payload data. When a data object is uploaded to the
storage service, it is prepared by the client-software
the following way:
For the data item, a random symmetric key K
generated. This key is then broken up into n shares by
using a threshold cryptography scheme (see section
4.2). The x-th share is denoted K
. All n instances
of the authorization service and their corresponding
public keys are known to the client software. The
public key of a particular instance m of the authoriza-
tion service is denoted as K
. The data package sent
to the storage service is then assembled by filling its
data fields as shown in Table 1.
The payload data is symmetrically encrypted un-
der key K
. The security policy is added to the data
object unencrypted. For every instance x of the autho-
rization service, the following data is encoded under
its public key K
Table 1: Data elds in a data item and cryptographic keys
they are encrypted with
Data Field Encryption Key
Payload Data K
Policy - not encrypted -
, Policy), K
, Policy), K
... ...
, Policy), K
The x-th share of the dispersed key K
, denoted
as K
A message authentication code (HMAC, see sec-
tion 4.3) over the policy, using K
as a signing
By asymmetrically encrypting it with K
, the key
share K
is is a shared secret between the creator of
the data and the n-th instance of the authorization ser-
vice. It is sent to a client software requesting access
to a data item if the security policy allows it. K
is also used to create a message authentication code
(see section 4.3) over the policy, enabling the autho-
rization service instance to check the integrity of the
transmitted policy.
5.5 Data Access
In this section we describe the sequence of steps of a
user client software accessing a data object in the sys-
tem. We assume that the user of the client software
has made his personal public-private key pair avail-
able to it.
1. The client software downloads a data object from
the storage service. This data object contains the
data fields shown in table 1.
2. The client software sends requests for data access
to a quorum of at least m instances of the au-
thorization service. The following information is
sent to the x-th instance: The users public key,
the policy and the cryptographic information pre-
pared for this instance: The message authenti-
cation code HMAC(K
, Policy), and the key
share K
3. Each instance of the authorization service de-
crypts HMAC and key share. HMAC and the
key share are used to check the integrity of the
transmitted policy. If the policy is valid, the in-
stance checks whether the requested access right
is granted to the requesting user by the policy.
If the right is granted, the service instance sends
back the key share K
to the requesting client
software, encrypted under the users public key. If
not, the request is discarded.
4. The answers from the authorization service in-
stances are decrypted using the users private key.
After receiving at least m positive answers with
shares of the data key from authorization ser-
vice instances, the client software reconstructs the
original data key K
5. Using K
the data payload of the package is
decrypted and is available to the user.
We have presented a software architecture for using
cloud-based storage in the context of medical appli-
cations. We discussed an approach for achieving pri-
vacy and access control, including the ability enforce
revokable and time-bounded access rights. This work
builds on earlier work where we demonstrated how
the medical records need to be split into fragments
so that cryptographic methods can guarantee the re-
quired selective access rights.
Our approach supports the enforcement of revok-
able and and time-bounded access rights by using me-
diated access control: Time-limits and revocations of
rights are enforced by the authorization service in-
stances. A system with n nodes of the authorization
service with a m,n (where m < n) encryption scheme
remains functional with at least m nodes available.
Stored data remains secure with less than m nodes un-
der hostile control.
For future work, we still need to evaluate our ap-
proach from a performance point of view. We expect
that the specific outcomeof the performancemeasure-
ments will depend on the specific cloud provider to be
selected, and that such evaluation therefore will have
limited value. The key point of this evaluation will
be the comparison of the cryptographic storage com-
pared to unsecured storage in the cloud. It remains
an open question whether such an approach will actu-
ally be adopted by users in the medical domain. This
will depend on many factors, including political deci-
sions; in our work, we can, however, only deal with
scientific and engineering aspects.
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