Amit Shesh
School of Information Technology, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, U.S.A.
Graphics and Math, High School Math and Science, Interactive Virtual Environments.
The foundations of computer graphics theory lie in mathematics, whereas most effects that add realism to a
virtual graphical world are a direct simulation of the rules of physics. Complementary to the role of math
and physics in learning about computer graphics, this paper proposes using graphics which has widespread
appeal to directly encourage learning math and physics. We aim to use graphics to kindle interest in learning
basic math, physics and by extension, computer science at the high school and college level, by directly and
immediately matching theoretical concepts to how they are practically used in familiar graphics effects. We
propose to achieve this by creating a virtual navigable environment of arbitrary complexity that, upon simple
interaction, automatically de-constructs its constituent objects and various visual effects to reveal how they
were created as well as relevant physics such as light and object behavior. We concentrate on two technical
problems (a) setting up a visually appealing environment with ease for users like instructors who are not
necessarily familiar with technical details of graphics and (b) de-constructing, illustrating and viewing various
effects as automatically as possible so that users like students and teachers concentrate on the concepts and
not how best to illustrate them.
Almost every aspect of computer graphics is based on
sound mathematical principles, with judicious com-
promise for engineering purposes. Any manifestation
of graphics, like movies and games, illustrates a va-
riety of math converging on a set of visual effects.
However widespread appeal of such visual effects
does not seem to translate into an equally widespread
interest in math, despite such a strong dependence on
it. Can computer graphics, as a “celebrity offspring”
of math, encourage its learning to a wider audience?
Most college-level computer graphics courses use
high-school level math. If graphics is used in a peda-
gogical role in such math courses, students may bene-
fit from seeing a direct application of what they learn.
For example preliminary lighting from a game can be
used to illustrate the basic vector algebra that it uses,
moving characters could illustrate matrix operations
like multiplication, inversion, etc. Even college-level
courses can use these metaphors by using water/fire
in games to illustrate applications of differential equa-
tions. Besides math, computer graphics can be used to
kindle interest in STEM fields like computer science
where math is a strong requirement. At our university
we see many students opt out of the computer sci-
ence major because of its math and science require-
ments. Even computer science students taking their
first course in graphics are often put off by the signif-
icant math content. Using graphics effects that stu-
dents have seen in games and other graphics appli-
cations could persuade them to like and specialize in
computer science and other STEM fields.
Like math, physics plays a significant role in many
graphics applications. Achieving “realism” in com-
puter games rests on the accuracy with which physi-
cal phenomena can be simulated. Exploiting the nat-
ural “pull” of such applications, can graphics be an-
other reason why a student ought to be interested in
physics? Even a simple game like Angry Birds(Angry
Birds, 2011) uses object dynamics and projectile mo-
tion. Can dynamics be taught with the aim of imple-
menting or at least explaining Angry Birds?
Interactive visualization has been used in recent
years to teach math concepts (The Open Directory
Project, 2011; CalcSee3D, 2011; Calculus.org, 2011;
Paul Seeburger’s Dynamic Calculus Site, 2011), but
strictly as an enhanced illustrator. Similarly animated
simulations have been used to teach dynamics(e.g.
Magic Paper(Magic Paper, 2011)). We believe com-
Shesh A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003930905230526
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 523-526
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
puter graphics can be promoted from a role of illus-
trator to that of a motivator, moving from visual de-
piction of math and physics to being the reason they
should be studied. Furthermore to achieve this we be-
lieve that the pedagogical role of graphics should be
more implicit, in that applications written with a dif-
ferent and entertaining goal can be used to illustrate
and even teach underlying math and physics. In this
paper we present a proof-of-concept idea of a navi-
gable environment that may outwardly act as a game,
but is able to de-construct itself upon interaction.
The mathematics community has investigated using
visualization to teach mathematics: we refer to a sum-
mary by Gutierrez et al. (Gutierrez and Boero, 2006).
Many online visualizations that illustrate Math con-
cepts are available (Java applets (The Open Direc-
tory Project, 2011; CalcSee3D, 2011), tools to learn
calculus (Calculus.org, 2011; Paul Seeburger’s Dy-
namic Calculus Site, 2011), etc.). All of the above
use graphics as an illustration tool: in contrast, we
propose a more direct role of using graphics as the
reason to learn Math by showing how it is practically
Relevant graphics research includes tools such as
JHAVE (Jhave, 2011) for algorithm visualization and
Mathpad (Jr. and Zeleznik, 2004) to create sketch-
based tools for mathematical simulations. The Graph-
ics Teaching Tool (Spalter and Tenneson, 2006) in-
vestigates teaching graphics to non-computer science
majors. Both use graphics more intimately as a teach-
ing tool in education. Also a popular approach in
using computer graphics for math and science learn-
ing has been to use virtual reality (Geitz, 1991; Tax´en
and Naeve, 2002; Kaufmann and Schmalstieg, 2003;
Moustakas et al., 2005; Kaufmann and Schmalstieg,
2006; Kaufmann and Meyer, 2008), all of which have
an explicit learning metaphor. In contrast we pro-
pose an application that makes learning more implicit.
Similar to using using computer games as implicit
learning tools (Games for Learning Institute, 2011),
we focus on motivating high school and college stu-
dents towards enjoying math.
Our overall vision comprises a 3D virtual environ-
ment that allows two types of user interaction: ex-
ploration/navigation and inspection. Although the ex-
ploratory experience would greatly benefit from more
sophisticated interaction such as hand-held devices,
etc. we do not regard these technologies as being crit-
ical to the teaching power of the environment.
Exploration of the 3D environment is not geared
towards learning, and thus the “apparent” purpose of
the environment is different. The rationale for this
choice is to keep the user as interested as he/she would
be when interacting with a regular game, by minimiz-
ing any negative effects of it seeming like a learning
or pedagogical tool. Interesting possibilities include
a first-person or a maze-based game, simulation of
an existing physical environment or interactive explo-
ration of an “alternate” virtual universe. During such
navigation and exploration, the user may move or in-
spect objects to which the system responds by cre-
ating and augmenting to the virtual world 3D illustra-
tions that de-construct various visual effects related to
the objects. At any time the user may switch to other
explanations about the same object, select another ob-
ject or return to the original, “un-annotated” 3D en-
vironment. Thus we envision the entire user experi-
ence as similar to but more interactive than watching a
movie on DVD, where the actual movie is augmented
with “behind-the-scenes” footage detailing how cer-
tain scenes were created.
3.1 Intended Audience
We target three types of users for our system:
High-school Students. High-school students learn
the basic math and physics that likely persuade or dis-
suade them from future careers in science and tech-
nology. Typical users would be students enrolled in
required and advanced math and physics courses that
teach and apply linear algebra and calculus.
College Students. We target college students who are
interested in a major that uses math in a significant
way (e.g. STEM). We believe that such a system may
show such students more effectively about the “fun”
and practical use of the math that they learn in the
class, thereby steering them towards related careers
that are in high demand.
Teachers for all above Student Groups. For such a
system to be used in an academic environment, it must
be easily customizable by teachers to specific content.
3.2 Objectives
Ease of Environment Creation. As it is difficult
to create a single environment that illustrates a large
number of examples on diverse types of math and
physics, we envision that a customized environment
would need to be created by teachers. For the system
to be effective, this should be neither cumbersome nor
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
should it expect the user to be knowledgeable in tech-
nical computer graphics. This could be accomplished
by allowing teachers to select concepts to be illus-
trated and using that to select only a relevant subset of
possible de-constructions in an existing environment,
or customizing a toolbox which the user can then use
to create a 3D environment.
As-Automatic-as-Possible Illustrations. The sys-
tem should not force theteacher to create details of the
3D illustrations, as this will make the process tedious
and time-consuming. This will also require 3D place-
ment and annotation tasks that are not suitable for
the identified user groups. The system should create
3D illustrations, choose appropriate vantage points to
view them and create navigationto view them as auto-
matically as possible, without needing extensive “set-
up interaction”. We envision achieving this by cre-
ating a toolbox of simple 3D entities and effects that
are “pre-programmed” to de-construct on command.
A complete 3D environment can then be assembled
using these tools.
Easy InteractionandUsability. Since learning is not
an explicit goal of the environment we expect users to
not have specific topics in mind when they explore it.
Thus the interaction should be easy, and non-specific
with respect to the actual math concepts or physical
phenomena that it is capable of describing. Since the
original purpose of the system would be explore or
play, the metaphor for inspection would match that
of its original application. Any customization due to
specific topics would be handled by correspondingly
changing the environment as discussed above.
We illustrate our above idea using a simple 3D maze-
based game. The environment of this game has been
created using simple implicit shapes such as spheres,
boxes, cylinders and cones. The application pro-
gram uses scene graphs created from XML-based in-
put. The scene graph representation facilitates eas-
ier hierarchical modeling (i.e. creating the environ-
ment) as well as object-specific and object-relative
transformations and object placement for animated
3D scenes. Using XML files provides the flexibility
to create the 3D environment part-by-part and possi-
bly programmatically by using maze-generation algo-
rithms (Weiss, 2006). Figure 1 shows some prelimi-
nary results from this system.
The user interacts with the 3D environment by ei-
ther moving in it (camera navigation), moving a spe-
cific object in it or inspecting the visual details of an
object. Camera movement could be either from a 1
person perspective, simulating a more immersive ex-
perience or a fly-by perspective. Any object can be se-
lected by clicking on it. Although our current proof-
of-concept system uses manual selections to inspect
various properties of an object, we envision either a
gesture-based or 3D-menu-based interface that would
more closely match the interaction metaphor of the
game. Upon selecting an object, the following prop-
erties can be inspected.
Lighting. When any point on the selected object
is clicked, the scene automatically “augments” that
point with vectors relevant to its lighting (i.e. the view
vector towards the original camera, the local normal
vector and vectors representing the light directions for
each light source from that point) (Figure 1(b)). The
user can then move the vectors which causes lights
to move around the environment (Figure 1(c-d). In
this way the user can experiment more with how these
vectors affect the lighting of the scene.
Geometry. The geometry of a composite object
is shown by automatically creating an exploded
view and moving the camera to a suitable vantage
point. Thus each part is automatically de-constructed
to show its composition using simple shapes (Fig-
ure 1(e-g)).
Additional operations that can be supported in fu-
ture include:
Image Pasting. If the object is textured to provide a
certain look, this would be de-constructed by showing
the image and how it is pasted onto the object. Al-
though this is a specific operation related to graphics,
texture coordinates are often related to the geometry
of the object.
Object Animation. The user could select an object
and force it to move in a certain straight line. In
this case it would react appropriately with the envi-
ronment in an animation, showing object-dynamics.
Text-based Annotation. Using graphical elements
alone may not create self-explanatory annotations. In
future it would be possible to annotate the environ-
ment with text information. However such text would
be automatically placed in a “3D-aware” manner to
complement the overall scene. For example, the text
may appear as writing on a white board or easel that
is part of the scene.
We propose creating a 3D world with hidden peda-
gogical capabilities, by which we hope to channel ex-
isting widespread interest in graphics and games into
one in math and science. We believe using a 3D en-
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 1: Representative results from our proof-of-concept system. (a) A view of a virtual room in our navigable environment.
(b) When the user switches to “Vector” mode and clicks on a point on the translucent sphere, the system adds relevant vectors
to illustrate lighting at that point and animates the camera smoothly to a close-up vantage point. The blue quad shows the
local orientation of the surface of the clicked object, with the green arrow showing the normal at that point. The pink arrow
points to the original camera position. The yellow arrows point to the three sources of light. (c) Upon clicking and dragging
any row, the arrow and the corresponding light move to observe the relationship of the vector to the illumination of the point.
One of the room lights and the table lamp are changed in this way. (d) The first view point with the changed lighting. (e)
When the user switches to “Geometry” mode and clicks on the car on the table, its exploded view is automatically generated.
The camera smoothly animates to show the exploded view suitably. (f) Clicking on the stack of boxes from the new view
shows it in exploded view (g) same result for the lamp, showing its different parts along with the light source. Please see the
accompanying video for a real-time capture of this interaction.
vironment that de-constructs itself on command is an
effective way to achieve this.
The proposed framework can be customized to il-
lustrate specific effects and geared towards specific
audiences. There are many research challenges in
this proposed idea: how to create and customize such
an environment as automatically as possible while re-
taining the appeal of a game or other well-known ap-
plications and how to gear the underlying system to-
wards users who do not possess technical knowledge
of computer graphics.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications