Through a study case in order to rank universities
by Smart Web Visibility, we observed an interesting
application of the evaluation proposed, showing a
current scenario that is the subject of several re-
searches. Applying metasearch on the universi-
ties’acronyms, two rankings were developed: one
showing the visibility of webpages of institutions
when a search made with only the acronym, and
another using a query expansion technique to better
describe the domain, increasing the scoring of the
universities sampled in the experiments and avoid-
ing the homonymous problem.
The Smart Web Visibility has applicability in
any field, not only universities, but for the genera-
tion of rankings is important that the domain is ho-
mogeneous. Future studies should seek a way to
demonstrate the ampleness of the method.
5.1 Future Work
As mentioned above, efforts are still required to
prove the application of Smart Web Visibility evalu-
ation generically, allowing us to develop rankings in
other domains. Furthermore, the work identified the
possibility of some future studies like the study of
other parameters that can be extracted for the eval-
uation of web visibility, the study of tiebreakers for
visibility rankings, and the study of a distribution of
different weights to each search engine according to
some criterion to be studied too. Future works will
be concerned about two main topics. One of them is
to add more semantics to the description of the do-
main, perhaps by ontologies, making possible to na-
vigate through the domain levels. The other main
topic is about extracting time and spatial data with
the metasearch, aiming to discover where and when
the visibility of the target was better or worst. In the
near future, rankings with more universities, includ-
ing universities outside of Brazil, should be devel-
This work has been partially supported by CNPq and
by CAPES, Brazil.
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