Giuseppe Di Modica and Orazio Tomarchio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica, Universit`a di Catania,
Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Cloud Computing, Pricing Models, Negotiation, Ontology, Semantic Rules.
To date a few, big providers dominate the market of Cloud resources. They provide proprietary solutions
through inflexible pricing and SLA schemes. On the research side, the community is working to define spec-
ifications and standards on several aspects of the cloud technology. When standards will get mature, interop-
erability among clouds will be a reality. Customers will be no more locked-up to any proprietary technology
and new players will have the chance to enter the market. The competition challenge will be played on the real
capability of providers to accommodate customers’ requests in a flexible way and to supply high and differen-
tiated QoS levels. In this market scenario a mechanism must be devised to support the matchmaking between
what providers offer and what customers’ applications demand. In this work we propose the definition of a
semantic model that helps customers and providers to characterize their demands/offers, and provide semantic
tools performing the matchmaking in such a way to maximize both the provider’s profit and the customer’s
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new
paradigm for delivering utility computing services
(Buyya et al., 2008). In cloud environments, infras-
tructures, platforms and application services are avail-
able on-demand and companies are able to access
their business services anywhere and whenever they
need. The real success of the cloud is mostly due
to the considerable business opportunities that it pro-
duces for both consumers and providers of virtualized
resources. On the one hand, the providers see in the
cloud model a way to maximize the use of their com-
puting assets and thus minimize the maintenance cost;
on the other hand, the “pay-per-use” business model
allows consumers to pay for only what they actually
use, without any initial investment.
In addition, cloud computing is making the shift
from product to service-oriented economy a reality:
from a technical point of view, composition of (dy-
namic) cloud services allows to provide customized
complex services to consumers; from an economic
perspective, value is just created by the intercon-
nection of various distributed service providers that
jointly contribute to an integrated solution that meets
individual customers needs. A complex services typ-
ically involve the composition of several component
services (and eventuallycomputingresources) offered
by a multiplicity of providers. These technologi-
cal and organizational trends drives competition be-
tween different service platforms and service (cloud
resources) market places.
However, today we are still far from an open and
competitivecloud and service market, where cloud re-
sources are traded as in conventional markets. The
main technological reason lies in the lack of interop-
erability of existing cloud technology (Parameswaran
and Chaddha, 2009). Another not technological, yet
equally important reason is that to date cloud re-
sources are offered according to strict pricing mod-
els and rigid Service Level Agreements (SLA). In
a future open cloud market, users (customers) will
demand for flexible pricing and resources’ usage
schemes to meet their specific computing needs. Au-
tomated negotiation mechanisms should be adopted
allowing customers to bargain with providers for dif-
ferentiated levels of quality of service (Badica et al.,
In this paper we discuss about the need of more
flexible charging models for cloud resources’ usage,
Di Modica G. and Tomarchio O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003929305330541
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 533-541
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
together with advanced negotiation protocols to bet-
ter support the public cloud model. We believe that,
in order to build an effective matchmakingprocess be-
tween supply and demand, a structured model to de-
scribe resources’ business features and applications’
requirements is needed. To this purpose, we propose
two ontologies for describing the resources offered
by cloud providers on the one hand and the require-
ments expressed by customers on the other one. The
final aim is to efficiently include pricing models, ne-
gotiation capabilities and service levels into resource
publish/discovery mechanisms, that can then be en-
riched with tools to enable providers to easily char-
acterize and advertise their resources, and customers
to easily describe application requirements. A seman-
tic matchmaking algorithm has been devised enabling
customers to search for those cloud resources that best
meet their requirements.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 the background context is intro-
duced and the issues inspiring this work are discussed.
Section 3 describes in details the approach proposed
for the definition of a cloud service discovery frame-
work. In particular Section 3.1 discusses the two on-
tologies for the characterization of cloud service de-
mands/offers, Section 3.2 and 3.3 provides details on
the mapping and the matching processes respectively.
We conclude our work in section 4.
The commercial success of cloud computing is wit-
nessed by the individual success of few, very big
companies that in the past years have made, and are
currently making, huge profits by virtualizing and
selling their unused computational resources. Ama-
zon has imposed as the main IaaS provider on the
market. Microsoft and Google (respectively with
the products “Azure” and “App Engine”) dominate
among the PaaS providers. SalesForce.com provides
the most famous example of business application de-
livered through the SaaS model. These players are
dominating the market by imposing their own propri-
etary solutions (e.g., Amazon’s “.ami” for the virtual
machines’ format specification and “EC2” API for
the management of virtualized resources), which as
a matter of fact have become the de-facto standards,
thus fostering what in economics is known as the phe-
nomenon of vendor lock-in. It is not easy for the
users to put their application on a commercial cloud,
and then migrate it to another cloud in the case that
they are not satisfied with the provided service per-
formance level.
The idea of putting together unused computational
resources to be organized and delivered according to
an “on-demand” basis has also spread among open,
non commercial contexts. For instance, volunteer
computing (also called Global computing or Pub-
lic computing) uses computers, voluntarily offered
by their owners, as a source of computing power
and storage to achieve high-performance distributed
scientific computing (Anderson and Fedak, 2006).
Some (Aversa et al., 2010) have proposed to build
a cloud infrastructure upon voluntarily shared com-
puting resources, claiming that the cloud computing
paradigm is applicable also at lower scales, from the
single contributing user (sharing his desktop) to re-
search groups, university campus, public administra-
tions, social communities that make available their
distributed computing resources to the Cloud. For ob-
vious reasons, the service level offered by this spe-
cific kind of clouds could never compete with that of
commercial clouds (contributing peers can voluntar-
ily join/leave anytime); nevertheless the chance to ac-
cess resources at no charge (or at very low rates) will
attract many users. Again, in order for this volunteer-
based cloud paradigm to be successful, interoperabil-
ity among the open contexts must be accomplished.
The road that leads to cloud interoperability is
long. In a desirable scenario, the user should be
able to build up its own application independently of
the specific cloud that it is going to run onto, define
the application requirements (both functional and not
functional) in a standardized way, search for the cloud
provider that best meets his requirements, negotiate
for the service, deploy the application, monitor the ap-
plication performance, moving it to another cloud in
the case that the service performance does not meet
his expectation.
Several issues need to be addressed in order
to pose the basis for fully interoperable scenarios.
The research community is focused on several cloud
management’s aspects: provisioning, metering and
billing, privacy, security, identity management, qual-
ity of service (QoS), service level agreements (SLA).
Some works propose real specifications, and pro-
mote their adoption as standards by the cloud com-
munity, while others advice best practices that should
be adopted when dealing with specific cloud man-
agement issues. The Ditributed Management Task
Force (DMTF) has developed the Open Virtualization
Format (OVF) specification (DistributedManagement
Task Force, 2010), which is a packaging specifica-
tion designed to address the portability and deploy-
ment of virtual appliances across multiple virtualiza-
tion platforms. The aim is to define a standard way
for packaging together virtual machines, data and ap-
plications that should be deployed and run on any
cloud provider. Within the Open Grid Forum (OGF),
the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) Work-
ing Group is developing practical solution to inter-
face with cloud infrastructures exposed as a service
(IaaS). The group has defined the OCCI specifica-
tion (The Open Grid Forum, 2011), which is an ex-
tensible API that allows the deployment, monitor-
ing and management of virtual workloads (like vir-
tual machines). The Storage Networking Industry
Association (SNIA) has created the Cloud Storage
Technical Work Group for the purpose of develop-
ing an architecture related to system implementations
of cloud storage technology. The main output of the
groups activity is the Cloud Data Management Inter-
face (CDMI) (The Storage Networking Industry As-
sociation, 2011), a functional interface that cloud ap-
plications can use to create, retrieve, update and delete
data elements from the cloud. The National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) push towards
the adoption of the computing cloud model in indus-
try and government. NIST aim is to foster cloud com-
puting systems and practices that support interoper-
ability, portability, and security requirements that are
appropriate and achievable for important usage sce-
narios. It has identified a set of twenty ve use cases
(The National Institute of Standards and Technology,
2010) that seek to express portability, interoperabil-
ity and security concerns that cloud users may have.
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) was created to
promote the use of best practices for providing secu-
rity assurance within cloud computing. CSA is very
much concerned with issues like identity and access
management, that are thoroughly discussed in an offi-
cial document that has been released (The Cloud Se-
curity Alliance, 2011). The Open Cloud Consortium
(OCC) is an organization supported by several enter-
prises and academic partners that develops reference
implementations, benchmarksand standards for cloud
computing. It has developed the MalStone Bench-
mark (The Open Cloud Consortium, 2011) for large
data clouds and is working on a reference model for
large data clouds. The Cloud Computing Use Cases
group works to define use cases for cloud computing.
It is a collaboration of cloud consumers and cloud
vendors trying to make steps towards keeping cloud
computing open. The group has published a white
paper (The Cloud Computing Use Cases group, 2011)
that highlights the capabilities and requirements that
need to be standardized in a cloud environment to
ensure interoperability, ease of integration and porta-
bility. The provided use cases demonstrate the per-
formance and economic benefits of cloud computing,
and are based on the needs of the widest possible
range of consumers. The latest version of the paper
focuses on four main topics: how consumers use the
cloud; how applications are built in the cloud; security
in the cloud; requirements for Service Level Agree-
ments in the cloud.
Independently of the specific aspects addressed by
these research efforts, they all share the same objec-
tive: interoperability among clouds. When such a
target will be accomplished, a new scenario of busi-
ness opportunities will open up to the old and the
new stakeholders that will want to profit from the
open market of the cloud-based resources. The Eu-
ropean FP7 project Reservoir (Reservoir Consortium,
2011) is one of the first successful attempts to create
an interoperable federation of cloud providers, span-
ning across different administrative domains, IT plat-
forms and geographies, aiming at sharing their indi-
vidual resources to respond to the users’ demand. In-
teroperability is the means by which also small com-
panies can federate to each other to share their re-
sources and propose themselves as an alternative to
the big players. In the forthcoming interoperable sce-
narios the competition for acquiring new customers
will be shifted to the ground of the overall QoS that
cloud providers are able to offer. The challenge for
the cloud providers will be answering at best the real
needs of their customers. This will yield to a di-
versification of the offerings in terms of (to cite a
few) adopted security models, performance monitor-
ing tools, SLA templates, resource negotiation proto-
cols and pricing models.
In this paper we focus on the last two of the just
cited aspects. In particular we address the need to
support customers when choosing the “best” cloud
offer among the wide range offers that they are pre-
sented with. On the other side cloud providers, when
offering their resources, should be able to differen-
tiate at best their offer, by presenting the customers
with a wide selection of flexible negotiation and pric-
ing models. Such an offering diversification will yield
benefits to cloud providers too.
The future cloud economy will have to take care of
the vast set of requirements (functional and non func-
tional) of those applications that potentially might get
benefits if “cloudified”. In order to best match the de-
mand of these applications, the market of cloud ser-
vices will have to broaden its range of offerings. On
the cloud providers end, a great competitiveness fac-
tor will be the capability of realizing such a differen-
Application requirements' domain Resource features' domain
Figure 1: Mapping and matching.
One of the key elements on which the competi-
tion will be based is the pricing model applied to
charge the cloud service’s usage. The main cloud
paradigms claimed strength is that resources (com-
puting, storage, network) can be accessed on an On-
Demand basis, and customers can be charged accord-
ing to the actual resources’ usage time. Providers
also propose their customers an alternative pricing
model based on the Resource Reservation, which on
the cloud provider’s end provides an instant economic
benefit (they receive an immediate payment for the
reservation), and on the customer’s end allows to save
on the resource price, provided that the resource it-
self is intensively (densely) used. Other providers
(mostly providing services for the business manage-
ment) adopt a price model that takes into account
the number of end users of the service. The cus-
tomer is then charged by month and by the number
of end users that the application will have to serve
(we refer to this model as End-User-Based). Finally,
almost all commercial providers propose a Free-Of-
Charge model, which is nothing but a try-before-buy
strategy (some refers to this model with the name
In the forthcoming cloud economy generation
other pricing models might result more attractive for
both the providers’ and the customers’ needs (e.g.,
customized models, time-oriented models). Another
key element on which competition will focus is the
negotiation protocols schemes offered to carry on
a service transaction. The market of virtualized re-
sources is today dominated by very big commercial
providers that impose their charging models, price
quotes, resource availability level, data security level
for the resources that they put for sale. As for the
resource cost aspect, for instance, customers can ac-
quire a resource just at the price that it is advertised
at, with no chance for them to negotiate on the price.
Amazon has launched the Spot Instances model. This
model enables the customer to bid for unused Ama-
zon capacity. Depending on the provider’s business
strategies and on the amount of unused resources,
other negotiation models (e.g., auction-based) might
be employed. We argue that, similarly to what hap-
pens in some goods markets, providers should be
given the possibility to tune their selling strategies ac-
cording to the resources’ demand and supply levels.
Finally, in the future the cloud offers will strongly
differentiate on the service performance level. The
performance features that cloud providers advertise
are usually vague, sometimes focused on virtual ma-
chines computation speed, ignoring other aspects
such as the storage and network services performance
(like, e.g., access time to stored data and network
All providers guarantee a very high level of re-
source availability (from 99% upwards), prevent any
user data loss by allocating extra back-up storage,
support customers to face any technical issue, provide
them with feedbacks on the performance of the deliv-
ered services. Their commercial offers are built on
top of the just cited QoS parameters. The competi-
tion among the providers is played on both the price
at which the resources are leased and the capability
of sustaining the promised, guaranteed service lev-
els. Some providers further differentiate their service
offer. Besides provisioning what we call a standard
basic service level, some of them also offer a pre-
mium service level, which provides more guarantees
than the basic and adds extra services. In the future,
in order to satisfy the customers’ heterogeneous and
dynamic business requirements, the cloud providers
might be encouraged to propose new models. To
cater for more fine-grained customer requirements,
providers might want to propose customizable plans
of service levels, that will enable customers to build
their own desired service level provisioning scheme.
Let us now change perspective, and imagine to
look at things with the customer’s eye. Customers
would like to have the possibility to characterize and
specify application requirements under their business
perspective, i.e., in a form that is aligned to the ob-
jectives being pursued by the their own business poli-
cies. According to the customer’s business objectives
to be accomplished, and to how much mission-critical
the application is, the application to be deployed may
require either a guaranteed service level or a best ef-
fort. If the former is to be chosen, again, dependingon
the business requirements of the application, a choice
has to be made between a basic or a premium service
level. Further on, the choice of the pricing model that
best fits must be made according to the application’s
profile, i.e., the application’s specific usage pattern:
if such pattern is “dense” (resources are intensively
used within a timeframe), reserved-based solutions
are to be preferred; otherwise, the on-demand pric-
ing model may result more convenient. Finally, the
budget availability is the most compelling among the
requirements. All the choices must be made check-
ing that the budget they require is compatible with the
customer’s investment capability. For example, a ser-
vice level might fit a given application’s profile, but
might not be affordable for the customer; on the con-
trary, a more affordable service level would make the
customer save money, but might not fit the strict ap-
plication’s requirements. In most cases a compromise
has to be searched for.
The provider and the customer perspectives are
quite different. The former seeks to maximize the
profit and the utilization level of the IT asset that they
have invested in. The latter just needs to make fine-
tuned searches on the market in order to discover the
service fitting their specific business needs. We have
then designed a service discovery framework that ex-
ploits semantic mechanisms to favour the matchmak-
ing of the providers’ offer and the customers’ de-
mand. Two ontologies have been developed to char-
acterize respectively the provider and the customer
perspectives. In particular, an ontology semantically
describes the features of the resources being offered
by cloud providers, the other one describes the ap-
plication’s business requirements demanded by cus-
tomers. Since each ontology contains semantic con-
cepts belonging to two different domains, we have de-
vised a mapping process that transforms application
requirements into “semantically” equivalent resource
features, i.e., features that best represent the applica-
tion requirements in the domain of resources. The
mappings purpose is to put application requirements
and resource features on a common semantic ground
(that of cloud resources) on which a semantic proce-
dure will try to make the match.
Figure 1 depicts the two semantic domains, along
with the mapping and matchmaking processes. In
the figure, the filled circles represents, respectively,
real requests issued by customers (within the ap-
plication requirements’ domain) and real offers ad-
vertised by service providers (resource features’ do-
main). Through the mapping process the application
requirement AR
is transformed into its “equivalent”
resource feature offer RF
(empty circle) in the of-
fers domain. Such resource feature does not neces-
sarily coincide with a real offer, but rather represents
the ideal offer that would perfectly match the consid-
ered application requirement. In the next step, the
matchmakingprocedure will explore the resource fea-
tures’ domain in order to search for concrete offers
that show a semantic affinity to RF
(those covered by
the gray area in the figure). The final outcome of the
entire process will be a list of concrete offers, sorted
by the semantic affinity degree, that may satisfy the
needs represented by AR
In the following subsections we provide an
overview of the two ontologies, respectively describ-
ing the application requirements and the resource fea-
tures domains, and some details on how the mapping
and matchmaking processes work.
3.1 Ontology Design
We have designed two simple and extensible OWL-
based (W3C, 2009) ontologies that may be of help
to semantically characterize the resources offered by
cloud providers and the requirements expressed by
customers. This is a very first attempt to define the
base for a more comprehensive and complete ontol-
ogy framework, but we believe it is sufficient to give
the reader a rough picture of the idea being proposed
in this work.
3.1.1 Resource Features’ Ontology
In its current state the resource features’ ontology fo-
cuses on the concepts that, according to us, best repre-
sent the cloud resources from the providers’ business
perspective, i.e., the pricing model, the service perfor-
mance level and the negotiation model.
The figure 2 depicts a comprehensive view of
the developed ontology. Ellipses represent ontology
classes. A solid arrow models an is-a relationship be-
tween two classes, while arrows with dashed lines are
object properties defined among classes. Basically, a
cloud Offer is the main concept of the ontology. An
offer regards the provisioning of a cloud Service, that
can be in the form of IaaS, PaaS of SaaS (Infrastruc-
ture, Platfom, Software - as a Service). Among the
features that an offer can exhibit, we have depicted
the Pricing Model that will be used to charge the
Figure 2: Resource features ontology.
customer, and the Service Performance Level asso-
ciated to the provisioning of the service that the offer
refers to.
The Pricing Model is partitioned into two dis-
jointed concepts(classes): Free of Charge and
Charged. Free of Charge represents the category of
services offered for free (see try-before-buy” strate-
gies). Charged embraces all pricing models that
charge the customer for the service usage. In this
tentative ontology, Charged is furtherer subclassed
by the On-Demand, Reservation and End-user-Based
concepts. The three sub-concepts represents the pric-
ing categories currently adopted by commercial cloud
providers, as earlier discussed at the beginning of the
section. As depicted in the figure, the Charged class
is linked to the NegotiationModel class by means of
the hasNegotiationModel property. This link mod-
els the negotiability of the price of any non-free of-
fer. The service provider is allowed to select the ne-
gotiation model that accommodate at best its vend-
ing strategy’s objective. In particular, there are two
big categories of negotiation models: the OneToOne,
which models private negotiation models between a
customer and a provider, and the OneToMany, repre-
senting all the public negotiation schemes in which
many customers compete to acquire the resource of-
fered by one provider.
As regards the Service Performance Level class,
it is subclassed by the Best Effort and Guaranteed
classes. The former represents the category of ser-
vices for whose performance no guarantee is pro-
vided; the latter represents the services for which a
basic guarantee is offered, those for which a premium
level guarantee is provided, and those allowing for a
customization of the performance level to be deliv-
ered. The object property, linking the Customized
class to the OneToOne class, models the possibility
for the provider to select the preferred negotiation
scheme to be used when contracting with the cus-
tomer for the QoS to be delivered.
3.1.2 Application Requirements’ Ontology
In the Figure 3 the ontology defining the application
requirements is depicted. A dashed arrow originating
from a concept (ellipse) and pointing to a box repre-
sents a concept’s data property, whose range of val-
ues is indicated within the box itself. Basically, a cus-
tomer can request Computing resources, a Platform
or a Software application. The Price branch models
the fact that, for a request, the customer can specify
if he is willing to pay or he is just looking for a free-
of-charge service. In the first case, the customer may
Short, Long
High, Low
Public Private
High, Low
Figure 3: Application requirements ontology.
want to also specify the amount of the budget at his
disposal. At this stage, two qualitative values are al-
lowed (“High” and “Low”) but a more detailed speci-
fication for the budget requirement will be introduced
in the future. Also, the customer may specify if he is
looking for services that are either privately or pub-
licly negotiable.
In the case of Computing resources, the customer
is given the possibility to specify whether he has a
plan for utilizing the resource (UtilizationPlan con-
cept), and a timeline for that plan (hasDuration data
property). A resource consumption plan, indicating
how ”dense” will be the consumption of the resource
for the duration of the plan, may also be specified.
These parameters aim to model what in section we
earlier referred to as application profile.
3.2 Mapping
The mapping process is a simple procedure that ap-
plies a list of mapping rules. Rules have been defined
using the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
(Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P.F., Boley, H., Tabet,
S., Grosof, B., and Dean, M., 2004). The objective
of each rule is to transform a specific application re-
quirement into the ideal, best matching resource fea-
ture. As mentioned before, the mapped feature does
not have to necessarily correspond to a real feature of
a concrete offer. The task of searching for the real
feature that best matches is committed to the match-
making process, of which we provide details in the
next section.
A group of chained semantic rules drive the map-
ping from individuals of the Application require-
ments’ ontology to individuals of the Resource fea-
tures’ ontology. A rule engine takes a request in in-
put, applies the sequence of rules and incrementally
builds up the ideal offer. For the sake of brevity, we
report only a subset of these rules:
1. request : Request(?request)
of fer : Of fer(?of f er)
hasMatchedOf fer(?request, ?of fer)
2. hasMatchedOf f er(?request, ?of fer)
request : Computing(?request)
of fer : provides(?of fer, ?service)
of fer : IaaS(?service)
3. hasMatchedOf f er(?request, ?of fer)
request : Plat f orm(?request)
of fer : provides(?of fer, ?service)
of fer : PaaS(?service)
4. hasMatchedOf f er(?request, ?of fer)
request : Software(?request)
of fer : provides(?of fer, ?service)
of fer : SaaS(?service)
5. hasMatchedOf f er(?request, ?of fer)
request : hasPrice(?request, ?price)
request : canNegotiate(?price, ?negotiation)
Co-re Co-id
Figure 4: Concepts comparison.
request : Public(?negotiation)
of fer : hasPriceModel(?of fer, ?priceMod)
of fer : NegotiationModel(?negModel)
o f fer : hasNegotiationModel(?priceMod, ?negModel)
of fer : OneToMany(?negModel)
Rule 1 just states that, given a generic request in
the application requirements’ domain, a correspond-
ing ideal offer exists in the resource features’ domain.
Rules 2 through 4 handle the different type of cloud
services that can be requested. Rule 5 maps a request
for a generic cloud service, for whose price the cus-
tomer is willing to negotiate in a public auction.
3.3 Matchmaking
After the mapping process has elaborated the ideal of-
fer, the matchmaking process will start exploring the
domain of the real offers in order to find those whose
features best meet the initial application requirements.
In particular, for each offer advertised in the market,
the matchmaking process will evaluate the semantic
affinity between that offer and the ideal offer. The se-
mantic affinity will reveal how close a real offer is
to the customer expectations. The semantic affinity
will be a value in the range [0,1], being 1 the highest
achievable affinity. This will allow us to present the
customer with a list of concrete offers (sorted by the
affinity criteria) that will ease the task of selecting the
best offer. The function that calculates the semantic
affinity is the following:
A = Serv
+ Price
+ Per f
per f
The overall affinity between the ideal offer and a
real offer is obtained by summing up four components
which, respectively, represent the sub-affinities eval-
uated on each offer’s feature: service, price model,
performance level and negotiation model. So, for in-
stance, the addendum Price
represents the
sub-affinity evaluated on the price feature. In particu-
lar, Price
is the outcome of the semantic comparison
between the price concepts exposed by the two indi-
viduals (the offers), whileW
is a weight factor that
can be employed to privilege the price criteria in the
evaluation of the overall affinity.
We now provide some details on the
semantic comparison of concepts. Let
, Price
, Perf
, Neg
) be a generic of-
fer, where Serv
, Price
, Per f
represent the
semantic concepts characterizing the offer. In order
to evaluate the overall semantic affinity of two offers
(the ideal offer that is the outcome of the mapping
process) and O
(a real offer in the market place),
couples of homologous concepts (i.e., referring to the
same feature) must be compared. So, Serv
be compared to Serv
, Price
will be compared
to Price
, and so on. In general, the concept C
must be compared to its homologous C
. Let us
now focus on that branch of the ontology tree to
which the generic concept/featureC refers to.
In the figure 4 we have depicted the four differ-
ent cases that are relevant to our evaluation. Let us
analyze all the possible cases:
the two concepts are semantically equivalent (fig-
ure 4(a)): they are assigned an affinity of 1;
is the father ofC
(figure 4(b): their affin-
ity will be 1 as well;
the two concepts are siblings and the father is
the root concept in the considered branch (figure
4(c)): their affinity will be 0.5;
the two concepts are siblings and the father is a
non-root concept in the considered branch (figure
4(d)): their affinity will be 0.75;
in any other case, the concepts’ affinity will be
The algorithm assigns the highest value to equiv-
alent concepts, or to concepts that are in a father-
son relationship. Instead, it penalizes two concepts
that are direct descendants of a root concept, as in
our ontology siblings concepts whose father is root
usually represent opposite concepts (e.g., Charged
vs FreeOfCharge, Guaranteed vs BestEffort). Con-
versely, siblings whose father is a non-root concept
are considered different but someway “close” con-
cepts (e.g., OnDemand vs Reservation, EnglishAuc-
tion vs DutchAuction), therefore they are given a
higher grade of affinity.
Cloud computing has reached a good state of maturity
and is a very well accepted technology. Commercial
providers are trying to take advantage of the business
opportunities that this paradigm has brought. In the
future, when interoperability among clouds will be
fully achieved, there will be the need to rethink the
way by which the provision of virtualized resources
have to meet the applications’ demand. The market
of cloud resources will have to provide novel and ad-
vanced matchmaking processes that account for the
providers’ and the customers’ dynamic and heteroge-
neous business requirements, respectively in terms of
profit and utility.
The work presented in this paper is a first attempt
to defining a cloud service discovery framework. In
particular, two ontologies have been developed to
characterize respectivelythe cloud resource’s features
and the application requirements, and a set of seman-
tic rules has been defined to let customers’ requests
be mapped onto the cloud offers’ domain. Finally, a
matchmaking procedure has been devised to seman-
tically search the offers’ domain and provide the cus-
tomer with a list of most profitable offers. A prototype
of the framework has just been implemented. In the
future we are planning to run intensive tests in order
to evaluate the viability of the proposed model.
The work described in this paper has been par-
tially supported by the MIUR-PRIN 2008 project
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