Design Architecture of Virtual Infrastructure with Database as a Service
Asif Akram and Christian Fernau
Oxford University Computing Services, Oxford University, Banbury Road, Oxford, U.K.
Keywords: Cloud, Cloud Computing, Software as a Service (SaaS), Database as a Service (DaaS).
Abstract: This paper presents design and deployment architecture of research project Virtual Infrastructure with
Database as a Service (VIDaaS). VIDaaS supports common requirements of multi-disciplinary researchers
and caters for different database types besides the traditional relational database. The ambitious and
challenging goals of VIDaaS require innovative and flexible design and deployment architecture. The
primary focus of this research paper is to discuss an architecture framework for the existing database system
melded with the Cloud computing paradigm in order to improve the scalability and boost the performance
of database systems. VIDaaS is based on reusable architectural model benefiting from Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) and cloud design which is not limited to DaaS and can be applicable to any Software as
a Service (SaaS).
The Virtual Infrastructure with Database as a
Service (VIDaaS) Project comprises two
fundamental elements: the deployment of a
‘Database as a Service’ (DaaS) production-quality
software service; and the implementation of a hybrid
virtual infrastructure (VI) upon which DaaS, can be
developed, refined, run and managed. The hybrid
'Infrastructure as a Service' (IaaS) component
provides a virtual infrastructure upon which the
DaaS and other 'Software as a Service' components
can be hosted. This involves enabling seamless
capacity management and the sharing of
infrastructure and services between universities
and/or other academic institutions.
The DaaS component is developed from the
prototype delivered for the Supporting Data
Management Infrastructure for the Humanities
(Sudamih) Project to a full production service.
Functionality is extended to meet common
requirements of researchers beyond the humanities
and to cater for different database types besides the
traditional relational database. From the user
perspective, it offers an intuitive means of creating,
editing, querying and sharing databases through a
simple Web interface.
The VIDaaS Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is
secure, resilient, reliable, cost-effective and
necessarily include access management and
accounting tools. VIDaaS aims in delivering a
platform between researchers and the low level
infrastructure services found on the commercial
cloud, which will avoid users being locked in to any
one commercial cloud provider (Logicalis, Amazon ,
Salesforce ) and proprietary technologies (Amazon
SimpleDB , Microsoft SQL Azure , Amazon
Relational Database Service , DabbleDB, Google
BigTable). We reckon as a service provider of
outsourced databases, VIDaaS can leverage an
economy of scale by providing complex systems for
many users. Users, in turn, could save large amounts
of money on database experts, security solutions and
software and hardware maintenance. The VIDaaS is
developed from various open source java
frameworks and is compliant to Java Enterprise
Edition 6 (JEE6) specification.
VIDaaS consists of various reusable components
and each component is an independent fully
functional service. VIDaaS components deal with
Identity and Access management; Payment and
Billing; on demand Virtualization; and VIDaaS
controller. The top level architecture diagram is
shown in the figure 1.
Akram A. and Fernau C..
VIDaaS - Design Architecture of Virtual Infrastructure with Database as a Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0003932301020107
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 102-107
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Top level VIDaaS deployment architecture.
The VIDaaS is based on “split application
functions and couple loosely”. The communication
between components is via secure RESTful Web
services. VIDaaS communication layer uses
network-based interfaces and discourages inter-
process communication or file based communication
paradigms. This allows VIDaaS to effectively scale
in the cloud, as demand grows, the system can scale
each component independently instead of having to
scale the entire application. The separation and
reusability of functionality inherent in SOA make it
an ideal architecture for the cloud. Each of the
VIDaaS components is discussed below with the
role it plays in the whole system.
2.1 VIDaaS Admin Node
The “VIDaaS Admin Node” glues together all
VIDaaS components together in compliance with
institutional policies and underlying resources.
VIDaaS Admin Node typically resides on its own
virtual node. In a production environment, it may be
desirable to have several VIDaaS Admin Nodes to
provide redundancy and resilience. The VIDaaS
admin node itself consists of three sub-components
i.e. VIDaaS Admin Portal; VIDaaS Admin Database;
and RESTFul Interface.
2.1.1 VIDaaS Admin Portal
The VIDaaS Admin Portal is the main Web interface
to access the whole system either as VIDaaS users or
VIDaaS administrator. The VIDaaS Admin Portal
allows VIDaaS users to administrate projects and
databases owned by them and it also provides an
interface for system administrators to configure and
manage the whole VIDaaS system.
VIDaaS registered users can create new projects,
administrate all projects owned by them, and view
projects for which they have access rights. Once the
user selects any specific project he/she is redirected
to the project’s own virtual machine/node (section:
2.4). Tasks related to any specific project i.e.
creating, modifying, deleting and mirroring the
database are performed on the project’s node.
2.1.2 VIDaaS Admin Database
The VIDaaS Portal stores details of registered users
and successfully created project in the local database
hosted on the VIDaaS Admin node. The admin
database stores all information about registered
users; deployed projects, project members and their
roles; and databases within each project. The
VIDaaS Admin Database links users with their
organisational ‘Single Sign On’ facilities; maps users
with projects and databases; automates projects
backup and manages project/database recovery from
system level failure.
The single place of storage for system
information can be potentially single place of failure
and can also result in a bottleneck. On the contrary,
it also improves easy system management,
monitoring, administration and the report generation.
The future version of VIDaaS will support
multiple Admin Nodes, each with its own local
database for load balancing and resilience.
VIDaaS will also provide out of box support to
synchronise all VIDaaS Admin Nodes and their
local databases.
2.1.3 RESTful Interface
The RESTful Interface of the VIDaaS admin node is
the heart of VIDaaS level inter-component
communication within the system. The VIDaaS
Admin Node interacts with Identity Access
Management either when user registers with VIDaaS
or sign-in. Similarly through RESTful Interface, the
VIDaaS admin node communicates with
Virtualization Node and Billing and Payment Node
whenever a new project is created, existing projects
is modified or existing project is dismantled. The
communication between VIDaaS Admin Node and
Project Node/s takes place whenever the project
database/s are created, modified or deleted. Finally,
VIDaaS Admin Node communicates with the
Backup Node at regular intervals to trigger the
Figure 2: Communication Sequence Diagram between various components.
project’s database backup. The simplistic use case of
a user registration, login, project creation, project
database creation and project database backup in the
form of sequence diagram in shown in the Figure: 2.
This top level sequence diagram highlights
interaction between various VIDaaS components
according to their roles.
2.2 Identity Access Management Node
The Identity and Access Management Node is the
core of protecting user data from un-authorised
access. The VIDaaS system authenticates users
through Identity Access Management node so that
only authorised users are able to access the services.
The VIDaaS system facilitates database sharing and
collaboration and supports various user roles within
the system
User roles determine how the user authenticates
with VIDaaS and what features of the VIDaaS
system are accessible to the user.
It is the job of the IAM component of the
VIDaaS project to enable a user to access VIDaaS
services in as simple and unobtrusive way as
possible whilst, at the same time, keeping all their
project data completely secure from unauthorised
access. The IAM implementation within VIDaaS
needs to allow secure access to the VIDaaS system
with the minimum interaction from administrators
thus automating most of the service or initiated by
the end user.
2.3 Virtualization Node
The Virtualization Node encapsulates features like
creating, cloning and dismantling individual virtual
machines. The Virtualization Node has been
separated from the VIDaaS Admin node to aid with
the abstraction of VIDaaS from the underlying
virtualisation technologies. In current release the
Virtualization Node only supports VMware vSphere
Hypervisor (based on ESXi) with possibility of other
hypervisor technologies such as Xen, KVM, Hyper-
V, etc. The Virtualization Node has following three
VMWare Adapter: The Virtualization Node
accepts requests from the VIDaaS Admin
Node to create and tear down projects. Since
each project resides in its own virtual
machine, when a new project is created by a
user, it is the job of the Virtualization Node to
create a new virtual machine and seed it with
the relevant software to enable user access via
VMWare adapter.
REST Interface: In VIDaaS the Virtualization
Node is only accessed via VIDaaS Admin
Node to minimize potential security risks. All
communication between VIDaaS Admin Node
and the Virtualization Node is through REST
Interface which itself uses secure sockets with
RESTful Web services.
VMWare Management Portal: Virtualization
Node also has Web interface to interact with
underlying hypervisor technology to create,
modify and dismantle individual virtual
machines. The Web interface to manage
virtual machines is only available to VIDaaS
administrators, though in future release all this
functionality will only be available from the
VIDaaS Admin Node.
The separation of Virtualization node from other
components within VIDaaS deployment architecture
can lead to potential support of various hypervisors
in parallel to each other. Though the Virtualization
Node is currently using VMware vSphere
Hypervisor but the underlying machines are created
in Open Virtualization Format (OVF). The OVF
standard is not tied to any particular hypervisor or
processor architecture.
2.4 Project Node
Each project resides in its own virtual machine
called the Project Node. The Project Node is
automatically created and made publically available,
once the user creates new project via the VIDaaS
Admin Node. Users can own more than one project
and each project will reside in its own virtual
machine. The Project Node has following three sub-
Web interface;
Database; and
RESTful Web service.
The Web interface itself is logically split in two
Project Admin Interface: to create database/s;
backup database/s; or delete database/s. The
Project Admin interface also allows to add or
remove other users (already registered with
VIDaaS) as project members, update their role
within the project; and
Project Interface: to manage data in each
individual database i.e. access, query and
update the data within the database. The
Project interface is only available when
project owner’s want their database/s
publically available. The Project Interface
reverse engineers the database and creates
appropriate set of web pages for each table
within the database. The generated web pages
have a form to add new rows in the table,
query database and display table contents in
tabular format.
The virtual machine for each project has an
instance of a PostgreSQL, installed by default. Users
empty database in the PostgreSQL installation
via Project Admin interface.
The VIDaaS project is designed to cater two
potential use cases, i.e. existing research groups with
working databases and new research groups without
databases. Research groups with working database
can populate database in various ways either by
uploading the existing Microsoft Access database,
database in comma separated value format or the
database dump from the existing database. The
VIDaaS itself supports various versions of Microsoft
Access database in a fairly uniform way.
The VIDaaS project has also developed Web
based SQL Designer to design the database from
scratch. The SQL Designer is developed using
various JavaScript libraries and fully support drag
and drop. The purpose of SQL Designer is not only
to design the database from scratch but also modify
the existing databases held by VIDaaS. Though,
users can use their preferred existing desktop tools
to modify the database and upload the modified
database, but we encourage the use of SQL
The VIDaaS project also has an experimental
tool not yet fully integrated to create the project
database from publically available database. This
tool pulls the database structure and its data from
publically available databases and mirrors the
gathered information as a local database. This
experimental tool has support for different popular
databases. This tool can also be used to mirror
databases hosted within the VIDaaS to external
The VIDaaS project specifically aims towards
research groups and is designed with the notion
changes in the research database will be required.
VIDaaS introduces the concept of three versions of a
single database i.e. live, old and test database. The
newly created database by user is always a live
database of a project within the VIDaaS system.
When researchers plan significant modification to
the original database (changes in the structure of the
original database), then they have the option to
create the “test” database by a single click. The
“test” database is pure mirror of “live” database. The
planned changes may make the database
incompatible with existing database due to addition
or removal of tables or columns, changes in tables
and columns names, changes in columns data types
or even due to changes in relations between various
tables. These potentially incompatible changes
highlight the significance of the “test” version of the
database. Once researchers are happy with changes
in the “test” database, they can easily make the
“test” database into “live” database. Similarly, on
reaching any major milestone researchers are
suggested to make a backup copy of their live
database as an “old” database. The manual mirroring
of the database as “old” database is independent of
the VIDaaS system level regular backups done
according to the project configurations. Similarly, if
the project’s “live” database has data loss, data
corruption or any other unexpected problem, project
owners can recover the database from the previous
milestone saved as an “old” database. The figure 3
shows possible transitions between different
versions of a single database.
Figure 3: Three potential versions of a database.
The RESTful interface of the Project node is
mainly to communicate with VIDaaS Admin node.
The communication is to update the VIDaaS Admin
Node of changes made in the project. These changes
include changes in project configurations, members
and project databases i.e. creating or deleting
database, creating or deleting different versions of
database. Any change related to database design or
data contained within the database is not propagated
to VIDaaS Admin Node. The RESTful interface is
also used to initiate the database recovery or backup
from/to the Backup Node (discussed in next
2.5 Backup Node
The Backup Node is a system level backup facility
of all databases managed by VIDaaS. The Backup
Node is designed with elasticity in the mind. The
VIDaaS architecture has provision to manage
multiple Backup Nodes as demand grows. In
VIDaaS, Backup Nodes are added to the system as
required and are dismantled automatically when they
are not required. Though, at any given time there is
always one Backup Node within the VIDaaS.
The purpose of Backup Node is to provide
recovery mechanism from the VIDaaS system level
failures. The Backup Node also provisions for
human mistakes i.e. project owners/administrators
mistakenly deleted database, or wiped out all tables
within the database. The system level backup keeps
the backup of “live” version of each database hosted
by VIDaaS on the Backup Node. The VIDaaS
backup is triggered automatically based on the
project configurations and Service Level
Agreements (SLA).
As described earlier, each project is created by
accessing VIDaaS Admin Portal and only VIDaaS
Admin node has access to each registered project.
The project owners select the backup policy of the
database at the project registration time. Currently,
VIDaaS only supports handful backup policies i.e.
daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The VIDaaS
Admin node instantiates the system level backup of
the project database according to the project
configurations. The Backup Node doesn’t run any
live database and only archives the database dump in
the flat file format.
2.6 Pricing and Payment Node
The Pricing and Payment Node, as name suggests is
the charging module of VIDaaS. The Pricing and
Payment Node is responsible for charging projects
according to their usage of VIDaaS resources and
processing the payment. This module is not yet
developed and deployed.
VIDaaS has developed few tools to complement
Database as a Service. These tools provide one stop
solution to all database needs of researchers in the
form of VIDaaS. Tools developed for VIDaaS are
standard based and can be used either as a
standalone application or as a VIDaaS integrated
component. Few of the main tools integrated with
VIDaaS are explained below:
3.1 SQL Designer
VIDaaS provides the tool to design the database
from scratch to researchers starting new projects.
The SQL Designer is user friendly, easy to use,
innovative; standards compliant designer with drag
and drop support. The SQL Designer can be
effectively used by researchers with basic
understanding of Structured Query Language (SQL).
The SQL Designer also supports different type of
relations between tables i.e. one-to-one, one-to-
many, many-to-many, imposing and non-imposing.
Columns within the table are represented by
different colours to indicate primary, foreign and
ordinary keys. The current version of SQL Designer
produces SQL compliant with PostgreSQL. Tthe
future will capable to generate SQL compliant with
various popular database systems i.e. Oracle,
MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2 etc. and users will
have a choice to select the database of their choice.
3.2 Database Migration Tool
The VIDaaS also provides tool to migrate existing
databases into the VIDaaS with minimum hassle.
The database migration tools support most of
popular databases available in the market. The only
requirement of this tool is the publically accessible
3.3 Form Builder
The VIDaaS also provides the tool to create the
HTML form with drag and support. The purpose of
the Form Builder is to create a form to support
complex database queries from multiple tables.
Project administrators are responsible for creating
such forms and making them available along with
project portal. Users will fill the form created
through the Form Builder and users entered values
will be translated into SQL queries.
3.4 Supporting Microsoft Access
The support for Microsoft Access database was
crucial for the success VIDaaS and its wider
acceptance within the research community of Arts
and Humanity. VIDaaS has robust and easy to use
support for various versions of Microsoft Access
database. Researchers are only required to upload
their existing databases to the VIDaaS. The
uploaded Microsoft Access database is mirrored as a
PostgreSQL database with a single click. The
mirroring process maintains relational and data
integrity of the uploaded Microsoft Access database.
VIDaaS system is based on single tenancy database;
which is simpler to implement and manage but is
burden on cloud resources. For, future versions will
investigate multi-tenancy database arrangement;
where similar research databases share the same
virtual machine. The multi-tenancy arrangement
leads to the concept of “Community Cloud”. The
community cloud is used and controlled by a group
of users with similar and shared interests. In our case
community cloud means researchers from same
domain tackling similar problem.
The Billing and Payment Node of VIDaaS is in
the design stage and needs to be developed, tested
and integrated with rest of the system.
The support for Document Based databases such
as CouchDB or MangoDB is missing from VIDaaS
and needs to be added. The aim of VIDaaS is an
umbrella project to commission different types of
databases on demand in cloud environment. We also
need to bring diversity in our test users rather than
confining VIDaaS to humanity and social science
This paper outlines the architectural design and
deployment strategy adopted for database as a
service, in the VIDaaS project. The VIDaaS
architecture is modular in nature, with different
components encapsulating core functionalities in
accordance with the Service Oriented Architecture.
The modular design of VIDaaS has benefits during
the development, deployment and testing stage of
the whole project. The paper also briefly discusses
various tools developed to enhance the effectiveness
of the VIDaaS framework.
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