On the one hand, having the cloud bundle
repository already available, efforts can be directed
to the development of the rest of components and
modifications needed to truly turn OSGi into a
complete and fully functioning PaaS solution. How
to implement logging and monitoring and actual
scalability support are just some of the important
topics that could be explored.
On the other hand, the federation capabilities of
the repository could be also extended. The basic
model of the current implementation could be
expanded with an intelligent distribution of
components, with a cache and replication of the
most required bundles into the local cloud or nearest
repositories. This will need an advanced set of rules
for the distribution of components between different
repositories, keeping into account not only their
physical capabilities, but also their licensing and
distribution limits.
Finally, a set of dependency resolution facets
specially designed for cloud concerns, like intra-
cloud security, geographical location of the
machines, QoS (Quality of Service) characteristics
and billing can be integrated into the general
architecture of the repository, greatly improving its
performance in a federated PaaS environment.
The work presented in this article has been
performed in the context of the European project
ITEA-OSAMI, under grant by Spanish Ministerio de
Industria, Turismo y Comercio in the PROFIT
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