The Window Manager System for Overlapping Windows with Vacuum Metaphor
of Visualizations
Ryutaro Motora
, Toshiyuki Masui
and Michiaki Yasumura
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan
Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan
Window Management, SmartPhone, Gestural Interaction, Vacuum Metaphor of Visualizations.
Overlapping windows prevent us from finding the target window immediately. They reduce the operability
and the visibility so that it is important issue how to visualize and manage the windows on a desktop. In this
research we propose the new window management method that uses combinational operation with a personal
computer and a smartphone. Then we prototype the application called the FlipCloak. The FlipCloak is the
system that controls transfer of windows on the desktop between devices with simple gestural interaction.
Using the FlipCloak we can manage windows on a desktop efficiently by putting the low-priority window in
the other device temporarily as putting one’s stuff in the cloakroom.
It is a important issue how to visualize overlapping
windows on a desktop. Development of the informa-
tion processing technology allows us to open many
application windows simultaneously. Though it helps
us to work on a computer comfortably by multitask-
ing, it harms the both operability and visibility, be-
cause desktop has limited space. We often have an
experience which cannot find the target window im-
mediately from a overlapping windows.
There are some existing functions on operating
systems or each applications to help for task manage-
ment and documentcomparisonsuch as minimization,
alt-tab/command-tab, tab-window system, spaces or
expose. Furthermore Robertson made a system called
the Task Gallery, a window manager that uses in-
teractive 3D graphics (Robertson, 2000). Yamanaka
proposed a method that the user slides the mouse
cursor under the windows (Yamanaka, 2011). Then
Dragicevic proposed a technique, called ”fold-and-
drop”, uses a natural metaphor that makes it possi-
ble to seamlessly drag and drop objects from a win-
dow to any window underneath with the paper-based
metaphors (Dragicevic, 2004).
Both existing functions and related works enhance
the speed of the window management. However it
is not the system that reduce the number of the win-
dow on a desktop. They visualize the many windows
efficiently by thumbnailing or abbreviating the title.
Therefor the more window we open, the less the op-
erability and the visibility are reduced.
In this paper we explain the system called the Flip-
Cloak, that solves the issues discussed above by com-
binational operation with a personal computer and a
The FlipCloak is the system that controls transference
of windows on the desktop between devices with sim-
ple gestural interaction. While working on a computer
with the FlipCloak, if we tip a mouse, the target win-
dow on the desktop of the personal computer transfers
to the display of the smartphone (Figure 1). And if we
tip the smartphone to the personal computer, the tar-
get window on the smartphone returns to the personal
computer. Putting the low-priority windows in other
devices temporarily with simple gesture, we can man-
age windows on a desktop efficiently, as putting one’s
stuff in the cloakroom. Then we describe details of
the system.
2.1 The Cloak Function
Using the Cloak function, we can put windows in ot-
Motora R., Masui T. and Yasumura M..
FLIPCLOAK - The Window Manager System for Overlapping Windows with Vacuum Metaphor of Visualizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0003926907910794
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2012), pages 791-794
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)